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League of Extraordinary Applicants

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INV ONLY League of Extraordinary Applicants

Post by Pinnacle February 28th 2018, 4:30 pm

Israel sat at the westernmost edge of Central Park, listening to the wind rustle the leaves and doing his best to ignore the other sounds of the city in this island of nature amidst a sea of urban civilization. Before him, the imposing black shape of the I.S.O. facility rose above the trees, almost like a monument to this urbanity.

This was no coincidence, though. His presence in the noisy and bustling city was one of ECLIPSE business; he was here to run through the C.O.E. evals of a few potential ECLIPSE agents that had all recently sent in applications to the League, and so, he had agreed to meet with them in front of the I.S.O. training facility by Central Park, preferring its relative quiet and tranquility to the streets of New York.

Their transportation to the area was prepaid and prearranged and he was fairly certain that they would be there to meet with him shortly. He had also invited a recently accepted applicant to come if she so desired. Time would tell if she would actually show up... Being that it was still daylight, he figured she might show up a bit later.

League of Extraordinary Applicants PinnacleSig
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all; infinite in distance and unbound by death."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 270
Location : Classified
Age : 33
Job : ECLIPSE Agent
Humor : PUNS!
Registration date : 2017-02-07

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INV ONLY Re: League of Extraordinary Applicants

Post by beepsa February 28th 2018, 11:01 pm

New York was as busy as ever. Despite being in this busy, demanding city for over four years of her life, now-- she still finds herself pushed around by it on occasion. It's honestly embarrassing-- she saves people at least like 2 times a month but can't bring herself to scowl at the bumbling tourists lounging about. She has places to be! Important places! She runs a hand through the hair she has put up in a bun, shaking out some strands of dark hair.

She loves this city, she does-- she loves the nightlife, the fact that you can cry over your finals on the subway and absolutely no one will judge you for it-- and she loves her work. Both aspects of it. Which, brings her attention to where she is. Waiting for a ride. It feels kind of weird, honestly-- she knows just about every part of this city like the back of her hand, but it feels rude to imply she could get her on her own. Kind of-- well-- arrogant? And she really hates coming off that way. She's just... The instant gratification New York City brings you can certainly rub off when it comes to things like this.

However, transportation does arrive, and with the quiet mumble of a 'thank you,' she'll clamber into the ride and watch the streets go by. She feels much more important than she thinks she should be, to be perfectly honest-- but what she's about to test herself for is important. With a light swallow, she kicks down the inherit nerves from the phrase 'evaluation,' and steels herself. This isn't about getting it right. This is about seeing if she can do more to help others. That's what it's always been about-- and that's why she's gotten where she is now. This isn't about any sort of payment, or 'making it.' She's here to do something she believes in. Careful to not let her anxiousness drive into fretting hums, she watches as the vehicle pulls up to Central Park West, takes a turn, and hits the Historic District. Stepping out of the ride, she takes a look around, her gym back containing costume and utility belt.

She never liked to be late-- in fact, she'd even argue that being on time might as well mean being late, especially in this city. If you want a good deal, and if you want to do anything-- you've gotta sweat for it. So, she quickens her pace, walking parallel to the walls that border in the green from the concrete jungle, until the wall opened up and she let herself be taken in by the nature. It was easy enough to get to the I.S.O building from there-- it's one of the few non rustic structures within Central Park. Making her quick and clear bee-line, she arrives, looking about for a moment. She's meeting someone, yes? As she quickly scans through and discerns tourist from native, her eyes catch Israel's figure. Getting a good feeling, she'll carefully make her way over, offering a sheepishly warm smile  and a hand to shake. "Ummm. Hello! I, ah-- this is the place, right? I mean, I'm assuming you know what I'm talking about, but, ah-- well."

Ugh-- she just really can't win at anything social without that damn mask. "I'm-- My name is Nicole, but, ah-- you already know that, right? I'm sorry, it's just--" Fuck why is this so hard. Why can't she just treat this like it's-- talking about science, or something. "Nerves, I guess?" She exhales, "but, really-- thank you for the opportunity. This means a lot to me." Though she doubts this individual personally chose to consider her for the eval, but it still holds a heavy sentiment to her.

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 40
Location : NYC
Job : in school for acting!
Humor : nonexistant
Registration date : 2018-02-03

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INV ONLY Re: League of Extraordinary Applicants

Post by Kubi Tsuru March 1st 2018, 10:40 pm

”New York fuckin’ City. Th’ city that never sleeps.”

