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Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only)

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Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only) Empty Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only)

Post by The Bolt August 20th 2011, 11:53 pm

John cursed silently to himself, as he glared at the man he had been forced into a fight with. Mostly because he had caught him killing a little girl, which was not a pretty sight at all. he could still feel his stomach turn at the memory of it. John would make the guy pay dearly, though he wished that these Phantom guys were here to deal with villains like him. Afterall he was not the fighting type really. Granted he did have the fighting skill to do this, as well as some experience in it. Though he didn't have perfect mastery. John actually didn't even want to be in a fight like this really, it ruined his vacation altogether.

First he remembered meetign this odd girl with an interesting power,then he was attacked by a vampire, now this. Did the universe feel like screwing up his life? Though the answer was obvious. He even had his favorite shirt on, the one with a picture of a banana. Khaki colred shorts, woth slightly frayed edges. Brown hair made in a messy way, though his black eyes were squinted in annoyance. " Damn why did this have to happen today?" John cursed to himself. As his power activated, forming small daggers of ice around him. Twirling in the air in graceful patterns, all at full sharpness. With a thought he sent them full speed at the guy, all aimed only to cripple him. So only at his legs, and arms. John didn't plan to let him get away, he would let the police deal with him after he did. Though first would be the punishment.
The Bolt
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Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only) Empty Re: Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich August 21st 2011, 12:24 am

There he was on a roof over looking the man who was supposiblly going to stop him. Especially after the sweet daughter he just stole from some random mother on the ground. Coronel thought he could still hear the woman crying in pain from the loss of her sweetest possesion. He looked at the man on the oppostie side of him thinking what he was proballiy thinking about himself. Coronel was wearing his usuall clothes over coat, black shirt and black cargo pants in boots. But right now his clothes were stained with all the blood from the girls head.

"So how about we start this before it gets dark, so ready" But after the man was done talking to him self he shot ice crystals at Coronel in a haste to stop him. Seeing this he ran and backflipped through the air and used his powers to rip off the AC units and chunked them at the guy.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
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Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only) Empty Re: Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only)

Post by The Bolt August 21st 2011, 12:32 am

John was all too ready for this, as his body moved. Muscles tensing as he saw the unit being thrown at him, making a small step with ice, that he used as leverage to jump over the weapon. the metallic projectile barely scraping the bottom of his shoe. Though that was too much really. he would have to out this guy to justice, and quickly. " Don't worry, i'll finish this quickly." John said in an annoyed tone, fist's clenching tightly. As more ice formed from the air, condensing into a chain whip, that split off into small, sharp segments. that flitted around him like small insects, though they were larger than most bugs. At a high speed they all rushed at him, without any warning. As John took a stance ready incase the guy had a conuter attack, he would need to be ready. This guy seemed to have a deadly ability, and he wouldn't want to let it connect.
The Bolt
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Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only) Empty Re: Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich August 21st 2011, 12:46 am

With the chain of ice headed toward him he stood completlly still as he pushed the roof around him causing a small hole to open up that he fell through. He landed on the next floor with civilians all around watching him come from the roof that was once had no problems with. Unown what the ice chains could do he did not haste for the effort to fing out and emidiatly put both hands up toward the roof. "Hey guess what i will now blow the roof off; litterally". The air around his hands condensed and started vibrating at a burning pace. He used his power and pushed on the edges of the roof going from the sides to the middle giving enough strength to send the guy hurrling toward the streets of Chicago.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
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Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only) Empty Re: Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only)

Post by The Bolt August 21st 2011, 12:55 am

John only had a second to react as he felt the roof buck under him. Quickly using his power as he felt himself thrown from the roof, air whistling past his ears pretty fast. though it was not too fast, as he tried to get his ice chain back to him. Which worked well enough, people on the street level looking up at the falling man. Quickly he had the chain stab into the side of the building deeply, as he swung hard against the building side. though it wasn't hard enough to do any damage. Though eh felt as if he would have a bruise from it, not that bad really. John saw a nearby window to the building, slowly, but surely pulling himself up to the glass window. Slamming a foot into it, as he jumped through it, landing shakily on the floor. "That could've went better."Then he hard the screams of people not too far in the building, which he followed. Till he found some people, as well as the guy. Of course the roof was seriously fucked up, and there were chunks of it on the floor. " Can't you villains just like take a day off? It's seriosuly annoying." John complained, crossing his arms as he prepared if the guy attacked again.
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
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Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only) Empty Re: Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich August 21st 2011, 1:09 am

"NO we never take breaks now that i think about it, any who!" Coronel got a sick and twisted yet hillarious thought in his head. This one the guy will never see coming. He knew only three things right now: 1 there was a busted window behind the guy, 2 he is probally prepared for a counter, and three can he catch the falling civilian.

