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Deals in Noisy Alleys 2.0

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INV ONLY Deals in Noisy Alleys 2.0

Post by Nate6595 December 15th 2019, 3:34 am

Music pulsated through the air the damp air of the street. Lines stretched from the doorways and along the walls of establishments as people waited to enter the numerous clubs and bars that filled the street. Kabukicho is a popular red-light district in Tokyo. Several night clubs and attractions operate in the evenings bringing in large numbers of people looking for a fun evening full of entertainment, in many senses of word. However, among those searching for entertainment there was an entirely different group with their own interests. Among those who lived in Tokyo many knew that Kabukicho was home to several underground and less than legal groups. Several gangs moved about the area, going about their shady business.

Lucas Gills and his loyal bodyguard Seven stood in front of one of many clubs. While Seven could speak the language, he couldn’t read it. Thankfully Lucas deciphered the club’s name for him; Neon Lights, or something along those lines. This was apparently the club to go to. The line here was the longest and the bodyguards at the door were dutiful in who they let in.

Of course, Lucas and Seven weren’t here for a simple club. The club was just a front to one of the stronger gangs in the area. Their visit here was strictly business. Apparently, one of the gang members was a skilled chemist and was on the breakthrough for a new highly addictive, hallucinogenic drug that came in a small pill form. The drug wasn’t widespread in the public yet but Isaac, both Lucas’s and Seven’s boss had caught wind of it and wanted in on the pie.

Words were exchanged, some incentives given, and the two groups had agreed to a meeting. Of course, Isaac could’ve sent people and in caused problems, but it was much easier to negotiate things out. If they didn’t comply with their deal, then there would considerations for a hostile approach. But Lucas was sure that they could avoid such a thing.

Seven had started forward towards the long line but Lucas stopped him. He motioned to the alleyway next to the club and there, standing in the shadows was a short man in a white suit. He gave a nod to them to which Lucas returned, and the two headed over to him. The short man lead the two of them into the back, which seemed to be a storage area, and down a staircase. Above, Seven could steal hear the pulsating dance music, but down here there was dankness to it.

The short man told them to wait, giving Seven a better chance of looking around the room. Lucas grinned at him, “Hey. Bud. Don’t ya worry about a goddamn thing. I doubt you’ll even have to swing that sword. This gangsters got nothing on ya, bud.”

Seven nodded, continuing to look around. The room they seemed to be in was just a…chillout room? The floor was carpeted with a soft mesh, there were several couches and tables with drinks and other substances. The gangsters down here, while keeping their eyes on the two newcomers, seemed content with enjoying the benefits of their work. However, beyond this room there were two others closed off by doors and then a staircase that led further downward. Seven could only assume that the boss they’d be meeting with was further down.

Seven took in a breath, exhaled, and rested a hand on the handle of his katana.

Elsewhere, the local police of Tokyo had caught wind of the coming drug deal and while they didn’t have enough evidence to act on, they put out a request to several other departments and companies for the aid of heroes to come in and relieve the situation that was going. The location of the club was given as well as the meeting times, the only thing they didn’t have was the identities and what exactly would be traded.

Of course, they weren’t the only group to catch wind of this. The knowledge of the drug would be well known to the villainous societies of the world and any seeking to…get in on the action could also arguably stand to gain something by interrupting the deal.

Regardless, whatever happened it would be far from a quiet night.
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INV ONLY Re: Deals in Noisy Alleys 2.0

Post by Vorik June 18th 2020, 11:39 pm

Klein adjusted his bow-tie and straightened out his vest before diving deeper into the lull of dancers, drinkers, and people trying to get laid. Balancing his serving tray with one hand and offering drinks with the other, few noticed that not a single drop was spilled despite the occasional bump and nudge. He continued serving the clientele before handing off the now empty tray to the bar staff and made an excuse about going for a smoke.

Despite his family ancestry and clan originating from Japan, Oxford Klein has never set foot in his homeland until now. There just wasn't a need to come back given how most of the filth and corruption migrated to the US when it was still in its infancy. Unfortunately, Evil will always reappear and plant roots. A call form a local station along with the rumors of a new toxic drug were enough to warrant a cleaning service halfway across the world. If this drug were to be picked up by a major crime lord, then it will never go away.

Checking the bathroom stall for any cameras Klein stripped and changed into his usual attire, a pristine white jumpsuit. To most, a white jumpsuit made a boring costume, but cladding yourself in the mundane made you more forgetful. After all, who remembers the janitor?