He was looking down on the city from above, letting the wind whip his hair. It’s strange how different the world looks from this high. He saw the high-rises, the expensive lofts and rich people with their dogs … but he also saw the squalor, the poor and the excluded living in boxes. He hated this city so fucking much. So much power and wealth here, and so much pain. How could these let their neighbors lived like this. IT was absolutely abhorrent. Course, he couldn’t say anything. He didn’t help them either. Call him a hypocrite if you want. He refused to help them because they refused to help themselves. They let themselves be stepped on and suppressed. They addict themselves to chemicals and dig themselves a hole when they’re at rock bottom. They were beyond hope.

”No wonder it’s so fuckin’ ugly. A city needs ‘er beauty sleep.”

He wasn’t here for fun; he had recently joined an organization. Odd for the globetrotting ex-gangster, but it’s the truth. Why? They had resources. Plenty of them, as a matter of fact. And when paired with what he already knows … well, there’s nothing he wouldn’t do to find his wife’s killer, even if it means working for the po-po. Well, the international, superpowered po-po … but they’re still the police. And police work is just a bunch of red tape. He was on the fence at first; was it worth his freedom? The obvious answer was no, but when he heard of their resources, and they are a force for good … well, Kubi may be an asshole, but he ain’t completely a dick. He shifted on the roof, that smallest movement sending pebbles cascading down to the street below. He followed their movement, his gaze eventually on the small figure across the street. That had to be who he was to see. Considering he was sitting on the stairs of the I.S.O. building. If it walks like a duck …

”Well, time t’ go.”

He took two steps before, with a running jump, he leaped. A wild, cacophonous laugh burst from him as he flew through the air; seconds before landed, their was a swirling of brown energy and he landed without a single blade of grass being ruined. With a swaggering grin, he straightened from the crouch he found himself in. ’Oh, this is going to be fun. This chick looks like she’s gonna pass out, and this guy looks like way too serious.’ Externally, he only let his swagger grow. Time to see what they were all about. With exaggerated slowness, he unhooked the black Raybans from his pocket, sliding them onto his face.

”So, what’s yer name? Miss Stutter? Hell of a superpower. Y’must send the bad guys runnin’.” His voice couldn’t be more arrogant if he tried (and he has.) He didn’t linger long on her, though, instead switching his attention to the man on the steps. ”And you? You’re a fuckin’ cop? OF what, fashion?” He chuckled to himself. ”Seriously, you wearin’ white? Why, you part of a shitty boy band?” HE eyed him up and down before shrugging, his grin widening. ”Well, with that haircut, I c’n see it.”
Kubi Tsuru
Kubi Tsuru
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Power isn't the ability to hurt people, but rather the ability to resist temptation."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Location : Everywhere, pretty much
Age : 44
Job : Fire Hunter
Humor : All kinds and constantly
Registration date : 2016-06-10

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INV ONLY Re: League of Extraordinary Applicants

Post by Row March 1st 2018, 11:01 pm

Cira Vania

Cira stared out the window from inside the ISO building. She watched as Pinnacle waited, blessed with the ability to bask in the a cursed sun. He knew she struggled under the sun light for long periods yet he still invited her at this time.

"You seem to be very friendly with him." Gia taunted.
"He sees me as strong." Cira whispered, "He is not someone we can beat."
"I want to see it for myself... who is the girl."
"I don't know. I think she is a new recruit. I should come out now."
"The strong live the weak die. There are no test better than this."
"This is the rules. I only follow."
"Just remember who you are. Remember the teachings," Gia's voice faded out as Cira walked out of the door into the blazing sun.

It felt like it was 90 degrees on a humid day. She opened her blue parasol which she was recommended to carry during the day instead of wearing a hoodie. It allowed her to wear a blue vest and cargo shorts that cut at her upper thigh with pockets meant for storing important tools and small weapons. Underneath was a black skin tight unitard which covered her arms and legs up to her wrist and ankles. She wore black strapped gloves and military boots. Attached to the vest was a retractable hood. The whole uniform was made to be breathable and cool. Cira was not much of a fan of the outfit but now grateful for not suddenly overheating.

As she stepped out a giant crashed onto the ground. He cast a huge shadow and was loud and obnoxious. It wasn't her first time seeing the man so his subtlety of screaming child was not surprising. With all the commotion, she found it easy just to walk under his shadow. After all he had an ego that could block out the sun.

She closed up her parasol and then leaned to rest back to back with the man. Immediately her powers began to kick in, cooling her body and soothing her fatigue. However, she did her best to maintain her stock, if not displeased expression, while folding her arms. After all, this man was not one to stop talking.
"I hope you don't mind me resting in the shadow of your ego. Agent Cira, reporting in."