In a hurry he emediatley pointed at the man in front of him then "PUSH" a woman flew out the window and begun to drop at a impressive speed and in the second he also threw another civilian at the guy as a weapon to nock him back or off his feet. He stood there, "You catch or they all die." He thought about probally splitting the man apart once he ran and jumped out the window to save the falling bystandard.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
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Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only) Empty Re: Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only)

Post by The Bolt August 21st 2011, 1:21 am

Cursing, john preped himself, as he caught the man quickly, or so he would like to have done. instead he was knocked off his feet onto his back. A sharp pain shooting through the back of his head, as a flash of red shot through his vision. Though he felt a warm body over his. It felt familar, but he couldn't quite place it. Eyes openign to see the guy laying on top of him, face only about a few inches from his. A deep blush coming across his face, which didn't seem out of place. "Well, this is unexpected." John muttered to himself, eyes meeting the guys. Slowly pushing the guy off, he seemed pretty unharmed. Which was good, the guy seemed to be blushing. The guy smiled, looking down noticably at John's lap. "Thank you hero." he smiled rubbing the back of his head, which made John smirk. "Well i've got a villain to beat the shit out of, talk to you later." John winked, quickly telling the guy a phone number, which he added to his contacts. So John floowed after where he saw the guy head off to. Unsure what he had planned next.
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only) Empty Re: Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich August 21st 2011, 1:45 am

Hearing the irritating screams from the falling woman he decided not to let the hero save her,"PULL"He said the words out loud and she began to start pulling together in a small ball.Then everything spead up and she emediatley implouded and the parts from her lush and smooth body began raining down on the streets. It was almost as if she had been ripped through the propellers of a jet engine. But it was not all over as Coronel said push and emediatley a 250ish pound man was sent flying throught the air at the hero.

While he was buissy with that Coronel emediatley slapped the floor and started pushing on the support beams attempting to make the building fall but the hero would atleast be able to save some people only if he wanted to. But what people would he save from the escrutiating pain that may come from them being under rubble or being im pailed or belimbed by objects of the everyday office. But first before this happened his power had a 2 second delay before the support pillar actually took damage.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Registration date : 2011-04-22

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Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only) Empty Re: Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only)

Post by The Bolt August 21st 2011, 1:55 am

Johns stomach turned at the gruesome display, almost throwing up at the sight of guts being strewn. As he fell to his kness, dry heaing, mostly because he hadn't eaten yet. The guy runnign over to him, holding his shoulder, as water collected along the edges of his eyes. He was unable to save another person, not good at all. "No, i'm fine." John waved the man off as he felt the building slowly begin to shakle. this was just getting shittier. Though he felt a weight press hard against him, he barely had time to redirect it. As a sharp pain went through his side, most likely a cracked rib. As he pushed the man off him in time to avoid a broken bone. Though he felt thre building shake lightly, John knowing what would happen yet. So he quickly looked around, eyes alert. "he's trying to bring down the whole damn building isn't he!?" So he tried to have all the others come close enough so he could shield them with an ice wall. he was hoping that he could do more with his injured rib, though at least it wasn't as bad as if he were drunk.
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only) Empty Re: Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich August 21st 2011, 2:16 am

After cncentraiting on one point of the support beam it finally bent and snapped in half. He stood up and whipped off the little sweat that was on his forehead. He looked over to his side and seen the ice sphere enclosing the from danger. He knew he had to get out so he emdiatley pressed down in a kneeling position and lunged of toward the broken window wich was big enough for him to easily jump through. He jumped and used his power to push him self away from the building so no falling debris would get in his way.

He basically flew through the air until he landed on another roof of a building. He turned just to watch the building colapse under its own weight. The building started to hit the ground from the middle out and it would most likely pull the ice sphere to the middle submerging it in the debris and junk from the building. He stayed for the show to see if the guy actually survived the fall and crap from colapsing on top of him. He only thought how it might have broken through the shield and killed the people. But he could not get that happy yet he had to make sure.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
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Registration date : 2011-04-22

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Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only) Empty Re: Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only)

Post by The Bolt August 21st 2011, 2:57 am

First was the feelign of himself falling that triggered the reaction, as cold ice enveloped them. creating a powerful sphere around them. Well most of the people, though some of the floor was stuck in with ti as well. Everyone screamed as they hit the durable roof, but no one was hurt. John quickly brought the bottom of the sphere closer to stop from major damage of them hitting the floor. though he felt slightly dizzy from the shock, as well as more sore ribs." Can't I ever get a damn break?!?" John cursed loudly to himself, though at least thw cute guy was okay. That was all that mattered really to his mind at the moment, as the guys blue eues looked into his. the other groaning in pain. Ice sphere splitting open, as they walked out weakly, though the guy stayed close to him. A small trickle of blood going down John's forehead, runnign across his lips, as he tasted the mettalic taste of blood. Guy helping him stay steady, as John regained his bearings. "Thanks guy" john said with a warm smile, as he felt himself flush slightly. Now he would hunt that villain down. Eye drifting over to where he saw Coronel, this time he would have to go for the kill. Even if he didn't want to.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
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Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only) Empty Re: Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich August 21st 2011, 3:16 am

