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Broken pieces

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INV ONLY Broken pieces

Post by The Bolt July 5th 2019, 4:03 pm

In the times of quiet Alex found himself wondering.

His parents were once these great heroes that articles in the paper and even interviews on television were attempted. How they deal with the concept of death and dying wasn’t something that he could comprehend. These thoughts tended to run when he wasn’t, all too consuming until he had to take a run.  Moving through the streets of Chicago at speeds that were nothing more than blurs to the people living their lives, trying to just free his mind through the physical activity.  Anything to keep his mind in the idea of a man being smashed under a boulder or somehow blown to bits across the white cell.

His parents didn’t understand. Maybe they didn’t want to or maybe they couldn’t.  All he had to do was give one of the many excuses that he tended to give, running at full speed once he made that five block difference. Not that running was anything new when he gained his powers, going out and running every chance that presented itself. Away from friends and just to himself as if it were his own personal gift. Nothing he had to share with anyone, save for his dad who was probably too rusty on the  running aspect of things.

His fight with Proxy and how he realized how much he floundered without him. Maybe that was a hit to his own pride. Maybe he was stupid for even having that pride in the first place. These thoughts wormed their way into his mind even as he ran, wondering when he began to think so deeply. He used to just think about stupid teenaged things; like school, friends, girls, boys, college and whatever.  Those should have been important but he was a metahuman as well as a hero. People always expected things from him.

By the time he stopped he skidded along a stretch of empty parking lot, bereft of the whooshing wind that came with running fast. Dressed in his running suit because he knew people would recognize him from..well many things. He could have contacted the team but then again maybe he wanted to do something on his own.

Maybe stop a few small crimes. Yeah, maybe that could help. He took in a deep breath, the sound of cars and a siren vaguely in the distance.

Then he ran again.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
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INV ONLY Re: Broken pieces

Post by Zodiac July 5th 2019, 8:11 pm

The fashionable car pulled off to the side, concealing itself in the shadow. The woman whom had just escaped the speedster was in the clear. An Empress, a Queen in her own right. Her distaste and hatred for the human race was a catalyst for the destruction and devastation to come. It was only here that she would receive her invitation to such. The door opened and a hand reached down. It was a cold, lifeless one that felt very little like skin and far more like metal.

“I don’t believe our business is concluded, Miss Cinders.” The voice came. There was a natural menace to the way the armored man spoke, but there was no malintent to his words. What business did they have? Given the scorch marks on the plating and the broken police cuffs it would be an interesting conversation. Her paranoia may get the better of her, but regardless of what she did. He did not seem to be going anywhere far from her at this moment. They now had more than a single common enemy. They both had an agenda, and it was far past time to find out if they aligned.


“His device is off. If he wanted something, he’d turn it on.” Proxy said as he continued to work through the algorithms. He studied the footage of the previous encounter, a small smirk on his face as he watched Bolt strike their new umbrakinetic friend. It was a prime moment of innovation. He looked to find Cypher staring at him, her eyes welling up like a puppy trying to get attention. He just stared back before returning to the footage. He made several notes, quickly dissecting the powers at play.

“Please, Proxy. Can you at least ping him to make sure he is okay?” She pleaded with the young man, only to see him shake his head. He resumed his task, looking over everything he could about the film. Seeing the soldier crushed to death. He also found the very thing that Humanity had seen back in the conflict. The strange looking being in a duster, hood up and medieval mask on. Squinting he looked to see the being assisting children and innocents away from the battlefield.

“Who are you?” He muttered to himself as he leaned back, with a quick tap of a couple keys, Cypher appeared once more, hands on her hips.

“I know that boys do things differently. But you need to contact Bolt and-”

“I NEED to give him space. I can only imagine what he’s going through right now. When he is ready to be around us, he will come back. I will apologise and I will leave amicably. But if you don’t mind, what I intend to do with whatever time I have left with this team, is to prepare more training studies and regiments to make him faster...if you truly care for him, Miss Kelly, you’ll do everything you can to focus on his gravitational field and the abnormalities caused by his electrical impulses.” He said as he placed the headphones over his ears. The woman sighed, realizing exactly how Proxy was by this point, but still wishing she could change it. She had nothing better to do, so she went to check on their “guest”.

