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Settling In (Open)

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Settling In (Open) Empty Settling In (Open)

Post by Ronin February 13th 2012, 6:37 pm

10:45PM, New York City

Victor stepped off the plane into the New York City airport, into a place that was totally new for him. For several years now he had been living in Texas but now he was in a different city. He walked off into the luggage area and grabbed his four suitcases. Victor had a lot more clothes but he did not bring them all. He was going to have them sent over in the mail. Victor pulled out his phone and looked at the apartment address to where he was going to be staying now. He arrived outside and whistled for a cab. As one finally came he put his stuff in the trunk and told the driver where to go.

"Hopefully I can get settled in and relax for the night. But I have heard of New York city being full of crime at night. Which happens to work out perfectly for me because that is the time of day I prefer working." Victor spoke quietly to himself as the driver drove him to his apartment. After riding for about an hour they arrived at the apartment building. Victor paid the cab driver his fair and retrieved his stuff. He took out his suitcases and carried them up the stairs without any problem. He sat his stuff down on the floor and opened the door to his apartment. It was fully furnished even before he arrived in New York. Victor took his things into his bedroom and threw them down on the floor.

"Feels good the finally have somewhere to rest my head." He laid back on his bed and closed his eyes thinking about his plane ride over here. But before he could even fall asleep, he heard a scream coming from the outside. Victor eyes popped open and sat upright on his bed quickly. "Seems I have some work to do already here." He went over to one suitcase that stood out from the other ones; he unzipped the suitcase that revealed his costume that he wore when he went to work. He got dressed quickly then went over to the fire escape on window and opened it. Victor jumped out on the ledge and jumped down to the ground and started listening from where the scream came from.

Victor walked around for several minutes going from main streets to allies, trying to stay out of view from the people. Finally he approached a group of about 5-6 thugs maybe surrounding a young lady. " what do we have here?" He held tight to his staff because he knew he would need it in a second. The thugs could not really see him because he was blending into the shadows. One of the thugs approached to where the voice was coming from. Victor moved swiftly taking down the first guy without even letting him make a sound. He looked up as more of the guys began to run his direction only running right into their doom. Victor took out each guy quickly and swiftly with a series of punches and kicks. When it was said and done he ran off leaving the thugs tied up to a garbage can.
"Your welcome ma'am," was all that could be heard as he took off back home.
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Settling In (Open) Empty Re: Settling In (Open)

Post by Plural February 13th 2012, 7:56 pm

Plural wasn't busy at the moment as he stood on the roof of a low rise apartment in the so called "Greatest City in the World". Well to asay he wasn't busy yet wasn't wholly accurate because he had in fact been busy already that night, stopping two robberies, what could only be a rape, and one case of domestic violence that could've turned murder from the sound of things.

All those things had been over the last three or four hours really but he had been msotly sedintary for the last 30 minutes or so. it was about then he heard a cry fro help, well actually just a scream, but that''s neither here nor there.

"Here we go again...Always a woman too...Maybe I'll start handing out mace as 'rescue favors' or something. Call it proactive heroing. Smart box take a note of that." the blond teen said as he looked around tryingto pinpoint the direction of the scream over the din of the city streets.

It wasn't too difficult given that there were only a few potential directions to go and since the sound couldn't have traveled very far, he could narrow the options down even further. It took a second, but then one alleyway seemed to be the best bet so he stood from his crouch, ready to spring into action for the fifth time that night but a dark figure caught his eye as he stood.

With but a word, his vision zoomed in with aid from his goggles and Smart Box. The man was clearly some sort of masked superhuman or wannabe. If he was trying to look the part he at least had that down. All black skin tight body suit and a purple bird emblem emblazoned across his chest. Eye mask and a weapon too.

