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Post by Brorschach April 18th 2012, 9:31 am

Everything was hazy at first as Jeriamiah stood up, that bitch had kept him under with magic. He wondered why the spell was lifted. "Common sense says she's either dead or drained. I really hope it's the former."
He went to the door of his cell and pushed it open, wondering why it was unlock. "Probably locked with magic, ugh I hate magic, too many damned rules."
Jeramiah looked around the dungeon he was in until he came upon what looked like a guard's office. He pushed the door open with ease. Was every door in the place locked with magic?
"Her loss, my gain." he said as he spotted a trunk. Opening the trunk Jeramiah found his pistol and Fenrir shells.
"Looks like there are a few missing" he said loading 3 Fenrir shells and three standard inscribed bullets. Seeing the door, Jeramiah pushed it open and found stairs. He reached the top, only to see it was a wall. "I don't think she'll mind if I make my own exit" he chuckled, putting his pistol up to the door. Firing it, the door exploded outwards as a large white hound roughly the size of a horse stood a few feet away. He appeared to be in some sort of common area. Looking around, Jeramiah smiled and fired two more shots into the room. The bullets traveled roughly ten feet before hounds identical to the first burst forth from his bullets. "Time for some payback boys, raze the place!" he commanded. The hounds howled and began blasting flames everywhere as Jeramiah walked out the front door. before long the entire mansion was consumed in a glorious conflagration. "Alright boys, that's enough, come on out!" he yelled over the sound of the blazing fire. He heard sirens in the background. That was when he began wondering, what year was it? Jeramiah loaded 3 more bullets into his pistol, making a mental note that he only had 20 shells left, 2 of which were Fenrir shells. The sirens were louder now and the screech of tires was heard as firefighters rushed up to the building. One made his way over to Jeramiah.
"Sir, what happened here?" The man asked from behind his gas mask.
"What happened? I burned the place down. Now get out of my way." Jeramiah said pushing past the man.
"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to stop." A cop had heard and was walking over.
"Ugh, I don't have time for you people" Jeramiah sighed, before putting his thumb and index finger to his mouth and making a sharp whistle.
"Sir like I said, I'm going to have to -Agh!" The police officer screamed as a gout of flame engulfed him. The firefighter ran over to try and help the officer but before he could reach him one of the hounds had tackled the firefighter and was devouring him.
"Told you I didn't have time for you." said Jeramiah, turning towards the street. Several officers were now pointing guns at him.
you kids have 3 seconds to get out of my way before my hounds eat you. 3. 2. 1." Jeramiah counted, none of the officers had moved.
"Oh well, sic em'"
In moments all the officers were ablaze, screaming and yelling for help, any firefighters who tried to assist them were quickly mauled to death.
Jeramiah walked over to one of the dead firefighted and took his gas mask, the faceplate was shattered but it would conceal his identity well enough.
People screamed as he walked past them, flanked by his hounds.
"Now, where to go, where to go..." He mused, deep in thought, looking up from the street he swore heard someone yelling at him.



Blame Jack

"A man who barely maintains an armistice with himself has no business poking about in a foreign soul"
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Post by Swordsmaster April 18th 2012, 6:52 pm

Darrem had traveled to New York out of pure interest in the big place. That and it was practically the superhuman hot spot of the world, more super activity went on here than any other part of the world. So, he knew that by coming here he'd quickly have something to do, some sort of villain to stop preferably a super villain. His thoughts were soon made a reality as he walked past a house only to see it burst into flames and the cops, as well as the fire department, rushing on the scene. He was told to leave the area and did, for now, taking off to the side and out of sight he hid himself behind a bush. Behind this bush is where he changed from teenage Darren Cross to hooded hero Swordsmaster! Grinning to himself under his hood he put his weapons in place and rushed at full speed of 80 miles per hour on the scene. Only to see the man who looks as if he did it walking away from the scene of the crime.

Now he had only been a 'hero' a couple days now but this was certainly not how things were done. The bad guy did not get to just walk away there had to be a big foght scene, it was standard good guy vs bad guy scenario. Didn't this guy know that? Well Darren would just have to inform him of this, and he did. "Hey! You in the broken fire helmet! Yea im fucken talking to you, turn around coatsey and stand up fr what you did. Time I brought you to justice and all that good stuff!" He yelled out grinning an un-sheathing his favorite sword, a sword much stronger and sharper than normal sword. It as at least a five or ten man sword, better than the best normal katana around. He spun his sword in his hands a bit before rushing out at the man with super human speed as well as the obvious skill of a master craftsman with his weapon of choice.

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Post by Brorschach April 18th 2012, 7:04 pm

Jeramiah turned towards the source of the voice, it was kid barely in his twenties by the look of him. jerking. Jeramiah whistled for his hounds, who surrounded him and breathed a gout of flames at his attacker.
"What do you want, pup"? He asked.



