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Prison (Closed to The Black Arrow)

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Prison (Closed to The Black Arrow) Empty Prison (Closed to The Black Arrow)

Post by Mockingbird December 20th 2011, 8:28 pm

Well, today sucked. Andree thought to herself as she slumped on a black office chair in her apartment. She had been kidnapped, drugged, her identity exposed on National TV, captured again, made an unwilling slave to Elena Marie and was exhausted. All she wanted to do right now was roll over and die. Maybe I should, it may spare people their lives. She thought to herself before angrily throwing the thought away. No, I cant do that to Mom and Dad. Breathing deeply she wanted to fall asleep but was no worried any enemies she made would break down her door and charge in to kill her. Noticing that there was something heavy in her pockets, she found two bags of Dilaudid. Elena Marie must have slipped them to her when she left her at her new apartment. But Andree wasnt staying there and certainly wasnt working for that witch. Maybe she was to far out of her range to have to obey her commands. She hated that feeling, the feeling of being powerless. The drugs that sat out on her hand were tempting. They may have brought her the pains of her past but at least she knew what would happen. It wasnt like now where a gun could be waiting for her when she opened the door. Where she had no clue what came next. They brought back memories she sought to suppress and hide but they also brought her a good feeling. Well, it was good for a while but then she felt weak. It was tempting, very tempting to take the drugs and escape from the cruel world she lived in. Don't do it, what would Dad say? He'd be ashamed. Came her rational sides thoughts. Oh come on, one time, no one would ever know. What's the harm anyways? Came the thoughts from somewhere deep in her mind. No. I won't. She thought to herself, dropping the bags of Dilaudid on the floor and falling asleep.

Her sleep was interrupted by the sound of a voice outside her door. "Andree Miller, open the door and put your hands on your head." What? Was her only thought before the door was smashed open and armed SWAT stormed into the room. Why SWAT? Oh that's right, the whole vigilante thing probably scared them into it. The armed men in black charged over to her and were met by no resistance when they cuffed her. This obviously surprised them from the puzzled looks on their faces. "You have the right to remain silent and anything you say or do can be used against you." Came the husky voice of the man next to her. "Hey Captain, look what we found." Came the softer voice of another officer holding up the two bags of Dilaudid. "Good work Officer Dawes." Replied the deep voiced officer who spoke previously as they lead her out of her apartment and down the hallway. Down the stairs and out to the SWAT van outside. The armored van peeled out of the parking lot for the apartment building. Andree was unable to see out the of the van due to the lack of windows in the part she was in.

The van pulled into the parking lot of the courthouse. From the lack of reporters, Andree guessed that they were keeping this on the down low for now. She was glad about that but there was no way they could keep this hidden forever. Why would they want to? They get to boast that they arrested a vigilante. Her train of thought was interrupted when the SWAT lead her into the courthouse. Past the statues of whoever founded the city, not like most people paid any attention.

They provided her with a lawyer and gave them a short time to prep. They knew it wouldn't matter. She was getting locked up, there was no getting around it. Lucy showed her off on TV, face and name there was no way to get around that. The trial itself went by slowly. Every minute just inched by slowly. God seemed like he was trying to make her suffer. Ever second seemed like hours. Finally, it was over but the result, as predicted, were not in her favor. "On the case of vigilantism, how do you find the defendant?" Came the judges voice.

"Guilty your honor." Came the voice of a female member of the jury.

"On the accusation of the possession of illegal substances, how do you find the defendant?" The Judge replied.

"Guilty your honor."

"Very well. The sentence is seven years in state prison with bail set at $25,000. Case closed." The next sound was the smashing sound of the Judge's mallet against wood. The guards came over and lead her out to the main hall. Reporters were there now, blinding her with their camera flashes. The guards tried to wave them off to no prevail. They weren't really trying anyways. They wanted the public to know they had caught a vigilante. The realization finally sank in to Andree. I'm going to Prison.

Her first day there was a bit rough until she beat one larger inmates in a fight that he provoked. After that, most kept out of her way except her cell mate. She had now been here a week. A week down, three hundred sixty three to go. Andree thought to herself as she awoke in her bed. She brushed some of her brown and blonde hair off of her face and buttoned up the top bit of her orange jumpsuit. It had been stuffy the last night so she unbuttoned it to allow herself some more breathing room. Another seven years to go. She thought to herself, hoping someone would come. Her fingers were fiddling with each other on her stomach as she looked out at the clock. Twenty minutes to wake up time. Maybe I`ll pretend to sleep through it today. I`m not waking up at six a.m. for the rest the next seven years. Eventually, as she was drifting back off to sleep, the alarm sounded. After a few minutes of trying to sleep through it, a guard came through and poked her with a baton of some sort. She fell out of the cold, uncomfortable bunk and onto the even more uncomfortable floor. "Ah shoot, sorry about that." She moaned as she rose from the floor and walked over to the mess hall for breakfast. Let me guess, greasy, deformed mounds of goo once again? As she walked over to the line, one of the few inmates that were newer than her spoke to her "How`s it going, Bird brain?"

"Oh fuck off."

