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I hate shopping (private)

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I hate shopping (private) - Page 3 Empty Re: I hate shopping (private)

Post by Ember_Fangs May 27th 2012, 3:02 pm

Luke decided to take the lead now as Gracie swerved round a bend so quickly they were inches from the ground. The bike straightened and they roared down the road at a top speed. The cameras they passed were checked off as they passed, each one pausing in it's filming while the bikes sped past. One of the reasons Gracie never got a ticket or asked for a driving license. Luke put his bike into auto pilot and the red bike followed Gracie's lead. She was a reckless driver but the fastest one they had.

"Lucious is a very strong fighter, he's an ex boxer and for a while he used to run as a hire assassin. So I guess you could say he's a good fighter. But he's older now and we've found he has a very weak left ankle - quite literally his Achilles heel. He prefers blades - he's a sharp thrower and he's very good with a gun. In hand to hand combat his moves are predictive and easy to pick out but he has a lot of spies which will be warning him we're on our way." Gracie shot onto the motor way and cranked up the speed, taking over the conversation once the red light beeped back on to the monitor.

"Strategy is to follow this car, we need to know exactly who would want to snatch the painting. If it's Lucious' gang then we'll have to think of allying ourselves with someone like Taj," there were numerous groans. Gracie smiled to herself. "If you girls would like to fill the guys in on your skill sets we can incorporate you into the strategy."

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I hate shopping (private) - Page 3 Empty Re: I hate shopping (private)

Post by Mockingbird May 27th 2012, 10:20 pm

Andree hugged Gracie tighter in order to stay on the bike when she turned the corner, bringing them inches from the ground. Careful there, are you trying to kill me? She silently asked herself as they continued down the streets of Chicago. As they continued down the pavement, she made a mental note not to let Gracie drive again. Though she wasn't too fond of Gracie's driving at the moment, she had decided to start trying to slip her suit on. So far, she had successfully gotten about half of the suit on. She was thankful she had gone with a zipper in the back so she didn't have to pull it over her head. As she continued to slide the suit on, one arm clinging to Gracie tightly, she listened to the explanation on Lucious.

"Well, nice to know it'll be fun then." She said, seriously. It was nice to have a challenge once in a while. "Nice to have a weakness that you can exploit. How weak are you talking? What would happen if I specifically attacked his ankle with one of my gadgets, notably the bo staff?" She asked, directing the question mostly to Gracie. She had switched the arms that were hugging Gracie so that she could slip on the other side. It was partway on, she was making sure not to let the leg get stuck under the tire. The cape was folded in a bag pack-like way on her back so that it didn't blow in the wind. The rest of her gear was on her belt, which was far easier to get on than the suit.

Gracie's suggestion to explain what they could do to them wasn't one she was fond of. She didn't enjoy to talk about herself, it made her feel as if others might think of her as arrogant, vain, overconfident and other not so fun adjectives. But, with a sigh, she informed them of her abilities. "Well, okay then. I'm fast, I suppose I'm fairly smart and I consider myself a good fighter. I have some gadgets with me that may be useful as well, if you want."

Posting Master
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I hate shopping (private) - Page 3 Empty Re: I hate shopping (private)

Post by Chellizard May 28th 2012, 2:50 am

Chelle was holding onto Luke, watching the other bike driven by Gracie zoom in front of them. She almost wanted to maneuver herself infront of Luke and drive for them, but she figured this gentleman had the driving under control. Turning just as sharp as Gracie, they nearly touched the ground. Chuckling she kept her arms around of the man's waist and let her eyes close for a moment. It felt as if they were flying. Something she'd being doing at this moment; if and only if they weren't needed in a pack. It made more sense to stay together at this point. Chelle allowed her eyes to flicker and watch her surroundings knowingly.

Once they were on auto-pilot behind of Gracie, Chelle allowed herself to tune in to the explanation of Lucious. Thinking about his fighting style, she let herself picture a fight between herself and the man. And easy win. Even with blades and bullets flying at her. She could take that easily. Especially with her wings as a shield. When the name 'Taj' was mentioned, and groans followed, she had to admit her curiosity. "What's so bad about this Taj fellow?" She rose a brow and allowed her weight to shift slightly into a turn.