League of Extraordinary Applicants S-l300

Last edited by Row on March 8th 2018, 11:55 pm; edited 3 times in total

Poring Flan
League of Extraordinary Applicants Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 296
Registration date : 2017-07-29

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INV ONLY Re: League of Extraordinary Applicants

Post by Zonkes March 2nd 2018, 3:08 pm

Cadmus was running late. He didn't know how or why; but he knew he was. He rushed around his apartment searching for his clothes, passing a half eaten pizza and a half finished bottle of beer. 'This wouldn't have happened back home.' Cadmus thought, immediately wiping the thought from his mind.

The ECLIPSE transportation honked it's horn angrily. Cadmus finally found a relatively clean shirt and a pair of jeans. Cadmus put it on and slipped on his shoes despite the cool temperature outside. He busted his way down the stairs, and accidentally knocked into an old lady on the stairs. She dropped her groceries and looked very upset with Cadmus.

"Sorry Mrs. Christakis!" Said Cadmus, picking up the groceries as best he could. "I'm in a bit of a rush. Job interview and all." Mrs. Christakis nodded kindly. "Good boy, you do good today! If you get the job, we'll have Moussaka to celebrate!" Cadmus grinned and helped Mrs. Christakis to her apartment and set her groceries down.

Cadmus bid his goodbyes after a few minutes and made his way downstairs again, to find that the ECLIPSE transport had given up on him. Crap. Cadmus got into a runners stance. He knew where they were meeting. Central Park. He figured if he hurried, he could make it there in 3 minutes. It was only across town after all.

He blasted away, and dodged between cars as quickly as he could. Cadmus brushed the hair from his face and scanned the street signs for any sign of where to stop. It was probably pretty close by now, right? Cadmus saw it then. Central Park. Perfect. Cadmus saw where the people were meeting and...

The ground rushed up to meet him. The tree trunk must've been a little thicker than he had expected. Cadmus found himself making a large track from where he was - to the feet of a girl with black hair and Italian looking features. Cadmus grinned up sheepishly at her and got to his feet.

He coughed in his fist and stood to attention in front of the imposing shadow that he assumed was the guy he was to impress... 'Good start,
Cadmus. Good start.
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : I sure love to manipulate people.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 649
Location : Somewhere between hell and a hand basket
Age : 28
Job : Professional Manipulator
Humor : This site is great <3
Registration date : 2017-01-10

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INV ONLY Re: League of Extraordinary Applicants

Post by Ultragal March 3rd 2018, 8:02 pm

Medicine Woman was already in Central Park.  She went there to rest .  This was after her initial interview with Pinnacle.

When the vehicle arrived, she politely told the driver to go ahead without her.  She thanked the driver while smiling warmly.   She didn't mind walking to the C.O.E. at all.

The vehicle left.  After it was gone, she simply followed the tire marks left behind.  Besides being expert archers, her people were excellent trackers, scouts and hunters.  This was easy compared to ancient times, when there were little than narrow dirt paths that served as roads back then.

She arrived at the C.O.E., at the same time as the vehicle.  She was wearing full traditional Native American garb and gear.  She smiled politely at Pinnacle and the others who were gathered there.

She was ready...

Last edited by Ultragal on March 4th 2018, 7:19 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Corrected wording.)
A Sweet Cinnamon Roll

Status :

Quote : "To be good, kind, and fair will always triumph over evil, being ruthless/cruel, and being a tyrant/dictator."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 263
Location : New York State
Age : 66
Job : Office work/clerical/occasional multitasking
Registration date : 2016-05-17

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INV ONLY Re: League of Extraordinary Applicants

Post by Arcana March 8th 2018, 1:32 am

Sean frowned, brushing thick bangs from his forehead while keeping the cellphone pressed to his ear. ”Well yeah Mike, I just have something important I need to do. Important New York stuff.” He said with a roll of his gleaming silver eyes, lips pursed into a slightly annoyed expression as he weaved around the people walking in front of him. Mike seemed to be bothering him lately, keeping after him as if the whole dad and son thing were switched. Granted things weren’t supposed to be this way, considering that things were different when children were normally three they looked it. It did feel nice to have someone normally so reserved actually looking after him in that weird fashion.

The city that never slept looked as beautiful as ever. People driving about and acting like that only a few years ago they had been invaded by a madman. Now here he was, likely talked down as a fool he once worked with those Talon jerks. Being chained to a legacy like that, now it wasn’t something Sean felt too proud of. Thinking on that alone made him...well dip in mood and instead went back to his conversation. ”Yeah yeah, i’ll call ya later. Send Shael my love.” Hanging up the phone he slipped it into the pocket of his dark blue slacks.

