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Resurrection of Crime

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Resurrection of Crime Empty Resurrection of Crime

Post by Dynamic October 15th 2011, 4:12 pm

It was a bright and sunny day in New York City. It was Manhattan to be specific, and the buildings looked nice and stood tall and strong. Birds were flying around singing and cars were coming and going. Manhattan was filled with nice lights and cool restaurants that made it a favorite borough of most. All in all, it was a normal day for New Yorkers...

The only bad thing about that was, that meant everyone was working. Most people wished they could be outside but instead were busy working in their boring offices. At least on a dark, cloudy, rainy day one would be somewhat glad about working as they don't have to be in those terrible weather conditions. But on a bright sunny day, wanting to go out just made work worse. However, a robotic zombie attack would make work even worse, but that never happens...okay, that usually doesn't happen.

Darryl Jones certainly fit into the category of robotic zombie, and he was nothing, if not aggressive. He stood on the top of a building and laughed. He was excited for the exiting demise of the people in an office building across the street. Darryl super stretched his arms and picked up a car on the street, with a passenger, of course. He reeled his arms and the car in and held it in front of him. "Thanks for the loan..." Darryl said in a creepy, horror movie voice. He then proceeded to throw the car straight into the building. After seeing the hole in the wall and the destruction, he ran and jumped into the hole in the building, followed by police and paramedics.

Darryl Jones, Nano-Zombie
Resurrection of Crime Darryl
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 204
Location : –noun 1. a place of settlement, activity, or residence: This town is a good location for a young doctor
Job : The job you just lost
Humor : "Are you butt dialing, becuase I swear that ass is calling me!"
Registration date : 2011-04-09

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Resurrection of Crime Empty Re: Resurrection of Crime

Post by Crime_Reaper October 31st 2011, 5:53 pm

Crime Reaper had been watching the chaos from atop another office building, via his scoped rifle. He could not get a clear shot of Jones, it was decided that he would jump onto the roof of the office building via the roof of the one he was one.

Agent West communicated with Crime Reaper via telepathy

"Careful Adam, that place is swarming with cops, many of them aware of your reputation.

Crime Reaper
"What about that stretchy guy? can you get a reading on Him?"

"I dont know what he is capable of, His name is Darryl Jones and he is some kind of Nano-Zombie thats all i can get. His body is filled with nanobites that make it difficult for my telepathy. Approach with caution.

Crime Reaper
"Got it Westie, im going in."

Crime Reaper jumps to the office building roof and enters through the top. He sees many civilians attempting to escape the terror of the Nano-Zombie.

Crime Reaper
"Stay in your offices, I got this."

the office workers look at the Crime Reaper like he is a joke, until he pulls out his Dual glock 18s and switches the selector switch to full auto. All of the office workers stay on the floor.

"He's on the 5th floor, good luck.

The Crime Reaper jumps down the elevator shaft and slides down the steel cables. He stops at floor 5 and kicks the door open. It is there He sees the perp of this slaughter.

Crime Reaper
"Hey Zombie Boy! you wanna pick on somebody? Pick on me!

Crime Reaper pulls out his guns and readys his aim.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2010-11-11

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Resurrection of Crime Empty Re: Resurrection of Crime

Post by Blackburst November 1st 2011, 6:11 pm

Tevin Moses buzzed around the city on his father's motorcycle prototype. His father was a well respected motorcycle engineer, and he had finally began to develop a Bugatti model. The bike was red and black, with two thick, cylindrical wheels at each end. The handle was at each end of the front of the bike, the pedal being at the far end. When riding it, Tevin had to lay on it, sort of flat. The frame hid the motor and all other parts, maintaining the futuristic look most Bugatti models had. As Tevin buzzed in between cars, slowly increasing his speed, he found the handling becoming easier and easier. He remained a blur in the streets of Manhattan.

As he rode, a car appeared in front of him, coming from the right side of him. It was obviously launched and with his current speed, being down the block meant they were only a second away. He looked around him, the cars next to him and behind him too slow to react. A few were beginning to swerve, others screeching as they abused their brakes. Tevin Moses pulled his bike, sliding forcefully on its side underneath the car. As it passed, Tevin could see the screaming face of a young blonde woman, tears streaming from her eyes in an uncontrollable fright. Then she disappeared from his vision, flying into a building as he skidded down to the next block, sparks following his bikes tracks. He reached a stop, his back up on both wheels.

Tevin hopped off his bike, not even bothering to remove his fire red helmet, blazing with streaks of orange and yellow on both sides. The black visor hid his face as he reviewed the damage done to the bike. That side was scarred with scratch marks from the newly tarred road.

