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Gun For Hire?

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INV ONLY Gun For Hire?

Post by Yurei Shi May 13th 2020, 3:15 am

The twilight sky stood vigilantly over the metropolis known as Tokyo, Japan. The bright lights of the city’s architecture creeps through small cracks within the wooden panels that cover the windows on an abandoned building. The room itself, dimly lit, with carelessly placed crates on the wooden floor. The walls dull, with holes punched through them, as well as graffiti placed along their ancient carvings.

Enough about the details that surround the area though, Yurei Shi was here for one thing and one thing only. The mercenary known as Noah Adamson, has been spotted at his home. It will be his last mistake, that he knows. As he walked through the opening to the room, he pulled his Katana close, holding the blade with two hands, and taking caution with every step he took.

Yurei, much like any other infiltrator, studied every step he took, almost calculating it as he did so. As he began to step from one room to another, he began to whisper to himself, something in his native tongue no doubt. As Yurei came closer to the next room, he began to prepare himself for the fight that was to come ahead. As he steps into the light, he is faced by a rather large athletic man. His skin, furry like a bear. As he turns his large body to face Yurei, he chuckles under his breath while looking at the younger, smaller Yurei.

“You have come all this way.. Just to die at my own hands? What is the purpose for it? Could it be a contract? No.. I tend to cover my bases when it comes to those. Perhaps, you are like many others who seek vengeance. So tell me boy, who is it that I gutted?” Noah Adamson says, spitting on the ground as he says so.

“I will save my confessions to the shrines, and you may save yours to whatever hell I send you to..” Yurei Shi exclaims, his breaths becoming faster, and his adrenaline running more and more with each breath that he takes.

Noah chuckles as he pulls his blades out, ready for Yurei Shi to strike. Yurei, with anger, swings his Katana out towards Noah Adamson, but Noah deflects the strike and begins to parry him. Yurei, with his agile advantage, swings his blade quickly from side to side, slightly gashing Noah’s left arm as well as his right side. Noah, who feels his side for blood, huffs and puffs before pulling his blades back up to deflect Yurei Shi’s next attack attempt.

The two continue their battle, leaving small cuts on each other, but neither give. As they continue to make their way through the room, more men show up, firing at Yurei Shi, forcing him to find cover behind a crate. As he looks up to the sky, he closes his eyes and holds his blade, praying before charging into battle.
Yurei Shi
Yurei Shi

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2020-05-12

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INV ONLY Re: Gun For Hire?

Post by RoyalAurelius May 13th 2020, 3:57 pm

Is that gunfire already? What the hell was going on..... this was supposed to be an easy in and out mission. Fuck. She exclaims to herself in her head, taking a small swig of gin from her flask. With a sharp exhale, she perches on a nearby hill under a cherry blossom tree, giving her not only a lovely ledge, but the perfect vantage point on the festivities. She takes a moment to check her gear; securing her mask on her face, slipping on her gloves, and making sure her boots are properly laced.

"I didn't realize the Japanese were so gun crazy..... I thought they did the swords. Too many western movies, I suppose."

With great agility, she leaps from the hill and uses a lower hanging tree to both catch herself from the fall, but swing herself over the high wall. She lands with a soft thud, not as quiet as she prefers, but what does it matter considering the bullets flying. She then makes her way towards the house, lightly pressing herself against the wall near the kitchen. Her quills gently graze the wall, them pressed against her body to prevent them from pricking anything around them.

She peers through a side window, not seeing anyone in the kitchen, and deeming it safe to enter. She uses a small knife to pry open the lock before sliding it open and slipping in. As she slinks over the counter and lands on the floor, she is greeted by an armed guard who had been ordered to watch the kitchen. His eyes stared at her with both surprise and fear as he lifted his gun up to prepare to fire. Lauren was fast enough to deal with this person, but needed him off guard for a moment.

"All right.... so I know this is weird. An Irish talking porcupine, but would you believe me if I said I was an alien from another planet?"

The guard slowly shook his head, in an almost comical state of fear as he stared at her. He was off put by not only her ability to speak, but the simple fact that she was a fucking humanoid porcupine. He had lowered his gun for just a split moment, attempting to raise it again and fire. This gave her just enough time to pounce and strike him in the neck with a sharp hit. Her gloves gave off a sharp pop as the electricity gave her strike an extra bump, allowing her to incapacitate the man with little to no effort.

"Nighty night murderer." She exclaims to herself quietly, taking another look around with her crimson eyes. She makes her way from the kitchen, making sure to avoid the gunfight that was happening, as her goal was far simpler. Using the noise as a distraction for whomever may be around, she began to make her way towards the stairs and up to the master bedroom. Surely this egomaniacal mercenary would store his files in the most obvious place..... a safe behind his big old self portrait. All these bad guys were the same.

