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Post by Rex April 16th 2011, 10:03 am

Rex looked over at Red and shrugged. "The choice is there's and if they choose to surrender.". Rex watched them leave the plane and tilted it towards the sea and locked it in place before moving to the door and jumped out soaring forward as he landed on the ship causing the front to push down into the water than rise back up a giant shudder flowing through the steel as the Crimson Titan stood up looking at the stunned faces of the Guards. "Surrender and you will be spared fight and you shall die.". The men stared at the Hero in front of them than looked at each other than fired full automatic weapons slamming the bullets into Rex who stood there as the bullets ricocheted off or just dropped to the ground.

Rex pushed off the ground running forward as he slammed into the first three like a Linebacker smashing them against a container as he turned catching two more with a single backhand throwing them overboard. The Justicar leaped onto the container and jumped forward bringing both hands down smashing it into the ship causing a tremor that tilted the entire ship on it's right side. A click was all he heard as a Missile shot at him from a RPG. Rex spun around reaching out and grabbed the missile then threw it back like a football sending a explosion onto the ship. "Surrender or die that is your only options." He yelled to the entire ship his voice booming out.

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Caged (open to two or three more) - Page 3 Empty Re: Caged (open to two or three more)

Post by Terran Lockheart April 17th 2011, 6:24 pm

And so the mission began....

Terran waited for Red to jump out of the plane first, as discussed. The wind raged savagely inside the plane as Terr walked to the door. He took one last look at Rex before making his own leap and said "I have a feeling you will kill all you can, despite the fact that makes you just as much of a villain as the rest on the boat. Remember, not everyone on that thing is a criminal, some are just normal people doing their job...and you don't car," With that Terran leaped out of the plane and was soaring through the sky.

Attaching himself properly to the holds on the glider, Terran willed the wind around him to allow him to soar through the sky, gliding close to Red. HE had to keep the wind focused on his glider as well, and so he did, making it so they could both fly low to the water, away from being seen in the sky. It was easy to use the wind for gliding, better then a damn parachute.

As they approached the boat Terran held his hand toward the boat. Unlike the wind, which was all around him, Terran found it easier to focus on a single target by aiming his hand. Silently the metal shifted, bent, and contorted itself into an an opening in the hull of the ship. Terran then aimed the wind to send both Red and Terran straight into the hole.

Right before Terran himself went into the opening, he let go of his glider, not wanting to bring it with him as it was just a pain in the ass. He managed to make it in the hole and to a safety roll onto his feat. No sooner did he land he heard gun fire from the top of the boat. Rex was being Rex, which was a pain in the ass. Waving his hand at the opening, the hull of the ship returned to normal. Looking at Red, Terran said:

"Well, I dont know what you had expected to happen from hear. I look at it this way, you are the most vulnerable out of all of us, which is not meant as an insult. Rex is just some over powered super mutant, and I am a Terran with the ability to manipulate the world around me. I shall let you lead the way, and cover you the whole way. This way, if someone gets hurt, it will be me, not you, assuming anyone gets hurt at all."

With a quick breath Terran held out his and, a black sphere of energy was inside of it, though it seemed sinister. It was almost like smoke, yet it had an aura of solidity to it. "This energy here is what I get when I draw it from those on this boat. It is evil, negative energy, and I have a bad reaction to that. If I ever tell you to stay away from, it is a warning. You do not want to be near me when that happens."

Closing his hand, the sphere dispersed with a silent poof. "For now, let us get on with the mission. Lead the way Red one, for you also will be proving something to me." it was not something Terran was going to say aou loud, but he had a theory about Red. This mission could possibly prove the theory, or toss it aside. Only time would tell.
Terran Lockheart

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Caged (open to two or three more) - Page 3 Empty Re: Caged (open to two or three more)

Post by XxRedxX April 18th 2011, 7:38 am

Red allowed Terran to enter the ship first through the entrance the man created with his mystical powers. Shortly after Terrans' glider was out of the way Connor let go of his own and landed inside performing a flawless safety roll. While Terran spoke Red activated the thermal vision on his sunglassess and looked around. "Give me a second to access our situation, it sounds like Rex has already started his help me if he..."