He had seen that the people in the sphere had survived with was even better now he could watch his powers rip out and break every organ to bone in there body. He started with the fat man because he would have more blood given his weight. His blood would spew all over the people who were in the sphere. He jumped down running on the side of the building and then pulled concrete from the ground as a slope. he slid on it till he came to a holt on the ground. Everone was running in fear do to the thought of it being a bomb that destroyed the building. He reached out to were the fat man layed and he said both of his favorite words PULL and PUSH. The man began to pull inward collapsing ontop of it self and then when it hit a point it began pushing out ward till it popped like a baloon sending blood, meat,bone, and ripped clothes every were.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only) Empty Re: Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only)

Post by XxRedxX August 21st 2011, 2:23 pm

((I asked yesterday and was given permission to join))

The streets ran red with blood as a battle between two super beings erupted into a violent murder spree across the crime ladened streets of Chicago. Following the police reports as they came in, Noah tracked the insanity which seemed to have lead to multiple innocent lives being lost. Noah speed past police barricades upon a modified Honda Intercepter with an electric blue finish specially equiped for high speed tracking. "Violet is occupied with at the docks with a drug smuggling operation. She will be unable to assist you." AIVAS warned Noah, knowing full well that his opponant was far from the common thug or criminal.

"Send the H-1 to to assist her and when they've finished their job there they can help me out here." Noah order Aivas to relay the information and deploy the Hercules robot to Violets position. They've been working on that case far to long to let it drop just like that. Blue would have to handle this threat on his own.

In the distance Noah could see all of the destruction, a building had just collapsed and people were running for their lives. One man stood out amongst the crowd as he approached what seemed to be an obese man cowarding in fear. Then, it happened, the man exploded into pieces before the other. A look of disgust pasted Noah's face as he speed up his motorcycle towards the target. The man had nobody else around him, given the fact he was the cause of all the problems no body wanted to be near him giving Noah the chance to get a surprise attack. He jumped up from his bike and useing his push power he launched the cycle at his target.

Noah again used his power to prevent himself from falling to hard onto the ground and instantly unhaulstered his LNR Bolter, the clip loaded with shock rounds. Blue would struggle to refrain from killing the vicious murderer but he respected Reds' rules and the power he had given to Noah.

Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only) Picnikcollage
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Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only) Empty Re: Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only)

Post by The Bolt August 21st 2011, 3:03 pm

He stood there with a look of pure disgust for a second, unable to register what he should be feeling at this moment. There was a deep hatred going trough the pit of his stomach, and he couldn't stand it. He wanted to kill this guy so bad he could taste the iron sting of bile in his mouth. This guy had gone too far, and he would not be forgiven. John knew he would get the death sentence anyway, so he could do that for the government. Guy next to him pretty much close to collapse, so scared he could almost faint. John knew he would get in the way if he stayed, and that for some reason worried him. Just made his heart almost sink in his chest at the thought. "Hey guy, I think you should get out now. It won't go well if you just sit there, I don't want you in the crossfire." John whispered to the guy, as his eyes looked over to the murderer. The guy just looked at him half dazed, not good at all. So it was time for a new plan, he pressed his lips to the guys. Mostly causing him to fall on his ass pretty hard. Though that gave him enough clarity to think clearly. " If you want more I suggest you get the hell out of here,i'll cover you from that guys attacks. John said with a smile, as the guy stood up, and ran away as fast as his legs could carry him. John turning to the hero that had arrived, well at least he had some help against this maniac, though the hero may hider him from rendering justice.
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
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Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only) Empty Re: Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich August 21st 2011, 3:35 pm

He stood there listening to the screams of bystandards weaken and looked and seen the over welming anger on the guys face. And suddenly THEY KISSED! What the fuck was this guy thinking. He seen the mortal get up and start running, but he decided that he was a smart guy so he did not kill him because he ran. He seemed smarter than the rest of the dumbasses here who decided to crouch in a corner in soak in tears until the fight stopped. He had decided to kill allof them in a couple of seconds so the hero would not have to hold back. If no one was around to crough and tear just to be in the way the hero could fight at max.

He raised both hands placing them just bellow his heart and right up above his diaphram. He started to pull asmuch air and material into a little ball. He was goiung to push it out as rapid as he could so the objects and the condensed air would completly sever an tear the people who did not decided to run into chunks of mean laying happily on the streets. He started the procedure when the only thing he heard was a big VROOM! sound from an engine. He looked over to his side seeing the bike in the air Being huruled at him. He used what little power pulled to him in the second to push the bike up enogh to send it right over him.

It had flown into a near window of a tall building. He was not worried much about the bike now he only wanted to see the person who through the bike at him. "NOW! This is a problem", He muttered to himself. He could probally hold his own aginst two people but not for a long period.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
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