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Hoarding Life

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Hoarding Life Empty Hoarding Life

Post by ghost January 2nd 2021, 5:40 pm

The room smelt of death. Grovoton's nose was as powerful as a dogs right now, even if you couldn't see it on the outside. He was on the hunt. He didn't know for what, or for who, but he knew that he must act or soon face the end of the Yakuza. The other bosses had him walking on eggshells, if he couldn't control his area with an iron fist, how could he be the one chosen to pilot the Yakuza flagship? They looked at him with distain and he hated it, not because he cared about their feelings, but because he had more important things to worry about than playing this balancing act of good boss and bad. He would end this, and Tokyo would feel it.

His form was that of a human, an untraceable shell, one with no fingerprints, barely a face. What was there was a pair of eyes, a nose, tall pointed ears, and a mouth that went from ear to ear if opened all the way. The skin was pulled taught. This was the first time he had turned into something so monstrous, he couldn't help but feel like a hunter. His eyes large and always moving as he walked from room to room feet landing as softly as possible.  

Dead bodies where sprawled out on the floor like rugs. Some had wide eyes, other almost looked like they were smiling. He did notice how not one gun shot had been fired. No bullet holes or shells on the walls or ground. No sign anyone was there minus the dead. He counted 3 in the first room, and that was by the door. He couldn't imagine the mess they would have tried to hide.

The building he was in was run by the Yakuza. It was a large hotel on in the middle of Tokyo, known for its parties. This had been a party once, or the afterparty at least. Drugs could be seen on the end tables. Weapons on the ground as sum tried to crawl to them. In some rooms strobes were still going off in an eerie silence.  He tired to think of what could have done this, no creature he could recall, but he knew this world was a strange one. He bent down to examine one of the bodies. Grovoton's hand turned the corps head to reveal two deep punctures with blood still oozing from them.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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Age : 32
Job : Medical, Navy
Humor : Your mom
Registration date : 2011-02-21

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Hoarding Life Empty Re: Hoarding Life

Post by Lazarus January 3rd 2021, 5:06 am

Gluttony was a favorite pastime of his.

Ever since Lazarus could remember, he loved drinking up human lives like the finest vintage and the blood he consumed filled him as if it were own. Bringing even a semblance of life to the vampire. Cheeks flush with warmth, lips a darker color and even his own body now warm compared to what it once was before. The air smelled of cigarette smoke, booze and death. Ancient, and glutted on blood he scanned the dimly lit hotel bedroom with mild interest. ”Organized crime isn’t that intimidating when you think about it,” Lazarus mused, turning to a dying man half drained of his blood.  He didn’t even have the strength to speak, leaving him almost disappointed.  

”Guns, katanas…knives even won’t do you any good. I suppose a green vampire might have been cut down, but I’m not green at all,” Soft sounds worked through the room, though he couldn’t tell if that was just him hearing things. Perhaps one of the not dead Yakuza goons trying to drag themselves across the carpeting of another room and save themselves. Faint heartbeats like music were at the edge of his hearing, something he was keeping track of to keep himself occupied.  It was then that a stronger heartbeat caught his attention, brown eyes scanning to the door of the room.

”Might be one of your allies. Could be fun,” His lips curled into a wide smirk, rising from the bed and putting his poor victim out of their misery. A low, croaking gurgle working from them as blood issued from every orifice of them. Picking up a glass settled on a nightstand, Lazarus sipped at the vodka laced blood, smacking his lips and smirking. ”well that’s interesting.” Like the many corpses that lined the hotel hallways, he was wearing a crisp suit meant to fit his own diminutive form, forcing copper red hair into line with a rake of fingers.