People were scrambling above and below them but at that moment nobody was outside their door. Connor turned the latch of the door and entered the hall way. "They are deeper below, hidden amongst the cargo and heavily guarded." Suddenly Red bolted towards a set of stairs just as a man came running down packing an AK-47, before he realized it Connor had grabbed the gun from his hands and flipped him forward into the wall causing the thug to drop onto his head. Red then performed a finishing blow to the mans face, possibly breaking his nose but he would recover. As quickly as he took out the thug Connor pulled the AK-47 apart and tossed the parts underneath the staircase where he then dragged the thug.

Using some of the steel cable from his grappling hook, Connor tied the man and tore a piece of cloth from the thugs shirt to tie around his mouth. Red looked up at the 'T' crossing down the hall further and signaled Terran with two fingers indicating more were coming. Connor reached into his belt and pulled out a throwing disk, placing his faith in Terran that he would take out the other. The first one rounded the corner, and Connor let his disk fly into the hands of the gunman forcing him to drop his gun. The next move would be Terrans.


Chaos on deck ensued as the cowardly turned tail to run for their lives, while the brave more experienced Triad thugs began to open fire with armor piercing rounds. From steering room a toned, tatooed Triad member watched with a grin as he pulled out his cellphone. In chinese he spoke, "Send in the Razors." With that, he disappeared to go prepare the 'last stand' as he would call it down in the cargo bay.

A door underneath that ground opened and from within came three robots which resembled wolves the size of a mini-van. Their eyes glew yellow as they starred down their target, Rex, and soon their laser sharpened claws began to vibrate. These were designed to take out heros, but were meerly a distraction to buy more time for the tatooed man.

((Rex, these are for you to fight because i figured in a world full of super heros the Triads would have something to counter them besides rocket launchers. They are fast, and have very sharp claws meant to cut through most of everything. I suppose you control them and destroy them but my challenge to you is to make it not so easy.))
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Post by Rex April 21st 2011, 6:13 pm

Rex looked over at he Machines and tilted his head before leaning against a Container. "Well hello there and what are you?" The lead one growled and leaped his voice sounding like a Harley Davidson motor. Rex jumped back as it landed but it's front claw scored a cut down his leg which healed up. Rex shook his head and chuckled wondering who the Triad bought these little beauties from. The second one jumped forward opening it's jaws and prepared to latch onto Rex's flesh. However the Justicar ducked under the machine and grabbed it by it's tail and smashed it against the hard metal ship. He brought it up smashing it once, twice, three times before the leader leaped and was caught upside the head by it's brethren which Rex was now using as a club.

Rex swung it around grabbing the head and tail and pulled his muscles bulging out as a loud tearing noise like a Car being ripped apart resounded through the ship as he tore the creature in half and threw it over the ship. The third one had snuck up and leaping forward sunk his jaws into Rex's leg making him scream in pain. He turned his head and brought his fist down smashing in the left eye than crushing it down on the back of the skull which made the teeth clamp down harder. Rex Reached down grabbing the jaws and pried it's mouth open. The tail swung around smacking Rex in the face causing him to stumble back as it leaped onto his chest sinking it's lethal claws into his chest. Rex screamed again than drove his own head forward crushing in the Machines face causing it to stumble. He grabbed The Razors head and wrapped his legs around the Machines torso and twisting the head it crunched and snapped off. This too was sent sailing over the side except for one part.

Rex waited a smile on his face as the last razor moved in behind him, It had taken a elevated position on top of the crates and leaping down it aimed it's jaws for Rex's neck right behind the skull. Rex stepped back and turned bringing up one of the claws that easily tore through the last machine from snout down to the center of it's back. Rex picked up the last machine and threw it over board and reached down glad to see his healing had already taken care of the wounds. He turned his sights on the lower decks wondering how Red and Terran were doing.

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Caged (open to two or three more) - Page 3 Empty Re: Caged (open to two or three more)

Post by Terran Lockheart April 27th 2011, 9:38 pm

Red had paid attention to Terran, at least, that is what it seemed like. The man had been doing something with his glasses and then ran towards a staircase. What did those glasses see? Were they able to see through things> See auras? Thermal vision? With modern technology today, anything was possible. Terran had proved that before when he made a sword similar to a light saber from the star wars movies by using his energy skills to make a generator that produced a blade. Ingenious really.

Those things aside, Red jumped a guard, dismantled his gum, tied him up, and then was on his way. Red had some serious skills, which was good to see. Though right away the man was running off again to get to a a t-ed off section where two more armed gunmans were on there way. Red aimed a projectile to hit the one mans gun, sending it off into the air and onto the floor. Just to be sure that the person did not try and pick up the gun, Terran aimed a super heated plasma sphere that he manifested at the gun, launched it, and left the gun a searing pile of melted goo.