At the suggestion to explain their abilities, Chelle nearly jumped to explain herself first, but she figured it would be better if Andree did so. Or rather, it /would/ be better, considering she'd really like to learn about Andree as a whole. Seeing as.. Nathaniel was completely head over heels for the girl; even if he didn't express his feelings like that. Chelle allowed her thoughts to race in the direction of dissected what Andree said. Fast, smart, and a skilled fighter. She smirked and nodded. "Well.. Feather is a slightly appropriate name for me, I must say. But we'll let you all see why when we need to use that gift of mine. On to other things; I can take a blade and a bullet. My skin is basically impervious to bullets and blades. I am also quite fast and I must admit I'm a decent fighter. I'm also a marksman; top rated, to be honest." She chuckled and smiled, her Italian accent slipping through her teeth to coat her words with a sort of adorable innocence as she spoke. "But, Midnight, I am at your full disposal darling. I owe you that."

Now they just had to formulate a plan to handle this situation.

-My DeviantArt-
I hate shopping (private) - Page 3 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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I hate shopping (private) - Page 3 Empty Re: I hate shopping (private)

Post by Ember_Fangs May 28th 2012, 6:16 am

"What's so bad about Taj?!" a new voice popped up on the other end, startled and amused. "Has Midnight not told you about Taj?" now there was a feeling of amusement from everyone, bar Gracie who ground her teeth together in anger. Taj and her had a past, a very complicated past.

"Taj was a kid I knew in Arizona, he was the one who taught me how to fight, pointed me to the right books and helped me break out of my home several times. Taj knows me like you would know a well loved book from cover to cover, every rip and tear in the page," she paused. "He also kicked my arse quite publicly which amused everyone to no apparent end," she grumbled. Giggling on the other end. "If you remember, Squirt, it was because of you I had to get involved."


Awkward cough. Then Andree and Chelle filled them in on what they could do and Gracie relaxed a little more, easing up on the gas so that she could get her suit on easily. She didn't like Birdie without her suit on, it helped too protect her. Gracie had a power to help her, Chelle was a vampire. Birdie was an amazing fighting which was the only reason she was really allowing her on the trip.

"Weak ankle as in if you kicked it he'd fall over. It's an old war wound," she explained and then turned off the main road onto a dirt track. The car had sped off another way but if they followed them directly, they'd know they were being followed.

The first voice came back again.

"Right, it looks like they've stopped at a small house, owned by Karlos Underwood. He doesn't seem to have ties to Lucious or Taj but if he's on Lucious' soil then I'm guessing he's a tolerated annoyance. I'm trying to contact him now. Karlos Underwood according to police records is suspected of leading a new bank robberies but there's never been solid enough evidence to tie him to the case, witnesses and such which can place him elsewhere at the time. Ex-marine turned artist - so that explains why he wants the painting."

"Have I told you how much I hate the Spanish before?" Gracie muttered under her breath. Amusement from Luke and the others on the network. Gracie genuinely didn't like the Spanish because of Taj but she wasn't going down that road. She also knew Andree would quiz her on it. "They don't know Feather or Birdie and since Birdie is suited maybe we could get Feather to act as a decoy. Pretend her bike broke down and she needs a cell to call someone to help. While they're distracted we can take the back."

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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I hate shopping (private) - Page 3 Empty Re: I hate shopping (private)

Post by Mockingbird May 28th 2012, 1:18 pm

Andree listened as Gracie spoke of Taj, a man from her past. Gracie's past had only been somewhat explained to her, Gracie leaving out bits such as this. She desperately wanted to get more details about it from Gracie but knew this was not the time and that Gracie wouldn't enjoy it. The detail about how bad Lucious' ankle was helped Andree to picture how a fight would go with the man. So far, she saw it going in her favour. "Perfect." She purred as they continued to drive down the street.

Their plan sounded good to her, she just had one question for Gracie. "Midnight, permission to get off the bike?" As she asked this, she removed her helmet and placed it into her bag. She replaced their motorcycle helmet with her own mask and pulled her hood over her head.

