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Kade Empty Kade

Post by Fae7 July 20th 2024, 10:34 pm


Meta humans, gods and angels care not for man. Man must learn to cast down such childish things and embrace happiness."

The Bio

Real Name: Kade
Renegade Name: Bringer of joy
Title: Dawn
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Gender: male
Race:Eldirtch horror
Hair: His hair is transparent and has galaxies swirling around in it.
Eyes: purple eyes
Weight:a thousand pounds
Blood type:O type

The Looks

Kade FKQQVb5

The Personality

Kade is a strange one, sometimes he will speak as if the future has already happened. That is usually when he uses his magic to see into the future. This can unnerve some but it happens rarely. Most of the time, he keeps up the appearance of a joyful man that is always happy and can do no wrong. He always has a smile, and will help anyone. However, this is all an act. Inside he is stressed out, lost, lost in what to do in his life. In his daily routine, he meditates upon the truths of reality, then he goes around helping mortals. If one is depressed, he would ask if they want to be happy. Consent is important to Kade. Many gods don't ask mortals for Consent, he will not be like that.

Kade cares not for gods nor their angelic servants. They only care for what mortals can do for them, not what they can do for mortals. So when speaking to a god, he is dismissive almost like talking to someone that is annoying.

The Story

Legend says that there was a woman who was subjected to a bizarre ritual. She was tied up and subjected to the whims of an ancient god and from that forbidden union resulted in a pregnancy. The woman died when she gave birth to this unholy child, half mortal, half god The cult cried out that this will bring in the waking of the great dreamer and other gods. The child grew up in the cult and day by day he became disillusioned by it. The cult saw him as a weapon to bring about the end of things. His father saw him as a way to rule this reality. He had no one, no star man to save me, no sweet Jesus to pray to. If there was any God, it was daddy the deranged, his father. While his father never laid a hand on him, it was clear that he was a tool. However, when the child was an adult, he turned on the cult.

"All is dust." with those words, he ravaged the souls of the cult and destroyed their plans in one night. Their compound disappeared, and nothing was left. No one knows where the child-turned-man is.  Though Kade knew who he was and where he was.  He was on the run, well at least spiritually. He had disobeyed his father and had nowhere to go. There were no aunts or uncles like in the storybooks, none that he would ever go to. His human aunts and uncles would likely see him as a monster, more so these metahumans, definitely any angel, the judgemental bastards. So over the years, he hid in the shadows, and traveled the astral plane, learning more magic from the spirits there and his mentor who was a god of magic. Though his hiding spot was a space in between reality. A void that his father would never search for. While on the run, he helped some humans in their problems. A man was about to take his life, and Kade stopped him and used his power to calm him, and be a ear to all of his problems.  His mother was dying and he had no one in his life, so Kade had a spirit from the astral watch over the man, and  Kade gave him a healing flower to give to his mother.  The flower healed his mother, but Kade had to leave, but he did leave a calling card.

"I will bring a world of compassion."

More years have passed, and Kade set several warlocks he was a patron to. Their mission was to aid in his mission to bring a world of compassion. Each was sad, and hopeless mortals and he offered them a choice. Help him bring a world of compassion and he will fix their problems. The answer was yes and he used his power to get rid of their sadness and empowered them. Over time he watched his followers fight crime and bring in his vision, some died and he made sure to keep their memory alive. This was when he got two of his artifacts, after the death of two of his followers, he found the sword of dreams and the robe from a dead god. With the sword of dreams, he managed to create his realm in the void, a safe haven for himself to get away.

He was now 19, and he found himself as a local guardian of a small town in Ohio. He saved the town from a would-be villain and his gang that wanted to conquer the town. They were nothing but wanna-be warlords. Even if they succeeded, the US would have destroyed them, or any other metahuman. These meta-humans were weird, but they were at least more tolerable than the judgemental angels. Now, he stays in the town and continues to help these humans. He sometimes envies them, they have something he will never have. True happiness and joy replaced any sadness, and terror that they had when the villain known as the Hell Seeker attacked.  It was funny, Kade guides people to a treasure that he will never have.  However, his plan was assured, he must bring people into his vision of a world of compassion.
The Powers

Kade is a powerful eldritch being, and he has several powers.

Eldritch body- He is immune to mundane weapons as an eldritch being. Bullets don't affect him, and if he ever dies, his spirit will go into the dreamlands.  His physical body will be reformed, though it takes some time to return. He has great strength, durability, and speed due to his unique body  type. As a child of an outer god, he does not age and has strong mental defenses on the account that madness may inflict any intruder. His upper strength allows him to lift a car as his limit. Speed-wise, he can be near a car. His durability is higher such as tanking multi-high damaging spells before he starts hurting.

