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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) Empty A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by The Ranger September 27th 2011, 8:32 pm

The Ranger, The Red Archer, The Right Hand of Jesus, Atlanta's old Savior, which ever you choose to call him, smiles softly to himself standing on the roof of a church looking down into the streets beneath him watching the people walk by in their church cloths. The warm, comforting sun accompanies the ever shapeful white clouds, as if mint flavored cotton candy stuck in the beautiful blue sky and all its glory. He had just finished attending Sunday morning mass and was now in costume standing on top of his new parish in Chicago having only moved her about a week ago. So far it has been a little hectic yet fun, his first day in the new city he met Prodigy, a up and coming super like himself though super strong and durable. Only a couple days later from the incident he was caught up in the Crisis that happened at Sears Tower, which was very fun though he did not get to meet any of the Phantoms. Having hoped to attract at least some attention from the group of heroes he has heard so much about, a group much like himself in many ways. The hooded archer shrugs off the thought and just lets the warmth of the morning sun hit him, warming him up and giving a feeling that there is more to life than meets the eye. A feeling he always feels after going to a session at church, something he suggests to all of his friends.

The Ranger looks around trying to see if there is any action going on in this ever active, though not as much as New York of course, city. Moving his bows and quiver to a more comfortable position on his back he tilts his head to the side trying to try and hear any sounds of sirens or 'action' he can find. He sighs softly not hearing anything for now, oh sure it is nice to have a day off and all especially on Sunday the day of rest. Yet, it feels odd at the same time like there is something going on out there that The Ranger can not see or hear. Kind of like the odd feeling you get when you think someone is behind you, only to turn around and see nothing; or even more like when your driving down the street and look out the window at the car next to you only to see the person was already looking at you. The Right Hand of Jesus furrows his brow trying to figure out why it is so quite, way to quite, almost movie like quite where you know something is not right.

Last edited by The Ranger on September 28th 2011, 10:42 pm; edited 1 time in total

The Ranger
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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by Alpha September 27th 2011, 10:10 pm

It was a beautiful sunny day in Chicago, and Elena loved it. The smell of the air,and the look of all the people around her. She wore black shades over murky green eyes that would otherwise unnerve someone. Though she dressed smartly, in tight, yet fitting blue jeans, and a floral summer shirt. Red hair resting upon her shoulders, the color of fire. Eyes painted with an an oceanic green eyeshadow. Thin leather sandels adorning her lithe feet that were a cream white. She nibbled lightly on a pasrty while entering some numbers, and letters into a rather expensive looking cellphone. The wonders her now dead husbands money could bring her. True she mourned his death, it still would not bring him back. Bringing back the dead was also beyond her at the moment. All spellcraft had forsaken her when she gained this new flesh. Still it did her no good, now she was indulging in her latest past time.

Tracking down heroes. She had heard form her sources that a hero of Atlanta Georgia had made his way up to Chicago, and thus she wanted to see a Southern hero with her own eyes. Her gaze came upon the man who she was looking for, known as The Ranger. He had not long ago headed out from mass in a church, which was as she expected. he did call himself the Right Hand of Jesus after all."Alright bring him to me, and I mean unharmed." She reminded with a harsh tone, as the merc on the other end of the phone aknowledged her. He was a man in his late thirties, with grey hair that was thinning in the middle. He approached the hero with a look of half interest, cigarette at the corner of his mouth.

You're The Ranger correct?" He didn't wait to be confirmed."My employer has requested you some with me to her. You can resist if you want, but I suggest you comply." He said formaly, fixing the black tie that hung loosly from his neck. As his grey eyes seemed to glare at the Ranger.