The Janitor had been staking out the nightclub the last few hrs and had a fairly good idea on the set up. A popular and legal dance scene up top while the real business happens below via an entrance in the back of the building. Thankfully there wasn't much security outside the storage area but the real challenge laid inside. He had no idea the level of security inside or who would be down there. All he knew was that tonight was a planned meeting. If he had any chance to stop this drug from going viral it had to be tonight. Clinging to the shadows with mop in hand he creeped down the staircase into a lounge area with various criminals. Undeterred he slunk off the the background and blended in seamlessly.
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INV ONLY Re: Deals in Noisy Alleys 2.0

Post by Nate6595 June 21st 2020, 3:41 am

The goons at the lounge level were rather preoccupied with some of the lady guests they had impressed upstairs where the music still pounded against the floors and walls like a lunatic against the foam walls of a holding cell. The lounge, at least to the goons, felt just as lively as the party upstairs. Only one or two goons kept themselves free, leaning against the walls to lower section where the deals were taking place. They seemed to be at least dedicated to their jobs and not just trying to reap the benefits that their gracious employer offered them.

Still, the competent guards didn't seem to notice the new guest that had arrived, though any closer to the stairs they may just give him attention. No one was to go down there, not unless they had approval from the boss or had important information. And even if they did have info they were to be escorted down. It didn't matter if it was the boss's wife or son or any other relation came down demanding to see him, it was a no go. And it was the only way down minus a secret door they kept down there which led into the sewers. A fire escape, essentially, but built more so if the local law enforcement decided to break in.

Down below, business was going on. Lucas was working his charm, complimenting the boss, praising the ingenious of the work they had done here. Honestly, it was run of the mill compared to what Chimera was doing, but the product was enough to catch the eye. In the backroom at the bottom floor Seven remained against the wall where the door was. His focus wasn't on Lucas's kind words or talk of business or of the boss's own remarks and counteroffers. His focus was on the sounds outside the room. There would be another room, a sort of waiting room to get into the boss's room. He listened to the six guards in there, making sure that they weren't going to burst in and try to take a hostage. Gang's like this often tried plots like this, get a bargaining chip against the bigger business to try and get a better deal. Pointless, really, all pieces minus the top dog were expendable. Not that Isaac would expend some of his better pieces, but...if they were lost they could be replaced.

Still, he wanted to avoid a situation like that. It was his job after all. So, he kept his focus there, making sure that there would be instructions or "bright ideas".
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INV ONLY Re: Deals in Noisy Alleys 2.0

Post by Vorik August 22nd 2020, 9:47 pm

The greatest of all stealth was the ability to not just hide from your target, but always hide directly in front of them while they remain oblivious to the danger you represent. Yes, one could creep and crawl in the dim light, sticking to the shadows as you constantly stalked your mark, but there will eventually be a need to enter the light and expose yourself, and that is the biggest tell between a novice and a master. A master does not need to hide.

None of the thugs paid mind to Klein as he casually entered the room, most of them too busy with less than hygienic behaviors. For the time being, he was safe to explore the room, but there was another set of stairs leading into what he assumed was the meeting. While security was lax up here, he doubted they would let him go further. This was troubling as Klein would rather not brute force his way past the guards. Not only would going in mop swinging ruin his element of surprise but the women the guards were flirting it up with were innocent and he wasn't about to start risking their lives. While he thought about what to do he began wiping down the bar's counter of all the spilled alcohol. Disgusting.

After cleaning the bar he noticed that there were several crushed cans of more beer and soda. Didn't seem like anyone else was going to clean this up so The Janitor did the right then and grabbed a bag. 10 minutes passed by as Klein systematically cleaned the party room until it was arguably cleaner than when it was first built. With a satisfied sigh, Klein went to the bathroom and pulled off the covering for an electrical outlet. He splashed the exposed wires with a cleaning product, within seconds the power shorted out and the building went dark as people uttered surprised gasps of suddenly being in utter darkness with no music. Leaving the bathroom (After washing his hands of course!) Klein deftly maneuvered his way passed the fumbling guards. Not even the few who pulled out their phones as flashlights were able to catch a glimpse of the white-suited man as he walked out of the room.
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INV ONLY Re: Deals in Noisy Alleys 2.0

Post by Nate6595 August 31st 2020, 12:30 am

Seven certainly had expected something to happen. Something this quickly, however? No. No not at all. Whoever was infiltrating the club knew what they were doing, but, provided the gang's guards were competent they had a couple of minutes before the lights would flicker back on and they would be upon the intruder. Of course, they didn't have a few minutes. Seven closed his eyes, heightening his senses, and then...opened his eyes. He shifted his gaze over his shoulder over to the staircase, waiting, watching.