“Gosh damnit,” he cried, wary to use the word God. “Who the fuck threw-”

Then he saw the bastard, hopping gleefully into the hole he created. Sirens blared as police were quick to join the scene, attempting to barricade the area and evacuate the surviving citizens. Police men quickly began to swarm into the hole, one that reached up to the third floor from the mere impact of the throw. This was no normal human. Tevin hopped back on his bike, buzzing a good distance away from the hole. The police saw what he was attempting and tried to intervene before he could attempt it. Tevin, however, ignored them, revving his engines as a quick warning. Then he pulled off, the bike standing tall in the air before blasting forward, using a barricade as a ramp. The police scurried away from the lunactic, then stared in wonder as the boy and his bike soared through the air, disappearing towards the top of the hole where the third floor must have been.

Tevin Moses slammed through the cubicles of many screaming workers. They were all crowding an elevator shaft, attempting to escape quickly. It was a shame to see how dependant man was on technology, afraid to try the stairs. Tevin hopped off his bike, it being too stuck between the small workspace to even be shifted. He scrambled up the stairs, passing a few civilians smart enough to try the stairs. He reached the fifth floor and heard more screams, the monster who threw the car at him terrorizing new victims. Tevin hurried forward, slamming into him with a dropkick. The warrior flew back into the wall, losing his grip on an old man.

“That was for my bike, asshole. Now the next one is for the poor lady you murdered!” he cried at the figure in the dust, his eyes flaring with anger.

Normal State

Resurrection of Crime 11r4olu

Monster State


Nightmare State


Beast State


Demon state


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 7
Registration date : 2011-10-30

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Resurrection of Crime Empty Re: Resurrection of Crime

Post by Dynamic November 1st 2011, 8:54 pm

Darryl was enjoying the bit of destruction he caused; being evil was just too much fun. It wasn't his fault that people now a days can't stand up for themselves. When Darryl was living and didn't have powers, he easily stood up for himself. This was one of the reasons why he participated in senseless killing...these humans had to be taught a lesson. Well, that and the fun of it and knowing that he was the strongest being on Earth.

Darryl's incredibly slow thought process was broken when a man came down the elevator shaft telling him to fight him and armed with guns. Darryl only smiled at the man, while turning his hands into sharp axes. Darryl has once heard that actions speak louder than words, and he was using that now. He was almost ready to charge when he was dropped kick from behind. He was sent back a bit, although he felt virtually nothing.

Darryl was confident. Not even two brave men could stop him, not an army as far as he was concerned. He quickly changed his hands from ax to hammer, and stretched his arm, trying to strike the man who drop kicked him. Darryl's viciousness was similar to that of common movie zombies, but he also had speed, able to run up to 150 MPH, not that he knew that himself. He dashed towards the man with the guns and tried to land a punch on him.

Darryl Jones, Nano-Zombie
Resurrection of Crime Darryl
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 204
Location : –noun 1. a place of settlement, activity, or residence: This town is a good location for a young doctor
Job : The job you just lost
Humor : "Are you butt dialing, becuase I swear that ass is calling me!"
Registration date : 2011-04-09

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Resurrection of Crime Empty Re: Resurrection of Crime

Post by Crime_Reaper November 2nd 2011, 1:33 am

Crime Reaper saw the man with the weapons for hands rushing twoards him and squeezed off a couple rounds before being smashed through the wall, he had never been more thankful for his accelerated healing factor.
Crime Reaper stood up and brushed himself off, he snapped his broken arm (which had bent the opposite way at the elbow) back into place as it healed.

Crime Reaper
"Okay, Ive never seen that before."

The Crime Reaper pulled out his Smith and Wesson 500, a rather large revolver that could turn a whole large watermelon into nothing but goo, let alone a human head. He proceded back into the hole that Darryl Jones had helped to make. He was suprised by this random guy who had just entered the building.

Crime Reaper
"Hey man, you gonna be able to handle yourself? because i cannot risk my ass if your about to get ripped to shreds."

Crime Reaper awaited an answer from his supposed ally. thinking to himself "They do say all the fucked up shit shows up in NYC, lets see how I do."

Last edited by Crime_Reaper on November 5th 2011, 8:43 pm; edited 2 times in total

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2010-11-11

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Resurrection of Crime Empty Re: Resurrection of Crime

Post by Blackburst November 2nd 2011, 4:20 pm

The hammer came quicker than he expected, quicker than he could even see. It plummeted deep into his gut, blood and spit gushing from his mouth. Flying back, he slammed into the white plastered walls of the office, lying in the newly made hole as the hammer-fist retracted. Tevin wiped the remaining mixture of blood and spit off his mouth, removing the helmet.