Blame Jack

"A man who barely maintains an armistice with himself has no business poking about in a foreign soul"
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Post by Swordsmaster April 18th 2012, 7:16 pm

Darren raced forward raising an eyebrow at the dogs and then jumping and flipping to the side. He raced past the flames laughing a bit to himself at what the man had said. It was all to funny, calling him pup when he was the one with the flier dogs. "Well mate, I'm here to stop you like I said. But adds serms your hot dogs from hell are gona add some heat to this little match. Best I turn it up too." Swordsmaster said flipping up and over the dogs to get in close to the man. Landing in a crouched position he slashed out at the guys legs with his sword attempting to make him limp and unable to run, not out for the kill or anything of that sort. After the strike he got Ina defensive position knowing close up he would have his hot dogs shoot their flames this close to himself. Or so Darren hoped at least, he was smart when it came to fighting and street smarts but not when it came to anything else that was for sure. Hell e had meet spent a day and in school which just went to prove the place was useless and he was living proof.

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Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

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Post by Brorschach April 18th 2012, 7:30 pm

Jeramiah's leg hurt like hell from the blow, but he could get over it, he had suffered worse over the centuries.
"wrong move pup" he grinned from behind the mask, putting his pistol to man's forehead. Jeramiah clicked back the hammer. His hounds had them surrounded, it was too close to risk their firebreath, but if the man tried to get away they would be on him in a second. "Now, before I decorate the streets with your brains, how about you tell me your name."



Blame Jack

"A man who barely maintains an armistice with himself has no business poking about in a foreign soul"
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Post by Swordsmaster April 18th 2012, 7:58 pm

Darren was surprised that his attack hadn't some worse than what it had, he was an expert with the sword and the man should have been down on the ground groveling in pain. He sure as heck didn't expect him to remain standing shrugging it off as if it was nothing and it bugged the swordsmaster, but nt enough he lost his cool that was for sure. When the gun was placed to his head he listened to everything the old guy with a gun said before simply laughing and rocking back as forth slowly on his feet. "Pup this, pup that call me Swordsmaster instead. Got it old dude?" He said laughing as the hidden dagger in his wrists popped out he slashed up at the mans trigger hand then back flipped over the wolves and took of at a reasonable distance. A distance he assumed their fire couldn't reach, say about ten feet. Sure he himself could do much damage from that far but he always has the speed and reflexes to dodge any bullets that were fired at him. The blades shot back down into place as he once again held his sworbin a fighting stance, though his hood was hiding his facial features he was smiling like crazy this was thrilling ad exciting, so basically everything he thought being a hero would be like. Oh boy, if John or Sarah could see him now they would be so jealous of his awesome skill. Well that's what he hoped at least, could never tell with those two.

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Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

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Post by Brorschach April 18th 2012, 8:06 pm

Jeramiah's hand hurt, he had pulled it away at the last second, the kid was fast, he would give him that. Jeramiah's leg wound felt like it was getting worse, he could see the blood running down his leg and the pain was setting in. His initial adrenaline burst has compensated but it was wearing off. "Okay 'Swordmaster' you're fast, but let's see if you can dodge this!" Jeramiah sneered taking two shots with his pistol. He expected the kid to try and dodge, but he was prepared for it. He jerked his head and two of his hounds charged forth. Jeramiah kept one by his side, just in case the kid got close again.



Blame Jack

"A man who barely maintains an armistice with himself has no business poking about in a foreign soul"
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Post by Swordsmaster April 20th 2012, 1:09 pm

Swordsmaster grinned as the bullets were shot out at him, like always when something came flyin out at him the world seemed to simply slow down. He saw the bullets and instead of dodging had his sword slice them in half with a clean strike. He spun the sword in his hand as the split bullets flew behind him and landed in a thud, dead against the ground. This was all to easy and even the dogs running out at him weren't enough to scare him off or mess up his cool posture. When they got close to him he slashes down at the firsts neck then across at the second ones neck as well. Imideatly after the sent attacks he jumped backwards and then forwards again off a handspring in between the two wolves. Sure they were wolves but he knew by being in between the all he would have to do is jump over one if them and slash downward if he felt like taking then out or dodging an attack . Plus they way he was standing he could see both if them out of his right and left eye, which made this a lot easier to dodge anything sent out at him.

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Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

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Post by Brorschach April 20th 2012, 4:42 pm

Jeramiah laughed at the boy's strikes, he laughed as his Fenrirs fell dead, this was a challenge, a rare thing for him.
"Okay pup, you're fast, but lets see you dodge this!" Jeramiah called as he fired two Fenrir shells. The bullets streaked forward covered in white light. Knowing that the boy would try to slice them in half again, Jeramiah transformed one of the bullets, a great black flame spreading from its tip as the Fenrir formed with an ear piercing howl. The hound -still in midair- breathed a great blast of flame at the swordsman. Jeramiah waited to release the other bullet until it had passed behind the man, in a manner identical to the first, another Fenrir burst forth. He had the swordsman surrounded with flames on both sides.