IV poles plugged in as she cringed visibly as she watched what was unfolding. The healing process on this man was something quite disturbing, frightening even. The way that Proxy handled the situation told her that the young man was far more brave than her. She cringed a little as the black mist seemed to disappear form the air, and the pale young man laying on the table began to cough, leaning forward, hitting his chest and gasping for air, looking to the IV proxy had started in his arm.

“WHERE-NO! STOP! I-I -OH. OH god...No. I-I’m alive.” He gasped as he felt his chest, the wound that once mortally wounded him had vanished. He looked around and immediately began to start moving around, hitting the glass door at Cypher. “H-Hey. Look I really want to thank you for saving my life. But if you brought me back and aren’t gonna feed me soon, could you please just kill me again?” He asked. Cypher gasped and turned around, walking away with her hand over hear heart. The umbrakinetic pressed his face up on the glass and started hitting on it as he yelled after her. Even from down the hallway she could hear his muffled cries.

“Hey! I know you heard me! C’mon I’m a growing boy. GIVE ME PIZZA OR GIVE ME DEATH!!!!!!”


As Bolt’s support staff seemed to work on the theory and the science of making him the best he could be, Bolt himself seemed to be out saving the world from little crimes. Lesser issues to attend to that wouldn’t require such support staff. There were minor heroes out and about on patrol. None of them actually seemed even slightly interested in doing their job tonight. Things were getting rougher and rougher in the bad parts of town. It was an actual wonder that Humanity hadn’t been spotted tonight. Khaos on the other hand would have been a welcomed relief, though he was too slow to keep up with Bolt.

Broken pieces Guilty10
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Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

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Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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INV ONLY Re: Broken pieces

Post by The Bolt July 6th 2019, 1:12 am

She considered the hand extended for but a moment before accepting it.  Rising from the smartly designed vehicle and contemplating the cold, metallic feel against the flesh of her hand. ”I don’t believe we have,” She agreed, glancing over the extensive battle damage that had been done to the man or whatever was before her. They had left one another on interesting if not explosive terms after all.

If she so desired he had been marked but jumping to explosions would have been immature. Not when it was possible to gain so much more. The eyes of her driver were on her, though she didn’t return the look. Once she was standing in open air again, The Queen of Cinders took in all the options and nodded. ”Very well. We can talk more inside. Do you drink? You don’t seem the type but I like to be certain,” She queried and the two would have their own conversation.


Step, step and another step.

That was what it felt like to run as fast as he could. Feet lost their meaning and miles took their place. He had figured out what was going on, though it wasn’t difficult. One of the most stereotypical of heroic problems that could have ever existed. If they were anymore stereotypical he would have expected to receive the key to the city afterward while generic love interest embraces him.

Okay he was thinking too much about this.

Running through a bank robbery before they could do anything was easy. Guns in hand and dropping them as the police rushed in and took the people that were once holding some fine citizens hostage. He didn’t stop to take in any praise and continued running. There had to be something else to be done, though that was mostly small-time things.

Gang activity and the like moving through the city. Night was already coming down upon them and he noted a struggle. Someone with a staff fighting some people and he quickly guessed that it was Khaos. A vigilante he had worked with before, though he had the feeling the man had no meta-human abilities. One second one of them would be raising a weapon and then they were knocked out with a Bolt standing there.

”Thought you needed a little help,” His smile was evident, trying to push back the thoughts that still swirled as he weighed the pipe in hand. Why were they using a pipe? ”well, maybe you didn’t,” He added looking over the assumed unconscious people around them.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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INV ONLY Re: Broken pieces

Post by Silus July 10th 2019, 5:50 pm

The speed had become something he still wasn't accustomed to. He had no idea how his mentor could handle such things as speedsters. They were far too fast, the dynamic of power was so drastic. He understood that his mentor had a style of fighting that worked very well against the type of speedsters, a combat form that humans could learn through discipline and sharpness of mind and senses. It was always amazing to watch him work. He recalled his first mission against a speedster like it was yesterday.