"All right, asshole. I'll give you that one. Wait, where'd he go?"

The undead monster had already moved on to a new target, one firing guns at the seemingly unphased creature. Tevin face scrunched up in anger, his brows furrowing until they were practically touching each other. He hopped out the hole, and dusted off his jacket. Looking around, he realized alll the civilians had finally evacuated. It was just him, the creature, and the, now entering, gunslinger.

"Hey man, you gonna be able to handle yourself? because i cannot risk my ass if your about to get ripped to shreds." The man asked to the mess of a human known as Tevin Moses.

"I'll be fine, as long as I get the last hit on this bastard. It's been a long time since I got a real challenge."

Turning to the zombified and bestial creature, Tevin cracked his knuckles. He charged forward.

"Now, let's see how you handle a real fist fight."

He smashed his fist in the creature's stomach, following with a quick uppercut. The creature's head shifted up, but he showed no signs of pain. Tevin took a few more jabs at his stomach, before the creature decided it was time to rid himself of this nuisance. He tried to swing a fist at him, but this time Tevin was able to see it. It was too fast to dodge, so he took the impact with his body. Grabbing the fist as he did. With a quick hop and spin of the arm, he found himself behind the creature, kicking out its knees. The creature fell to its knees, immobile, as it hand was held behind its back.

"Fire with full force. Trust me, I'll be fine. I got a pretty durable meat shield."

He closed his eyes, waiting for the impact, knowing this man was not one to hesitate.

Normal State

Resurrection of Crime 11r4olu

Monster State


Nightmare State


Beast State


Demon state


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 7
Registration date : 2011-10-30

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Resurrection of Crime Empty Re: Resurrection of Crime

Post by Dynamic November 4th 2011, 9:04 pm

Darryl was hit somewhat hard by that man he punched before. It wasn't that it hurt, but that it was a nice series of hits that brought him to his knees, despite his much higher physical strength. He heard the man behind him saying something about shooting at him. "No problem" Darryl said in his terrible, screechy zombie voice. He had guns appear on his shoulder facing backwards, and then shot them at the man behind him. To display his skills and freakishness, Darryl decided to turn his belly into a giant mouth, and proceeded to laugh.

Darryl Jones, Nano-Zombie
Resurrection of Crime Darryl
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 204
Location : –noun 1. a place of settlement, activity, or residence: This town is a good location for a young doctor
Job : The job you just lost
Humor : "Are you butt dialing, becuase I swear that ass is calling me!"
Registration date : 2011-04-09

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Resurrection of Crime Empty Re: Resurrection of Crime

Post by Crime_Reaper November 9th 2011, 2:08 am

Crime Reaper was hit by the flurry of bullets that Darryl Jones had fired at him. The Impact sent him into a conrete wall, stunning him for a second while his body pushed the bullets out of his wounds and healed them.

Crime Reaper
"Aw man,you always forget how much bullets hurt when your the one putting them into people, but i have a little present for this freak, hopefully this super hero guy can hold him long enough for me to prime this."

Crime Reaper reached into his coat and pulled out a thermite grenade, it was crudly made but could defenatly torch the whole building. But thats not what he was going for. He watched Tevin battle the Nano Zombie, realizing he could not go up and tell him his plan directly for obvious reasons.

Crime Reaper
"Hey, Westie im gonna need you to make a brain call for me?, Tell Hero Man over here that he needs to hold off this guy for a little bit while i run to the basement. Im gonna thermite the gasline to cause an explosion. Buildings like this have big enough gas lines to cause a big enough explosion right?"

"Yeah you will cause quite a commotion, maybe even blow the whole fucking building, you have to blow the pilot light out and let the place fill up for a few minutes. . I really wish you could reconsider, but i know you cant. Il tell Tevin Moses right away."

Crime Reaper ran out the door to the basement to place the bomb.

Agent West
"Tevin, do not be alarmed. This is Agent West of the Illuminati speaking. I am using telepathy to communicate with you. My friend the Crime Reaper is going to blow the building with a thermite bomb. You need to hold off Darryl Jones for a couple of minutes, will you cooperate?


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2010-11-11

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Resurrection of Crime Empty Re: Resurrection of Crime

Post by Blackburst November 14th 2011, 12:01 pm

"Yeah, I hear you. I would handle the guy myself, but help is always welcomed." Moses said aloud. "Anyway, let's do this. No guns. No weapons zombie-freak? Let's fight like real men. Fists to fists!"

Then Moses charged towards the grotesque creature, holding up his defenses as he prepared for the fight of his life.

Normal State

Resurrection of Crime 11r4olu

Monster State


Nightmare State


Beast State


Demon state


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 7
Registration date : 2011-10-30

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