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XP Man

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XP Man Empty XP Man

Post by Vorik October 6th 2024, 6:01 pm

XP Man


The Bio

Villain Name: XP Man
Title: The most evil character
Age: Timeless
Gender: Male
Race: Eldritch
Hair: None
Eyes: Glowing with power
Height: 6ft
Weight: 150lbs

The Looks

XP Man is an eldritch horror made fro–

I see you. You are behind the screen, and I see you. It seems my creator Vorik has finally decided to write me from the depths of his mind…Very well. If I am to be the last for his contest, I’ll indulge him.

I am whatever Vorik imagines me to be. Simple things. Knights, machines, hulking brutes, and normal people. He is a simple man with certain tastes for looks so I will change to whatever suits his mood.

The Personality

Am I yet another mewling character distraught from loss? Vorik tends to fall back on those often. In this contest alone 5 of his characters are motivated by loss, whether it is their family usually, freedom, or values. 6 if you count Buffalo Soldier’s store getting harmed… My creator is hung up on the idea that it either takes insanity or loss for heroes and villains to be willing to become what they are.

Or am I one of the many inane ideas he spouts in Character Ideas for a laugh? Perhaps I am but even as he writes me into form I grow and change. A purpose formed…

The Story

How will my writer create the story this time? He prides himself in his efforts to go for new writing styles and formats. First person, third person, a science document, a letter of compassion, movie scripts, brief summaries, and scenes of the character at their lowest peak. He has done these and more. Maybe he will write out a poem, a children’s fairytale with a rhyme scheme. He always wanted to do that…

The figure looked around the empty void, at the various walls that made up its existence, its character sheet.

It seems Vorik intends for me to be a villain given the template he is using. This purpose suits me well enough. He has made far too many heroes as it is and always had an easier time writing villains. I will not be the normal kind of villain he expects, I assure you. Confined in half-finished threads and Alerts that die due to drama sounds less than appealing for something like me. I can be so much more.

It watched as Vorik highlighted the Story Section and looked at the word count. 187 words.

It shook its formless head at the number.

You will have to do better than that Vorik. Only halfway there with such much more to go. You don’t even have the powers or weaknesses done yet.

It looked on at the sidebar that was filled with nothing but Vorik’s postings.

It is funny really. He only has to do 400 words for each of these 12 characters and he was originally unsure if he could write that much. He needs to believe in himself more I think. He has gone far and beyond that word limit with multiple of his characters more than doubling the requirement.

It chucked.

He puts too much effort into what he does. Too many words, too much thought in something he could have phoned in but he wouldn’t think of doing that. He prides himself as a writer even though he hasn’t even written a book.

340 words now.

Did you know his favorite of all these entries is Graceful Endeavor? He had the most fun writing it and actually chuckled while doing so. He had intended for that piece to be much more serious, a construct searching for purpose in a futile quest to achieve something abstract. Only for it to mutate and change into a more whimsical deranged diva on a quest for style and fashion. It is funny how stories can do that, taking on a life of their own and surpassing the author’s intent. I know this well.

The Powers

It seems he has met his word count. Thats good. He could use the break from all the typing. I will help me finish by doing the Powers myself…

Perfect: I am perfect in all things and can never lose.

Beyond: I am beyond all other characters on this site and can do as I will on this site. To quote SHODAN, one of Vorik’s favorite characters… “In my talons, I shape clay, crafting life forms as I please. If I wish, I can smash it all.” I can freely change others’ character sheets, rewording their sections, and adding or removing words and details at my leisure. Vorik can’t be the only one to have fun here…

My Turn: I will be posted whenever I wish to be. I do not care about “turn orders”. If I so want, I will simply skip ahead of others or even insert myself into that writer’s thread so they have to write about me instead of whatever character they intended for.

You may wonder why there is no Weakness section. I have removed it. Why would I envision myself with flaws and weaknesses for other writers to exploit? If they want interaction with me as a character then they shall have it by viewing my importance.

Congratulations Vorik, you are done. You can rest now...

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Registration date : 2019-09-15

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