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War and Destruction

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War and Destruction Empty War and Destruction

Post by ProwlerKnight August 5th 2024, 11:37 pm

Athens, Greece

Even for a demigod, taking vacations helped keep the constant stress of the job from getting overwhelming. Dressed in a pair of Khaki shorts, a blue unbuttoned shirt and a black tanktop, Kasondra strolled around the ruins of Parthenon. Her mind flashed back to memories of it’s former glory, when it stood proud, bustling with the priests and worshippers of old. She would come here with her father and pray to her mother, letting her know how she was growing. She felt her eyes well up as she touched a stone pillar, looking up to the sky. “Look how they keep is preserved mother, for all the world to see, and learn of our history...” She smiled. “I will always keep them safe.”  

Suddenly people around her started looking off in the same direction, pointing at something behind her. She turned to see smoke off in the distance, followed by the faint roars of something beastly.  

Kasondra sighed, her vacation being clearly cut short as she rolled her neck and shoulders before leaping off in towards her hotel room. If she was gonna face beasts, she wasn’t going to do it unarmed. She eventually landed on the terrace just outside her hotel room, she used her key to unlock the sliding glass door that lead inside. With her speed, she had changed out of her casual clothes, now donning her armor, spear in hand. “Alright, Mother, looks like I must get to work.” She stepped back out onto the terrace, leaping off towards the smoke.  

Landing and sliding to a stop on the street just outside the perimeter of the smoke, Kasondra gripped her spear as her eyes locked on the massive shadow moving through the smoke towards her.  

Standing at a solid ten feet in height, it’s massive body barely able to fit as it stomped down the narrow street, stood a minotaur. Its eyes locked onto Kasondra as it let out a massive roar, pawing at the street with its hoofed foot.  

It was preparing to charge.  

A grin spread on Kasondras face as she moved into a fighting stance. “Mighty beast, let’s see how mighty...” She beat a fist on her chest. “Come on!!”
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move. Your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth and tell the whole world:

“No, you move.”

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 159
Location : Bangor, ME
Age : 32
Job : CRMA
Humor : Dark, Goofy, Nerdy, pretty much anything
Registration date : 2022-01-29

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War and Destruction Empty Re: War and Destruction

Post by Tiʼamat August 6th 2024, 9:35 pm

Dressed in a leather jacket and sporting a pair of leather boots, a woman walked down the narrow streets of Athens. Her head was tipped back with a bottle of Mythos pressed to her lips. Soon as she finished chugging the contents, the glass bottle was cast aside, shattered against a nearby building. Red eyes descended to absently observe the sights around her as she continued to stroll down the road.

A shrill bug wormed its way into her ear after another minute. Damn thing had been going on for... well, she didn't remember. Now that she was out of alcohol, however, it was becoming a nuisance. Ti'amat bent her upper body forward as she gave a loud sigh. Nothing in the Rules said she couldn't deal with pests.

First she turned her head to the side, a red eye cast over her shoulder at the source of the intrusion. Then, Ti'amat turned around and planted one foot on the hood of the vehicle. A short shriek of rubber sounded as its meager momentum was abruptly halted. Then the sound of metal deforming popped as she pressed down firmly. "You got something to say, little man? Huh? Go on. I'm listening." Ti'amat leaned forward, hands in the pockets of her black denim.

Then a choir of Human voices intruded on her thoughts. It wasn't enough they kept staring at her... because of the horns, because she was chugging beer openly and throwing her trash wherever she pleased, because she'd flattened a car engine under her boot. They were such judgmental, demanding creatures. Now they were talking-- no, that was shouting. What were they shouting?

With a silent snarl she turned to look back the way she'd been headed a moment ago. What she found was a handful of Humans running toward her and apparently screaming. Further down the road smoke and fire and some kind of roar seemed to be the cause of all the commotion.

Really didn't much matter to Ti'amat. She couldn't see anyone being killed by whatever it was, so technically whatever it was didn't need killed to appease the Artificer, right? No crime, no punishment.

She blinked. A grin peeled her lips apart. Then again, whatever it was sounded angry. Maybe it would amuse her to beat it senseless. Oh, the Artificer wouldn't like that, but he could kiss her candy-ass. Car and driver utterly forgotten, the leather-clad woman turned and resumed her stroll with purpose down the street. Yes, time for a little fun.

Several minutes later, around the time Kasondra leaped into the fray, the side of a building behind her target exploded outward in a cloud of smoke and mortar. The face of the building across from it had a minotaur-sized crater in it, with one of the hair beasts lodged firmly in it, but not quite dead-yet.

A smaller, a more human-like figure emerged out of the destroyed building in her leather jacket and hands in her pockets. "Well, come on, big boy. I'm still waiting for you to hit me with your best shot!" Kasondra and the other minotaur hadn't registered one bit as Ti'amat was busy making demands of the one in front of her.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5
Registration date : 2024-06-18

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