He remembered the shock and awe factor of getting his ass beat, then thinking that his teacher was bat shit insane for stepping onto the field to save him. He wondered how he would ever stand a chance against someone who moved at Mach 30. A blur, a shockwave and a loud boom. One motion from his master’s blade and that was when he saw it. Like the old stand off between Samurai the moment was actually cinematic, The villainous Godspeed’s throat opened as blood poured down, spraying from arterial pressure as his mentor stood there, a slight shift in his body as there was a formidable tear along his torso, though doing nothing more than a papercut’s worth of damage.

His own form was so much different than his mentor’s. He often wondered why he wasn’t allowed to learn the same tactics, the same powerful techniques that proved to be so effective. Deep down he wondered if it was because his mentor knew with those types of resources that they would be going after much bigger problems, problems that they were never to be involved with. It was likely wise. They were vigilantes, not superheroes. No matter how hard they wanted to be.

Khaos was dressed to boot. The rings of dark grey painted metal tightly fitted to his form, looking as if they overlapped one and other with the darker royal blue hue over his fingerless gloves, boots and tights. The secret was the biaxial braided weave that still allowed mobility while allowing him to remain predominantly covered in the titanium ring structure. Of course he had the black star of chaos front and center on his chest, the thematic blue domino mask  doing a surprisingly good job of keeping his identity covered. His bo-staff was nothing to laugh at either, he had worked for more hours than he cared to admit, training with this thing when he SHOULD have been worrying about homework and getting farm work done.

His mind snapped back to the speedster at hand when he saw someone behind bolt arrive, a gun held up. With a twist of the staff it seemed to break in two. Khaos threw it one end with expert precision, knocking the man in the head, sending him to the ground as the staff itself arched up through the air. Khaos ran forwards with a sense of urgency, reaching out and catching his weapon before it hit the ground, twirling it.

“Everyone needs help every now and again. It’s not easy taking your enemy’s life into consideration when you’re fighting for your own.” He said with a chuckle as he twirled the two batons in his hand. He eventually put them both into their holsters on his flanks as he seemed to stretch out, looking through wallets and pockets. He tossed everything aside, not taking anything except a security clearance card, then taking down an address from a driver’s license. “So you’re night’s not done? I’d figure tagging away things from earlier would be enough. You don’t you’re ONLY worry in life is being a hero.” He said, though he didn’t press. If Bolt chose not to talk about it that was his choice. Truth be told Khaos didn’t actually care one way or the other. He WANTED to help, but if they didn’t want it he couldn’t beat himself up about it.

Broken pieces Lucife10
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INV ONLY Re: Broken pieces

Post by The Bolt July 10th 2019, 7:55 pm

Alex had a certain level of respect for people that tried to do what he did without powers. They didn’t have that inherent safety net that came with being beyond human but that did it anyway. He wondered what made them do those kinds of things, but he didn’t ask. Would have sounded like he was looking down on them or something.  He instead smiled at Khaos, glad to have been able to help someone he’d been interacting with for a good bit. Different than Cypher and proxy because he seemed to be content to leap into the field and do his own work. Not one of the voices behind his microphone but something else entirely.

It was nice to know someone else was out there on his side.

”Well glad I could help,” He said in usual Bolt fashion. Cheery in a way that didn’t infringe too far on ecstatic, and he assumed that was how people liked him. He didn’t have the time to consider the person with the gun until half of a staff was thrown and knocked the gun from their hand. Likely way before he managed to shoot the speedster in the head. Because that sounded like quite the bad time in retrospect. He didn’t really say anything about that beyond the small thumbs up he shot as if approving the quick thinking. Powers weren’t always needed he noticed or maybe they weren’t at all.