He quietly listened to Lucas as he told some joke to the gang boss, well...a half-joke. He was saying something about the lights and how if it was the worst thing that happened tonight then they'd be lucky. Honestly, it was a slight jab the gang's boss for not running a better shift or keeping the code up to date, but as the boss laughed Seven knew he had missed the jab. Lucas did, however, turn a glance over to Seven and even though he couldn't see Seven's movements waited. Seven raised a hand, though the motion was only silhouetted in the darkness.

Something was coming, something sly enough to slip past the guards.

Seven waited, and waited, and waited some more until...right before Klein would reach the bottom step Seven would raise his katana outward, blade facing the staircase, aimed for right where Klein's neck would be if he took one more step forward. However, this wasn't an attack, there was no forceful thrust or anything of the like, Seven didn't want to hit the enemy. There was something of a respect he had for the intruder, he managed to get this far without causing alarm. Impressive, and to have such skill be ended didn't feel right. This was a warning. A motion to say that yes, the presence was known, and, yes, if they continued there would be conflict. It was silent, nonverbal, but hopefully the man picked up on it.

In a low mutter Seven would speak, quiet enough so that the boss or Lucas didn't pick up on it, but maybe...if the man was as skilled as Seven thought him to be, they would pick up on it. "Lights will be on in a few minutes. Turn around and leave before someone gets hurt. No one here wants that. Just go. Only warning."
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INV ONLY Re: Deals in Noisy Alleys 2.0

Post by Vorik October 3rd 2020, 12:45 am

Instincts took over as instantly as blade the appeared before him. Within a heartbeat, Klein stopped his advance and in another realized that this was a hollow attempt, a cautionary warning rather than a killing blow. His interest was piqued.

"Lights will be on in a few minutes. Turn around and leave before someone gets hurt. No one here wants that. Just go. Only warning."

Though it was almost a perfect dark save for the few goons fumbling around using their phones as a makeshift flashlight, the swordsman was visible to Klein's trained eye. Rather than the normally suited mooks and goons that were all too common, this man was dressed like a warrior of old, a samurai. Old stories resurfaced as The Janitor remembered how the elders of his clan spoke of ancient battles with the armored protectors. If this figure was an ancient foe then things have become far more complicated.

Slowly reaching up he traced a finger along the samurai's blade before speaking in an equally quiet voice.

"A clean blade, sharp as well. You clearly know your weapon but you do not know what you protect. This deal must be stopped or the streets will be polluted with narcotics. Surely you agree that such a place wouldn't be fit for children."

With a slow-motion, he pushed the blade away from his neck.

"Stop me if you must, but if you are the samurai you look like then you will see the lack of honor here."

With that said The Janitor tried to slide past the mysterious swordsman into the room proper.
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INV ONLY Re: Deals in Noisy Alleys 2.0

Post by Nate6595 November 8th 2020, 11:06 am

Abe shook his head, letting out a small breath. "You speak as if you know all the cards in play, as if you know what's really go on. I know my masters and their deeds, but still, by honor I am bound to them. There is honor in fulfilling one's duties, even if the duty is not honorable in itself." He felt the blade pushed away and heard the man slowly start past towards Lucas and the gang leader. Another breath left, annoyed at the "hero" or sorts. There was no helping it at all.

In a shift, fluid motion, Abe fell to a knee pulling his blade to his side and sucking in a breath. When he released he swung the blade forward, aiming for intruder's waist. He did not yet activate the plasma his blade could produce, he didn't see a need to yet. It was just one man who caused the power to go off, there was nothing that imposing about him in the moment. He was one of honor, perhaps, but that does not speak for any supernatural abilities. Even if the swing did not connect it would at least create distance between the intruder and the boss.