A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) CjhXQha
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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by The Ranger September 27th 2011, 10:40 pm

The Ranger raises an eyebrow, which is hidden beneath his hood, watching as the older man walks up asking,or more so stating, about who he is. He notices the cigarett notching a normal arrow and firing it off, it cuts straight through the cigarett severing it in half and putting it out. "Smoking can kill you, I advise you don't do it." He says in his deep, low, voice with a small twang of a suthern accent though hardly noticable before jumping down from the church landing on the streets below on his feet as no noise is made. "First give me three good reasons why I should even come meet your employer." The Ranger says looking over at the man his bow placed back onto his back where it usually is when not in use. He studies the man quickly, sizing him up, trying to figure out just what this man is capable of and whom is employer might be. Any and all information he can get would be very helpful to say the least.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by Alpha September 27th 2011, 10:51 pm

The man regarded the Ranger with mute interest, raising an eyebrow at the young man. As he let the cigarette in his mouth fall to the ground."Hero, i've dealt with things worst than cigarettes. They are the least of my worries." He sighed, as he asked about his employer. Though it was not an unexpected response really. Actually it was the most expected of all the possibilities he had. He chuckled lightly."You're smarter than most of the heroes i've meet. My employer is a person of interest. She is, I suppose someone who you would not want to say no to." She shrugged, as the peice in his ear buzzed to life.

"He hasn't agreed has he?" Her voice asked with annoyance plain into his ear. Which he responded with a yes, though The Ranger was not who he was referring to."Use that silver tongue of yours. Its quite useful if you use it like you've done with others."

"My employer just wishes to offer you an oppurtunity, and she is not one to be scorned. She can make, or break most heroes. So I hope you consider atleast hearing her out, it will be in your best interest." He spoke with both sincerity, and experience. Elena had bought his whole company, and any new recruits into it. This woman was not to be messed with, she had the power to take them down. Money was not her only power

A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) CjhXQha
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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by The Ranger September 27th 2011, 11:03 pm

The Ranger waits and listens to what this man has not say, essentially hearing him out. When he is done he sighs and shrugs "Ill go to simply humor your employer, I work for no one but god and myself so make me her's she will not." He says slowly walking over to the older man motioning for him to lead the way, having never done something like this boefore. Though he does wish to be a lawyer when finished with college, so maybe this will give him some insight or something? One never truley knows until the time comes anyway. He makes a mental check to himself figuring out if he has all of the items he will essentially need if a fight of some sort breaks out. Oh, sure he could always run away but what kind of hero would he be then? Not a good one at all that is for sure.

((sorry it's shortish, I gtg I'm beat))

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by Baaqir September 28th 2011, 4:50 am


Last edited by Baaqir on September 28th 2011, 6:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-Baaqir-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-Miss Midas-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-The Autumn Knight-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-
A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) Cold_fire_by_gate_to_nowhereA beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) Midas2A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) AutumnKnight

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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by The Fossil September 28th 2011, 8:21 am

((OOC: When I get my character approved, can I join?))

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it~~~ The Fossil's Catchphrase
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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by The Ranger September 28th 2011, 3:36 pm

((already got two heroes sorry))

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by Alpha September 28th 2011, 4:24 pm

He nodded, leading the young man to the small coffee shop Elena chose to sit in. In a table at the atmost corner of the shop. A decent sized plate of pastries, all in a neat pile in front of her. A translucent steam rising off fo them, as well as a scent. It was wonderful to the nostrils, Elena taking it in with deep nostril fulls. He red painted lips turned into a smile, as the Ranger came into veiw. Along with a trusted mercenary of hers. He had lasted longer than others in his company, and thus proved useful."Here he is like you've asked." He said respectfully, taking a seat right next to her. Leaving only the seat across the table from her.

"By all means take a seat. I'm sure we have a lot to talk about." She said, dead eyes glaring at him through her sunshades. As she offered him a chocolate filled eclair, with a sweep of her lithe hand. Which underlied the great power she possesed."I'm sure you remember me from Atlanta. I can tell you are an intelligent individual. So you would know an oppurtunity when you see it." She smiled lightly, taking a sip of coffee, steam curling from the warm liquid."You seek to find the group I mentioned. Well it will take a good bit of effort. Which I can offer services to you." She took a deep sip of her coffee.

"I can offer you a chance to reach your goal, but in turn you must do a favor for me. It won't be an immidiate toll, but I will ask for payment one day." She gave the requirments in a buisness like tone, hands crossed over her lap."If you agree, then I can tell you what my plans are. So, are you willing,hero?"