"Begin profiling that guy," Plural said as he watched the man turn down the same alley he had chosen as the likely location of the damsel in distress.

making use of his superstrength as usual, the One Teen Army leaped from his building across to the one that helped form the alley and kept an eye on the masked vigilante. From his perch Plural witnessed the man trouncing 6 thugs who had decided to prey upon a young woman. He was a little dismayed to discover the man only tied up the men and left them and then slipped away with single word to the woman. It was classic superheroing he supposed, but it was so impersonal. A faint yellow glow coursed through Plural for but a moment as a second him stepped out of his left side. The clone slipped off down into the alley to take care of the woman ad give her a simple escort home On the way he also took a moment to call the police and give them the information on the thugs for pick up and left the information for his charge as they made their way to her apartment.

The original Plural, however, had other concerns, namely pursuing the masked would be hero in black. He allowed the man to lead him back to a fire escape on an apartment building a few blocks away but before the guy could slip properly into any of the adjacent windows, Plural jumped off the ledge of the building and with a practiced flip and twist landed beside him in a handstand on the emergency stairway's railing.

'Be a little careful here bud. Wouldn't want to find out your identity in the first few seconds of meeting. At least tease me a little first. And I'm not here to fight before you get on the defensive."




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Settling In (Open) Empty Re: Settling In (Open)

Post by CainVulsore February 13th 2012, 9:56 pm

Cain and Vlad, Cain’s new ‘friend’ or ally, watched the scene of the rape from above with the thought of ‘swooping’ down and draining all the fools of their blood after it was over. Yet, of course once again that dream was ruined by a meddlesome super bag ‘o blood knocking out their bags o’ bloods. ‘Where is the fun in torturing an unconscious person?’ Cain thought to himself with a snarl as he looked over to Vlad who had the exact same look upon his face. Though they could always go for the female left alone by herself, and that was exactly what they were planning on doing until Vlad spotted some guy calling it in, or that’s what it looked like was going on.
With a snarl upon his face a devious idea pops into the mind of The Lord of Shadows as he sees the caller split into two, tonight would be a very fun night and his type of fun. With a quick whisper of his idea Vladimir Judastree Alucard took off at full speed, yet still silently, after the copy of the caller and the woman. He would have some fun with them as Cain set his sites on the original and the fun ruining super bag ‘o bloods.
Cain chuckled a devilish laugh and stepped into the shadows disappearing into the night only to step out of one in front of the purple bird insignia hero. He grinned a vile grin showing off his pearly whites and two enlarged fangs as the shadows around them seem to dance as if alive. “Hello there….you ruined my fun earlier…now its time for me to have some fun of my own if you don’t mind.” Cain winked and the shadows formed a cage around the vigilante and shot out at him like whips, all strong enough to cut through even the toughest of super heroes. Even big bad Pain himself would have trouble keeping these things from hurting him, and though he hasn’t tested that out yet one day the New York Vampire will put a knife into that man’s backs just to prove no man is immortal.

Vlad on the other hand was going into the situation much simpler to be honest when he believed he was close enough he jumped down in front of the two. Although the 'copy' was his main reason for being here he was still going to have his fun with the unnamed female who had been the source of the earlier scene. His fun would be much different than that of the thugs who attempted to gang bang her earlier that is for certain as his fun was that of draining the poor girl dry of her blood. With a snarl he dashed out at the girl attempting to grab her by her neck, and if successful he'd rip her throat open and feast upon her blood. The only problem with this little situation was the fact of the copied 'super' hero, but he should be no problem. Of that factor Vladimir is certain.

Last edited by CainVulsore on February 14th 2012, 7:04 am; edited 1 time in total

Cain Vulsore
Settling In (Open) Pbucket

Creatures of the night
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Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

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Settling In (Open) Empty Re: Settling In (Open)

Post by Ronin February 13th 2012, 10:21 pm

Victor had been to busy running in the shadows to notice the guy that had stepped in his path. He stopped on his heels after running almost to speeds of 90mph. Victor was puzzled by this man pearly white toothy grin but could tell that he was not a normal human. He pressed the button on his stick as it grew into a staff. "What do you want?"

Victor saw what the man wanted sooner than he wanted to know. He tried to knock away but to no avail. Victor was cut badly by each whip from the shadows. "What the hell....?" Victor was knocked onto his back feeling the blood drip from his body. "What do you want with me?" He managed to get himself to his feet trying to a calm state of mind.