If Gracie gave her permission to get off the bike, she'd tie the bag to her seat on the bike and open her cape. The wind would catch in her cape and get her a bit of altitude. The rest would be achieved by grappling to a rooftop before she sprinted along them at her maximum speed. It seemed much more natural to her to run across the rooftops while suited up, it had become her usual activity at nights these days.

If Gracie did not give her permission to get off, she'd continue to hold onto Gracie as they speed down the streets of Chicago.

Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Registration date : 2011-10-04

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I hate shopping (private) - Page 3 Empty Re: I hate shopping (private)

Post by Chellizard May 28th 2012, 5:12 pm

Learning about Gracie's past was very sweet of her to mention. Chelle just let it slide and she listened on on all the other voices. Perking up slightly, she smirked. She was going to get to act. "I'm a lovely actress, believe it or not. So, let's get this show on the road!" Her eyes watched as Birdie slipped off of Gracie's bike and somewhat flew up into the air with the help of her cape and the speed they were traveling. Chelle then nudged at Luke to get onto Gracie's bike. "Trust me ladies and gentleman; I've got this." Once Luke was off of their bike, and Chelle was in control, she asked whomever was in the HQ to pop up the location at which she should 'break down' her motorcycle. She glanced down at the bike and examined a couple wires. One of them looked important, but easily fixable. She sliced it easily with a claw and let the bike crash into the safety railing outside of their destination.

As predicted, the ruckus had attention brought to her immediately. She was tucked under the bike, and to make things dramatic, she sliced her arm open as well as her leg; cutting into her white capri styled pants. "Oh my god! HEELP!" she cried out like the boy who cried wolf. Her voice was filled with desperation. She cried out and whined. Three men, guards she presumed, came to her 'aide.' One of them had silently ordered them to down their hand guns. Chelle smiled and moved her 'free' arm, this being her right, considering her left was bleeding and looked beaten, to pull off her helmet. She had revealed her beautiful face, her hair cascading around of the porcelain canvas. She gave them a weak smile and blinked lightly. "Would you.. mind giving me.. a hand?" she managed, a couple tears welling up in her eyes. Two of the men pulled the bike off of her, the other wrapped his arms underneath of her's and pulled her out.

She was hoisted up on her good leg. She could stand perfectly fine. Cutting herself had no effect on her, but she had to look wounded. "I.. where am I?" she managed, playing innocent as she looked around and then up into the eyes of one of the guards. "Frank... we shouldn't have helped her.." said a whisper to another ear. Chelle's eyes flicked and saw the other two men whispering among each other. "I just need a cell phone.. mine's missing." she was patting herself down with her right hand, out turning her pockets, and stumbling slightly for added effect. Despite bruised up and dirty looking, she was definitely a visionary. And then there was another thing she hadn't mentioned to Midnight's group of thieves; she was extremely strong for a girl her size; so, she could handle herself just fine. "Look, lady, you shouldn't be here.. you can call one person and then you gotta get going.' She nodded and took the cellphone and acted like she was dialing a number.

She then started to speak in French; considering she had overheard Gracie talking to Sachin in a French mixed language. "Ils sont distraits, si vous pouvez le voir. J'espère que vous l'avez fait po Dès que vous avez, faites le moi savoir avec un simple avertissement et ensuite je prends ces trois gardes à afin de mieux les détourner vers l'avant." (Translation: They're distracted, if you can see. I hope you've made it in. As soon as you have, let me know with a simple warning and then I'm taking these three guards out to further distract them to the front.) Continuing in French, she slightly let it slip and turn back to English. "No, you idiot! I'm hurt.. and I'm alone, and hungry.. and you gave me the wrong address.. and.. What?" She looked at the phone like the call had ended. Which, it had. She had called the office of her old apartment building and Anna, her trusty house maid had answered. Just before Anna could hear anything, Chelle had pressed the mute button and then was now speaking with Midnight, Birdie, and anyone else with the matching earpiece she was given.