This was when the other gun man aimed and fired a series of shots right at Terran. With a smile he held up his hand, using his levitation skills, he caught all sixteen shots that were fired at him. The bullets then dropped to the ground as Terran aimed his other hand, sending a bolt of lightning into the chest of the gunman, sending him back into the wall, unconscious, but not dead. Terran made sure that he controlled how much voltage he put out, so it would be effective, but not lethal, showing he was in control of his powers, and not the other way around.

Now the other thug was still functioning, and they could not have that now could they. With a flick og his wrist Terran sent a compressed sphere of air at the thug. This compressed sphere of air was made of opposing forces, causing a pressure bomb. Upon hitting the person the explosion of air recoiled around his body, sending him into a spiraling motion of pain as he collided with the ceiling then onto the floor. Terran felt bad about that, he did not realize that this would be the outcome of that...he needed to be more careful.

Aproaching Red then Terran added "You have fast reflexes and great skill for a human..." he left those words hanging in the air "Also, I told you I have your back, Loyalty above life." closing his eyes Terran let his body feel for energy sources, aka people, and felt that there were no more guards...yet. Most of them went upstairs to see the commotion. "there is a group of people down the left corridor, but it is not the same energy I felt before, they are much weaker, not sure who they are. Down the right corridor there is a powerful energy source that makes me sick thinking about it, definitely not human. I think that would be the secret weapon on this boat. "
Terran Lockheart

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Post by XxRedxX May 1st 2011, 2:50 pm

Just as Red had hoped, Terran acted with him taking out the other armed guards in combination with Reds' initial surprise attack. Rex has his purposes, but he and Red were to different to properly work as a team but Terran seemed more human which had both its advantages and disadvantages.

Terran demonstrated another abilitiy of his which allowed him to sense energies of the people on the ship. He had located the woman, and stated that the last of the guards have began making their way up to fight Rex. "Let secure the woman first and we'll worry about the secret weapon later. We can't risk them taking the woman and using them as human shields against Rex." Red ran down the corridor, trusting in Terrans' sensing ability and following his directions until finally they reached a lower storage area.

Most of the cargo was wooden crates, but by switching his shades over to thermal he was able to locate several cages hidden in the back. The women were curled up in seperate cages. They were scaried, hungry, and looked to have been beaten a few times but were intact. They were, after all, suppose to be sold as a quality product.

"Don't be scared, I'm here to help you. You can call me Red, and this man here is Terran." One of the women looked up, and Red followed where she was looking. It was to late, as Red felt the smashing blow of a foot come across his face what normally would only send him down to the ground sent him tumbling backwards as if hit by a car. His shades were shattered , pieces of glass and electronics leading a trail to where Reds' motionless body laid still for a moment.

From the shadows, two Razors lept out to attack Terran with their claws. This was not the enemy the man had expected to encounter but he was more than prepared to take them down. While Terran would be distracted by the two Razors, Triad (we will call him) leapt up into the air aiming to deliver a finishing blow to Red.

Connor... a voice echoed, sounding close but distant at the same time. Get up man Connor opened his eyes, the dim lights making his green eyes shimmer in the darkness as his vision began to clear itself. The voice was in his head, and it was that of his brother who had always encouraged him to never give up. MOVE CONNOR! Just barely in time Red rolled to the side avoided the smashing blow which dented the steel floor. Flesh was torn from the mans fist revealing steel plated knuckles underneath. "Some sort of robot, thats why me and Terran didn't detect them."

Red was thinking out loud, but he didn't have time as Triad went to kick Connor in the side. He blocked with his wrist-top computer, smashing it and forcing Red to roll in the direction he was kicked to avoid any further damage. Pain surging through his arm as he reached for throwing discs and threw them into Triad. They pierced his metal body but it wasn't enough to stop him. The Triad was faster, stronger and had a data bank of combat downloaded into his core memory. It pulled one of the throwing discs out of it and threw it at Red, who narrowly dodged it only recieving a cut to his cheek.

The Triad was far from finished attacking him for it was already on top of him ready to insert its fist into Red with a jab. By that time, Connor had already drew his LNR taser and placed it against the open cut in its armor. The outer shell had protection against eletrical shock but the cut was just large enough than when Connor pulled the trigger it fried the circuits of the robot. It collapsed on the ground, and was frozen solid like a rock. "Terran!" Red called out, looking for his comrade hoping he was alright, quickly reloading his taser for a second shot in case something else showed up.

