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Jacking up the Past

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Jacking up the Past Empty Jacking up the Past

Post by Zonkes April 10th 2019, 10:33 pm

Jack had been skeptical when the man claimed that he had unlocked the secrets of time travel. Hell, before he looked into the portal he saw before him, Jack wasn’t even sure if he had believed in the prospect of paradox-free time travel. But here he was. Staring into the face of a man he thought long lost. Jack O’Leary, a man who would soon find his power in a place he had never expected. He scrolled back further. The machine was simple enough to figure out, especially after he had made the scientist talk about how to operate it.

‘Who should I attack?’ He thought as he scrolled through the histories of his greatest rivals. Pinnacle had been quiet along with ECLIPSE. Plus, he wasn’t able to find Pinnacle in the machines database, so he realized it was probably better if he didn’t. What about the other ECLIPSE employees? Cadmus, that goody two shoes would’ve been perfect! ...but no, he was hardly ever even an obstacle to Jack. Besides, if he ever showed up again; Jack would want to test his “invulnerability.” The other members of ECLIPSE seemed to be too small of a challenge. Jack hated small fries… Besides, he had a feeling that there was no real reason in killing them outside of their association with ECLIPSE...except one. Kubi Tsuru.

‘Now here’s a man who thinks he has everything. Besides. He tried to stop me at the bank. Nothing wrong with a little… payback.” He scrolled through time like he was looking through a Facebook page, before finally reaching the worst week of Kubi’s life. Jack called Kitty and left a voicemail on her machine. “Come to Sarobi Labs right away. We’ve got work to do.”

He hoped that Kitty would show up soon. He wasn’t sure if more guards would show up, and it would indeed suck if they shut off the machine. Either way, Jack knew he had to get moving. He sighed and sent his will into the universe, hoping to sway some sort of leniency from whatever force controlled his life.

Jack flew through the portal and immediately became intangible, trying to avoid any possible ill consequence of his trip. He flew through the time stream like a bat out of hell, seeing all the events of the past three years. “Kubi Tsuru. Looks like I’m your worst nightmare after all.” Jack stated to no one.

Jack set foot in Japan not too long after he entered. He wasn't sure if Kitty would be joining him, but he was pretty sure it would only be a matter of time.

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Jacking up the Past Empty Re: Jacking up the Past

Post by Katrina A. Russel April 28th 2019, 1:53 am

”Hmph. Never thought I’d be setting foot in Sarobi labs under this capacity. How interesting.”

The side effects of the magic still glowing around her, Katrina stepped around the prone bodies of the guards Jack had feared would come, ignoring the antics of her Reflections. Walking through the pale body of Kitty prancing around looking for Jack and past Isis looking grumpy as always, Katrina approached the device, the ‘Time Machine’. She scoffed. The implications of this, if true, could change the face of physics as they know it. Katrina traced the control panel, the numbers reading out a time and date approximately three years in the past. How curious. Oh, sure, she had come, but she had no idea what for, only that Kitty insisted on it and threatened to take control and come anyway.

Couldn’t have that.

An experimental flick of a couple of switches, and the machine roared to life, the cacophonous swirl of energy mesmerizing the young CEO. It was beautiful, in a chaotic, destructive sort of way. A ripple spread from the point of contact like water, her fingers sweeping across the swirling energy. It was enthralling and enticing, almost made her jump in.She had to shake herself, her look turning longingly to the portal. To have such a power, to travel in time and undo past mistakes … it was undoubtedly powerful, yes, but also a fine way to destroy the world, or ruin a productive life. Still …

Her hand clenched around the golden amulet around her neck, her mind flashing back to that fateful day in the temple. Some odd compulsion, now familiar to her, had come over her and the necklace was slung over neck. And from there, her life changed. And not for the better, in her opinion. Things were much simpler without powers, without the benefit, irony entirely meant, of having her alternate selves as ghosts around her at all times. A scoff left her lips and she turned away, high heels clicking on the floor. The black and red armor of her private bodyguards, Blackguard, flanked the doorways, weapons held ready in case of another attack from the private army Sarobi Labs hired. At first it was a mystery, but now they knew why. She was stalling, she realized, as she searched the guards pocket. To willingly give up control was something she’d always struggle with, and yet-

”Oh, come on. You’re wastin’ time now! Let’s get going, Jackie isn’t gonna wait forever!”

Stomping her foot like a petulant child, mere inches from her, was the ever-delightful “Kitty-Kat”. Such a childish name. Two pairs of almost incandescent blue eyes stared into each other; one devoid of any adornment, the other lined with glitter and black eyeliner shaped like wings. For only a moment,, they glared, ones scowl much more impressive as a result of practice, but eventually she acqueseced; they were both getting their rocks off here, after all, though perhaps … “Kitty’s” was a bit more literal. With a dramatic sigh, Katrina held her hand loosely out, and her counterpart giggled, clasping hands with her. Like mist, she disappeared, to be replaced the slim and straight version that was just there, like they swapped places.

