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Cain Vulsore, The Lord of Shadows

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Cain Vulsore, The Lord of Shadows Empty Cain Vulsore, The Lord of Shadows

Post by CainVulsore December 13th 2012, 2:45 pm

Cain Vulsore The Lord of Shadows
"Bitch, I am The Lord of Shadows."

Basic Biography

Real Name: Josh Thoms
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: Cain Vulsore
Title: London's(and now NY's) Vampire, King of Darkness, Bloody Bandit, Lord of the Shadows
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Age: 25
Hair:Jet Black
Blood type:err who knows?

The Looks

Vampyric Form:

The Legacy

Cain is rash and a bad influence, though a natural born leader at the same time when using his very big brain, which isn’t most of the time. He is quick to judge and will get into fights easily if given the opportunity he will act before thinking, not caring about the consequences of those around him. He can hold a grudge easily and will go through elaborate plans to get what he wants even if it means killing a few bag ‘o bloods along the way. Cain is very sadistic; he is a cold blooded serial killer who doesn’t give a rat’s ass about anyone except for himself. If someone is at their feat groveling and begging for mercy Cain would simply laugh and chain them to a rock as he slowly and painfully starts to cut them up inch by inch, making the person watch every little thing until he finishes him by cutting his eyes and tongue out.

The certified King of Darkness loves to have everything he does go smoothly and without any flaws, if anything goes wrong he will immediately lose control and freak on the closest thing. He doesn’t know love or any emotion other than hate, anger, jealousy, and envy for the simple reason that growing up his mother was an alcoholic, a druggie, and his father was long gone before he was born. Cain has no remorse for any of the actions he has hence committed and will commit though secretly he does everything for a few select reasons. The two biggest reasons are the respect and fear he gets from people because of how powerful he is and far he has gone in life, though the true reason is he hopes that one day he will gain the love and approval of his father wherever he may be.

Sociopathic, Cain is not one to be reasoned with and is almost entirely devoid of emotions from his harsh life. He cares little for his own emotions save anger, hate, jealous, envy and lust and cares even less about the emotions of others save for their fear and respect. Because of this its usually very hard for him to connect with others on any sort of level other than respecting them, if they earn it which is just as hard to do.

Lies like there is no tomorrow. All his life Cain has had to lie to get by in life and it carries over even now when there should be no reason for him to lie about who he is. Anything out of his mouth should be taken with a grain of salt and because of this even he isn’t completely sure when the things he’s saying are true or false anymore. It takes skill and a hell of a lot of years doing it to convince one’s self that the lies they are telling are actually the truth.

He won’t admit it but Cain is about as insecure about himself as they come. Years upon years of picking himself up and trying to prove to the world that he isn’t going to be defined by the type of mother he has, or the little amount of money he has, or the fact that he has an absent father has been hard on the boy, and because of this the real Cain, or rather Josh Toms, is buried deep down inside of him. He’s buried under  years of lies, and arrogance boosters.

Speaking of arrogance boosters, after years of building himself up into the lie he is today Cain is an arrogant ass hole and he isn’t afraid of letting you know how much better he is than you will ever be. This also usually tends to lean over into his fighting capabilities as well, while in a fight Cain will usually never resort to using his full potential especially at night because he doesn’t believe anyone in the world human, monster, Super Hero, Alien, Demon, or even God can stand to match his full power. Believing himself to be a God in his own right.

Finally Cain has two very prominent scars on his body one is that of a scar right below what would be called his pecks in the shape of a strange L given to him by his mother and a broken beer bottle when he was five years old that never healed properly. The second one however is much bigger and more recent, it is a huge cross that resides on his back. It was cut into him and then burned in by the ‘villagers’ of his hometown when they deemed him a monster or some sort of possessed demon before he of course killed them all. The cross on his back still brings him slight pain whenever it is touched and as for the one on his chest if mentioned or he sees it, it is still able to send Cain into a state of momentary shock due to the ‘sentimental value’ it holds over him.
Cain Vulsore had a very troubled child hood right from the start, the day he was born his father was nowhere to be seen so on his birth certificate no name could even be written down. He grew up in the ‘care’ of his mother, an alcoholic, a drug addict, and all those vile things wrapped up into one whom didn’t seem to care much for Cain. By the time he was three it one could already tell he would grow up to be a ‘troubled child’ just on the way he acted alone, but did that stop people from wanting to be around him? No, it was just the opposite, kids his age and a little older would flock to him in hopes that he would lead them on adventures surely to attract the attention of their parents whether it is good or bad.