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Prison (Closed to The Black Arrow) Empty Re: Prison (Closed to The Black Arrow)

Post by The Black Arrow December 23rd 2011, 11:52 pm

Steven Skiba aka The Black Arrow was out on patrol when the broadcast aired. With The Ranger visiting Atlanta, Black Knight and Arrow watched the city almost all night just like old times. They didn’t even see the reply of the broadcast until the next morning. Though he hadn’t ever met this hero, ‘Mockingbird’ in person he remembered The Ranger telling him crazy stories about her. Apparently she was the future daughter of his. Arrow figured he'd leave The Ranger's family business to himself but then he saw the broadcast, and found out that she was arrested by the police.

The Black Arrow tried not to get involved in Police affairs, but it was cases like this that got to him. Even if she wasn’t his team-mates daughter, Arrow wouldn’t let someone rot for seven years on the charge of vigilantism and possession of illegal substances. He was a hero, but he never agreed with the ‘law’. Half of them are bullshit, and are only used against the people who are stopping the real criminals. Besides, the two charges brought against her were pathetic in Arrow’s eyes. He very rarely messed with people for caring illegal substances, and would thank most people for acts of vigilantism. So it was already decided in his mind that he’d help out his friends so called ‘future daughter’.

It didn’t take long to locate which prison she was sent too. There weren’t too many spread out through Chicago, and he knew all of them inside and out anyway. The one she was at was the largest in length and only two stories high. But the most interesting detail about this prison was that everyday, right after breakfast the prisoners were let out into the field for an hour. It was gated in by a thirty foot high wall, but only guarded by a snipers nest connected to the roof and whatever police decided to step inside. So if Black Arrow did this it right he could get out with Mockingbird without anybody getting hurt.

He drove Red Scarlet to the prison first thing in the morning, and waited on the roof of the building next door. However instead of just his usually hoodie, The Black Arrow also had a custom gas-mask on that the entire lower half of his face. He stayed there til’ he heard the bell ring for the second time to indicate breakfast was done. Arrow then cracked his neck and stretched his arms out before he jumped off the edge of the building.

All the prisoners held the snipers attention so Arrow could easy land on the building un-seen. He ran straight to the back of the snipers nest, and wasted no time climbing up. It was narrow and tall, but no wall was un-climbable to Arrow. He got to the top in no time, and while clinging onto the edge with one hand, The Black Arrow used his free hand to take three toxin pallets from his utility-belt. He pulled himself up just enough to slam his other arm over and peg the bombs at the ground. The two guards on duty were helpless to the toxins effect and collapsed. Phase one was now complete, now it was time for phase two.

The Black Arrow then pulled himself up into the sniper nest, and went over to the edge facing the field filled with prisoners. They all heard the pallets explode, and were now waiting for it to clear to see what happened. But Arrow used this time to make sure everything went as planned. Using the thermal-vision from his mask, he located Andree or Mockingbird among the crowd, then took his bow from around his shoulder. The Black Arrow attached a small gas-mask to an arrow and shot it off at her feet. It wasn’t as fancy as the one he had, but it covered a persons nose and mouth and allowed for safe breathing during Arrow’s next ‘phase’. He was sure that’d she get the hint, so he continued with his plan and placed three of the toxin-arrows on his bow. The toxin filled capsules on these arrows cover a much larger area, and all Arrow had to do was aim them right and everyone in the field could be knocked out.

The arrow’s left his bow and flew straight down to key points on the field. There was the sounds of small explosions going off as the toxin filled the caged in area quickly. The Black Arrow hooked his bow back around his shoulder, then dove off the snipers nest and fell slowly into the toxin due to his cape. Once he landed, he began looking for the only person still standing. ”You don’t belong in here; I can help you.” His voice called out calmly, knowing that she was the only one who could hear him.

(Feel free to make an alarm go off, or have police surround us in your post.)

The Black Arrow's application,
and Experience[color=black].[/color
Prison (Closed to The Black Arrow) Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
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Prison (Closed to The Black Arrow) Empty Re: Prison (Closed to The Black Arrow)

Post by Mockingbird December 29th 2011, 2:27 pm

Inside the mess hall, the bell rang to let them know that it was time for their short period outside. Grumbling to herself, Andree left her bowl of something and followed the line of orange jumpsuit wearing prisoners outside to the field. Snipers were in their nests, watching the prisoners intently. Their optics stayed fixed on the group below them. Suddenly, a sound reached her ears. She could hear it clear as day because of her heightened hearing. Her tongue worked it's way around the bottom of her upper row of teeth while she waited for the smoke to clear with the other prisoners so the group of them could see what had happened. Her eyes noticed something that lodged in the grass covered ground next to her feet. Arrow! Dad? Attached to the arrow by her feet was a gas mask. Knowing this must be some kind of signal, she leaned down quickly and snapped the gas mask over her nose and mouth so she did not breath in any toxic substances. All the orange jumpsuit wearing prisoners fell tot he ground as more arrows hit the field. They filled the caged in field area with some chemical that had brought them all to their knees. Her eyes could make out the shape of a person diving off of the snipers nest. The person well at a speed slower than a normal person would fall due to the cape that Andree spotted on his back. Hearing the man's voice, she could tell it wasn't her father's. Of course I don't belong here, don't repeat the obvious to me. I've known that since I got thrown in this dump.

The blaring sound of an alarm filled the room, threatening to drown out her voice as she said to the man standing before her "Sure, thank you." Red lights went off as another warning about the intruder and the escape attempt in progress. The Black Arrow, that's it! She thought to herself as the door into the yard sprung open. Police officers carrying guns and riots shields began to surround the two of them. Fuuuuuuuun.

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