A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) CjhXQha
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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by The Ranger September 28th 2011, 5:03 pm

The Ranger follows the man and sees Elena, the lady who leads around Huntress and Phillip. He raises an eyebrow not seeing either of them around her or on the way here which confuses him, then the thought that maybe they were given the day off because she wanted to meet him and didn't want a fight to break out or something. What ever the reason is it makes him feel a little better knowing that neither of them will be here breathing down his throat, eyes glaring into his. Now all he has is her, whose eyes are probably glaring at him, or not at all, just as hard as theirs would have been. He slowly sits down after inspecting it of any traps or something of those sorts not completely trusting; which he shows by denying the offer for the éclair. His hood still upon his head he waits and listens to what she has to say raising an eyebrow at the offer.

The Ranger knows he shouldn't accept an offer from a super villainess, especially one as powerful as her but it irks him so. A shot at becoming a Phantom, the group he has studied up on and tracked down the best he can sense she told him about them in Atlanta. The chance to meet the Black Knight, a hero he grew up reading about in comics as a kid, Entropus the fastest man a live, something Ranger himself strives to be. Or, even more so The Black Arrow, and archer like himself yet the worlds best Archer, one who is maybe ten times better than The Ranger is himself. Working side by side these people would be like a dream come true for the young college aged super hero. 'Though making a deal from the Crimson Witch, is it really worth it?' He asks himself tapping his hands on the table trying to make a decision, running all the possibilities through his head.

After about a minute of having his super brain run on over drive he stands up pushing the chair away and looking down at Elena. "No, I will not take your offer; if I can not attract their attention on my own then I'm simply not good enough. But, I will not make a deal with you unknowing of what I may have to do in return." He says shaking his head, mentally closing the door to the offer as well as mentally walking away. He then physically starts to walk away knowing, or believing, that this is the part where Phillip or Huntress or some other lackey of hers he has yet to meet tries to stop him. He scoffs silently at the idea, having already beaten her two best, what could another possibly do that they could not?

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by Alpha September 28th 2011, 5:18 pm

She raised an eyerbrow, smirking as he blatantly denied her offer. Though it made her smirk. he had some spirit, but that would get him nowhere, she was not one to be denied. The mercenary eyed her warily, knowing what she was capable of. What she could do, even to a trained soldier."I think you misunderstand. You really expect them to notice you?" She pulled the glasses, as pale, murky dead eyes looked at him. As she stood form her seat, pushing it back with barely a flex of her strength.

"You refused by deal, so i'll have to show you what you're dealing with." She said, as the people turned her way. Knuckles audibly cracking as she approached the man, skin catching the light in an odd way. She wasn't walking full speed, but fast enough to catch upto his walk. As the mercenary quickly took hold of her cellphone, knowing the fight that would break out soon. She slammed her foot hard against the floor, though not too hard. Just hard enough for him to hear the foot, and feel the shockwave. She was going to show him what he was dealing with.

A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) CjhXQha
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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by The Ranger September 28th 2011, 10:03 pm

The Ranger listens to her ranting but continues walking knowing this lady is a dangerous force to be reckoned with to be sure. "Yes, I think they will because I'm not some pushover you get rid of easily, go ask Phillip and Huntress that I'm sure your lackeys will tell you that." He mutters the last part underneath his breath then feels the noise and the small shockwave sent out though not loosing his balance at all. "I do my research miss Collin; it is you who does not seem to know who they are messing with." He quickly sprints out of the cafe' at full speed to get far enough away where no one will get hurt in the enclosed area, once he deems himself far enough away he pulls out his bow notching a regular arrow and waiting for her to follow. Having a strong feeling that she will do so and not simply let him go or she wouldn't have taken the trouble to track him down in the first place. He gets down into a kneeling position and waits for her or one of her mercenaries to come out after him, knowing that by denying her offer he started a fight. Something he was not hopping to start on the Lord's holy day, the day of rest. He shakes his head sighing; it seems as if there must never be rest for the hero, always another villain out there trying to ruin the peace.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by Alpha September 28th 2011, 10:18 pm

The man was gone in a matter of seconds, but she had anticipated that he would do that. The hero would always want to avoid a fight, and she was proven right. With a silent whispered command, the mercenaries moved from their positions. Concealed guns at the ready. They searched for the hero, with wary eyes, her angels of sorts. One found him, though he didn't make his location known. Radioing in to his leader the information, who in turn gave it to Elena."We've found him" He said, whispering the location. With a nod she warned him to stay a considerable distance from them, as she walked from the store.