He was trying to put together who this guy could be. So far the only thing he could figure out that he could bend the shadows to his will. Victor could also see that this guy teeth did not match that of a normal human. He looked around trying to find a way of escape without moving his head. He let his eyes search every possible exit there was. Victor knew he was fast but the main question in his mind was is he fast enough to escape the hands of death.

Christopher "Agent Nine" Ronin//James "Agent Twelve" Blade
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Settling In (Open) Empty Re: Settling In (Open)

Post by Forceaus February 14th 2012, 7:36 pm

John Capore had been shopping in the city when on the way home he got lost.Really lost.He honestly had no idea where he was.He wasn't sure he had been to this part of the city before."Where the hell am I?" is what he kept asking himself as he wandered about.He was checking out the landscape and surrounding buildings to try and figure out his location when he heard a scream coming from nearby.He then started searching for the source of the scream.After a degree of searching he found what was most likely the source.He saw a woman walking alongside a strangely dressed man.She seemed safe with him walking with her.This led John to believe that this man was a superhero just like him.He also believed the woman was now safe but he wondered what the danger was.
He was getting ready to get back to finding his way back home when something happened.A man suddenly jumped down from atop a building right in front of them and immediately ran at them.It was clear to John that this thing was dangerous to them.He decided not to take any chances on this one.He ducked into an alley and hid away from view and changed into his costume.Once prepared Forcewave emerged and headed back to the scene of this encounter.

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Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
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Settling In (Open) Empty Re: Settling In (Open)

Post by Plural February 15th 2012, 3:14 am

Doing his balancing act was, as always, proving to be an effortless ordeal. Years of gymnastics and parkour had given Adam a keen sense of equilibrium so he didn't even falter when the shadows started to writhe. In all honesty, Plural had nerves like steel and reflexes to match. He analyzed the situation as he was unduly ignored by first the guy he had been, for lack of a better term, stalking and then by some fashion senseless creep who stepped out of the shadow covered brick wall of the apartment.

The newest arrival spoke something about the bird-chested man "ruining his fun" before the darkness around him and struck like a horde of snakes at the black clad hero. Plural's goggles immediately began classifying and putting together a profile on the newcomer as the multiplying hero, himself spoke up.

"Hey, that's not very sporting. Not to mention so outdatedly cliche. Vengeance over a little slight. Maybe it was a clue to find a better hobby, y'know..." was what could be heard, as The gray and navy clad hero leaned forward using the bricks of the building to stop his fall and support him as he rotated his body in a furious motion, kicking out with ample strength at the pseudo-vampire wannabe who had harmed the other vigilante before landing vertically again, standing firmly on the narrow metal fire escape. "Like catching up with this decade and shrugging of the little things or not being so self centered."

His intention had been to push the new go back and put some distance between them, either kicking him square in the chest and sending him right over the railing or forcing him to dodge the super powered kick. As he stood tall again, Plural became aware through his telepathic union with his clone, that he too was under some opposition in leading the woman to her destination. Things were not currently 'fine'.

Coordinated attacks. Simultaneous. Planned attempts for some sort of kidnapping? But kidnapping me? Who have I pissed off lately that isn't already jailed? Primary objectives: bodyguarding and better location. Secondary objective: Information gathering. Ace already out of sleeve so let it fly as necessary. Main cautions: Shadows, determine other skills through close range combat. Beware ability to teleport.

As the clone escorted the woman home he talked with her a little bit, asking her how she was holding up, her name (Beckie), and offered her his superhero title. It wasn't too bad of a gig really until he actually had to go about his intended job.

As the viciously faced male dropped in from above he lunged for the woman but Plural had no intention of allowing her to come to harm, so while the man was still partially airborne and off balance, the clone stepped in and attempted to grab him by the wrist using his momentum to swing him around in an aikido like toss and spin toss him into an opposing brick wall, but his motion was not a wasted or unplanned one for failure because in his movement he had as gently as possible, pushed Beckie farther out of reach and closer still to the exit of the alley toward the still occupied sidewalks of the city. One thing was for certain, she did not belong in the middle of a fight between superhumans.