Now all Chelle had to do was wait for the signal. She let tears stream her face and she stumbled and fell into 'Frank's' arms. "Oh.. goodness.. I'm so sorry.. my boyfriend is such a jerk.." She sobbed and let her face lean into the man's chest, desperately waiting for the signal.

-My DeviantArt-
I hate shopping (private) - Page 3 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5018
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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I hate shopping (private) - Page 3 Empty Re: I hate shopping (private)

Post by Ember_Fangs May 28th 2012, 6:43 pm

Gracie nodded to Andree knowing she could look after herself and glimpsed in her mirror to see her blow away quite comically. Chelle was then putting into play her part of the act and Gracie slowed, levelling out beside her bike as Luke swiftly jumped from his bike to the other. He cast a rather forlorn look to his bike and Gracie smiled under the helmet. Once she felt his arms wrap around her for security she peeled off away from Chelle leaving her alone to do her thing. Gracie chugged down the road and pulled to a stop by a rust shed, dismounting quickly from the bike with Luke on her heels.

"H is my main priority," Luke instructed. The helmet was gone so now they were relying on the ear pieces alone. Gracie nodded in understanding, Luke had been the one to send a naive soldier into battle. Though in honesty the snatch was not meant to be hard, they hadn't known there was a nutcase after the painting too. Gracie and Luke vaulted the fence and then crouched low, making their way very slowly to the side of the house. The guards were at the front and there was just a lone man at the back looking rather board. Luke had him before Gracie could blink; hand over his mouth and throat slit in silence. He lowered him down quietly to the floor and tugged him out of the way. Meanwhile Gracie was working on the lock on the door. Despite their being a guard they were smart enough to have installed a security system where a finger print was needed. The electricity that ran the system was gone after a little concentration, rendering the house open to attack. The door clicked open with a soft hiss and Gracie trod carefully inside.

And nearly gasped. It was a beautiful sight. The house, though looking shabby, was stunning on the inside. Whoever this Karlos was he had a lot of money. Luke had his phone out with the tracking system and pointed upwards. Looked like they had to go up the stairs now. Gracie nodded and motioned for Luke to go on ahead, motioning something about the picture. Sachin always told her curiosity killed the cat, but Gracie couldn't resist. She crept through the hall listening to the lull of voices from the front room. She peaked slowly inside to see the canvas sitting on the wall, one man standing and admiring it when the phone too his ear.

"I'm afraid not even that sort of money can tear me from this prize, it is stunning," he purred in an irritating mix of Spanish and French accents. She looked around for somewhere to go and crawled behind a low backed couch. She needed that painting. Slowly she unhooked her gun and clicked the safety off. There was a sudden bang from upstairs which startled both her and Karlos who grabbed the painting and made for the door. Gracie stood up and moved in his way, pointing the gun to his head.

"Now where are you going?"

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
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Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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I hate shopping (private) - Page 3 Empty Re: I hate shopping (private)

Post by Mockingbird May 29th 2012, 12:23 am

From the rooftop, Andree saw Chelle fall to the ground under the crashed bike. A simple zoom with her mask showed her that Chelle was bleeding. It pained her that she couldn't go down and help but she knew Gracie would kill her if she blew this. Plus, the blood made her want to barf. Her vision shifted back to normal as she ran towards the house from the rooftops. Her mask allowed her to see through the building and scope it out. The voices from Gracie's friends still came to her while she wore her own mask. Her decision was to let Gracie and Luke make the first move, this was their gig after all. A small smile creeped across her face as she waited, patiently. It was in anticipation that this would be fun.

She waited on the rooftop as they entered the house, creeping across the downstairs. She could see Gracie holding a man at gun point now. But what caught her attention was how the man moved his hand under the table. There was the button for the silent alarm. Without enough time to alarm Gracie or get in there herself, she pulled out her EMP generator and shut down the house's electricity. She quickly dived through an open window silently. Using the ability to throw her voice that was built into the mask, she spoke. "Did you really think you could press the silent alarm button without anyone noticing?" She asked, her voice moving around the room that Karlos, Gracie and Luke were in. It was unlikely that whomever was upstairs heard exactly what had been said. She added a playful laugh that also bounced around the room just to try and show that this was no effort for her, child's play. "Where is he?" Came her, continually bouncing voice that moved around the room. "Do you want to tell me or do you need some more motivation?" She asked him. The final word that she spoke, motivation, she said herself. She had silently stepped out of the shadows she had concealed herself in and whispered the last word in the man's ear with a threatening tone.

Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 476
Age : 25
Registration date : 2011-10-04

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I hate shopping (private) - Page 3 Empty Re: I hate shopping (private)

Post by Chellizard May 29th 2012, 3:29 pm

As if on cue, Chelle had quickly wrapped her arm around the neck of one of the men, her other arm moving around of the neck of another guy, and then her legs were around the neck of the third guy. The motion was so quick and with the sheer pressure she applied with her arms and legs, all three were knocked out simultaneously. She fell to the ground on top of them in the process, but that was fine. She let them all fall and then she stood up and looked at the unconscious bodies. They were working for the wrong team. That indicated they were 'bad' by standards from people like Gracie, and Birdie. Chelle allowed her index finger to produce a claw. She quickly, and quietly sliced each of their jugular's. The smell of the crimson liquid begging her to take a sip. She had to. Dipping quickly, she pulled her hair back and drank. What a sweet taste. So.. delicious. She swallowed and then used the man's shirt collar to clean off her mouth. She also licked her claw clean before it changing into a normal fingernail.

She then allowed her wings to spread behind of her. The backless and strapless corset an added touch. The black and red feathers looked so much more smooth and her skin was so radiant. She hadn't drank live blood in ages. It had been several years, come to think about it. Her wings ruffled up and then stretched before she was picked off of the ground. She made her way around back to the door that had been opened by Gracie and Luke. Seeing the other dead guard made her shake her head. She allowed her wings to fold around of her like a sort of robe just before stepping inside. She walked casually, her heels clicking the floor before finding Gracie, Luke, and Andree. "Am I too late to join the party?" she asked, her form melting into the shadows. Her voice filled the room and mocked Birdie's echoing effect; thought Chelle had no idea she had done that. She was late to the gathering and had noticed Gracie with a gun pointed to a man's head, and Andree standing next to him, breathing down his neck.

She noticed the man was a bit terrified to hear her voice and looked around frantically. She rolled her eyes and shadow-stepped to stand slightly behind of him, and slightly in front of him. Her wings then spread out and curled around the group. "I don't think you're going anywhere, mi amore~.." she purred, her lips curling into a devilish smirk. Her fangs were naturally protruding; this a side effect from drinking live blood. It made her want more; but she could control herself. She was very good at that; at least.

Last edited by unrealistic.entity on June 4th 2012, 6:49 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I've counted up my words so far, and I have 3442 words as of the end of this post! :D)

-My DeviantArt-
I hate shopping (private) - Page 3 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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I hate shopping (private) - Page 3 Empty Re: I hate shopping (private)

Post by Ember_Fangs June 4th 2012, 4:25 am

Luke was upstairs at this current moment and had been the one who had fired the shot which had startled them all into action. Gracie was inching towards the door, wanting to find the layman who only had five years of low crime experience and was only a real expert in the field of guns. The guy in front of her mattered very little to her compared to the men upstairs. Andree and Chelle seemed to have this covered down here. She was aware the painting needed to come with them but the main priority was getting people out alive. Karlos looked freaked at the fact there was a vampire angel in the room and began to back up, inching for his hand.

"now now ladies, we can come to some arrangement," he purred. "we don't work for dear Lucy, our allegiance is up for negotiation, as long as you don't start using those pretty teeth."