There was someone among the corpses and he had to wonder who they were. Would they offer him enough intrigue, or would they be an amusing kill? Either could do. The hallway wasn’t carpeted, instead giving way to that clean tiling that came with such high end establishments. Any cameras were smashed, some dangling from their perches and others ripped to the floor. ”I’m surprised someone’s still alive here. Didn’t think I was getting that sloppy,” Was he? Well there was only one to deal with that.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 13
Registration date : 2020-05-18

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Hoarding Life Empty Re: Hoarding Life

Post by ghost January 8th 2021, 6:51 pm

There was something stepping softly through the hotel. His cat like ears picked it up as the gentle noises moved from wall to wall. With a jerk Grovoton was on the other side of the room, in a corner, one arm extended to block anything, his body crouched low, like a cat about to pounce. In the palm of his right hand bone bubbled and shifted in form and gave way to a sword. It was a dull make, giving off no light, but the weapon was condensed marrow that could cut through one of these walls easily.

He wouldn't let this human, that is what he thought he heard, a biped for sure, speak or move if he could prevent it. Some were strong with their words he has learned, able to shift the world into binds he couldn't touch. So, as soon as he saw the man Grovoton leaped at him, as silent as possible. He would attempt to attack from the side, with the sword in his right hand, he would pull back and thrust through this person's neck and end it right here.

His mind was already going back to what he was going to do for the rest of the night. He could catch a helicopter to the ship before he heads too far off into the Atlantic...

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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Registration date : 2011-02-21

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Hoarding Life Empty Re: Hoarding Life

Post by Lazarus January 8th 2021, 7:53 pm

Living beings were always amusing.

When they knew danger lurked around the corner there were few things they could do. Run, hide or fight. Most humans when they saw what he could do were tempted to run rather than face what he was capable of doing. They were the smarter ones, as hiding just meant they were in one place for him. Rats trying to hide from the hungry cat. Fighting was always the worst option, but the most fun for him.

He wondered what that light heartbeat would do. It sounded calm, much akin to a predator in wait but what did that mean? Did they intend to attack him? Well that would be no good for them. Following that pitter patter was easy enough. Leading him through the halls until he stepped into a room, one of the many he craved his way through on a glutenous killing spree. His own footsteps were as soft as they were, but the sound of faintest movement caught his attention.

Something sharp subtlety whistling through the air like a blade. Larger than a knife, he could tell that much as the world around him felt like it were blurring to a halt. The action was casual as he spun around and stepped to the side, a blur likely to even those with inhuman perceptions as he was one moment standing there and the next on the top of the bed. An amused smirk on his lips as he looked over the large blade that took the place of the mans limb. ”Well you’re obviously not human, or…are you one of those metahumans?”

He gave a casually flick of the wrist, meaning to send the human shaped person into the wall with a flex of his telekinetic prowess. The ripple within the air was subtle but then again, he was playing with him. The wall would crack but not break under the force.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 13
Registration date : 2020-05-18

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Hoarding Life Empty Re: Hoarding Life

Post by ghost January 8th 2021, 8:12 pm

The man simply stepped aside.

These creatures, next time he'd have to bring a small force to investigate these things, at least have one on stand by. His thoughts flickered into the "what if's" and "should have done" as he slammed into the wall. The drywall caving in slightly as his humanoid body hit it and spun like a top, recovering as quickly as possible.

"Metahuman." He said the word through snarled lips, his voice like three different people at once. "I am better than human." Taking another leap towards the creature. Surly, that is what he was. But Grovoton wasn't here to chat. This thing killed many of his men, their lives demanded revenge, a part of his mind said, and he silenced it as quickly as it arrived. Tonight he wasn't Eiichi, tonight he was a creature of his own making, and he would deny any other thoughts that were not his own.

The attack was simple. Jumping back into the air he would come down pushing the blade into the man's skull. He didn't know what force hit him into the wall, the man moved so fast he could have done it with his hands. But another attack should solve the riddle.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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Posting Master

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 476
Location : Everywhere
Age : 32
Job : Medical, Navy
Humor : Your mom
Registration date : 2011-02-21

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Hoarding Life Empty Re: Hoarding Life

Post by Lazarus January 8th 2021, 9:13 pm

”To be better than livestock doesn’t mean much,” He retorted, wondering how riled u he could get this being. They were obviously beyond human, more dangerous than these men but then again he was no simple vampire. His strength transcended that which his kind would hope to gain for centuries. Still they used a transparent attack, lunging forward with that arm blade prepped to smash through his skull. Would it even be able to pierce through his bone? He wasn’t interested in finding out if that were the case.