Blame Jack

"A man who barely maintains an armistice with himself has no business poking about in a foreign soul"
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Post by Swordsmaster April 20th 2012, 5:32 pm

Darren, not one for repeating his pure awesomeness dodged the next few bullets by rolling to the side then jumping up. "Come on old man you completely missed!" He yelled laughing then of course felt the fire, the burning heat rushing acrosse his body. His eyes widened and bit his bottom lip then dived to the side and down, dropping and rolling over on the grass. He whipped his brow and stood up twirling his sword in his hand as he looked over at the wolves and wincing at the slight burns on his arms and chest. "Well holy hell that was hot, most times flames don't hurt me. But sheet what you been feeding those hot dogs? Lava cookies or something of the sort?" He laughed to himself and spun the sword as he rushed at the man at full speed sword behind him rolling to the side to get past tehran demon dog. Straight from the roll he jumped out at the man and attempted to slash at him in the air from acrosse his chest. If this was successful he would land in front of the man and point his sword down at his head daring him to get up, "Your under arrest and stuff I wouldn't move if I were you." He said the police now coming in seeing the fight was over. If not then Darren landed and spun to the aide sending a back slash out at the old guy's back not to maime but to cripple. He never aimed to kill someone if he could help it as so far he could.

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Post by Brorschach April 20th 2012, 5:42 pm

Jeramiah had figured out the way the kid worked, he would attack then dodge back to avoid any retaliation, the attack came, but he was ready. Jeramiah allowed the kid to put him on the ground, only to have his hellhounds surrounding them in an instant. "well pup, looks like we have reached an impasse. Now I suggest you get off of me and be on your merry way." he sneered, he had enjoyed the fight but he knew it wouldn't be long before the odds turned against him, he couldn't take on this kid and the police with only 3 hounds.
"So pup, what'll it be?"



Blame Jack

"A man who barely maintains an armistice with himself has no business poking about in a foreign soul"
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Post by Swordsmaster April 20th 2012, 6:04 pm

Darren ginned when the guy replied to what he said watching as the wolves came close and surround it. When he was told to back off and go away he chuckled and shook his head answering. "Give up? Why it's just starting to get interesting, why would I want to leave?" He asked then slashed downwards at the mans face and back flipped onto the wolf behind him back and attempted to plunge his hidden daggers into its back. If successful he would hold on with all his might and attempt to ram the hopefully rampaging wolf into the other two and then at its master. "Yeeehaaw look at me I'm a real American Cowboy!" He shouted laughing and grinning his oblivious smile as he waited for the guy with the gun to react. Though it he was unable to attatch to the back of the wolf he flipped over it and jumped off it to land behind it in the 'spider man' style. Sword at the ready he looked up at gun man completely serious look on his hidden and hooded face. Sure ue was probably the loudest 'ninja' to ever exist but he was pretty damn good with his blades.

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Post by Brorschach April 22nd 2012, 4:06 am

"You're really annoying kid, you know that?" Jeramiah said, he was weary of the fight and would soon need more bullets, which brought up a host of other problems. Jeramiah signaled and the Fenrirs turned to face the man. Jeramiah loaded 3 more shots into his gun, one of which was a Fenrir shell. If he had to he would use it to escape, but he was fairly sure this maneuver would work. Motioning, his Fenrirs began to slowly pace around the man in a circle, a low growl escaping from their maws as they breathed small flames that dissipated soon after. "Hey pup, do you know how much heat the human body can withstand before passing out?" He yelled as each Fenrir unleashed a steady stream of flame, not aimed at the man but at the area surrounding them. "Well all the people living here are about to find out. I'm giving you two choices, leave now and save them, or keep fighting and watch as this city becomes an inferno rivaling hell itself." Jeramiah smiled softly, if he had judged the man correctly then this battle would be his.



Blame Jack

"A man who barely maintains an armistice with himself has no business poking about in a foreign soul"
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Post by Swordsmaster April 22nd 2012, 10:38 am

“Being annoying is my specialty old man, that and these blades of mine.” He said rushing forward and slashing out at the two closest hot dogs, attempting to take them down quickly and without any real fight. He then watched as the beasts circled around him, he too circled around never taking his eyes off of them or their ‘big bad’ leader guy with the special gun. He then watched as the flames shot out, expecting them to spew out at him but instead they didn’t and the heat level was already rising considerably. He could feel it getting hotter and hotter every second even with his own dubbed super human durability and endurance he knew it was getting to much to stand, so the people in the buildings surrounding must be getting even worse heat than he was. Whipping his brow he spit on the ground only for it to evaporate almost immediately after leaving his mouth. “You win this one old man, but I will be back just you wait, the gods up in the sky who control everything will make sure of that…and if they don’t I’ll still come after you myself.” He said and took off at full speed out of there, knowing that another super stronger, more powerful, and more experienced than him would eventually pick him up down the road. But, he knew the safety of the people came first.
((topic end unless you would like to make an exit post))

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Post by Brorschach April 22nd 2012, 8:21 pm

Jeramiah stared at the boy as he went off be a big damn hero and smiled. He hated acting like such a stereotypical villain but for now this was his only way, he had no doubt he would see Swordsmaster again, however he hoped it would be on better terms... or at least when he had more bullets.

((yeah, topic's done))



Blame Jack

"A man who barely maintains an armistice with himself has no business poking about in a foreign soul"
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