Gracie couldn't be bothered with a pathetic man who had wet himself in fear. She left the girls to it, deciding they could have fun. "Do what you want with him, we don't want an alliance with a coward who wets himself," she spat to the side and marched from the room. The noise upstairs was terrible. Gun shots were going off here there and everywhere. Gracie ducked before one hit her in between the eyes, instead it thudded into the wall. Gracie swore under her breath and flopped to her stomach, army crawling down the hall way and between the doors they were firing between. She got to the first door and pushed herself up very slowly, peering in. Wrong one. Gracie sucked in a breath and the light went out before they could fire a shot. Bolting down the hall she slid along the floor for the rest of the way to where the thick of the fighting was. Luke was naturally in the middle of it, standing over a slumped figure who was surrounded by blood. Luke looked as if he had been crying. For a moment Gracie froze. Was he dead? She drew her own gun and fired towards their legs. Two men went down and the others rolled for cover, dragging the men whose knee caps were shot in.

"Gracie," Luke was trembling, not moving from his protective stance. Grace looked to the figure and dropped to her knees, rolling him over. She carefully felt his pulse. None. For a moment she bowed her head. Harry was so young, near to her age and so dedicated to learning what she had to teach. Especially about cars. He'd been such a good friend to her and now... Anger boiled in her heart as she stood up, carefully picking the lanky boy in her arms who lay limp and lifeless. Luke took him from her and hurled him over his shoulder. Gracie flicked the safety off and scanned for any sorry sod who would try to kill another of her friends. Shots fired and Luke ran for the stairs, clattering down them and firing blindly towards people. Gracie on the other land was like a lethal sniper, shooting through mens legs or arms to keep them back. One bullet hit her in the side but she was to busy fuelled on rage to care. The lights went out and cast the upper layers into darkness for a second before it exploded, setting it on fire.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
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Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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I hate shopping (private) - Page 3 Empty Re: I hate shopping (private)

Post by Mockingbird June 5th 2012, 2:05 am

Andree continued to keep her face near the back of Karlos' head, creating a slightly claustrophobic feeling for him. Not that it wasn't already claustrophobic feeling with the three of them in there. Well, claustrophobic for the man they were attempting to intimidate, and judging by his attitude, they were successful. A sly smile crossed Andree's face from under her mask as she felt Chelle's wings go around her. It reminded her of Nate but she pushed the thought of her head for now. Andree nodded as Gracie told them that she was going to scout upstairs.

Andree had slowly made her way around to stand in front of Karlos and watched Gracie as she left for upstairs, not even looking at Karlos. Eyes still at the stairwell Gracie had gone up, Andree's arm lashed out and grabbed Karlos by the neck before forcing him up the wall. "Negotiations left the table when her friend," Andree indicated to the stairs Gracie had just climbed up, "was kidnapped." Her eyes were narrowed like slits, barely visible through the visor part of her mask. Though Karlos was able to see the lack of forgiveness in her eyes at that moment. Quickly, she smashed him into the wall. His nose started to bleed and blood trickled down the wall. "Could have been worse." She muttered as she heard gunshots upstairs. Her mask had scanned Karlos into it's tracker so she could track him if he ran.

Andree threw Karlos against the wall again before sprinting up the stairs at full speed. She stopped about halfway up though, as Luke rushed down the stairs as he fired at people behind him. Honestly, she wasn't concerned about Luke. She just needed to make sure Gracie got out of here. She'd never forgive herself if Gracie didn't. Her eyes caught the bullet that traveled into Gracie's side and she rushed out to help her. But, her rush to help was interrupted by the explosion that burned the upper layers.

Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Registration date : 2011-10-04

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I hate shopping (private) - Page 3 Empty Re: I hate shopping (private)

Post by Chellizard June 5th 2012, 2:19 am

Chelle rose a brow and watched Gracie flee up the stairs to help out Luke and rescue Harry. She allowed her wings to ruffle up slightly, an intimidating motion considering the position this Karlos fellow was in. She chuckled and let Andree do the talking. Once she grabbed the man and strung him up like a painting, his hand slipped and let go of the actual painting. Chelle grabbed it and gently laid it down behind of her so that Karlos couldn't get it back in his hands. Chelle allowed Andree to dash up the stairs, leaving Karlos and his bloody nose to her exposure. Hearing gunshots was a bit distracting, but not when the person firing the gun or getting shot at was a trained operative. She chuckled and moved her hand to grasp Karlos' shoulder. She held him still and let her head tilt.