Kitty gave a whoop, glee coursing through every vein; she was gonna see Jackie. With reckless abandon, gold rings bloomed from her and she leaped through the portal with a loud shout of joy. This joy was cut short as her atoms were stretched across time, turning into a gurgled, strangled shout, which continued up until the moment she was spat out onto hard pavement. She barely had time to catch herself before being turned into a Kitty-pancake! It took a moment, to collect her bearings, but when she did another shout of joy as she saw her favorite person in the whole-wide world.

”Oh, Jack, darling! It’s simply splendid to see you again!” She threw her arms around his neck, staring directly into his fabulous head. ”When most guys take a girl out, they usually pick a pub or a restaurant. You are really stepping your game up.”
Katrina A. Russel
Katrina A. Russel
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Jacking up the Past Empty Re: Jacking up the Past

Post by Zonkes May 23rd 2019, 12:08 am

Jack had been waiting for Kitty for a short amount of time. Serobi labs wouldn't be any trouble for his Kitty-Kat, after all. He grinned when she arrived and embraced her. Kitty! You made it!" He said staring into her beautiful blue eyes. He saw in those eyes, something of himself. The spark was there, but also something else. He wasn’t sure what it was.

Welcome to Japan, Kitty." Jack said and knocked on a nearby door. ”I solemnly swear I’m up to no good.” Jack said opening the door to reveal the Pit, though a few years younger. One could tell by the fact that Mack still had hair.

”Whiskey, straight. Also, if I’m in here in the future; please don’t shoot me.” Mack raised an eyebrow, but poured the whiskey anyway. ’So, here’s the plan. Later on today, Kubi Tsuru, you know, the big bulky bastard that keeps showing up to beat the shit out of us, or well, me? His wife is gonna die today at the hands of a pyromancer. Here’s what we’ll need.”

Jack started writing out a list of supplies. ”We’ll need a giant vat of glue, a staff of fireball, more whiskey, a lucky rabbits foot, and a monkey that can sing show tunes.”

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Jacking up the Past Empty Re: Jacking up the Past

Post by Katrina A. Russel May 28th 2019, 5:11 am

”Complicated. I like it!”

She was all down for whatever Jack had planned; he was the demonic mastermind behind some of the greatest fun to be had in the world! Like that bank fight, and that time with the city! Ooh, she could practically squeal with glee just thinking about it. So much delicious fear. It was great! And now here they were, back to the scene of their first date, or at least as close to a date as they’ve ever had. To be honest, she was just a little put out; all the times Jack calls her, it’s never been to ‘go out’. They weren’t quite a thing yet, but it wouldn’t hurt the guy to take her to a fancy restaurant. Murder was fun and all, and got all those delicious little eyes staring at her and Jackie, but theft and robbery could never take the place of romance.

A slim finger ran over the wooden tables, the familiar sight etched into her mind by now. Clean, as always. It appears youth hadn’t softened Mac at all. The giggle bubbled in her throat and burst out before she could stop, a quick cartwheel and acrobatic little squirm placing her butt directly in a chair next to Jack. Absently, she dipped her finger in her pumpkin-headed accomplices whiskey, tongue lapping at the amber liquids. Blue eyes lit up at the taste.

”Ooh, Mac. I’ll have what he’s having. That’s fantastic, darlin’.”

Mac shrugged. ”I just pour ‘em.”

Another whiskey was placed in front of her, which she sipped delicately. Something common in all dimensions, it appears, was their taste for the finer liquors. Despite the taste awash on her tongue, a frown persisted across her lips. Something was bugging her, something that was concerning her. She turned her quizzical look towards Jack.

”I know, like, we’re super powerful and stuff, but Jack, darling, this isn’t some 2-bit hero we’re talkin’ about. You saw ‘im at the bank. He’s strong. Are ya sure we’re cut out for this?” The worry was evident in her voice, and it was clear from her eyes; she was scared. Not for her own skin, but for Jack. If she lost him, Kitty wouldn’t know what to do. For the first time since the army, she had a reason to stick around.
Katrina A. Russel
Katrina A. Russel
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Jacking up the Past Empty Re: Jacking up the Past

Post by Zonkes August 8th 2019, 3:36 pm

Jack scoffed at Kitty's fear. "Tsuru? Please. We can handle him... Though perhaps we could avoid using the monkey that can sing show tunes..." Jack hadn't thought about it, but yeah. Kubi Tsuru was strong, and admittedly; he knew very little about the mans actual powers. Then, it occurred to him. The ISO. That had a list of every publicly known superhero in creation! All Jack had to do was take a look at the information that Kubi had on there.

The ISO listed all of the powers and limitations known to the public, and if there was one thing Kubi was known for; it was being a public hero. Kubi would have several powers and weaknesses listed. Which was exactly how Jack was planning on beating him... that was until he found that he had nothing that Kubi was weak to on hand.