As the blade arced outward Abe spoke quickly. "Lucas. Trouble." Two simple words, spoken loud enough for the room to hear. It was all the information that Lucas needed. The man quickly backed against the table with a nervous sort of grin, swallowing once. He looked over his shoulder at the mob boss and although they couldn't see each other there was a moment of nonverbal communication between them. A question asked that didn't need speech. The mob boss quickly fumbled back towards the back wall and began to feel around for something. A secret exit perhaps?
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INV ONLY Re: Deals in Noisy Alleys 2.0

Post by Vorik January 9th 2021, 11:43 pm

As the blade rapidly approached Klein moved without thinking. In an instant, he jumped several feet in the air clearing the blade. Without missing a single second he kicked off the doorway and pushed off into the room proper, buying him some distance from the samurai as he regained his footing.

He looked over that the man, Lucas if he heard correctly. Lucas looked to be trying to escape through some sort of hidden passage...How cliche. He was about to close the distance with the mob boss but he stopped, his instinct telling him that ignoring the samurai was a lethal error. No, if he was to stop the mob boss from escaping and take him in alive, he'd have to deal with the samurai first.

As the lights flickered for just a brief moment, one could see The Janitor readying his mop as he centered himself and prepared for combat. As soon as the flickering stopped he lunged forward, striking out with the head of the mop at his foe.
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INV ONLY Re: Deals in Noisy Alleys 2.0

Post by Nate6595 January 12th 2021, 11:16 pm

Even in the dark of the room, Abe's eyes could be seen glowing their strange blue color. The man who had decided to enter and disturb the business that Lucas had so painstakingly prided himself on doing certainly knew what he was doing. Not many could dodge a strike from such a close range or even react in the same way that he did. It was impressive to say the least, but it would also prove to be problematic. Abe wasn't the sort to be put down by such things, though. It was all business and he liked to think he was good at his.

As this ninja fellow readied his...mop? Was that a mop? It was...but Abe knew better than to underestimate a tool like that. It could be anything, especially with all the strange heroes and their technologies running around. As the man lunged it all seemed to move in slow motion for Abe, his eyes processing everything for him. As the man lunged Abe quickly kicked off with the heels of his feet, dodging that first lunge. As he did so he would ready his own blade, bring it close to him, then lunging forward as well, but as he did so, instead of continuing his footing, he would attempt to roll, then bring his blade through in a sweeping motion, attempting to cut into the man's side. The blade did not hum, however, with the blue energy it had displayed before. It had just been the regular blade this time around.

As he can out of the lunge Abe sighed. "It is not too late to leave. I will not pursue you if you do."
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INV ONLY Re: Deals in Noisy Alleys 2.0

Post by Vorik May 30th 2021, 2:06 pm

The cleaner of justice narrowed his eyes as his strike was dodged...No, not just dodged, easily so. This swordsman should have shown even a brief moment of hesitation to such a sudden attack. Instead, he seemed to have had amble time. Judging by the cybernetics and those glowing eyes, he cleary could see and react much faster than a normal person. Troubling.

As the cybernetic warrior tumbled towards him, Janitor lept over him with his own, avoiding the strike. Not missing a beat, he turned and squared off with the swordsman, regaining his guard.

"It is not too late to leave. I will not pursue you if you do."

Janitor thought for a moment about his current chances. The element of surprise was gone, the VIP was currently escaping, and he was against someone who could not just keep up with him, but most likely out react him as well. All in all, he gave himself about 2 minutes before this place was swarming with goons. Troubling.

Throwing a soap shuriken at Lucas, the room was instantly clouded in a mist of suds. That should buy some time as the target regains their bearings and with luck, it would also hinder the swordsman.

"I extend you the same offer." Klein said as he faded into the mist of soap and circled Abe.

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INV ONLY Re: Deals in Noisy Alleys 2.0

Post by Nate6595 May 31st 2021, 3:35 am

Abe had watched the man carefully. While he caught the movement that he made his hands and the throwing of the…strange projectiles, in the moments he did see the shuriken he could tell that they would not pose fatal damage to anyone, not yet at least. He let them zoom by, keeping his firm stance and his gaze upon the Janitor. Well, he would’ve, until Klein ducked into the foamy spray that had come from the shuriken. If the job was to impede vision and lessen his ability to protect Lucas, then…well, he would’ve half succeeded.

