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Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow)

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Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow) Empty Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow)

Post by Chloe Everdeen October 1st 2011, 3:53 am

The streets of Chicago were dark and the only sound was that of rain on the sidewalk. It was cold out but Natalia didn’t have time to bother with a coat, she just needed to finish this mission. Standing on a rooftop opposite of the weapons designers facility she made sure that he was still there by finding his car in the parking lot. She had ditched the cape back in her hotel room, it was too much of a hazard as it could get caught on something or used to grapple her. Sliding down the gutter, she landed silently on the concrete sidewalk. Running over to the facilities entry way she plugged her arm guard computer into the passcode lock. It hacked in in only a few seconds and she was on her way. The man inside had been selling terrorists weapons for a while now and they weren’t just going to let him continue with it. She could hear two guards patrolling the hallway and removed an electrical pad from her belt. Whipping around the corner, the two guards spotted her but were quickly detained by the electrical pad thrown between their feet, working like a taser and taking the two out. Running forward, another guard came around the corner. She jumped up to him, grabbing onto his neck and swinging around it. She brought her legs up and kicked him in the head, knocking him to the ground like the others. More guards would soon follow and she had to find a way to get to this man. The easiest way to fight them would be in a wider space and the widest space she had seen had been right by the door. Progressing back to the entry as soon as she heard some guards coming. She stood in the entry as the came around. One was met by a quick upper cut to the jaw and the other was given kick to the groin. Another came around the corner. He was smaller and skinnier than the others and a simple kick to his stomach put him through the doors and out of the problem.

Chloe Everdeen (Night Owl):

Scarlet Hemsworth:

Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow) Powerg13
Chloe Everdeen
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Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow) Empty Re: Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow)

Post by The Black Arrow October 1st 2011, 7:23 am

The Black Arrow’s eyes scanned across the dark and quite streets of Chicago as he stood perched on top of the tallest building with the best view; a building that had became far too familiar to him over the years. As the cold rain poured onto him, Arrow took a puff of the cigarette hanging between his lips. While exhaling the smoke, he glanced over at a women standing on top of a building across from him. Though he hardly looked twice; her presence there wasn’t anything unusual, but when his eyes patrolled to that spot again, she had vanished. Arrow took the cigarette from his mouth and held in his hand as he stood straight up to investigate. He knew that no more then a few seconds could have passed from the time he last looked, and the only way down from the roof top was down a very visible fire escape. Using the enhanced vision from his mask, The Black Arrow searched through out all the near by roof tops, and all around the ground. She wasn’t on any of the buildings, but when Arrow zoomed in even further he spotted her crouched down in front of a weapons dealer building. She was using something on her arm to connect to the lock on the door. It was clearly high tech, which meant she wasn’t just some thug trying to make a quick buck off some expensive weapons. Seemed like no one was these days. ”This can’t be good...” Arrow mumbled to himself as he flicked the cigarette from his hand and leaped forward off the edge.

Arrow held his arms at his side and dove towards the ground. He picked up speed at a ridiculous rate and plummeted towards his likely death, but as he got closer and closer to the ground he became to straiten himself out. Then The Black Arrow swooped his cape out, and used all the speed he gained to soar through the air. As he approached the building he prepared for his landing. He had reduced his speed enough for a safe landing, so when he was directly in front of the building the pulled him arms back in and dropped the last few feet to the ground. He landed in a crouching position, and looked up at the open door. The first thing he noticed was the pile of unconscious guards. Two of them at the end of the hall, and then almost of trail of them leading back to the entrance. Arrow should up in time to see Natalia kick the last guard in the gut, and watch him fall to the ground, cringing in pain. ”You know ‘Breaking and entering’ is against the law, right?” Arrow said as he got to his feet and crossed him arms over his chest. ”But this isn’t just a regular B n’ E is it? Someone with the skills to do what you’ve done here could steal anything she wanted. So exactly what are you after?”

The Black Arrow's application,
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Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow) Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
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Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow) Empty Re: Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow)

Post by Chloe Everdeen October 1st 2011, 2:31 pm

A voice rang out to Natalia, . ”You know ‘Breaking and entering’ is against the law, right? But this isn’t just a regular B n’ E is it? Someone with the skills to do what you’ve done here could steal anything she wanted. So exactly what are you after?” She spun around to see a man in all black standing by the door. She was unsure if this was a hero or just another guard in a costume. She guessed the former and said, "This man is dealing with Terrorists. And you?" She asked, not waiting for an answer. Pulling out a pistol she said, "Now,if you will excuse me, I have work to do." She spun on the spot to face the hall once more. She walked briskly to the corridor. A guard jumped out from behind a door to grab her but he received Pepper Spray in the eyes. If the man wanted to take her down, he would probably follow and try to take her down once he caught up to her. If he wanted to help he would probably follow to help. It didn`t matter to Natalia who tapped a button on her glasses so she had contact with Sector Six. "I`ll have him shortly."

