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A Demon In The City of Angels

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INV ONLY Re: A Demon In The City of Angels

Post by Lazarus May 26th 2024, 5:03 am

He didn’t have to push too hard. Maybe it was the demonstration of his own preternatural capabilities that really proved that he was no common mortal, no civilian walking the sidewalk into things too big for them. Even among his own kind he was confident that he was strong, powerful enough to give even most metahuman some kind of trouble. Electronics formed a recreation around them, almost as if by magic rather than human technology. He couldn’t hide his impressed feelings for the whole thing. It was like being back at the moment with the smell of blood and fear, watching the pathetic thing scrabbling away from him as if that would do anything.

They always tried fighting.

He almost felt his heart begin to beat hard in his chest again, a mixture of awe and something else. The vigilante was who spoke up, stating the obvious. ”If you hadn’t shown me this…vampire would seem a little absurd but here we are.” He spoke, sounding just as perplexed as he looked. Walking through the projected scene with eyes moving to and fro, taking in every detail. He’d been sloppy here, as if daring the mortals to find him. Isis would have found the whole concept hilarious.

He pointed in a direction, a span of the floor leading up to the corpse itself. ”Small bits of blood here, ruffled carpet like she said. She put up quite a fight, especially if it’s against a vampire. “ He cocked his head to the side, contemplative. ”Find anything else at the scene? I wonder if DNA evidence would actually work on something like a vampire. Would they have anything in any database if this were the case?” He looked to the techno woman, silently questioning what she could do and where this could go.


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INV ONLY Re: A Demon In The City of Angels

Post by ghost May 30th 2024, 9:06 pm

"Yes, it does seem to point towards vampires more and more." She said, looking around the holographic cyberspace. As the other spoke ORCHID was in the background denoting everything as they spoke. Pointing out the ruffles in the carpet and small spatter of blood on the floor with circles or boxes, noting what type of cloth or ground it was apon, noting what type of spatter and its trajectory. It wasn't long before the AI spoke up, "A hypothetical recreation of the crime is possible Amanda, shall I present it?" The computer asked in her ear alone.

"We have been able to hypothesize a recreation of the crime." Amanda swept her hand across a digital screen in front of her and the scene played out. The criminal in question was denoted by a 7 foot dark shimmering beam, as his height and weight are unknown. Chasing down the woman who was kicking and screaming, clawing, and with rather ease it overtook her, biting her neck. The woman quickly withered away as the two images fell to the ground and the graphics timelapse began.

"If there was any blood at the scene the police would have it on record. If it was documented as Vampire blood, the only governmental place I know of who would keep it is the Iskatonic International Institute of Inquiry, or I-4... Who are notoriously hard for me to contact." She said with a small smirk. "Any ideas where to start our hunt?" She said looking at the two. "My knowledge base in the subject is limited to movies and the internet. Both rather questionable sources." She finished with a shrug.

She noticed how the two moved around the digital space. A new experience for the both of them for sure. But it was nice to be working with a small group, each person putting in details that she hadn't picked up or didn't have access to.

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INV ONLY Re: A Demon In The City of Angels

Post by SicilianDragon June 10th 2024, 10:16 pm

"So we're all in the dark," She said with a sigh, not one of them appeared to know about Vampiric enemies. Her eyes returned to the skyline, turning her back to her hastily united allies.
"I can keep track of the city pretty well, I can see most of it from here," she replied, turning her attention to the skyline.
"If anything is reported, I am sure you'd let us know," She said, gesturing to Amanda.

" But at this point we're grasping at straws, waiting for them to make another move" She grumbled, not liking the notion.

"Maybe the crime scene has a trail? Or perhaps someone saw him enter the hotel" She asked the crew. The tech girl certainly seemed more well-versed in these sorts of things. Even when out of her element she remained rather calm knowing that a vampire could strike at any moment. Part of her wished she had stayed with her friends, now she worried about the trio of girls alone in the Hollywood hills.  

Turning back to the others, she looked them over. They were certainly a Montely Crew. A ninja, a normal-looking man, and a robotic woman. It felt strange knowing how accustomed she was to this sort of thing.

"If we're working together, you should call me Shuriken. What can I call you all?" She asked with a friendly smile.

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INV ONLY Re: A Demon In The City of Angels

Post by Lazarus June 26th 2024, 1:03 am

Where could one go from here? He considered the recreation offered to them through the woman's advanced technologies. This fabricated story of his had some connective tissues that came with it. ”I’m in the dark but I might know someone that has an idea about this, if we’re willing to look for a professional.” He could hear the irritation in the younger woman's voice, all of them being in the dark about  what was going on. ”I remember seeing a net ad about someone willing to investigate things of a supernatural nature before.” With arms crossed over his chest, he looked between the two of them with a small quirk of the brow.

”You can call me Lazarus. Pleasure to meet you Shuriken,” A casual, friendly smile that came with that introduction.  ”If we have the money for it anyway. Can’t say I’m exactly bursting with the stuff,” He set hands into his pockets, digging around until he found and withdrew a phone. One of those modern rectangles composed mostly of glass, light flashing across his pale face.

”I think I could get us an appointment, if this is a way we want to go. ” He held the phone up to his the two of them, revealing what looked to be a web ad advertising  supernatural  private investigative services. The name attached was Samael, though no last name was provided. ”Apparently has a location in the city.”

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