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Unoptimized build guide 101 (Runaways)

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Unoptimized build guide 101 (Runaways) Empty Unoptimized build guide 101 (Runaways)

Post by FantasyBound March 2nd 2022, 11:29 pm

Lets try again, I have one question. Welcome to m- No stop that, we already did this like five ti- Welcome to my shop tra- Stop, stop. One question, what happ- Welcome to my shop traveler, I used to be an adventurer like you, until I took an arrow to the- I know man, the knee, it was the knee. Alright, from the top...

The exchange had passed five minutes long before the orange-robed young man left the blue vested gentleman showing his many wares of variously shaped knives all fancifully placed on a wide mat with a fine weaved pattern of many bladed objects.

"Men with knives for hands don't seem to be all that stable."

Takuma scratched the back of his head, the hair brushing against his now longer pointed ears leaving him with an odd and aggravating sensation. Both hands swung upwards and covered, twisting and pinching the tips of his new ears. He found this ever frustrating as he didn't realize beforehand how incredibly annoying pointed ears really were. It never was on his mind, none of these types of things were.
Takuma was never good with the fantasy genre, he much preferred to read papers all regarding the modern era and recent discoveries in bizarre events taking place, all this stuff about dragons and princesses and magic made him confused. A terrible actor, Takuma never had the desire to pretend to be someone else in any shape or form, Halloween was lame, RPG games were lame, and this was like both coming into one event and he was stuck being part of it.

Takuma went and sat by the road, rubbing the back of his heel. He lost his sock again this morning on just a single foot. When he transformed he acquired a pair of durable leather boots, but one foot had a white sock and the other lacked it, dearly missing it. Kicking off the boots, he sat by the curb and looked at everything around him. He told the others he was going to be out this way, and they where supposed to be coming by just a bit later, hopefully they would come soon, he may have heard one or two of them bring up this 'fantasy' stuff, they could help him out.
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