"So...Can I help you?" came the duplicates retort as his attention remained solely on his opponent.




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Settling In (Open) Empty Re: Settling In (Open)

Post by CainVulsore February 15th 2012, 5:04 pm

Vladimir snarled as the man reached for him and allowed his body to move just out of the way of the outstretched hand and land on all fours with his head looking up at him. With a snarl, exposing all of his fang like teeth, he looks up at the duplicate and new arrival with a chuckle. “Yes actually you can help me…you see, that girl behind you is my food source for the night and I do not enjoy super human blood as much as my leader, so if you would please step aside and allow me to live.” He muttered in a dark deep voice, like that out of a horror movie. Without waiting for a reply Vlad dashed out, using his super strength to jump over the two ‘heroes’, and landed behind them once again grabbing at the girl. If successful he’ll pull her close and rip into her throat with his super strong teeth and drain the blood from her body in less than three seconds. Yet, throughout all of this of course he was watching the two humans with interest and suspicion, not wanting to get a knife or something in the back. Although he is more than sure that these foolish mortals cannot harm him in any way possible.

Cain smirked as the cuts went to the man bloodying him up and what not, but not yet killing the man as quickly as he hoped. So, he is not just strong but durable as well and that is something that will help him survive a little bit but not so much. The original duplicator himself shows up trying to land a few blows upon Cain, non-existent as they are for Cain forms a shadow wall to stop the attacks. “Two? Well this is something I expected to have to deal with but not so soon…time for you both to face the wrath of The New York Vampire.” He stated and grinned wickedly as the shadows around them began to enlarge and rise up, surrounding them all in a dark dome of shadows. A dome that he himself controls and if anyone tried to make a move it wouldn’t happen without a shadow spike going through their stomach or other bodily part that they would probably need. “So, who wants to die first?” He asks with a chuckle as fifty or so shadow whips go flying out at both the purple bird vigilante and the duplicator, attempting to maim them first and cripple them as much as possible. To guard himself from any counter attacks The Lord of Shadows has spikes of pure shadows surround him, ready to fly out at anything that comes close. To be sure he feels slightly drained from the display of power but it is nothing he hasn’t ever done before and he will continue doing so as long as the sun stays away.

Cain Vulsore
Settling In (Open) Pbucket

Creatures of the night
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Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

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Settling In (Open) Empty Re: Settling In (Open)

Post by Ronin February 15th 2012, 6:43 pm

"I can careless about Vampires. Tu eres estupido chico," Night grinned at his last sentence he just muttered under his breath. This may have been a vampire but this was not some weak vigilante that he ran into. But one that knew how to fight back. He looked up as a dome surrounded them. "Bien..." he muttered underneath his breath as he reached down and grabbed his staff re-extending it. Night spun it around in his hand trying to regain his composure.

Night closes his staff quickly and places it in his thigh pocket as he reaches into the ground. He placed his fingers into the earth and begin pulling up with his might. The more he pulled the lighter it became, after lifting it up he used it as a shield and charged at the shadow whips trying to use this as a distraction. He was not going to go down without a fight and he was going to lay some hits back on his accuser.

As he charged at the vampire he had not noticed the man said two of them until he looked out the corner of his eye and saw somebody standing in a navy and gray suit. Night wanted to grin but this situation called for his intense concentration so he turned his eyes back towards his charge towards the vampire. "Yo no muerto dia....I will not die today." He said to himself.