After looking up his own ISO rating, and vowing revenge against whoever wrote it; he looked over to Kitty. "We're winging it. Get your coat." He said, taking his whiskey in one gulp before exiting. First things first, finding Tsuru's address. If the man has family, they'd have wanted to evacuate. A nightmare was heading there, and all the forces of hell couldn't stop it.
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Jacking up the Past Empty Re: Jacking up the Past

Post by Katrina A. Russel March 12th 2020, 6:42 pm

Ooh. Winging it! That was always fun! She finished her shot, the liquid fire burning through her veins, shivering ever so slightly. My, this hellish liquor was so much more potent than anything in her cabinet! With the grace only a trained acrobat could have, she flipped over the table after Jack, snagging her coat as she did so and falling in line with him. Just being this close to her love made her shudder in anticipation; not only for her pumpkin-headed lover, but also at the anticipation to cause some chaos and destruction, and for revenge. It was quite thrilling.

”Oh, Jack darling, remind me to order some of that spectacular liquor from Mack next time we’re here, yeah? I simply must have it for my collection!”

Her long painted fingers slipped into his, squeezing the all-too-human hands of Jack. They worried her, his human parts. It means he was vulnerable, at least somewhat, and she simply couldn’t lose him. She’d be lost with her dear Jack. Gone was the peppy girl; melancholy replaced it, lost in horrid thoughts, evidenced by the tightness with which she gripped him. She pulled herself out of it just long enough to ask the question that’s been bugging her since they first came to this time.

”... Jack, love, how are you going to find where Tsuru lives? It’s not exactly common information.”
Katrina A. Russel
Katrina A. Russel
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Jacking up the Past Empty Re: Jacking up the Past

Post by Zonkes November 11th 2020, 7:01 pm

Jack, his eyes suddenly wide, realized that he had screwed up. How could he have been so stupid, so blind? He looked at kitty and, without missing a beat, put on his best sly expression.

”Now, now, Kitten. Why would you think I would come to the past without prior knowledge of where our target is?” Jack said, his eye flames brightening. ”I have a plan, as always, Kitten.” Jack laughed and swept his head the other way.

Jack couldn’t believe that he forgot to look up Kubi’s old address.

After a few minutes of walking, the pair wound up outside of a large modern concrete building. Inside, rows upon rows of books could be seen with people milling about like it was their everyday activity. ”Behold, Kitty! The Tokyo public library!” Jack said, spreading his arms wide in a showman’s stance. After wandering the streets, Jack had managed to stumble across the library and decided that this would be an excellent place to figure out where Tsuru was.

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Jacking up the Past Empty Re: Jacking up the Past

Post by Katrina A. Russel July 26th 2021, 9:21 pm

In a single instant, all of her worries were alleviated. Of course, Jack had a plan. He always did! He was a genius, a tactical mastermind! No one would be stupid enough to come all the way to the past without a plan, least of all Jack! Kitty let out a little giggle and twirled one raven lock around a finger. By the spider god herself, Kitty loved it when Jack got all flamboyant and mysterious. It sent a heat flaring through her, making her want to just push him against the wall and ravish him! Unfortunately, it appeared that they were way too busy for any of that, which was a bit more than disappointing, honestly. But yes. She straightened her face into a charming little smile and took Jack’s arms, pulling the Archadian into her.

In Kitty’s mind, this was absolutely a lovely date. After a brief stop at an ice cream stall where some young man offered her his ice cream (why he cried about it afterwards was beyond her), they continued down the lovely road, enjoying the beautiful Tokyo sun and the gorgeous man on her side. Her white dress was cinched by a beautiful golden belt that cinched with a pair of cat ears at the front. A black and gold umbrella protected her delicate skin; made of dyed silk, the black cloth was imprinted with the image of a stylized golden cat. Kitty had no idea where they were going, but she knew Jack had it handled. He was smart, handsome, clever, all around brilliant and wouldn’t do anything to ruin her trust in him.

”Behold, Kitty! The Tokyo public library!”

For a moment, she was underwhelmed; this was his grand plan? Look him up in the library? But then … it struck her. The subtle brilliance of the plan, and she began to giggle madly, earning her a few looks from the residents, which she ignored in favor of jumping on Jack to kiss his cheek (something required by their height discrepancy).

”Oh, my love! It is a wonderful idea! Subtle!” With his hand firmly in hers, she pulled him to a nearby computer. ”I cannot believe I did not think of it! Kubi is a famous boxer, of course they’d have records on him!” At this, she leaned over Jack, whom she had forced into a seat, and ran her hands down his chest. In a breathy voice, she whispered in his ear, ”After this, we should find a hotel. Somewhere … [s]classy.[/b]” With a giggle in the same breathy voice, she darted, returning moments later with stacks of newspapers that she plopped on the table.

’Get reading, my love.”
Katrina A. Russel
Katrina A. Russel
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