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New Hero in Town [Closed, The Black Arrow]

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New Hero in Town [Closed, The Black Arrow] Empty New Hero in Town [Closed, The Black Arrow]

Post by Logi April 30th 2011, 4:47 pm

Sean slowed down to a stop, and parked on a curb. He got out of his car, and walked towards an abandoned looking building. He put his suitcase down on the ground, and looked around. Sean was wearing a black suit with a white shirt and black tie. The reason for Sean's being here was a mysterious note he received a couple of days ago. The note read the following:

" To Sean Oakfield,
A.K.A Jet
Your abilities as a fighter and tactician have recently come to our attention, and we would like to discuss a few things.
Meet us by the abandoned house on Greenhill Road two days from now.

The Phantoms"

Sean was surprised by the fact that they knew his identity as Jet. He wasn't making an effort to keep it secret or anything, but he didn't really need to make an effort anyways, he wasn't famous around these parts, in fact, he wasn't famous anywhere. So there he stood, in the suitcase was his costume, along with his weapons. He brought it in case an emergency arose, and he would need to don his costume. He was in the most alert of states, just in case this was a trap.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 8
Location : Luton, UK
Age : 28
Job : Student (High School)
Humor : Funny
Registration date : 2011-04-30

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New Hero in Town [Closed, The Black Arrow] Empty Re: New Hero in Town [Closed, The Black Arrow]

Post by The Black Arrow May 1st 2011, 2:12 pm

The Black Arrow stood on top of an abandoned building in the middle of the night. A few days ago he had sent a message to a man, whose actions over the past few years caught The Phantoms eye. This man, Sean Oakfield was an underground hero, who went about his ways similar to the way The Phantoms did there work. Sean was clever and a quicker thinker. Had plenty of years of training behind him, and had an act for getting the job done right without any civilian fatalities. Three things The Phantoms looked for in an initiate. After all this time of watching Jet, The Black Arrow thought it was time he was introduced to The Phantoms. Give him a chance to step up, and help watch over our city streets. So The Phantom Arrow sent out a very brief but informative letter to Jet.

" To Sean Oakfield,
A.K.A Jet
Your abilities as a fighter and tactician have recently come to our attention, and we would like to discuss a few things.
Meet us by the abandoned house on Greenhill Road two days from now.

The Phantoms"

With all the time his been watching over Sean, Arrow knew he wouldn’t just ignore a message like this. Even if he thought The Phantoms had different intentions then they did, he wouldn’t be able to just walk away with finding out for himself. So that’s why Arrow stood there tonight. On top of this old abandoned building in Chicago. The Black Arrow stood in the dead of night, with his arms crossed across his chest and his eyes closed, waiting patiently. The only sound around him was the wind breezing through his cape every few seconds. Then, Arrow opened his eyes and looked down at the streets below when he heard a car door shut. From where he was standing, Sean wouldn’t even be able to tell Black Arrow was waiting for him. Sean was standing outside the building, with a street light behind him, making it obvious he was there, but it was almost pitch black in front of him. It was dark enough that if someone were to walk past, he appear as nothing more then a shadow.

The Black Arrow then leaned forward, and dropped off the top of the building. As he started to plummet to the ground off of the three story building, he spread his cape out wide, and started to slow himself down. Arrow then landed on one knee, not to far in front of Jet. He looked up at him, with his glowing silver eyes, then returned to his feet. ”Hello Jet. I see you’ve taken an interest in our letter. Are you aware of who we are?” The Black Arrow spoke in a very low and deep tone as he began walking out from the shadows and into a damp lighting.

The Black Arrow's application,
and Experience[color=black].[/color
New Hero in Town [Closed, The Black Arrow] Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 647
Location : With seventy two virgins
Age : 27
Job : Terrorist
Humor : Terrorism
Registration date : 2011-01-03

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