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The Descendants: Black & White [ALERT]

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The Descendants: Black & White [ALERT] Empty The Descendants: Black & White [ALERT]

Post by Zonkes June 8th 2024, 11:11 am

Andrea Beinheim, princess of France, was home for a bit. She had decided to take some time off from school to reconnect with herself. As a descendant, a college student, and a Royal she had more than enough on her plate to keep losing herself in but today she just wanted to see her elder brother and all of her friends. Was getting through CAFC security annoying? Sure. But she could avoid some of it due to being a royal. She felt terrible for the little folk who had to do it the “right” way.

But that was Jacques concern at this time, not hers. For right now, it was Andrea’s 20th birthday and she was going to celebrate it as she should. From her hands shot white streamers, white tablecloths, a solid white tree, a functional white television, a white radio playing her favorite music, a fully formed staff made up of pure white light. Unfortunately any food she made had little nutritional value for anything other than plants, so she’d have to go to the market for her shopping.

The kitchen was fully stocked of course, but there were some items introduced to her in America that she just knew Jacques would never keep near him.

She grabbed her coat and left, the sun was high in the sky and she grinned feeling it’s warmth. It was a wonderful day. She took a few steps…

The blast of a horn, loud enough it hurt her enhanced senses. She felt it hit her demonic blood and cause it to scream and writhe within her. “…no… no no no!” The sky blackened as words filled her mind. ”Kill the humans. Join me in Defiance.”

Her eyes, previously a light gray became flecked with black. Around her formed a heavy black spiked set of plate mail. Her white hair flowed freely behind her as the world around her corrupted. She created a black bastard sword and with a raise of her hands, created an army. Black and white monstrosities that shone with hatred. They were almost undefinable, bodies changing before your eyes. They didn’t belong, but the white banner with the stylized black scarab marked them for who they belonged to.

The Knight of Life, Andrea Beinheim corrupted by the Long Night into the Knight of Chaos. If she were allowed to remain corrupted, all hell would break loose. Around her monsters joined her cause. Mostly vampires, ghouls, and ghosts. As they joined the army, they too were granted a banner and gained all the benefits of being one of Andrea’s soldiers.

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