Again the motion was simple, feeling the weight of the bed shift as the blade punched through springs, and bedding and he simply smirked at him. ”Predictable,” Without wasting a second he  drove his knee upwards towards the mans nose. A superhuman level of strength behind it. Enough to cave in a human adults skull, even send the head flying off like a grotesque watermelon. If it connected even against a durable person, they likely would have been thrown across the room and through the wall.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 13
Registration date : 2020-05-18

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Hoarding Life Empty Re: Hoarding Life

Post by ghost January 8th 2021, 9:32 pm

The sword cut into the bed as the man moved in the blink of an eye. This time he could see, not clearly of course, it was like a blur. This thing was fast. Grovoton had to think of a plan, how could he catch something this powerful, something that could move at speeds faster than he can even detect?

Thoughts strayed off as pain hit his body with the force of a large truck. On the outside one would see Grovoton's spine, neck, and head protrude from his back like connected system as his muscles tensed. They lifted almost a foot from where it should have been as he smashed through the wall behind him.

It was an odd sensation, it hurt so bad, and snapped back into place so fast Grovoton almost didn't feel it. He hoped the pain would stay it's arival for another few moments, but then. The ground was like quicksand under his feet. He took a knee and planted the sword into the ground, the other hand holding his head as room gathered itself.

Shaking the pain he looked up. Livestock huh? Is that what happened here? A wolf feeding on chickens? Small hairs grew all over Grovoton's body. They would be difficult to notice with normal human eyes, but he hoped to use them to sense this man's movement, even the small shifts could displace the air.

"Another monster huh? Why don't you go somewhere else and plant your teeth?" Grovoton's mouth moved awkwardly and in large motions with his jaw.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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Registration date : 2011-02-21

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Hoarding Life Empty Re: Hoarding Life

Post by Lazarus January 8th 2021, 9:53 pm

Dry wall shattered as they were thrown into the wall and his eyes followed with mild amusement. Was that the sound of bone breaking? He couldn’t be for sure but it sounded as well as looked like he managed to deal a powerful blow from just that. ”A t rue monster doesn’t have to bend to the whims of others. I hunt where I will it. I drink what I want and woe to any man or beast that would stand in my way. I wonder how you would taste,” He licked his lips, needle-like fangs protruding from his upper gums in a menacing display.

There was something different about this man, though he couldn’t tell. Was he always so hairy? ”Did these men belong to you? Were you meaning to consume them?” He questioned, arcing a brow and then shrugging. ”though now you’ve caught my interest. I want to see what kind of monster you are. I hope you’re durable enough,” He hopped off the bed, and then with a casual motion sent the bed careening forward with the intention of smashing into Grovo and then through as many walls as the momentum could carry it.  How would he react and would he be able to avoid whatever trauma that could cause.

If you don’t die perhaps I’ll even leave this section of Tokyo alone, out of respect, He projected his thoughts forward into the mans skull as of taunting him.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 13
Registration date : 2020-05-18

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Hoarding Life Empty Re: Hoarding Life

Post by ghost January 8th 2021, 11:19 pm

Grovoton acted as soon as he could feel a movement in the air and his eyes could catch up. Sending his sword into mattress he split it easily, but the rest of the wood shattered against him and pushed him again through the wall behind him. The hairs on his body helping him feel every inch of travel.

The walls around him gave way to another room littered with dead bodies. How many had died? He shook his head again, wooden splinters all over his body that get pushed out and fall to the ground. Grovoton knew he could take a beating, more than most anyway, A thought struck him. What if he tried to get some of this man? A drop of blood, that would be all he needed.

"I wasn't going to consume them. Though, they are mine." He stands upright. "Is that how you get your power? By consuming others?" Maybe we aren't all that different He thought.

"Wonder what I taste like?" He holds out his arm and blood pours from it. "Come and get it."

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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Location : Everywhere
Age : 32
Job : Medical, Navy
Humor : Your mom
Registration date : 2011-02-21

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