Chloe Everdeen (Night Owl):

Scarlet Hemsworth:

Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow) Powerg13
Chloe Everdeen
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Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow) Empty Re: Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow)

Post by The Black Arrow October 2nd 2011, 8:14 am

The Black Arrow moved his left hand up to his face and slowly rubbed his chin thinking about Natalia’s response. ”I’ve always had my suspicions, but never the facts to back them up.” He said practically to himself considering Natalia was already walking away from him. Arrow thought to himself for a second, before following Natalia down the hall. Just as he was entering another guard jumped out from behind the door and attacked Natalia, but before he was able to grapple her, he met the sting of her pepper spray. A smirk stretched across Arrow’s face as he watched; her reaction time was even more impressive now that he saw it up close, and it made the phantom want to learn more about this mysterious ‘hero’. As Natalia activated some kind of communicator on her glasses, Arrow walked up and leaned against the wall beside her. ”Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot; I’m The Black Arrow, and as far as I can tell we’re on the same side here…I don’t know who you work for, or who you’re reporting too, but if you have the evidence to prove that this company is selling their weapons to terrorist, then you have my support.” The Black Arrow then stepped away from the wall and stood in the door way, next to Natalia. ”So. What’s our next step?”

The Black Arrow's application,
and Experience[color=black].[/color
Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow) Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
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Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 647
Location : With seventy two virgins
Age : 28
Job : Terrorist
Humor : Terrorism
Registration date : 2011-01-03

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Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow) Empty Re: Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow)

Post by Chloe Everdeen October 2nd 2011, 10:28 am

The man in black was leaning against the wall beside her when he spoke. "Well, Black Arrow." She said as she brushing some hair off of her face. "Special Agent Turmanova, Sector Six but you can just call me Natalia." She told him. The Black Arrow then questioned her about their next step, "I don't have much of a plan. Just the bare bones today. Hack into the door, get past the guards, walk into his office and grab him. Assuming he hasn't heard us or is monitoring us through the security camera's." She looked out the nearby window to make sure his car was still in the lot, "He's still here." She could hear the faint sound of a guard coming around the corner at the end of the hall. Analyzing her assets she noticed the cart in the hallway. Breaking into a sprint she put her hands out to grab the cart. Using it as a springboard to get ahead, she landed around the neck of the surprised guard. She spun herself around the man, going downwards where her legs hit his and sent him to the floor. The alarm began to go off as well as the red security lights in the hallway. "Better move quickly."

Chloe Everdeen (Night Owl):

Scarlet Hemsworth:

Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow) Powerg13
Chloe Everdeen
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 196
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow) Empty Re: Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow)

Post by The Black Arrow October 5th 2011, 10:44 am

’Sector Six, eh..?’ The Black Arrow thought to himself. Even though he didn’t know too much about the organization, it explained where she received her training, and why she was looking out for terrorist interest, which was good enough reason for Arrow to stay and help. It’s not like he was doing much heroics standing on top of sky scrapers anyway. As Natalia went on to answer the phantom’s question, she made sure that her target was still in the building. She saw his car in the parking lot, which meant he hadn’t left yet, but if they didn’t move quickly, one of his guards would tip him off about the break in. So The Black Arrow followed behind Natalia as she ran forward to an approaching sound. She used her impressive skills to do a hand-spring off of a cart, onto the lone guard’s neck. Then she slammed him to the floor, knocking him out cold, and silently. But they weren’t stealthily enough; moments later the buildings alarm system started going off. A loud siren and flashing red lights filled the room as the situation got worse. The Black Arrow reached his hand out the Natalia to help her up, as he looked around the room to make sure there were no more guards. ”Right. His guards will expect us to move straight through the middle like we’ve been, so out best bet is to find a way around through the back. I know these buildings well, and it should have a stairwell towards that back in case of fire.” Arrow continued to examine the room. To his left there was a hallway that led to the lobby and the elevator. To his right there’re a few closets and storage rooms, and at the very end, the stairwell. ”Hurry, this way. More guards will be here any second.” The Black Arrow said as he started to move down the hall. Once they got inside the stairwell, Arrow looked back down the hall for a split second. Over the alarm siren, he could hear a horde guards marching their way. He silently shut the door, and turned back around, looking up at the several flights of stairs. ”Hm.” He then turned back to Natalia. ”Guess we should get moving; he’s waiting for us.”

