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Casey Lowe / Aralisi

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Casey Lowe / Aralisi Empty Casey Lowe / Aralisi

Post by Seeks August 28th 2021, 3:30 am


"My holy valor, eternal flame; champions forged, fiends set ablaze."

The Bio

Avatar Name: Cassandra "Casey" Lowe
Hero Name: Aralisi
Epiphets: Aralisi the Fire, Beast Queen, She Who Is Enraptured By Rupture, Pale Death, Terror To All Tyrants, Flame of Valor
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: Unknown; appears to be in her thirties
Gender: Female
Race: Avatar of a deity; appears to be of Mediterranean descent
Hair: Honey blonde
Eyes: Blood red (avatar) or dark brown (human)
Height: 7' / 84 inches (avatar) or 5'2" / 64 inches (human)
Weight: 300 lbs / 136 kg (avatar) or 120 lbs / 54 kg (human)
Blood type: B+ (but see "Lay On Hands" power)

The Looks

Avatar Form

Human Form (Shakira)

The Personality

In many ways, Casey betrays her leonine self. Compassionate yet fiery, she will be the first to speak her mind and to apologize where it is due. Aralisi won't sugarcoat what she feels and won't beat around the bush, but knows when to stop before pressing others beyond their breaking point. She respects those who prove their ambition but respect must be earned; woe to those who think that ruthlessness, selfishness and meaningless aggression are worthy! She's an instigator to be sure, and eagerly stands up for herself and others when push comes to shove. But beyond her mama bear instincts lies a heart of gold, a strong shoulder to cry on and warm words to enkindle in others the strength to rise again. Notably, the quickest way to her heart is her stomach, and days not driven by her passions are days lazed away. Goddess or not she is anything but infallible, and sometimes the gods aren't so different from us.

The Story

How long has it been since the goddess Aralisi achieved apotheosis? How many lives did she live before assuming the form she does now? Was she a wisp of divine sentience given shape by mortal desires? Did a being more divine than her cause her to exist? Had she become unfettered by the cycle of reincarnation, ascend from some heaven or hell, or cast aside mortality to become a much greater entity? Alas, not even her consort Veravela in all her cosmic wisdom knows, nor had she ever answered whenever Aralisi questioned their origins. Even for a goddess, some questions are better left unanswered.

What was answered long ago, however, was the plea of a ravaged planet somewhere around the star Arcturus in some universe. Aralisi, her chaotic brother Rotorzi, and her significant other Veravela awoke as deities to the mournful cries of the entity Syvia. Beneath the crust of the planet Alvatera did the spirit wail, for eldritch horrors had long since corrupted and consumed all life and souls on that world's surface. The three titans -- Vashvara, Culatu and Yevarkan -- were old gods in the Lovecraftian sense, and if not stopped would soon feast upon Syvia too. Across time and space did Aralisi and her kin appear on the destroyed Alvatera, standing before the titans in immortal combat.

In the end, the horrific entities were cast low but not truly annihilated. Just as these new gods could not truly die, nor could Syvia, neither could the titans. Thus these gods kept watch and care over the souls of mortals set free, and of those new mortals who Syvia would create, generations upon generations. The planet Alvatera was a fantastical one, spanning a new prehistory to a modern age comparable to Earth's Renaissance. For countless years the leonine goddess reigned over her summerland, inspiring the virtues of valor from on high, presiding over the souls of wild beasts and virtuous peoples.

But just as the titans held sway over monsters and malevolent mortals, Aralisi was not content to bask in the light of her holy sun forever. Ages changed, empires rose and fell. She was the mother of a race of lion-like people, ever the companions of humans, elves, dwarves and others. She was ever the enemy of Vashvara, a mistress of monsters whose hatred and gluttony made her hunger eternal. An unpleasant romp with her Veravela gave birth to her herculean child Oniacana, given flesh to walk among mortals. As Aralisi's rage at mortal cruelties threatened her very being, let alone all sapient life on Alvatera, only that same demigod daughter's love, power and cunning could end her mother's bloodbath. As a dark age fell upon the planet, her faithful were ever empowered to strive and slay and self-sacrifice in the name of valor by her will and guidance. And when the darkness lifted into an age of wisdom, Aralisi's fiery light still shined in the sacred skies above.