Christopher "Agent Nine" Ronin//James "Agent Twelve" Blade
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Settling In (Open) Empty Re: Settling In (Open)

Post by Forceaus February 15th 2012, 7:10 pm

Forcewave made it back to the scene of the encounter just in time to witness the first moment of actual combat.The hero tried to grab hold of the other man but it managed to move out of the way with surprising agility.It wasn't until Forcewave got closer that he saw what this thing really was.Black eyes and a mouthful of razor sharp teeth made it clear that this thing wasn't human.Another creature.Forcewave wondered if it was like the creature that made it's way into his house and attacked him and his father.He wasn't planning on asking though.There wasn't time to anyways.This thing was far too dangerous.
The creature dashed forward and jumped over their heads and was heading right for the woman.Forcewave just managed to keep up with it by moving while it was still in the air, and put himself between the creature and the woman it was after.He immediately aimed an attack right at the creatures torso to send it flying away, away from the woman it was trying to eat.He wasn't taking any chances on this one.

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Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Settling In (Open) Empty Re: Settling In (Open)

Post by Plural February 16th 2012, 5:42 am

Clone-Plural watched as the man narrowly avoided his grasp with inhuman speed.. Inside his head he began calculating for this new development. Chances were if this person was superhumanly fast, they were also strong and tough. Definitely not someone to leave a girl alone with. He also quickly discarded the term person when he saw the atrocity's teeth. This thing before him was not human anymore it was some sort of sadistic vampire. A beast looking for prey.

"Sure let me give you some assistance. It's coming in the way of advice. Try a new diet. I hear deer are nice and lean. Probably won't clog your arteries too bad not that you're using them." he quipped as he felt the rush of air when a new person entered the scene, seemingly on his side as he formed a human barrier between the leech and the woman.

Perfect distraction... he thought as he made a superhuman leap of his own, jumping about 10 feet easily up onto the closer of the two walls before springing over to the other, throwing a small cylinder towards the creature, a concrete foam grenade intending to impede the creature for a few moments, simply long enough to allow Beckie time to run to safety.

Proving himself an agile opponent, the clone landed and ran slightly across and down the wall, placing himself parallel to the vampire and the other hero type individual, poised to prevent further attempts to get at Beckie.


Elsewhere, the original had his hands full himself as he watched shadows attempting to ensnare himself almost 2 stories above the pseudo-vampire wannabe and the black clad vigilante. He found his mind wishing people ran around with name tags so he could identify them better than good guy and bad guy but in all honesty it was like fractions, the common denominator here was which side one played for and that was the important detail.

As the inky blackness attempted to encompass him, Plural bounded from one story to the next climbing the fire escape in record breaking fashion, avoiding the shadow dome. Unfortunately his movements weren't quite fast enough because for his trouble he received a small slice along his calf. It felt mostly superficial, shallow enough that he needn't worry about in the least. His brain also pointed out the annoying fact that now he was 4 stories in the air and on the other side of a barrier from his opponent and his charge wasn't. Primary objective was in danger here and Adam didn't like the meaning of the word failure with his name tacked on the end.

A grimace of displeasure painted his face as pulled out a concussion grenade from his belt and threw it at the dome full force, aiming in the direction of the last place he had seen the vampire in control of the shadows. The intention was make a hole then follow up with a secondary salvo, though he didn't like the sound of crunching rock and squelching of...mud? He needed some insight into that dome and probably a UV flashlight which of course he owned and it was sitting at home in a drawer being useless to him.

Next time be prepared for fucking Vampires...this is bullshit who expects vampires. I am not that halfwitted cheerleading Buffy the Bitch...




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Settling In (Open) Empty Re: Settling In (Open)

Post by CainVulsore February 19th 2012, 10:29 pm

Cain blinked as the purple-bird-guy started to talk in a different language and furrowed his brow, "This is fucken America, speak english."He muttered under his breath chuckiling as he watches the second man jump around and leave his shadow encased dome just barely. Then the purple-birdy did something completly foolish and rushed at Cain with a piece of asphalt that he tore from the ground, now this just wouldn't do of course. Cain's shadow whips came flying out at him once again and slashed through the ground/shield breaking it instantly, once done with that the whips flew out at the man's back and front once again, as well as the shadows on the ground tried to encase around his body. Having forgotten about the escappe duplicator he hears the explosion on top of his dome and curses his dumb luck and stops the shadows from encasing bird man to cover the dome, enforcing it and repairing the small damage done to the top. "No one messes with my shadows."He snarls out and pulls his onyx colord kilij out of it's sheath, a wicked glint in his blood red eyes as he prepars himself for the fight sure to come.