Status :

Quote : "Being human means feeling different things; love, hate, regret, solace, joy, pain, pleasure..... the world is full of jerks. Don't be another one."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 98
Age : 33
Registration date : 2019-03-18

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INV ONLY Re: Gun For Hire?

Post by Yurei Shi May 13th 2020, 4:19 pm

How did this all go so wrong? As Yurei began to stealthily take out the few men he could, the bulk of the goons still stood in the center of the room, protecting the merc, which was just making his job more and more difficult. Suddenly, his eyes lit up as an idea popped into his head. Almost instantaneously Yurei stands tall, his blade sheathed away. As he approached the central goons, he smirked slightly, his eyes focused on Noah Adamson.

“I have a proposal for you, Adamson… Perhaps, rather than I continue to defeat each of your men and embarrass them and their families, you and I fight single combat. What’s the harm that can come from it, seeing as you’re not much of a challenge to me, it would be nice if you got rid of me now, by your own hands like you did to my uncle. Would it not?”

The merc began to ponder on that thought. Now that Yurei Shi had him and his men distracted, now was his chance to strike. As he unsheathed his blade, he slashed through one of the goons, using his offhand to use another as a human shield. After this, he used the same blade and did a spinning stab maneuver, gutting the last goon. This now left him, and the merc to stand face to face with one another once again.

“I guess now you’re left with very little chance? So now, your life is in my hands.”

“You pesky little insect.. For years I have dealt with squabbling from insignificant little rats like you. For years, I have put them down. Do you know why? Because I train daily to kill, while you are only here for this one task. What happens to you after you take my life? You begin to take others? The cycle still continues on. Then some pesky rodent like yourself comes for your head. Do you not see? Me killing you is me doing you a favor. Because at least then, you can join your uncle Shishio..”

Yurei’s hands clench at the sound of his uncle’s name. He goes to make an uncalculated strike at the merc, but he pulls in the young Samurai and disarms him, tossing him and the blade to the side.
Yurei Shi
Yurei Shi

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2020-05-12

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INV ONLY Re: Gun For Hire?

Post by RoyalAurelius May 30th 2020, 5:14 pm

Her footsteps were virtually silent, creeping through the house with her natural finesse. She makes her way through every room, occasionally climbing over a corpse here and there. The carnage didn't seem to bother her, though that could just be misconstrued as forced apathy, given the dangling flask filled with particularly hard liquor. Her fingers curl around it as she picks it off her belt, twists the top, and takes a generous gulp.

She gives a sharp exhale after the swig, then screws the top back on. "These fuckers were cut down with a sword. Just perfect, I'm in the middle of a typical ninja battle. Just need to stay quiet and out of sight." As she made her way into the next room, she could hear the metallic clash of swords, signifying her need to hide. With her impressive agility, she scurries up the side of a shelf, making her way to an overhang where a small space allowed her to scurry above the rest of the house.

Lucky break, having this storage space up here. She had to wonder if this merc was actually a tasteful decorator, or he confiscated it from a victim. Either way  this man was a cunt, through and through. Making her way into the next room, she finally got eyes on the..... samurai? Damnit, she wanted to see a ninja. Oh well, this was still pretty interesting.... and hell.... maybe they'll kill each other and she can be done with this mission. All she needs is that damned locket, anyways.

Lauren picked a nice, comfy perch point, letting her boots dangle off the edge as she sat in on the fight to watch. She took the opportunity to indulge a bit more as she grabbed her flask in hand. Taking yet another swig, her red eyes focused on the two as they clashed. The larger man was intimidating, but egotistical. The younger one seemed pretty arrogant and self-righteous. Both cunts. She chuckled silently to herself before taking another drink, letting the booze sooth and wash over her.

"B&E and a show, what a fun night for murder and law breaking. Seems these Japs are much more lenient about what goes on in the dark. Samurai rules and all? Meh, let's see who dies first....." Her eyes try to follow what's going on, finding it rather difficult to follow the sword slashes as they were not only precise, but swift. It was like a real life samurai film for her enjoyment. Let's just hope it doesn't turn bad.... Lauren was not keen on fighting a trained samurai.

Status :

Quote : "Being human means feeling different things; love, hate, regret, solace, joy, pain, pleasure..... the world is full of jerks. Don't be another one."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 98
Age : 33
Registration date : 2019-03-18

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INV ONLY Re: Gun For Hire?

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