Abe’s vision was impaired, but he would not fail in protecting Lucas. He held his blade a bit closer, taking a more defensive stance as he spun slowly on his heels, knees bent, ready to react. The offer, however, did catch Abe’s attention. It was a curious thing and he wasn’t sure how to reply at first. He didn’t look confused, but he surely was. After a few moments, he finally replied though not for a moment dropping his guard. “Me, but not the ward I have been placed in charge of protecting. As a man of honor and duty you should know that I can’t do that. Leave me and the ward I’ve been placed in charge of guarding, as well as what we have come for, then…then the rest are yours. I have no connection to them and I am sure you can cleanse this area of a vile bunch.” He could no longer see his enemy, but he knew he was still speaking to him.

Meanwhile, Lucas and the Boss had continued down the narrow passageway. The boss had fallen behind Lucas, something Lucas had in fact planned, but that didn’t stop him from drawing his gun and keeping it leveled down the hallway as they moved back. He wouldn’t have this would-be assassin get the jump on him, at the sign of danger he would fire. Though, he doubted that the man would arrive anytime soon. There were…obstacles back that way. Seven and the guards that patrolled the area. Soon enough, that room would be swarmed, dangerous, and only a few would be walking out of it alive if they lingered too long.
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INV ONLY Re: Deals in Noisy Alleys 2.0

Post by Vorik August 12th 2021, 2:38 pm

Thoughts swirled through Klein's head much like the swirling bubble cloud of suds that filled the room. The various goons and degenerates could be heard choking and spitting as many of them found it difficult not getting the cleaning product in their mouth...Also, they were complaining, obviously.

If Janitor had to be honest and looked at what's going on here, he'd have to say things were not going well at all. While he had surveyed the local crime in the area and was fed the necessary meeting times by an informant, he was more or less blindsided.

Common scum was quite frankly more of an inconvenience than any real obstacle. Between his mastery of stealth and combat, he would certainly have no issues at all with picking them off. However....There was also this cybernetic samurai who Janitor had not planned for at all. This swordsman was clearly quite skilled. Was he as skilled as he was? Probably not, but Klein was almost certain that the skill gap was far too close and any tricks he could come up with would be countered by their cybernetics.

Adding on to all of this is the fact that the samurai didn't actually need to win. All they needed to do was stall and guard the only way to the now escaping boss. Janitor once again considered his options. He could go all out and try to use more lethal methods but that would just leave a mess, which is completely unacceptable. He thought for more precious moments as the soap cloud was slowly dispersing and the sound of more goons approaching the room grew louder.

With a frown, he spoke out to his opponent.

"Very well, I accept your terms but know that our business is not finished. Your master must be stopped...But for now, I will have a mess to clean."

Klein faded further into the soap cloud and began stalking the various goons who were still sputtering and complaining.
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INV ONLY Re: Deals in Noisy Alleys 2.0

Post by Nate6595 August 31st 2021, 2:09 am

It was rare on any job to meet a man like this. In all the time that Seven had spent protecting his marks, only twice before did he ever meet someone who actually managed to come to compromise. So many times, did he have to end fighting people who honestly didn’t need to fall. But it was his duty, after all. So, to say the least, it was surprising, not that the emotion touch his expression.

Believing the man to be one of armor, as soon as the terms were accepted, Seven and put away his blade and gave a grateful nod, though his eyes still whirled and glowed, ready to see what really happened. Either way, he straightened and then turned without a second thought, heading back down to rejoin his master and see how the deal was going, leaving the Janitor to clean up however he saw hit. It was of no consequence to Seven what happened to this gang, so long as his prospect was protected.

It only took seconds of running for Seven to catch up to his master and the gang leader who was selling the drug. Lucas was the first to acknowledge him, nearly at the exit of the escape route, a foot on the first step of a ladder. He grinned eagerly and nodded. “Taken care of?”

Seven shrugged in response. “He is no longer a problem for us right now, but he is alive.”

The gang boss looked between them, only catching fragments of their English. He murmured something in Japanese that wasn’t caught by Seven, nor did he seemed to want to catch it. He kept his gaze on Lucas. “Did you get it?”

Lucas nodded, that grin still on his face. “I did, which means we should be the only ones who know how to make it.”

Seven gave a knowing nod, and in a flash his blade was drawn and then sheathed once more as he made his way to the ladder. In the few seconds it was drawn, both the gang boss and his guard were on the ground. With this, Seven and Lucas started up the ladder, up into the street and blending into the crowd. This job was done and they were both ready for the next.
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INV ONLY Re: Deals in Noisy Alleys 2.0

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