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Contagion vs CEO (open to all!)

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Contagion vs CEO (open to all!) Empty Contagion vs CEO (open to all!)

Post by Esper March 8th 2012, 9:52 pm

Florida, land of sun, spring break, theme parks and joy. Of course that was only during the day, and Contagion didn't like going out in the day. Too easy to be seen, and with his appearance being seen was all it took to be on the run again. This time the risk of being seen was worth it. Finally he had managed to track down the CEO of ChemCo, Donald Anderson. Avoiding the street lights, he walked down the side of the road, closing in on the address. Luck was holding out perfectly, there weren't even that many cars for him to have to step away from the road to avoid.
Then, just as he was nearing the address, he ran into some joggers. A young couple, looking so Barbie and Ken like it was almost laughable. Far too late to avoid them, in fact they almost collided with him as they jogged at their brisk pace around side street. Then came the usual, screaming, being told to stay away from them, and finally the couple fleeing. "Joggers at night, does my luck ever let up?" Contagion asked himself in his wet, diseased sounding voice. Of course they were infected. He could have reached out and touched them both if he had wanted. It couldn't be helped though. By time they called anyone he would be there.
Sadly, Contagion didn't know everything. He didn't, for example, know that one of the couple had been carrying a cell phone, and were in fact already calling the sighting in to 911. Certainly he didn't know that Mr. Anderson lived in a gated community. Then, having managed to scale one of the walls and get in, he didn't know about the cameras and alarm systems which had tripped when he entered. Reports were already going out.

((OOC: 1.Any hero/villain with research capabilities will quickly be able to learn that Contagion was Jason Bradley, and worked for Chemco in the past, as well as his accident. Finding that the CEO lives in that gated community shouldn't take that long. 2.Any fast responders (people in the Florida area, super speed/flight people, etc) could easily reach him before he finds the right address. 3.Anyone who has influence in Florida can get the guards of the gated community to stall him, or even to instruct the police.))

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5
Registration date : 2012-03-07

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Contagion vs CEO (open to all!) Empty Mirror makes a move.

Post by Esper March 22nd 2012, 7:11 pm

People always say that the business world is a bit like swimming with sharks. For his part, Mirror knew that to be true. Businessmen and women were often the ones to hire him simply to eliminate their rivals so they could rise up in the company. It was a job though, and Mirror rarely refused a job. As it was he had been assigned the almost childishly simple job of eliminating the CEO of ChemCo, Donald Anderson. Apparently one of Don's underlings had designs on the CEO position. Of course he lived in a gated community with guards and alarm systems. That would be a challenge to some, but Mirror simply waited for someone to leave, then followed them in a cab. He caught up to them and pulled a gun, walking them into the alley. There he got the needed information, knocked the guy out, and assumed his appearance. From there it was simple to get the keys to the car, drive back, and enter the community.
It didn't take long to find the CEO's house. "I have to remember to look for a job that's a challenge next time," he said to himself. Then he saw a man approaching and hid in the shadows. "Why did I open my mouth?" he asked, stepping back as he recognized the figure. Contagion, a man who could infect those around him simply by his very presence. Before Mirror could even ask himself what a freak like that would be doing in a place like this he had his answer. "He's going after my target!" Mirror said, seeing Contagion moving to the house. There was no time to get any kind of hazard suit to avoid Contagion's infection, but Mirror knew it wasn't fatal. That being said, he didn't envy himself for having to suffer through it.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5
Registration date : 2012-03-07

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