His smile twisted into a more negative shape when the man jabbed at the heart of the matter. Looking away for a moment as if trying to hide the mild shock. How did he guess something like that so easily? ” it that obvious?” He questioned with a chuckle; awkward and cracking slightly near the end. Running fingers through his hair in a nervous gesture before turning away a moment and then back to Khaos. ”got something on my mind, guess i’ve been trying to distract myself with the heroic thing. Night probably won’t be done for a few good hours,” He added with a shrug.

”So, what you need from these guys wallets anyway? Looks like something pretty important?” He wasn’t judgemental in his questioning, more curious about what someone like Khaos could be doing.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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INV ONLY Re: Broken pieces

Post by Silus July 13th 2019, 10:22 pm

Khaos smirked as he continued to go through the motions. He heard Bolt talk about how things were difficult outside of being a hero. Khaos understood that all too well, resorting to be the hero so he was strong enough to even walk away from his problems. He could relate with Bolt on a human level, something you couldn’t do with the bigger heroes. It was almost as if they sacrificed their aura of approach, their humanity in order to become the idols that they needed to be.

“I.D badge and their address. I’m gonna break into their lab, get the intel I need to prove their illegal human experimentation, then return the badge before this guy gets questioned, and probably killed for being a loose end.” Khaos explained as he cracked his neck, walking off. Bolt was more than welcomed to walk with him as he moved calmly through the enclosed area, heading for the nearest exit. He pressed a small button on an earpiece before looking around, hair on end as his eyes scanned the area. He let out a small huff as his body seemed to relax, no longer tense. “I was taught to remember all life was sacred. Unfortunately that means making sure the little guys I step on aren’t hurt after I use them to take down a bigger fish.” He said, though the truth of him saying that was more of just a clarifying comment to follow up on the concept that they were both heroes...and why he would return an identification badge to someone that worked for whatever the terrible organization he was trying to take down.

He stepped out into the moonlight as he looked over the city, eyes bouncing back and forth from place to place. He crossed his arms before looking about and around. He assumed that Bolt would still linger for a moment as he pointed out to a structure out in the distance, a building that was named “Shinra Incorporated”. He let out a sigh and shook his head. He had wished that he was busy dealing with his mentor’s rampages and tirades in opposition to being alone on this mission. Though perhaps that didn’t need to be the case.

“You want in on this? I gotta say I like the idea of having a real hero on my side. Besides...I operate outta L.A more often than I do here. It’d be nice to have a place to maybe debrief and not have to worry about the police for a half-hour.” Khaos asked, though it seemed almost like he was bribing Bolt with an adventure for a place to relax for a moment.

Broken pieces Lucife10
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Registration date : 2013-11-05

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INV ONLY Re: Broken pieces

Post by The Bolt July 14th 2019, 1:11 am

He didn’t hear anything about it but it felt like the guy understood to some degree what he meant despite how  vague he was being.  Things got interesting when the subject jumped  to why he was digging through wallets. Because there had to be one beyond just doing it because he felt the urge to loot.  Might have explained why he was following along despite likely not having any stock within the mission.  The air remained tense almost despite the fact that the vigilante had relaxed somewhat.

”Illegal human experimentation huh? Sounds pretty serious,” Bolt noted, wondering what kind of experiments were going on. Could have been cloning or one of those really messed up body horror things that ended up on tv obsessed with gross out horror.  He tried to shake those thoughts off which left him thinking more on the dying people he had seen not so many nights ago.  Reminders maybe that he wasn’t that great of a hero but that was a little obvious.  They were both heroes, though maybe he didn’t understand what heroes were all about.

The two of them stepped into the moonlight and his sight scanning to a large building called Shinra Incorporated. Not a place that he heard of, but that was because Alex tended to pay more attention to things that teenagers cared about. ”Oh, yeah definitely want in on this,” He said with a nod,  more curious than before about this situation he had walked onto.  Hopefully they weren’t dealing with some kind of Mako crisis and bleeding the planet dry of its theoretical magic.