The Black Arrow's application,
and Experience[color=black].[/color
Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow) Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
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Number of posts : 647
Location : With seventy two virgins
Age : 28
Job : Terrorist
Humor : Terrorism
Registration date : 2011-01-03

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Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow) Empty Re: Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow)

Post by Mockingbird October 5th 2011, 11:57 am

"All right." Natalia said as The Black Arrow lead her through the building to the fire escape. "I've tried to get him before, he's a coward. We don't have long, he'll start packing." She said as she began to run up the stairwell, "Fourth Floor." She said as she ran up the stairwell. She pulled out her Glock pistol and checked to make sure it had ammo in it. She didn't kill but it was good for a bit of intimidation. She burst through the door between the stairwell and the hallway. Running towards the door with his name etched on it. Kicking it open she just found lot's of computers and open filing cabinets. Peering at a monitor she could see he was a few hallways away running down the front stairwell. "Front stairwell." She said, "He knew we were coming, he's been packing up this whole time." She said, rounding a corner and being met by a guard that was at least a foot and a half taller than her. Knocked onto her back by his fist she said, "You're big. I've seen bigger." Her hand wiping blood from her nose. The man was met by an electrical charge from her Electric pad when he approached the Black Arrow. "Mark? Mark? Mark, god damn it!" Came from the radio on his chest. She slowly made her way to her feet. "Let's get him." She said as a guard rounded the corner looking for his comrade.

Posting Master
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Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow) Empty Re: Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow)

Post by The Black Arrow October 7th 2011, 2:46 pm

The two heroes started running up at stairwell as Natalia informed Arrow about her previous attempts to capture this man. According to her, there was no doubt he would try to run, which meant they didn’t have much time to reach him. The alarm went off less then a minute ago, but there’s no telling how long he’s known about them being here. So Arrow picked up the pace, and the two reached the fourth floor of the stairwell within the minute. When they reached the door back into the main building, Natalia pulled out her glock pistol, and make sure it’s clip was loaded. Then without wasting anymore time they busted through the door and stormed down the hall until they reached a door with his name plate hanging on it. As Natalia kicked open the door, Arrow kept lookout in hallway in case if anymore guards showed up. When she entered the room, he was already gone, but they now an advantage. His office had all the surveillance cameras set up on monitors, and they could clearly see him running through the main stairwell. ”We better start moving then.” He said as they went back into the hallway. They then started running down the hall to get to the stairs, but were delayed when they turned the corner and a large man threw a sucker punch at Natalia. She was knocked down, but that didn’t stop her from throwing an electric pad on the ground in front of him. When he stepped forward to swing at Arrow, he stepped on the pad and electricity surged throughout his body. He stood there being shocked until he was knocked to the ground by Arrow as he lunged forward and kicked the man in the dead center of his torso. While he laid unconscious on the floor, the radio on his chest started going off. This guy was suppose to delay for Natalia and Arrow until the weapons dealer could get away, but he was bested far quicker then he would have hoped for.

While Natalia got back to her feet, Arrow moved down the hall to meet another approaching sound. It was another lone guard, who was easily taken care with a carefully placed punch directly into his gut. He spat, and gasped for air as he dropped to his knees. Meanwhile The Black Arrow looked back at Natalia. ”Chaise after him, I’m going cut him off...He's not getting away this time.” Those were his last words before he took off and dove out the window at the end of the hall. He broke straight through the glass, and fell a few stories down, before using his cape to drastically decrease his speed enough to safely touch the ground. Landing on knee, The Black Arrow looked up at the double doors in front of him. This was only way to get to the parking lot, and his only chance of escaping. So all The Black Arrow had to do was wait for Natalia to flush him out.

Last edited by The Black Arrow on October 8th 2011, 6:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

The Black Arrow's application,
and Experience[color=black].[/color
Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow) Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
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Mega Poster!

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 647
Location : With seventy two virgins
Age : 28
Job : Terrorist
Humor : Terrorism
Registration date : 2011-01-03

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Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow) Empty Re: Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow)

Post by Mockingbird October 7th 2011, 3:08 pm

"Got it." She said to The Black Arrow as he jumped out the window. Natalia ran for the front stairwell, no guards were blocking her path but they could be heard coming up the stairwell. The exact place she wanted to go. Gripping tightly to the railing of the flight of stairs above she waited until they passed. She dropped silently to the floor as they ran into the hallway. It was obvious by their frustration that they had found their two unconscious ally's. Their footsteps got closer as they returned to the stairwell but he was already down a few flights. She looked back up the stairs to see if they had opened the door, not noticing the incoming guard until she turned. A fist was coming at her so she quickly dropped to the ground and swiped out his legs. The guards were definitely coming down the stairs now that they had heard the commotion. One was quickly met by a foot in their face and the other by his partners fist that missed her. One was knocked out but the other was only grabbing his face for now. She kicked him in his groin so that he keeled over like his friend. "Have a nice night."