And yet one big question is left unanswered, in spite of the aforementioned lore. Why, exactly, was this alien goddess a superhero on Earth? It is an answer that she would never tell. Perhaps she had grown bored of affairs on her planet, splitting part of her immortal essence to walk among humans and other beings. Perhaps cries for justice and courage called to her across the cosmos, just like Syvia's cries for help called her to Alvatera. Perhaps an entity greater than her pulled part of her there for an unknown purpose. Perhaps this Casey Lowe is not the true Aralisi of Alvatera, but is a weaker incarnation within the multiverse.

Or perhaps, especially for a displaced goddess, some questions are better left unanswered.

The Powers

Power #1: Eternal Flame
As a celestial goddess of fire, Aralisi is utterly immune to harm from thermal or light-based sources. Whether fireballs, directed energy weapons, lava and more, she is completely immune to damage caused by heat and light. However, other sources of harm from said heat could endanger her. Lava could drown her, a nuke could kill her with shockwaves and radiation, et cetera.

Aralisi is also a potent pyromancer as such. She is able to create and control fire in various forms: fireballs, fire breath, shapes such as swords or walls of fire, and so forth. As long as she is aware of a source of incoming fire, she could even "reflect" a fiery attack back upon its user, let alone contain it. Perhaps in her words, one hasn't lived until they've slain a dragon by holding in its own breath weapon to explosive results.

Power #2: Lay On Hands
From her dualistic nature of bloodshed mixed with protection, Aralisi possesses amazing healing powers. Aralisi can cure others of toxins and onset diseases, let alone alleviate bodily injuries. Severed limbs and ruined organs can be regrown, and even the recently-deceased can be brought back to life within minutes of their doom.  She can even transmute blood she touches to become a truly universal donor, able to be transfused into any organism the universe over safely and cleaned of any pathogens within.

However, Aralisi's avatar isn't as perfect of a healer as her clerics can be on Alvatera. Two things prevent her from being as miraculous of a faith healer as she'd like. The first brings the medical idea of the "Golden Hour" to mind, where a patient must receive adequate treatment within an hour of trauma. If a person's injuries or sickness is left unhealed longer than an hour, Aralisi cannot help them. The second issue lies in her imperfect mortal form, for any injuries Aralisi heals will injure herself in a similar fashion. A sucking chest wound leaves a sunken hole in her own chest; a severed leg renders her hobbled; bringing someone back from clinical death causes her to faint. Some of this recursive harm can be mitigated by her healing factor (see Power #3), but excessive healing can leave her crippled for some time, or potentially kill her.

Power #3: Nemean Hide
Like the lion that Heracles couldn't harm with weapons, Aralisi is nigh invulnerable to edged or piercing attacks. Her bones and muscles are unworldly tough to boot, making it difficult for blunt trauma to deal her lasting damage too. Magical attacks seem to be the best bet at harming Aralisi, and she possesses a healing factor that heals mundane harm upon her much quicker than magical assault. It's not to say that she couldn't become incapacitated by excessive mundane trauma however, and shockwaves from explosives or other sources can easily injure her, even if she's immune to its shrapnel and fiery blast. Because she is associated with the sun, Aralisi's healing factor will either be dampened or non-existent if she doesn't get enough sunlight (see Weakness #7).

Power #4: From The Ashes
Durable as Aralisi is, she can still be killed by extensive means. However, the goddess's avatar is merely borrowed aether given tangible form. If Aralisi would be mortally wounded but not killed outright, she can unleash a devastating "dead man's trigger", incinerating herself and everything within a 30' radius in sacred flame. Whether or not she detonates her dying form, her body will fade into aether and leave behind a blood-red gem with a paw-like glyph within.

This gem is Aralisi's celestial stone, a shard of her undying essence in crystal form. Through a ritual that she guards closely, or the wish made by a dying individual or on a dying being's behalf, Aralisi's avatar can be resurrected. The known caveats that she would share openly? The ritual method requires the blood of whoever enacts it, and the wish method must be made selflessly by a non-Evil-aligned individual.

