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Ice Ice Baby.

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Ice Ice Baby. Empty Ice Ice Baby.

Post by Rex February 27th 2011, 4:53 pm

Jack flew over the ground a blur as he ran his arm's flying behind him as his feet thudded on the ground, He bobbed and weaved around cars, people, and buildings and sometimes leaving people and cars frozen solid in Ice now whether they lived or died was not very important to him. Jack leaped into the air placing his hands in front of him and fired a beam of ice and like that he was shooting forward making loops in the air and on the side of buildings as he slid along his eyes alight with power. Jack jumped onto a Building and laid his hands down on it and in a few flashes the entire building was coated in ice, Jack chuckled shaking his head. "Weak fools grow a spine." Jack ran and jumped off the building dive bombing towards the ground before once again making ice with his hands and shot forward.

Jack looked around and everywhere he had been there were people, cars, buildings, equipment frozen, He was walking Liquid Nitrogen embodied and the self proclaimed Jack Frost Embodied. The young kid turned his head and raised his right hand almost lazily and in a instant fired a beam of cold that hit a school and froze the doors and windows under ten inches of frozen ice. Jack looked at the sky and shook his head he didn't like heat for it melted snow. The young man stepped into the street from the sidewalk and where he stood was a thick sheet of ice, He looked to the sky his eyes burning a cold cold blue and clouds rolled in and began to snow. He knew he didn't have control over weather but if it was cold such as Snow, hail, Blizzards he could make them but the stronger the storm the harder to form.

Jack looked around trying to decide what to do next since he really didn't have a plan other than to head North causing as much destruction and Mayhem as he could. Ten inches of ice was not easily broken up and those frozen died within a few minutes, Already he had killed two thousand people from Florida to California and was being reported on the news as a Bizarre phenomenon since he moved so fast and his body alone killed normal humans. Jack walked over and jumped to a sitting position on a car hearing the motor crack under the hood and grinned. "Now what to do what to do, I could keep heading North." Jack sat there looking deep in thought.

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Ice Ice Baby. Empty Re: Ice Ice Baby.

Post by Pain February 27th 2011, 5:14 pm

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