By middle school he had more enemies than one could count, but he also had more friends than one could count as well. It was about this time that his powers started to manifest and he started to believe that he was a vampire just like from the stories he read. Studying up on his powers and abilities, along with his skill with daggers and torture, he perfected them up through his second year of high school which was when he dropped out. How he 'perfected' them was through trial and error, finding out what he could and could not do. He dropped out to better support his mother but a week after he lost control and killed his mother, by ripping into her neck and draining her of her blood; essentially drinking her dry.

Upon realization of what he did he severed her head and burnt the rest of her body to remove any evidence to himself than 'took flight'. By the time he had turned eighteen he had killed up to one hundred more people, each and tortured just as many. It was the day he turned nineteen that he was finally run out of London and he once again took flight, but this time across the big pond and into America. New York City, New York to be exact was his new destination. Once there he tried to live his life quietly feeding his bloodlust and staying under the radar but that didn't last long. For the Rest of his history see:

The Powers and Weaknesses

(Cain had 4 Advancements in the old system. 2 of which are going towards his speed in his Vampyric Form. So, spending 15 exp of his total 116)
Power 1: Umbrakinesis: He has the ability to mentally extinguish visible light and surround himself and others in darkness and shadow. He can surround his foes in pitch black space making all light in that area stifled and the person unable to see around them, making it so only him and any other Darkness Manipulator can see. He can create, control, manipulate, materialize and summon darkness in various ways, often by accessing a dimension of dark energy, and the beings that dwell there, that he has dubbed the 'Shadow Relm' He can shape and manipulate darkness at will by making tentacles/tendrils and/or wires, or Elemental Constructs of darkness, including weapons, missiles, walls, armor or allies/servants. Finally he is gifted with the extraordinary ability to travel through shadows accomplished by deactivating light particles and converting said particles into a dark version of a wormhole. He calls this shadow traveling because that is what it seems like. He must first visualize the place in his mind and then travel to there, to do so he must completely covered in shadows, has to know where he is going, and cannot be interrupted in any way.

Power 2: Superhuman Strength, in his natural form Cain is inhumanly strong able to lift upwards of 100 Tons.

Power 3: Superhuman Durability, he's strong, he's tough, he can take as much and more than he can dish out. This guy is going to go the distance.  His body is capable of shrugging bullets with barely a sensation, withstanding up to freezing temperatures and boiling temperatures without any major damage and he's able to shrug off a tank shell and things of that nature with at the most a nasty bruise to minor lacerations. He can fall from high places without taking any fatal damage, which goes well with his ability to leap high. This also transfers over to his endurance, allowing him to function at his peak for up to 24 hours before needing to slow down.

Power 4: Transformation: Gathering all the shadows in the area under his control around Cain into a ball of shadows only to explode outwards with as much force as any of his attacks Cain transforms himself into his pure vampyric form. Now standing at a height of 7' and with wings made from pure shadows the King of Darkness takes flight in a new form. With it comes it's own variety of powers and strengths, as well as new weaknesses. For example in this form he looses his ability to manipulate Shadows and Darkness.

Power 5: Superhuman Strength, in his Vampyric form Cain is inhumanly strong, much more so than his natural self and the limits of what he is able to accomplish/lift is unknown.

Power 6: Superhuman Durability: See above.

Power 7: Superhuman Speed, Something only found in this form Cain is able to move at inhuman speeds both when flying at running. He can reach speeds upwards of Mach 3 (2,282 MPH) when running and Mach 5 (3,800 mph) when flying.  This newfound speed also increases his reaction time and agility where as in his natural form Cain is unable to dodge bullets or anything faster than bullets he is now able to do so with ease.

Power 8: Flight, due to the way the transformation works Cain gains a nice new set of wings giving him the ability to fly up to speeds that reach up to Mach 5 or 3,800 mph.

Weakness 1: :When the shadow traveling is going on if he is interrupted the shadow travel will not go and ten seconds after he leaves someone can follow him to where he went.

Weakness 2: Because of his time spent withing the shadows they have altered his mind and made him to believe he is a vampire from like one of the books he read as a kid. Because of how he thinks if he's ever trapped in the sun, his brain wont allow him to use his powers at all; also due to a rare skin disease he has his skin if exposed to direct sun light literally catches fire. This mental barrier was only increased when he became an actual Vampire.