”I think I can help you out. So, what do you need me to do? I’m fast so I guess that’s pretty obvious,” He could run in there but something told him that they had something to protect their assets from speedsters. He looked to Khaos with an arced brow, silently waiting for him to say something while working over what he could do if nothing came up.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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INV ONLY Re: Broken pieces

Post by Silus July 16th 2019, 3:54 pm

“Normally I’d have a team working with me. Tonight I just so happened to ghost them and come to Chicago. Looking for a friend who up and left in the middle of the night one night. So literally anything you can do would be helpful...though I need a place to get you caught up on everything. Got anywhere with a decent computer? Think carefully, don’t wanna give your identity away….” Khaos said, trying to sound reassuring that there would be plenty of opportunity for Bolt to be of assistance. Of course he was still pressing the fact that without a safe place to let Bolt have all the information there would be difficulties for the entire operation. Schematics of the building and overall registry of hired guards was always useful information to have. Especially if you were going in through stealth and speed. You knew where to avoid and where to hit.

Khaos, despite his name was actually quite task and detail oriented. His methods and reasoning seemed to be almost random and unoriented to an overall goal. Yet as his objectives were completed, one could eventually see that his chaotic approach to the mission was perfectly setting up the primary teams success. This didn’t stop him from being a great street-level combatant either, always causing him to think of new ways and random ways to defeat his enemies. If you wanted a supportive character that kept distractions, or hindered the enemies then Khaos was the guy. But without knowing too much, he would be going in blind as just your everyday vigilante. He did not find that ideal, but he was completely okay with the fact that there was a speedster that was going to help him out with it. Hopefully that would be enough…

“We should be alright...” Khaos said after a moment. He only had his personal vehicle to offer, which would be entirely unacceptable. No matter how trustworthy Bolt seemed, he was trained too well in the outfit of paranoia. He couldn’t share anything with this guy, even if they were totally heroic in every way. “I’m gonna to head there. I’m sure you’ll beat me there. Just be careful if ya go in alone. I’ve got no idea what they’ve got in there…. Or why my Mentor hasn’t stopped them yet.” he said, sounding concerned for Bolt as he gave a small nod and a slight smile.

Broken pieces Lucife10
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INV ONLY Re: Broken pieces

Post by The Bolt July 16th 2019, 4:39 pm

Normally he had a team too. People talking at him through an earpiece but he had the feeling he might have started the fire on that bridge. Proxy and Cypher, well both of them could likely find another hero. Maybe one fast as him or even faster with better listening skills.  His thoughts raced with thew many inane concepts of his team which wasn’t even his team for long going after more interesting avenues. ”Think I might know a place with a pretty good computer,” he said with a nod, thinking over where he might go because there were some places. Not many where he could go without revealing himself, so that required a bit of forethought.

He knew Aaron and Robert had some pretty high end laptops and computers from trust funds they refused to elaborate on. All he knew was that they lived pretty nice for people that didn’t have jobs to speak of and only mentioned a potential celebrity relative.  Not that he couldn’t guess who they were talking about from the surnames anyway.  Something told him that Khaos had his own plans, which were revealed when he essentially brushed off his former suggestion and left Alex wondering what he wanted to do instead.  Eyes widened slightly, considering the male as they went on including more ideas.

So they were going there first. Bolt nodded, knowing that he could easily outrun any human vehicle in existence aside from maybe an experimental jet or whatever.  He didn’t even think about the fact that he wasn’t trusted, because Alex was more interested in seeing what kind of mission they would be going on. Anything to get him in action and doing enough to keep his mind occupied.