"Your life ends here." She said this quietly, and only so Karlos could hear. Moments before the upper layers of the building burst into an explosive fire, Chelle had drew her blade that was sheathed in the case strapped to her wing and plunged the blade into his gut. She twisted and pulled the blade up and struck his heart after cutting clear through his ribcage. The man fell lifeless upon the floor, painting the marble floor with crimson. She narrowed her eyes and flicked her blade, making the blood upon the blade fling off and coat the wall in a long slashed curve. She then sheathed her blade and picked up the painting. She saw Luke moving down the stairs, and the explosion had her worried. She looked frantically and found a decent shadow and stepped into it, holding the painting.

Her hand also reached for Luke and the lifeless Harry. She brought them into the 'shadow world' and walked a short distance to have them appear outside next to the 'crashed' bike. Chelle told Luke exactly which wire she cut and left the painting there and then shadow stepped back into the house and dashed up teh stairs in search of both Andree and Gracie.

-My DeviantArt-
I hate shopping (private) - Page 3 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5018
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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I hate shopping (private) - Page 3 Empty Re: I hate shopping (private)

Post by Ember_Fangs June 7th 2012, 7:44 am

"GET DOWN," Gracie snapped when she saw Andree go up the stairs just as the fire shot towards them. She dived on top of the girl and the pair tumbled down the stairs, hitting Chelle on the way probably seeing as though she was on her way up to find the missing pair. She clattered down the stairs with the pair and rolled so she was on top of Andree and Andree on top of Chelle as the fire roared over their head. Screams could be heard from upstairs as men who had not been so fortunate got swallowed up in the flames. When the heat dispensed from over her she stood up slowly and then offered Andree a hand up as well. Tears had stained her cheeks but she could easily palm them off on the fire - neither of them knew Harry was dead just yet. He looked unconcious slumped over Luke's shoulder. Maybe Chelle would know because of her freaky attachment to blood but hopefully she wouldn't say anything. Andree would fuss over her if she found out and she needed to be strong. Messages were rushing through her ear piece asking if they were okay but Gracie had no energy to reply. If she did she'd probably break down in tears. Harry had been a dear dear friend.

The fire was still burning upstairs and licked down the stairs. Gracie was vaguely aware of someone ahead of them and trying to run. Gracie's anger suddenly snapped. They had all been responsible for Harry's death. None of them deserved to live. Gracie broke into a run after making sure Andree was okay. The man in question was running full out, glancing behind him and panicking when he noticed who was coming after him. They veered round to the front of the house where Luke was.

"Gracie," Luke barked sharply. "No."

Gracie on the other hand was beyond talking to as she dive tackled the man and sunk her fist into his nose, breaking it with satisfaction.
"You KILLED HIM!" she shouted, anger a red blindfold. "You BASTARD." Another punch. And another.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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I hate shopping (private) - Page 3 Empty Re: I hate shopping (private)

Post by Mockingbird June 7th 2012, 3:22 pm

Andree's eyes widened in shock, more so from Gracie tackling her than the fire that exploded outwards from the top floor. Once Gracie, Chelle and herself were on the floor, she groaned as Gracie got off of her. The stream of messages from Gracie's friends attacked her ears like angry bees. She accepted Gracie's hand and allowed Gracie to pull her to her feet. "Thanks." She said to Gracie before Gracie sprinted off after the man. Shaking her head, Andree chased after her. Her speed was at around average human right now, her legs feeling like jello and her ears ringing from the explosion.

By the time Andree got to Gracie and the henchman, his nose had already been broken and Gracie's hands dripped with his blood. "Gracie! Stop!" She cried as she grabbed Gracie and, with a lot of effort, peeled her off the man. The words Gracie had been screaming at him while she beat him she had not caught. She shoved Gracie to the ground and struggled to pin her down there. "You'll regret killing him, don't do it." Andree spoke, more calmly now. Her head turned as she glanced up to the henchman that was running away again now.