Power #5: Godlike Strength
Whether appearing as Casey or Aralisi, the goddess's avatar is incredibly strong despite appearances. At the most she can lift up to five tons in avatar form, or one ton in human form, for prolonged periods of time. When it comes to striking when enraged, well, she might not know her own strength. Though dampened as mentioned before, Casey's incredible strength is a tell that she isn't what she appears to be.

The Weaknesses

Weakness #1: Bloody Vengeance
Despite her alignment and virtues, Aralisi is a fallible goddess. Some of the worst evils in existence aren't carried out by monsters or demons, but by imperfect mortals. Should Aralisi encounter an act of unabashed evil, her faith in humanity (or the races in general) will begin to dwindle. As her faith in mortals dwindles, her rage grows. As her rage grows, her desires for more and more extreme acts of violence against them will increase. As her bloodlust gets worse and worse, even innocents could be endangered in her blind vengeance. If she was willing to annihilate all sapient life on her home planet before, only stopped by her demigod daughter, how well could mundane humans on Earth fare...?

Weakness #2: Celestial Strictures
Aralisi is a Good-aligned entity, and doesn't always possess the free will that mortals do. Any beings that can sense alignment or the true nature of a being will be floored by her overwhelming presence, whether in human or lion-woman form. She cannot lie directly to a Good-aligned being, though she may lie by omission or evade the truth. Likewise, she cannot abide evil actions without retaliation, as minor as speaking up or as drastic as assaulting someone. As long as she is not enraged (see Weakness #1), she cannot willingly cause harm to an innocent or helpless individual, nor can she allow harm to come to them.

However, just like the 0th law of robotics, Aralisi has a chance to go against her strictures of mercy and protection against Evil-aligned beings, especially if their safety would allow others to be harmed. As if a loophole, the only way Aralisi can willingly lie to a Good-aligned individual must be to maintain her identity as Casey Lowe.

Weakness #3: Mortal Coil
Aralisi's human form is a disguise, but also restricts her true power. When she appears as Casey, she cannot control or create fire with Eternal Flame, nor can she Lay On Hands or make herself explode into flame with From The Ashes. Her Nemean Hide is also less potent, and she only enjoys partial protection from heat and light attacks from Eternal Flame. High-powered attacks can lacerate and pierce her, intense heat will hurt her but to a lesser extent, and a strong enough explosion will definitely kill her instead of knock her out. Magical attacks in her human form will certainly harm her as easily as they could any mundane person. As it takes a few seconds to transform into her avatar form, Casey might have to make a split-second decision and buy time if she's forced to drop her human guise.

Weakness #4: Occult Vulnerabilities
As mentioned before, magical attacks are perhaps the best way to harm Aralisi. Powers of a holy or unholy source will have the easiest time affecting her even in avatar form. Incredible power can be tapped into from her celestial stone with the right esoteric knowledge, should she be killed and the stone fall into the wrong hands. Rumor has it that there are ways to bind even gods, and should any being ever know her True Name (hint: it isn't Aralisi), they will have incredible leverage over the goddess... especially if magic is involved. Lastly, those who snatch away her ankh render her unarmed and without a shield; like her celestial stone, a means to channel the power of her Summer Fields could be corrupted.

Weakness #5: Beastly Appetite
Casey has quite the appetite, considering her true self. On a given day she needs to eat and drink twice as much as an ordinary human to be properly nourished. On top of that, she doesn't benefit as much from non-protein foods. She is technically an omnivore as humans are, but will require four times the caloric intake than an ordinary human if she doesn't rely on meat, legumes, beans, eggs, dairy and/or nuts.

Weakness #6: A Crisis of Faith
Because she is a goddess, Aralisi's influence can be limited. Those of strong faith in another deity that see her as a threat, or those who possess a strong lack of spiritual faith, will find themselves resistant to Aralisi's powers. Both pyromancy and healing alike won't be as potent against such staunchly pious or faithless individuals. Most people aren't aligned strongly enough with such spiritual factors, but on the off chance Aralisi finds one of them, she will have a difficult time relying on her celestial magic to aid or attack them.