”Well...if they haven’t stopped whatever’s going on then we can,” He suggested with what he felt sounded like optimism taking off in a blur to where he assumed was the spot they were supposed to meet. Knowing he didn’t need to break any sound barriers to cause everything to blur around him. Eventually he skidded to a stop and waited for Khaos to get there as well, walking up to his vehicle with hands rested on his hips. ”so...what’s the plan? Doubt I just run in since that’s a little too obvious. Might have some kind of anti-speedster stuff in there,” He openly wondered, wondering what could stop him. Maybe this human vigilante had more ideas about  how to do more subtle methods.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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INV ONLY Re: Broken pieces

Post by Silus July 19th 2019, 11:28 pm

Khaos had his secrets of maneuvering the city, even if it wasn’t his homeground. The first few nights was studying the terrain, knowing the landscaped and the most likely patrols. He arrived not too bad of time as far as he was concerned, but the speedster itself likely saw him as slow, or loligagging. He twirled his keys to his motorcycle as he seemed to walk from a dark alleyway. Bolt had already begun with his almost searing optimism, which only made Khaos laugh, feeling rather confident in the speedster.

“Sounds better when you say it. You got this energetic and enthusiastic thing down huh?” He quipped with a chuckle, he placed his hand on his waits and with a click, one of the rings pushed off from his body, revealing a small storage space. Placing his keys in the storage he pressed the metallic ring back to his waist. “Well running in would be a bad idea, but we can’t really do surveillance, unless you got a trick up your sleeve....Can you phase?” Khaos’ mind began working, typically one did such plannings earlier, but now was going to be quite a weird mission for the both of them. His first instinct was to ask about the phasing capacity of some speedsters seemed to have. Not all of them, but some did. They all had a counter though. He just hoped that they weren’t prepared for Bolt.

“I uh...I don’t think anyone in their right mind would buy anti-speedster tech unless they were buying an outfitted force for it. Speedsters are among the most difficult people to counter, Problem is, the people who know how to do it, often times get the speedster by surprise.”

Broken pieces Lucife10
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INV ONLY Re: Broken pieces

Post by The Bolt July 20th 2019, 9:06 pm

It took Alex reminding himself that not everyone could move as fast as himself to push back the  impatience that came with waiting. Optimism just happened to be the way that he kept whatever heroic thoughts going through his head in that space. ”Something like that. Thought optimism beats being being cynical all the time,” He answer with a nod, feeling a little jittery from excitement mixed with the usual energy. Electricity buzzing under his skin as it always did, which he wondered if his mom went through the same feeling or if she was less bothered because not a speedster.

Once his human ally finished putting a key into a wrist compartment, he continued speaking. Mostly agreeing about how running in there would be  a really bad idea and then he came with the question of if he could phase. He frowned slightly, looking down at his hand in an attempt to vibrate said hand until it became intangible. Instead all he could was swiftly waving his hand back and forth to the point that likely Khaos couldn’t follow it, but when he also tried to touch said hand he just smacked the hand away.  With that he smiled apologetically to Khaos.

”Sorry, can’t phase like other speedsters I guess,” Electricity sparked up in one of his fingertips before the arm down to his elbow seemed to become nothing more than electrical plasma in the shape of the limb. ”I can do this but not getting through any walls with it. Can’t turn my entire body into electricity too, so I guess that’s also a thing,” Would that help any? Considering that apparently preparing for a speedster like him was the most expensive thing, but he didn’t know much about security. He was more some kid with superpowers and a desire to use them to help people.

”So...any ideas on your end? You seem like you’re pretty resourceful so maybe you could think of some sweet plan...unless you have like plans for this building. That would totally help with our whole breaking in thing,”
The Bolt
The Bolt
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INV ONLY Re: Broken pieces

Post by Silus July 27th 2019, 11:15 pm

“Uh...huh. Hm. Sorry. I’ve normally got someone in my ear giving me advice so I’m trying to...basically channel my inner him and figure out something he’d say.” Khaos said after he heard everything Bolt had to say. He was for some reason mentally hung up on the fact that Bolt was apparently a very diversely powered person in all ways but conventional. He nodded for a moment as he shook his head, coming up with very little. Save for one single idea, something he could imagine his mentor telling him to try with someone of this power.