Getting off of Gracie, she sprinted, at above human speeds now, to the escaping man. Stopping right in front of him, she asked "Did I say you could leave?" Her hand snapped out and grabbed the man's hand as she dragged him back over to where Gracie was. It was then that she noticed the body that Luke was carrying, she had been too distracted by the ringing in her ears and Gracie running away to notice it before. The scan that her mask ran on people showed that his heart was no longer beating. He was dead. A wave of sorrow passed over Andree. One of Gracie's friends was dead. It was terrible. Andree's, now glassy, brown optics looked to Gracie with pity. Small tears began to form, dripping down her cheeks into a small puddle on the ground. She knew this was going to be hard on Gracie, how could it not be? It was hard on anyone and they usually had a parent to turn to, Gracie didn't. I need to be there for her. I'll take that role for her. She thought to herself. She had to be there for Gracie right now, she didn't have very many others to turn to. The only other person she could think of was Sachin and maybe some of her gang members. But, Andree wanted to make sure that Gracie knew that she was going to be there for her, even if no one else could.

Andree dropped the man in front of Gracie and said to her. "No killing him, killing him would be too nice. He doesn't deserve a nice and easy death. Do whatever else you want."

Last edited by Mockingbird on June 9th 2012, 6:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posting Master
Posting Master

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I hate shopping (private) - Page 3 Empty Re: I hate shopping (private)

Post by Chellizard June 8th 2012, 11:04 am

Chelle's wings instantly wrapped around the tumbling trio to guard them from any flames that tried to swallow them up. She was thankful that they acted as a sort of shield in times like this. Once the hard marble floor was underneath of her, and the weight of the two women on top of her was slightly crushing her, she took a sharp breath and hoisted them off. Her form rolled over and she lifted herself up, ditching her heels with the slice of her index fingernail. She had really liked those shoes, too. She sighed and looked up to find Gracie running at her full speed after a man to outside where Chelle had just left Luke and the lifeless Harry. For what it was worth, her obsession with blood, life, and the smell of a living person was handy in times like these; but she wasn't going to announce it to the world. It was not her place. She watched Andree bolt after Andree and stop her from beating the man senseless. At this point, Chelle spotted a vague shadow within her sight and popped over there beside of Andree and Gracie. She swallowed, wetting her mouth. She had ignored the voices in her ear up until now, asking if they were all right.

"Feather here. Everything is fine for now." She spoke calm, collected, and cool. She even allowed her accent to sink in. She then took a sharp breath and peeled Gracie off of the man, and also hoisted up Andree. Her wings flapped gently, some of the feathers a bit charred from the fire damage. She gave a smile to them and nodded. "Birdie has a point, Midnight. It's not what this man deserves. He doesn't deserve an easy way out." She gave her best sympathetic look and then let it switch from that to a sort of evil hate. She then glanced to Luke and the limp Harry. At this point in time, she wished she hadn't lost her ability to heal. That was something they needed most. She could always turn him into a vampire, it might save him. But that would be too messy, and Chelle didn't think Gracie would go for it. Maybe she would. "I could turn him. I could make him live again. Maybe. His blood is still warm." And with that, she stood with bare feet, and her hands at her sides, helpless.

-My DeviantArt-
I hate shopping (private) - Page 3 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5018
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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I hate shopping (private) - Page 3 Empty Re: I hate shopping (private)

Post by Ember_Fangs June 8th 2012, 12:49 pm

Gracie grunted when Andree tackled her to the ground and rolled with her from the cowardly man who had played a part in killing one of her dearest friends. She struggled under Andree's grip, trying to push her off of her. Thankfully she moved of her own accord to grab the man who had tried to bolt again. A second later and she was back with the man and Gracie's gun was in her hands, her finger a hair breath away from the trigger. Her whole frame was shaking some what with anger. She wanted him dead but they were right, death was to good for them. At Chelle's word of comfort she lowered the gun just a bit, mostly due to shock at Chelle's words.

"No. No vam-"

The man cried out in relief, cutting her off and drawing her attention back to him, which was probably the worst thing he could have done. Only to be added by the repeated 'thank you's' and grovelling. The gun was fired before anyone could blink. Smoke trailed from her pistol and the man slowly slumped back, a dazed look on his face. The bullet had hit in right between the eyes.


Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
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Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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