Weakness #7: Solar Powered
Among her various domains the sun is a big one for Aralisi, whether or not that sun is Arcturus. Basking in a source of direct sunlight is how Aralisi taps into her healing factor. If she cannot rest and recuperate under the sun, her accelerated regeneration stops working until she can. Depending on how badly she's injured, Aralisi would need anywhere from an hour to a day of resting in sunlight to recover from harm. In a pinch and at double the needed time to recover, she is able to rest in any other source of UV light (tanning booths, blacklights, et cetera) or under moonlight (which reflects the sun's light). Overcast weather and thick clothing can also dampen this regeneration, which puts the goddess at a disadvantage during rainy or snowy seasons.

The Items

Shield of the Beast Queen - A hide shield resembling ancient Egyptian make, usually pulled from the aether and tethered to Aralisi's back by arcing crimson energy when she's not wielding it. Deceptively sturdy, the leather stretched over its impossibly light wood is as tough as Aralisi's Nemean hide. The shield can be breached and even broken by multiple high-powered or magical attacks (or a whole lot of mundane ones), in which case it will disappear until the sun rises at least twenty-four hours after its destruction. Once it reappears this way, the shield is fully repaired. If the shield ever leaves Aralisi's grasp, it can be made to disappear and be resummoned at will. However, the shield (and her weapons) can only be summoned by her main link back to her Summer Fields in Alvatera's hereafter: her orichalcum ankh.

Seven Arms of Aralisi - Seven weapons of otherworldly metals and wood that Aralisi adores more than any. She is able to draw these weapons out of thin air like her shield, though only one at a time. Her seven weapons are: a 9' tall spear; a two-handed sword resembling a German kreigsmesser (the traditional "war blade" of her leonine race on Alvatera); a flanged mace; a battleaxe resembling a Persian tabarzin; a dagger resembling Tutankhamen's meteoric dagger; a 7' staff tipped with holy metal; an "iron claw" fingerless gauntlet, resembling an Indian pata with a trio of dagger-length, inward-curved blades (another traditional weapon of the race she created on her home planet).

All seven of these weapons are magical in nature, having an easier time damaging creatures that are tougher than a normal person. They otherwise have the same limitations as a normal weapon would; her sword cannot cleave a breastplate, nor could her mace break through a tank. Like her shield, Aralisi's weapons can be broken by repeated high-powered or magical attacks to any of them. If a specific weapon is broken, it vanishes into the aether and cannot be summoned again until the sun rises at least twenty-four hours later. And like her shield, any weapon that leaves her grasp can be dispelled and resummoned at will, so long as she possesses her orichalcum ankh.

Celestial Stone - Though technically not on her person in physical form, Aralisi's celestial stone exists somewhere near the base of her spine. Those able to sense otherworldly energy could notice this stone had an otherworldly pulse to it, solidified upon her death or ethereal in her body, and that this pulse rises up to Aralisi's belly whenever she uses her fire or healing powers.

Orichalcum Ankh - A notable tell that Casey isn't all she appears to be. Considered by sages on Alvatera to be "true bronze", this ankh has a weathered and reddish tinge to it and seems to be highly resistant to magic. Casey wears this ankh on her person all the time, seeming to have sentimental value. In truth, this ankh is her link back to her palace in the Summer Fields, a part of her heavenly hereafter back on Alvatera. It was the same ankh that her daughter Oniacana once carried during her mortal lifetime, and was thus given to Aralisi in turn as a keepsake, borrowed any time she walks among mortals.

The Minions

Her worshipers, perhaps...? Not applicable.

The Fluff

Combat Mastery - As a veritable goddess of war, Aralisi is skilled with most any weapon or armor. She much prefers her Seven Arms, and is a potent martial artist for striking styles like Hung Gar, Muay Thai and others. Regardless she can wield weapons both primitive and futuristic, improvised or intricate, almost as if second nature.

