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Joe the Investigator

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Joe the Investigator Empty Joe the Investigator

Post by Secret Santa November 29th 2019, 1:59 pm


"Nothing is going to get between me and this investigation."

The Bio

Real Name: Joseph Pierceson
Renegade Name:
Title: The ultimate investigator
Alignment: True Neutral
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Unknown
Hair: Brown
Eyes: The left eye looks like a camera lens and can extend or retract, while the right looks like a magnifying glass lens.
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 187lbs
Blood type:

The Looks

Joseph looks like an average man from a distance, with a few minor differences. Mainly his eyes which seem to be a magnifying glass and camera respectively. However, as you get closer; you realize that his entire body is made like a rubiks cube in the shape of a human body. His skin is covered in strange lines and squares that shift under pressure. Not only this, but in his chest is a printer that allows the photos taken by his eye to be printed in full color.

The Personality

Obsessive - When Joe gets on a case, he will not let it go until every aspect is solved. He will slave over every single detail until the case is closed.

Slightly Anti-Social - While Joe tries to be polite normally, his investigative obsession often leads him to be inconsiderate, or even downright rude in his social interactions.

Easy to Anger - If Joe is stuck on a case, and can’t seem to get any clues; his anger is quick to rise, and slow to fall.

The Story


At 23, Joe kind of just appeared in the modern world. No memories, no modern currency, even his clothes were… strange. He worked to get his license to become a private investigator, and made a name for himself as the premier investigator for hero related business.

Recently, Joe has become more active in the hero community, doing things that most humans, and even a good portion of metahumans, would never do.

The Priority

1. Agility
2. Endurance
3. Reaction
4. Strength

The Powers

Solving - Joe is an amnesiac. The only thing that let’s him remember exactly what happened to him, is the power of solving. Whenever Joe gets a clue on a case, he gains a little piece of himself back.


Eye for Detail - Joe’s right eye can pick out even the most minute details in the scene. Clues glow with a slight blue color when he spots them.

Eye for Photography - Joe’s left eye has all the properties of a camera, including the ability to take pictures and emit a bright flash.


Human Lie Detector - When Joe turns on this power, it becomes nearly impossible to lie to him. [Permission Based]

The Weaknesses

Case Sniped - If a case is solved by someone, or the subject of the investigation comes forward before Joe can solve the case, he becomes highly irrational and even violent. In addition, cracks start to appear in his rubiks cube skin, causing him to bleed.

Human Rubiks Cube - If you scramble the pieces of Joe, he starts to forget things. In addition, his skin is made of the same plastic as a rubiks cube.

Glass Eyes - Joes eyes are both breakable, and if broken will leave him blind; forcing him to require repair.

Human Rubiks Cube 2 - If you solve the puzzle that is  Joe, he will crumble and fall apart.

The Items

General detectives gear (i.e - Revolver, old fashioned car, office, etc.)

The Minions

The Fluff

Joe is considered one of the top investigators of all time, and has been called a modern day Sherlock Holmes.

The RP Sample

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.

Secret Santa
Secret Santa

Status :

Quote : "Ho Ho Ho"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 35
Location : North Pole
Job : Holiday organizer
Humor : Jolly
Registration date : 2019-11-08

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