She could hear her target's speaking down a few more flights. He was waiting to see if they had caught Black Arrow and her. Dropping down behind him he asked him, "Does this answer your question?" He began to run once more towards the door to the parking lot where The Black Arrow would be waiting for him.

Posting Master
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Registration date : 2011-10-04

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Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow) Empty Re: Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow)

Post by The Black Arrow October 9th 2011, 5:18 am

The Black Arrow stood up from his kneeling position, and waited. In less then a minute, the double doors in front of him shot open, and their target came running out. He stumbled over his own feet while he looked over his shoulder, trying to get away from Natalia. He ran until he bumped into Arrow and fell back onto the ground. Leaning up, their target glared at the hero in front of him. “Hey! No, stay away from m-.” Before he could finish his sentence, The Black Arrow stepped forward and threw a hook punch at the side of his face. The punch instantly spun him around, and knocked him back to the ground and out of consciousness. Arrow then grabbed him by the back of his shirt and lifted him off the ground. ”Good work.” He said as he looked past Natalia into the building. ”We should get out of here; his guards will be right behind you.” The Black Arrow then looked around at his surroundings. There were more then enough buildings around for them to disappear from the guards without a trace, Arrow just waited to follow Natalia. He was holding her prisoner after all.

The Black Arrow's application,
and Experience[color=black].[/color
Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow) Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
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Registration date : 2011-01-03

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Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow) Empty Re: Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow)

Post by Mockingbird October 9th 2011, 11:58 pm

Natalia looked behind her, "Yeah, you're right, let's get out of here." She said, leading him down the road and around the corner to the alley. Empty cans littered the sidewalks as the breeze began to bowl them down the street. The alley was empty besides a small fire on a newspaper, which Natalia stomped out, and her car. She scanned her finger print on the side and the hatch slid open. "Just toss him in there." She said, waiting for him to throw the arms dealer into the back of the Tank/lamborghini hybrid. "That was a lot easier with someone else, usually I don't have back up. Thanks for your help. Do you need a lift?" She asked him as she made her way around the car to the drivers side. "If you ever need me." She said, sliding a small black pager-like item across the hood. "Just click the little button on the top and it will alert me on my laptop, cell phone, glasses and my car." She told him, hoping that he would contact her sometime, it was much more fun doing this with someone else who wasn't incompetent like the last one who was with her to catch this same man. He set off the alarm and nearly got them caught. But that was the past and that was unimportant now. "Thanks again."

Posting Master
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Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow) Empty Re: Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow)

Post by The Black Arrow October 10th 2011, 5:01 pm

The Black Arrow gripped tight onto the weapons dealer’s shirt as he started to follow Natalia. They rushed down the road, and over to a dark ally way. It was cold and hidden away. The perfect spot to hide your vehicle in the dead of the night. Arrow admired the vehicle for a moment. It was obliviously specially made, and probably had its own built in arsenal, but that was something to find out another day. Arrow kept his obsession for technology at bay and snapped back into reality. He threw his arm forward and tossed the dealer into the back of her car before looking back at Natalia. ”No problem, glad I could help put another criminal behind bars.” Arrow then looked down at his wrist, and tapped a small, undetectable button. ”I don’t think that’ll be necessary though.” He said as the sound of tires screeching came zooming around the street, followed by The Black Arrow’s personal motorcycle; Red Scarlet pilling into the ally and parking beside her car. Arrow reached across the hood of her car and took the pager she gave to him, and placed it in one of the pouches on his utility-belt. ”Thank you. I like the way you work. You can count on it that the Phantoms will be contact.” The Black Arrow then turned around a jumped into Red Scarlet. ”Cya’ around Natalia.” He said as the top of his motorcycle closed shut, and took off, pilling out of the ally, and down the street again. It was nice to find a fellow hero while out on the job; Arrow seemed to always run into the bad guys, so finding a ally was a nice break.

(Topic end.
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The Black Arrow's application,
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Just a misunderstanding (Closed to The Black Arrow) Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
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Location : With seventy two virgins
Age : 28
Job : Terrorist
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Registration date : 2011-01-03

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