Weakness 3: Another weakness is that any form of UV light or light manipulation can weaken his powers greatly and possibly even make it so he cannot manipulate the darkness/shadows at all.

Weakness 4: When transforming into his Vampyric form Cain must gather all the shadows in the area around him or that he is controlling and amass it into a nigh indestructible ball around himself. However upon doing so he is locked into this ball for an entire post. He is unable to do anything else until this time is up.

Weakness 5: Due to his new found Vampyric form Cain has most of the weaknesses commonly found to hinder vampires in mythology the main one being silver.  Silver burns Cain on contact, and seeing silver jewelry has an effect similar to mild headaches and severe migraines. Simply being in the presence of Silver objects causes him to feel disoriented. When used as weapons they are able to pierce his nigh invulnerable skin as if it were butter.

Weakness 6: Wooden Weapons, they are able to pierce his nigh invulnerable skin as if it were butter and burn his skin on contact.

Weakness 7: Blood deprived. It used to be just something he did for the hell of it now though because of that if Cain goes even one night without drinking enough blood to drain a full grown man (1.5 gallons) he looses all of his enhanced and innate abilities. Slowly becoming even weaker than that of a normal human. It isn't pretty when this happens, he slowly starts deteriorating, becoming weak and mad, even more so than he already is.

Weakness 8: His Vampyric form only lasts for about the length of 4 posts and once that time is up he converts back into his normal form. It happens suddenly and without warning, if Cain is doing something he is unable to do in his normal form such as flying he will fall from that height. If he's running at superhuman speeds he will trip and fall until his body comes across something able to stop him. Not only that but he does not regain his ability to manipulate shadows until the next post.

RP Mechanics

RP Mechanic(s):

Weapons: Josh (or Cain as he goes by now) carries around a Kilij (kilij ) and two onyx colored daggers

Name:Shadow Monsters

History: These are shadow monsters or creatures of the night who devote themselves to the true Lord of Shadows and until their lord dies they will be forever loyal to them.

Power(s):shadow like substances made to take human form, usually about ten to fifteen at a time, can move through the shadows from one point to the other. ] They are no stronger than the average human and can be taken down in about one or two hits, they are used primarily as glass canon type troops due to how fast they move and their mobility. They have the ability of Shadow Travel like Cain himself along with the weaknesses and can move up to 500 mph. As they are just shadows any type of light can disrupt them.

Name: Wolves

History: These are all werewolves who were once human, bitten by another Lycan and then forced to roam the world as one as well. The only difference is these were roamed up by the original Lord of Shadows and 'leashed' by him and forced to serve him and his processors in their mindless wolf like form.  These mindless beasts are no faster than your average wolf but are strong enough to go toe to toe with metahumans able to lift up to around 5-10 tons. (about 3-4)

Physical Priority
(You are to put these physical attributes in order from 1 to 4. 1 is the highest priority, 4 is the lowest.)

Last edited by CainVulsore on October 14th 2015, 5:13 pm; edited 7 times in total

Cain Vulsore
Cain Vulsore, The Lord of Shadows Pbucket

Creatures of the night
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Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

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Registration date : 2011-08-21

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Cain Vulsore, The Lord of Shadows Empty Re: Cain Vulsore, The Lord of Shadows

Post by Forceaus December 13th 2012, 3:20 pm


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Cain Vulsore, The Lord of Shadows Empty Re: Cain Vulsore, The Lord of Shadows

Post by Jordan Reynolds October 14th 2015, 3:26 pm

Moved for edits
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Cain Vulsore, The Lord of Shadows Empty Re: Cain Vulsore, The Lord of Shadows

Post by CainVulsore October 14th 2015, 4:46 pm

Yo edits have been made.

Cain Vulsore
Cain Vulsore, The Lord of Shadows Pbucket

Creatures of the night
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Posting Master

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Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

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Number of posts : 434
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Registration date : 2011-08-21

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Cain Vulsore, The Lord of Shadows Empty Re: Cain Vulsore, The Lord of Shadows

Post by Jordan Reynolds October 14th 2015, 5:13 pm

Approved until stated otherwise
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Cain Vulsore, The Lord of Shadows Empty Re: Cain Vulsore, The Lord of Shadows

Post by Zonkes January 24th 2022, 4:49 pm

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