Animal Ken - "Beast Queen" isn't a title that's just for show. While she cannot interfere with the free will of animals, Aralisi understands the body language and behaviors of countless creatures. Given proper time, trust and/or discipline, Aralisi is able to gain the affection or provoke the reactions of predators and prey alike. Not surprisingly, she has the easiest time getting along with obligate predators the most, especially big cats.

Polyglot - Through the persona of Casey, Aralisi can speak English, Arabic, Greek, Italian, Swahili and Farsi fluently. She can read and write these languages skillfully, and understands ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics too. Rumor has it that these Earth languages have similar enough phonetics to the languages her created race would encounter on Alvatera.

Healer's Hands - What kind of healing goddess would Aralisi be if she couldn't heal by mundane means? Aralisi is incredibly skilled with medical practice and diagnosis, from basic first aid to emergency room procedures.

Human Form - As a quick recap of her traits as Casey Lowe? Aralisi cannot control or create fire, nor can she heal others through her powers, as her human form. Her Nemean Hide isn't as powerful, or is her protection against heat and light attacks, as Casey. It also takes her a few seconds to shapeshift from Casey into Aralisi and back, seeming to spontaneously combust into white flame for both transformations. The plus side to appearing as Casey? A perfect unassuming disguise among mundane mortals (even Good-aligned ones), and being 5'2" is a more accessible size for human society than 7'!

Fake Identification - To match her identity as Casey, Aralisi has all the credentials needed to pose as a mixed-heritage American woman. Her ID is linked to the state of California (Santa Clara County), possessing a driver's license (for a used Chevy) and a gun license (doesn't own one right now). She also owns a bank card, though her credit score isn't great. Lastly, she has a fabricated job history of working at gyms (fitness and martial arts instructor), bars (bartender and bouncer), blue collar (warehouse logistics) and odd jobs.

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Last edited by Seeks on August 31st 2021, 8:15 pm; edited 13 times in total (Reason for editing : Completed opening draft)

Dana Cooper - Apocalypse Fox
Casey Lowe - Aralisi
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Casey Lowe / Aralisi Empty Re: Casey Lowe / Aralisi

Post by Nate6595 August 31st 2021, 12:14 pm

I think the items could use some weaknesses, namely the shield and also just state how strong the weapons are, if they are anything above what normal people could do then I'd say they need weaknesses as well!

Overall, I think for abilities, two or three more weaknesses would be needed! In the fluff, surprising strength is also something I'd put under powers, since normal folk can't lift up to five tons.
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Casey Lowe / Aralisi Empty Re: Casey Lowe / Aralisi

Post by Seeks August 31st 2021, 6:54 pm

Very well! Among these updates...

- Fleshed out how her shield and weapons work (they're magical, but act as more-durable mundane objects), adding the fact they can be destroyed and self-repaired. They can also be pulled in and out of hammerspace at will.

- Moved the super strength to main powers, and added three weaknesses as such. She needs to eat more than a person, her healing factor requires sunlight (or an approximation), and those of high faith (or a great lack thereof) aren't as phased by her magic. The latter one's like the Faith stat in Final Fantasy Tactics.

- Added functionality to her ankh. She needs it to access her armory from the afterlife she's in charge of; thus she can't call her shield or weapons without it. It's also dangerous if warlocks or whatever tap into its power.

- Something that needed to be added for logic-based logistics: as fluff, I gave her a set of fake ID as Casey. Wouldn't be as easy for her to pop out of nowhere without the proper alibi, no?

Dana Cooper - Apocalypse Fox
Casey Lowe - Aralisi
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Quote : “It is only the promise of death that makes life worth living.” - Robert E Howard

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Number of posts : 51
Location : Lockport, NY
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Humor : Yellow Bile
Registration date : 2021-06-20

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Casey Lowe / Aralisi Empty Re: Casey Lowe / Aralisi

Post by Nate6595 September 1st 2021, 3:12 am

Alright, that all sounds good to me! Thank you for making those changes, she is good to go! And I hope I can thread with her sometime Very Happy I got some villains I could throw her way!
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