Vlad on the other hand was not having such an easy time as two attacks were sent right out at him, first a dam pellet that exploded on him and spread foam around his body which aggravated him. Second a very light force blast came out breaking the foam and staggering him a little bit before he could regain balance. "All you had to do was step aside and let me feed, but no you didn't allow one there food...who is the hero now? You may have just caust me my life because of does that make you feel?" Vlad asked with a smirk upon his face, getting into a fight position as he knew now that he'd would have to deal with these two first before he could get his meal for the week. With a crack of his neck Vladimir slammed his foot down as hard as he can cracking the sidewalk a bit and sending out a small fissure in all directions to hopefully knock down the two vigilanties who interuptted his lovely meal for one.

((srry late and short post))

Cain Vulsore
Settling In (Open) Pbucket

Creatures of the night
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Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

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Settling In (Open) Empty Re: Settling In (Open)

Post by Ronin February 19th 2012, 11:05 pm

Victor watched as the shadow whips broke the asphalt in half. He knew it would not be able to stand up against these rock but he was willing to try anything out. He watched as the shadow whips were coming back at him. He looked around for a way out but could not find one. He looked down and saw the shadows were trying to encase him but then headed towards where the hole was in the dome."This is not going to be the end of me!" He took his hands and spread them far apart and clapped them together as loud as he could releasing a shockwave in front of him as the whips tore at his back again sending him down to one knee as stared down at the vampire trying to think of a way to hurt this guy without him taking anymore damage.

Last edited by Nightraven on February 21st 2012, 5:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

Christopher "Agent Nine" Ronin//James "Agent Twelve" Blade
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Settling In (Open) Empty Re: Settling In (Open)

Post by Forceaus February 19th 2012, 11:34 pm

The creature had been hurt though it was still relatively fine.This thing was quite durable to withstand what had just hit it.Forcewave could tell this fight wasn't going to be easy.Not that he expected it to be.After all when is it ever truly easy?
The creature was talking to him and the other hero.Telling them that they were killing him by not letting him feast on the woman.So that's what it wanted.Forcewave was going to respond but the creature was already taken action.It slammed it's foot down and split open the ground.A fissure ran along the ground towards them.Forcewave fired another attack at the creature as he moved out of the way of the fissure, then prepared to fire again.

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Settling In (Open) Empty Re: Settling In (Open)

Post by Plural February 20th 2012, 4:11 pm

"Shadows don't have feelings, idiot. You CAN'T mess with them... the duplicator muttered to himself as he flipped to nightvision for a moment as he watched the hole his explosive made, recede and be repaired. With his altered vision he managed to see the vampire with no fashion sense pull out what seemed to be a sword of some sort, but whether it was steel or crafted from shadows, he couldn't tell.

The short glimpse also afforded him a chance to see teh other hero rushing along with something that was swiftly crumbled. Judging by the fact that there had been nothing else inside the area that was now closed off by the dome of shadows, Plural reasoned it was a piece of the asphalt and dirt pulled from the ground. Then of course the screaming began.

It seemed the other vigilante was posturing his aversion to being defeated. That wasn't exactly a good thing in the blond hero's opinion. It was helpful but only in the sense that it told him the other guy was still alive and also that the other guy had no plans or ability to deal with the vampire it seemed. Which meant one thing as usual.

Plural was on his own. Well figuratively speaking.

"Time to play my favorite game...'Save that other individual'. Oy vey... he said to himself. Quite literally because as he spoke, the pale yellow glow spread across his eyes and his exposed skin as 3 clones came out of his body. Each moved without a word taking their positions.

The first maneuvered to be parallel to the bird themed vigilante. Another leaped down to stomp on top of the shadow dome as hard as possible without being thrown onto it. The soldier for justice repeatedly stomped his feet against the fixture to get the attention of the vampiric bad guy. Divide attentions and conquer simple as that.

The last took his position and waited for his chance to strike. Everything was in place as the 4 Plurals linked their vision together and went into action.