Sun beaming down upon her porcelain skin. Making her seem quite fragile, like a porcelain doll that could break with a wind. Something that was frequent in the Windy City. Yet she was a powerful, perfect speicimen of a human being. Beautiful, healthy, forever living, and strong. Oh how she was strong. The perfectly crafted human being, though the soul was older than how she looked. With a smirk she came upon the Ranger with an arrow notched in his bow, yet she was only slightly wary of it."Must we really fight? I give you one final warning before i'm forced to act." She slammed her right fist into left palm, as it sent a weak wave out. As well as a loud crack.

Her mercenaries were all crowded in the distance, ready to see their employer in action. It had been a while since Elena took a fight for herself. Now they would see the raw power that she possesed, and why they feared her. The beauty, that was also the beast. "Show us that perfect body of yours." The merc leader muttered, as he waited. It would be a most interesting sight indeed. As a single powerful wind blew through the Chicago air.

Last edited by Elena Marie on September 30th 2011, 6:25 pm; edited 1 time in total

A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by The Ranger September 28th 2011, 10:39 pm

As he is found The Ranger sighs having known he should have gone invisible, though it is to late now. He listens to her talk noticing the array of display in her strength, noticing it is just as strong as Prodigy's which makes him unload the normal bow replacing it with a c7 or semtex explosive arrow. These being the most 'clay' explosives known to man, much more explsovie than C4 by at least 85%, something able to blow up an entire ship with what he fits into the arrow head. He started using this exsplosive after the fight with prodigy realising his normal exsplosives did practically nothing to the man, his electric net arrows only because it was raining. "No, I simply will not accept your deal under those terms Miss Collin" The Ranger says firing off the exploding arrow straight at her gut, he then sprints behind her a good distance away firing off another in quick succession ready for this fight. He is ready to face this woman, the one who sent him to Chicago, whose ally the Huntress he found atractive, and other ally Phillip who killed his parents. This time it isn't either of them, this time it is the boss lady and he is ready for her.

The Ranger
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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) Empty Re: A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?)

Post by Alpha September 29th 2011, 5:04 pm

"Heroes are always so unreasonable." She muttered disappointed, as the arrow was already coming at her, though she had enough time to move to the side to narrowly avoid the attack. True she was not the best in a fight, but with that distance he gave her leeway. Though the second was something harder to dodge. She was not sure what his weapons could do, but these would not prove to be safe. With a sigh, she slammed her foot full force into the ground. A chunk of ground jutting up, as she sent it forward into the arrow. Followed by a loud bang that was deafening. Though she was safe from the brunt of the explosion, though a few bits of shrapnel hit her skin. Stinging as it hit her.

She snarled as her eyes narrowed on her prey."Nice one Mister Ranger, I actually felt that one, Though I suggest you try a different approach." She smirked, looking to her side at a large car. Whispering into her communicator."Get rid of any witnesses, and I want all surveillance camera footage in the area wiped. No one is to know of my fight, and make sure all traffic is diverted from this area." She silently ordered, as she focused on the fight. Red lips curling into an ugly smile that showed a sort of malevolence. As she prepared to showcase her pure power. With a fluid motion she acted with all the speed she could muster.

Wrenching the car from the ground with little protest. Quickly moving into a toss at the Ranger with full force, all to try and crush the Ranger. The massive blur of blue sailed with a sort of finesse, as the mercs gave a look of awe before performing her request. Going around to clean up the street of any witnesses, with silenced pistols. Leader wiping the surveillance clean of any evidence before shutting down the cameras. Elena was making sure she could not have the company ripped from her grasp.

A beautiful Sunday morning after church(Closed ask to join xD can I get some Phantom attention?) CjhXQha
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