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Why do I always have to fight the big guys?

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Why do I always have to fight the big guys? Empty Why do I always have to fight the big guys?

Post by Mockingbird November 27th 2011, 3:41 am

The grey sky of Chicago loomed overhead as Natalia sat comfortably in an underground bunker. The grey walls of the bunker seemed like a prison cell, with her as the prisoner. She sighed as her eyes moved across the computer monitors that covered a wall of the room she was in. It is only a matter of time. She reminded herself. It was true, something bad was bound to happen, it always did. Soon enough it was going to get worse. Things would keep escalating. Once there were not many supernatural crimes and now there are many. It is a shame, things were so much easier back then. She thought to herself as she sipped on a glass of water. Well, speak of the devil. She thought to herself after the sounds of screaming reached her ears. The security camera in the city had picked up something big. The thing was huge. It was at least 12 feet tall and seemed to be made of rock and magma. Great, just my luck. She rolled her eyes as she got into her tank/Lamborghini hybrid vehicle. It took off at top speed, speeding past cars and taking a few mirrors with it. She could see the freak in front of her now, maybe 200 yards away. She promptly stopped the car and stepped out when she was about 50 yards away. "We can do this the easy way and you can give up now, or we could do this the hard way. The hard way involves you getting your ass kicked by the way so choose the easy way." She told the lumbering brute as she drew a pistol on it. It probably wasn't the most intelligent individual. Hell, she would be impressed if it understood what she had just said. "Unless you need me to put it in stupid. I. Will. Beat. You. Up. If. You. Don't. Give. Up. Got it?" She said slowly, mocking the beast.

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Why do I always have to fight the big guys? Empty Re: Why do I always have to fight the big guys?

Post by The Silence December 8th 2011, 1:18 pm

Ibis smashed cars and buildings idly as he walked down the streets of Chicago, though he didn't really know where he was, he was dropped off into the city for another one of his scheduled rampages, where he would simply be nothing more than a big distraction to everyone around him as Doctor Necrodium did his plans in private. As he continued to lumber along, hordes of people ran at the sight of him, seeing him as a massive monster ready to destroy them, which he was. With a raising of his massive arms, Ibis pounded the ground and unleashed a wave of lava, engulfing and disintegrating most, if not all, the people who were in front of the earth elemental.

As he lumbered along through the city, Ibis crushed cars, trampled lamp posts and even brought the concrete beneath him caving down with the sheer force and weight of his steps. Soon Ibis had reduced an entire block to rubble and aimed to do the same to the rest of the city, just as the good doctor had always ordered him to do. Ibis did not know why Doctor Necrodium sent him on these rampages, but that thought was irrelevant, as it was an order and Ibis was to follow them without question. So as a result, Ibis killed everything living in sight, and smashed anything non living within his reach.

As he continued his rampage, Ibis turned to the sound of a human's voice coming from behind him. Though to Ibis, all humans looked and sounded alike, but this one held a piece of metal in front of it in a threatening fashion. From Ibis' interpretation, the human in front of him was either a small male, or a regular female. Either way, it was attempting to challenge Ibis, which the massive earth elemental would respond to with a mighty answer. Stretching his arms as far as they would go, Ibis picked up two cars and raised them in the air above his head. Though many would have problems lifting such things, Ibis had no such problems, he was amongst the mightiest of all the superhumans, puny cars were nothing but dust specks to Ibis' might.

"RRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!" Ibis bellowed as he roared his response and launched the cars towards the woman at high speeds. Ibis was never one to hold back, and now he had no inhibitions about killing, not since his rebirth. This woman was in the way, and Ibis was going to kill her for it.

The Silence
The Silence

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Registration date : 2010-07-20

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Why do I always have to fight the big guys? Empty Re: Why do I always have to fight the big guys?

Post by Mockingbird December 18th 2011, 12:40 am

The brutish creature picked up a couple of cars and hurled them towards her at high speeds. Diving out of the way, Natalia was able to avoid one but was having issues avoiding the other. The second car`s exhaust pipe clipped her back, leaving her with a large gash of blood on her back and a partially ripped costume. Natalia really didn`t want to get close to the beast but at the same time, wasn`t sure how to beat this, guns or otherwise. Crouching behind a light blue truck, she made her way closer to the beast. She was sneaking along, hopefully out of the monsters sight, closer to him behind all the cars, trucks and other vehicles on the streets. Once close enough, she checked her pistol to make sure it was loaded and snuck along behind the monstrous thing that was trashing up the streets of Chicago. Aiming her pistol at where the back of a normal persons knee would be, she fired 12 shots. She was not confident these would succeed but it was worth a shot. Her red hair was blowing in the light breeze as the last shots made their way to the beast.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 476
Age : 25
Registration date : 2011-10-04

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