((The remaining actions will be revealed next post pending the actions of Cain))


Raising an unseen eyebrow, the duplicate fought the urge to roll his eyes as the beast before him bitched and moaned about his inability to succeed as a predator and stomped his foot like a child throwing a tantrum. Well a super strong child because the result of that stomp was a series of fisures coursing across the concrete.

"Hey I pay taxes for that spot of ground thank you! When you start doing that you can feel free to break it asshole, until then keep your super strength to yourself," the replicant shouted while he reached to his side and grabbed the dumpster beside him with no effort , dragging itin front of him one handed and kicked it at the raging vampire, using the opportunity as a distraction to roll out of the way of the fissure designed to knock him off balance.

With a fluidity rarely seen amongst humankind, the blond leaped with preternatural ability at Beckie as she ran for her life towards the end of the alleyway. Using his skill to free formedly 'flow' , he picked up the frightened woman and bounced off the brick wall and leaped out onto bustling sidewalk with his furious package in tow. Beckie wasn't content to die that day either and was trying to fight his grip until she realized who it was at least.

"hey hey hey...stop that. Don't you know to keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times and not to pummel the operator? Now hurry up and run on home. I have some business to attend to, Becks." he said with what would pass for an award winning smile and a two fingered salute before backflipping back int oteh alleyway and returning his attentions to his opponent.

"Now if you're having such a problem keeping yourself fed, I'd be more than happy to find you a more legal less offensive way to keep your belly full. Or we can be uncivilized barabarians and toss each other around the back streets and alleyways. You whatever's going to keep you entertained i guess. I have all night. Can you say the same?"




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Settling In (Open) Empty Re: Settling In (Open)

Post by CainVulsore February 21st 2012, 6:34 pm

Cain chuckled at the words said by the foolish purple-bird-man and rolled his eyes the shockwave hitting the spikes surrounding him first and then the wind blowing through his jet black hair. “Is that all you got Bird Man?” He yelled out with snarl, as he let his body melt into the shadows beneath him and rose up seconds later behind the vigilante and let his fist go flying down at his back as hard as he could. His other hand was flying out in a cutting motion, his Kilij going to hopefully cut through the man’s skin but if he was able to resist the shadows under Cain’s control he figured it would sadly only shatter. The noise coming from the jumping and the smashing was very annoying to be sure, but as he was not using the shadows for any other means right now the dome had his full power going in it and there was absolutely no possible way the fools would break it down. They could keep jumping or smashing, or whatever it is they were doing, as much as they wanted for all he cared because they simply would not get in unless he allowed them too, and that was not going to happen just yet. Cain intended on at least knocking out the bird fool before allowing the duplicator any access into the shadow dome, the fool left before it was finished and outside is where he shall stay for now.
((the kilij has only three str as it is a normal curved sword))

Vlad snarled as he say yet another force blast coming out at him and this time did not have time to react and was sent stumbling backwards a little bit along with an “hmmpf.” That time he felt the force of the blow and was surprised to actually feel it as if it were a fist coming in and punching him in the gut almost knocking the wind out of him. Of course that wasn’t the end of it as next he saw the dumpster rolling out at him, though unlike last time Vlad was able to stop and hold the dumpster. He grabbed it and chucked the thing at the second ‘hero’ to appear on the scene hopping to distract him a little bit and stop those damn blast thingies he shot out of his hands. His attention once again returns to the duplicate as the words come from its mouth and Vladimir rolls his eyes in annoyance. He sprints to the man and cocks back his arm, releasing it at the duplicate’s stomach attempting to hit him, and if successful he’ll open his hand and hold it flat like a blade using his razor sharp, and durable, nails to try and cut open the stomach essentially ripping it to shreds. At least that is what he hopes will happen there is always the possibility it will not succeed, if that is true Dracula’s Reincarnation simply dives to the side, avoiding any return attacks, and positions himself to face both the duplicate and the force blaster kid.

Cain Vulsore
Settling In (Open) Pbucket

Creatures of the night
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