“Okay, so you’re not a conventional speedster. Who gives a damn. I’m not a conventional hero. So, we were taking down this drug ring once and before my mentor went in we generated electromagnetic pulses to short out the camera. But we used the EMF as a form of like...echolocation. When the wave went off it was able to give us a basic recon.” Khaos said as he smirked and placed his hands on the speedster. His mind hearing the praises of his mentor, despite the fact that was totally not how it would have gone. It would have been more of a “Way to do what you’re supposed to” type thing. He shook Bolt with an excited smile and a nod, realizing suddenly he had not divulged any part of this plan.

”OH! Oh, right. Uhm so when you take the form of electricity, I need you to jump through the building, and while you’re in the cameras , short them out, and if you can try to perceive the waves of light? If there’s any generator or central power source, try and soak up all that energy. So long as there’s no one in there you can short that out too. You fight your way OUT of there, and I’ll fight my way IN, make them fight on two fronts and pinch them, cutting off any route of escape. That way we’ll have total recon, an assault plan and then when we meet up we’ll have information and likely completely forced their surveillance into black. We take away their ability to prepare appropriately.” He was over-explaining things, as if trying to reason if this was the correct move or not to make. He had made plenty of wrong moves recently, the primary one being his opposition of his mentor’s plans, and he was ging to pay dearly if he wasn’t careful. He looked to Bolt, almost with a confused look, inquiring if what he was saying made any sense.

Broken pieces Lucife10
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INV ONLY Re: Broken pieces

Post by The Bolt July 28th 2019, 8:36 pm

”Yeah same here. Not the idea guy in my outfit,”He admitted and realized that it made him sound pretty stupid by many metrics.  Hopefully that wasn’t something that Khaos thought, despite what words he said following Bolt’s own statement. Hell, he felt like he could have figured out the much needed secret of phasing but here he was wondering why he hadn’t. Maybe Proxy thought he couldn’t or maybe he just didn’t ever see the need for it until someone needed it and realized he couldn’t do it.  Luckily Khaos didn’t sound disappointed with that revelation and quickly came up with a few better ideas,  one of which sounded pretty sciency. Why didn’t he pay more attention in science class?

He nodded along to the explanation about the guy and his master, who he didn’t know but assumed was a pretty cool guy.  ”Sounds like we have an idea of what we’re getting into,” He nodded along, trying to imagine the kind of plan he would do in this scenario. So many uncertainties and all of that annoying stuff, mostly things he wondered. Of course there was a plan, mostly one that seemed to be hoping to take advantage of the fact that he could take the form of electricity. Moving through lines and the like, something he didn’t actually do as much as he thought he should have. Well, they didn’t know anything about the place and that was what he was supposed to be doing.

His expression shifted to one of deep thought for a moment, stroking his chin and thinking over what was giving to him hard. ”Alright, I think I can do that,” He stated finally with a nod, turning on a dime and looking for a source he could jump through.  They had to be connected through a transformer of some kind, and through that he could actually get to work. Hopefully in a way that could help a fellow hero, even if he knew nothing about him. Just that he had a pretty cool name and wanted to stop something that sounded pretty shady. Popping his neck, he turned back to Khaos with a more confident smile, nodding a couple of times.

”So, if that’s the plan we’re going with I can start it up now, ” He said this while loosening some kinks in his legs, taking a few breaths and trying to banish the anxiety that tried to rise. He should be a little more confident in his abilities, so he tried to keep that in mind. ”see you in a few,” In a blink he took off, becoming a display of sparks through a transformer connected through wiring into the building. His presence wouldn’t be obvious from there until the lights in the distance for the building all flickered out and Bolt appeared on the outside of a ruined generator or what he assumed was it. It seemed to be outputting the most energy, which meant it had to be something like that.

He took in a deep breath, feeling the excess energy running through his body and grinned. It just felt amazing. Did he hear something that sounded like an alarm? Likely a backup generator had kicked in for some of the more necessary functions. ”Welp, looks like it’s time to fight my way out,”
The Bolt
The Bolt
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