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Post by Terran Lockheart June 12th 2011, 6:47 pm

And so the fight continued. While some combat oriented robot began its assault on Red, Terran dealt with two sedan sized metal wolves, fun. Terran first needed a way to analyze the creatures in front of him. Vibrating claws, interesting tactic. Terran already found a way to improve these creatures ten fold. The plate mail style for its armor allowed it to keep its mobility, but left openings in the arm for well placed...bolts of lightning...Terran smiled with that. He would make his own Razor when he got to a lab, one with out that armor fail.

So then they lunged, both Razors. Terran ducked and rolled forward, dodging the initial leap of the metal foes, then turned around and shot a bolt of lightning, though it missed the plate opening, and simply knocked the one down. It stood back up after a few seconds. Frown on his face, Terran worked on creating a plasma bolt in his hands, and tossed it at the the second Razor, trying to see if he could just obliterate the armor, which it did. a hole now was burned into the side of a Razor.

But that was when things started going downhill. Distracted by the one he just burned, he did not keep track of the second razor, who sank its teeth into Terrans Shoulder. This is when Terran got pissed. Terran, a little over needed, started to draw energy from all the living things on the ship, making his aura black. He needed to keep in control, he needed to not lose to the chaotic energy. With all of this gathered energy Terran placed his not bitten arm against the Razor and laughed. The black energy coated the beast and began to freeze everything on a molecular level by altering the hydrogen and oxygen molecules int he air and inside the creature. Water really is in everything.

The Second Razor, the one with the burn, now started charging at Terran. Terran used his telekinetic powers to rip a bar off of one of the cages and from there smack the frozen beast in the face, shattering the hyper frozen jaw, allowing Terran to roll to safety from the other razor, who proceeded to tackle the frozen Razor, shattering it to bits. Frozen chunks went in all directions, and the air inside the room was still extremely cold from Terran's spell.

Shoulder bleeding, head spinning, and anger rising, Terran was done with this game. He held out his hands and conjured up all of the energy he coulld, making a large floating plasma bolt over his head. "Fuck this!" was all he said before striking down the Razor, who jumped straight into the bolt while trying to tackle Terran...No more Razor, just a pile of melted goo.

Terran heard his name called by Red. He walked over to his partner and levitated the broken fragments of the glasses into his good hand. "They can be fixed, all the parts are still intact. I suggest you use a better pair of glasses for your fram next time." Terran also noticed how Reds wrist top computer was damaged as well. "If you wish to have your wrist top more advanced, I can help with that too, I can make you a chaotic energy source that will basically never die."

"We need to get them women, we also have to probably deal with whatever that large energy source is, which this thing is now stirring. I can sense that Rex is not on the boat anymore, nor are a large portion of the crew that was on the top of the boat. The energy is different around here now, I have a feeling that something from another world caused the plot to change. IT will be a mystery for another time, I suppose. Lets move out."

OOC: Yeah, posted, tried to make it so that we didnt really god mod Rex, just made it seem like "OMG, he is gone". So, yeah, have at Red.
Terran Lockheart

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Caged (open to two or three more) - Page 3 Empty Re: Caged (open to two or three more)

Post by XxRedxX June 27th 2011, 12:09 pm

"Alright, Terran you investigate that energy anomaly." Connor reached into one of his belts pouches and pulled out a communicator. He was saving it to give to Rex, but Terran had more than proofed himself to be able to work effectivly with him. "Take this." Connor pulled out an identical one and nodded, "You've prooven to me to care about what you do and risked your life for these women. That makes you my ally. I like to try and keep in touch with my allies and together i think we can do great things."

Connor picked up one of the razors broken claws and used it to break open the locks to the womans cages. "Follow me to the top of the boat, i'm turning this brig around and taking you back to your families." The women didn't argue, and followed Connor up the corridors to the deck of the boat. "Get inside the mess hall." Red looked around at the bad guys, some dead and other maimed. They would no longer be a threat to them and a reminder to the survivors that some who keep justice keep it hard.

Red then grappled up into the stirring room and started to turn the boat around. "Rex..." Connor looked out the shattered glass of the room, and then followed the trail of broken glass to where a body had landed. "No body deserves to die and the repercussions of your actions will only bring more pain."
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