Empathic manipulation- he can control emotions and can create a revolt overnight.  This is not mind control, more so emotional control. He can make people happy despite them feeling complete agony. Other times, he can make lesser minds love him to make sure that there are no problems. There are limitations to this power, at least for now. It is a suggestion rather than him commanding them to be happy, and he is able to affect only 10 people right now and for now, it is an aoe effect.

Eldritch magic mastery- Kade is capable of using eldritch magic. Under this is a list of spells he can do for now.

Spells: Eye of entropy: A gift from his father,  when he activates it, pure uncontrolled entropy surrounds him and anyone that looks in his eyes will see the heat death of the universe and Entropy in its purest form. This is an aura field that would last for a couple minutes as pure entropy will be too much to handle, even for him.

Truth spell- When cast, anyone before him is compelled to tell the truth, basically a truth telling spell.

Eldritch bolt- A simple spell that he will cast in combat. It was one of the first spells that he learned. It is a ranged bolt, and it can be dodged, should be dodged unless someone likes eldritch energy in their bodies.

Patron: Kade can be a patron to mortals and grant them magic. He can make them immortal, change their bodies, and etc. In exchange, he more so or less owns their souls. However,  all he asks is that they use their magic to heal a broken world. He forbids evil acts such as murdering for no reason or dominating others without consent. Going against the contract will cause you to suffer the wrath of Kade. It usually ends with oblivion.

The Weaknesses

Permission based-Regarding other pcs, the Empatic manipulation power is permission-based. It will only work against them if I am given permission.  For everyone else, it is less effective to people with magical defenses or strong willpower.
Feedback: His emotion control can work against him. If you use strong anger when he is using his emotion power on you, he can suffer feedback.
Vulnerable to magic-Kade is vulnerable to magic and it will hurt like hell getting it by it. He is capable of being killed by celestial weapons or those blessed weapons.

Weak to banishment spells- Kade hates banishment spells, his form distorts and reality works against him. It weakens him greatly. If he is not fast enough, he can be banished without a fight. If you know his true name which is insanity inducing then you can do an instant one-time banishment.

PTSD- Kade has ptsd regarding his father, if you mention him, he will freeze up for a couple of seconds or hesitate. This can be used to do quick attacks on him.

The Items

Sword of dreams: The sword of dreams is a deadly weapon that can use the dreams of mortals as attacks. This is a personal thing for him as it reminds him of a fantasy he indulges in, a fantasy where he can be happy. The sword is subject to the collective unconscious and can be weakened by belief.

The grand temple: This is a pocket dimension and where he dwells. Kade is all-powerful here, he can mold the dimension of how he sees. Time flows differently at his whim, or he can destroy it. In the dimension are lush gardens and a continent-sized palace temple. This is where he learns to get away from all of the hate. He can't send people to his realm by force, they must accept his invitation.

Robe of endless memory: The robe is a artifact crafted from some dead god he found. It gives Kade a immunity to time magic and abilities, and it also glows. The robe allows him to travel to different realities so he can visit gods, but it does contain memories. To keep his friends alive, he keeps their memories and souls in the robe. If he takes too many memories, he will overload and take immense psionic damage.
The Minions

The Fluff

Ageless- Kade as the son of an outer god doesn't age nor can he permanently die. His father will never allow it, he will always return.
The RP Sample

Kade looked down at the thousands, no millions that worshiped him in the city of New York. Mortals always had such an interesting display of showing their faith. What he did not like was some were cutting themselves to show their faith. It was not necessary, he was like a death god to demand sacrifices. He wanted them to have something he could no longer have, blissful ignorance of the universe. There were monsters out in the universe. Monsters that would devour all of creation if not for those angels and their gods. He floated down from his throne made of gold that was made from the melted-down jewelry of the city. A voice did ring in his head.

"Souls! Feed me, souls, summon me and I will serve you." It was a servitor, a servant of one of the outer powers. Surely it won't hurt to send some. He opened a portal and a being of insanity entered and began feasting. The People started to run but Kade used his powers to calm them.

"Be calm my friends, he will show you true happiness and free you from your mortal shells. All is well." He needed this vassal to further his goals. The needs of the many outweighed the needs of the few.  While the creature was still finding, Kade used the sigil of Riglo. Chains of eldritch energy bound the creature, and a magic circle surrounded it. It cursed as it pulled its bindings.

"Thank you my friends, your sacrifice has allowed me to gather a gift. This demon will be a battery to give the city power, unlimited power."

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Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2024-07-20

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Kade Empty Re: Kade

Post by inquisitor July 26th 2024, 5:57 pm

Forum Moderator
Forum Moderator

Status :

Quote : Fellas, you can walk out of here on your own two legs, or the EMTs can wheel you out on stretchers. Make the right choice. -Gavin Clough

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 161
Location : Being bouyed by the laughter of podlings.
Age : 34
Job : Warbound
Humor : Not child friendly.
Registration date : 2019-03-30

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