Sean had dressed for a cold, prior mentioned pants tucked into rough looking boots, wearing a thick jacket and gloves that covered his hands, along with the runes that covered them. Eyes focusing on a progressively odd gathering of people, something that would make him think of people that were superhumans or at the most strange people.

”Interesting gathering of people you have here. ” He hummed looking everyone over, from the giant brute to the strange woman who looked like she were uncomfortable being here. Even someone that looked like she were rather proud of her magical heritage. All of them interested him to a degree, if only because everyone was so strange. ”Names Arcana, i’m here for the thing. Good to know there’s someone here who makes me feel even more like a midget than I already do.” A small quip towards Kubi but standing 5’3 made most people look tall.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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INV ONLY Re: League of Extraordinary Applicants

Post by Pinnacle March 8th 2018, 8:25 pm

Israel sat propped up against a tree, his eyes closed as he awaited the arrivals of the numerous applicants that were coming there to perform their evaluations. Although this was the case, he was still watching for each of them, seeing through the obstructions and the like and listening intently for the sounds of their approach whilst drowning out the other noises of the city.

The first applicant that he observed was probably the most colorful of them as well, at least when adorned in her alter-ego's attire, though she had appeared to be attempting to show up in more formal attire. A respectful if unnecessary gesture.

She seemed quite nervous as she approached and attempted to introduce herself, but Israel presently stood as she approached and smiled warmly as he listened, his eyes now open, ofcourse.

He shook the girl's hand and was about to respond to her when he heard the sound of someone hurtling through the air towards their position, he utilized the handshake to gently pull her slightly away from the incoming man's impact zone.

When he stood up from the resulting crater, Israel smiled politely in his direction as well, revitalizing the plants and repairing the damaged area with his abilities, the grass rejuvenating and the ground evening itself back again.

The man was about as polite to the girl, Nicole, as he was to the grass, and Agent Vania, a recently accepted applicant herself, commented appropriately on this fact herself as she leaned against the rather large man's back. Israel himself was not a short man, but he certainly looked it beneath the 7 foot tall man's gaze.

"Please refrain from the foul language." Israel said politely, though he didn't expect the man to comply on his own.

The man's vocal chords might continue to excessively swear, but Israel had a means of persuading the air to censor them into far more comical substitutes via absorbing the kinetic energy of the sound waves and re-inputting that kinetic energy into the air in a different configuration; his instant processing and pansophical intellect would ensure that this would be no issue at all.

As he said this, another large man landed behind him, but much more gracefully and without the impact crater. He could see through the crass one to see that he stood at attention after smiling warmly to Agent Vania.

Two others approached as well, both being of a more average height than the two quite large men that had bounded in, and they came with more subtlety.

The first, a female in traditional Native American garb, and the second, a man of a more subdued appearance, both with strong auras about them, likely occultists or spiritualists of some kind.

Israel nodded to them and waved them over in a single, slow gesture. "Thank you all for coming. Shall we go inside and commence the evaluation?" He suggested simply, before heading towards the I.S.O. facility.

Last edited by Pinnacle on June 25th 2019, 10:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

League of Extraordinary Applicants PinnacleSig
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all; infinite in distance and unbound by death."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 270
Location : Classified
Age : 33
Job : ECLIPSE Agent
Humor : PUNS!
Registration date : 2017-02-07

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INV ONLY Re: League of Extraordinary Applicants

Post by beepsa March 8th 2018, 9:23 pm

Okay, so-- at least she wasn't so embarrassingly awkward she fucked it up? He seems to be bemused, at the least. She should really calm down. Treat it like she's going in to save someone, right? But it's so very hard to do that without the mask. She shifts weight every now and again, unsure of how to continue, until she heard a heavy laugh ring through the air, and she jolted up, getting her herself in a stance to do something, to fight, presumably. However, as she's gently pushed back by the other, she calms her stance just a bit, and looks at the newcomer with both bewilderment and caution.

Then, he speaks, and-- wow. Wow. She feels her brows furrow, but she keeps a tight lipped smile. "No, ah-- not exactly. It's... Nice to meet you. My alias is Platani." If he applied here, he's got to be some level of good. She takes an idle note that his power is definitely based in physicality, strength and endurance related, maybe? However-- as soon as he starts going for what's probably their evaluator, she looks like she's just about near had a heart attack. Holy shit. Holy shit? Her hand goes to her mouth, and her eyes go wide. If he gets them all to fail due to his nasty attitude, she's gonna... Going to be very upset, and then apply again, probably.

She blinked dumbly as the next person arrived, a younger girl. She quickly comes to two assumptions-- one, she's adverse to light, and two, she's probably an official agent for E.C.L.I.P.S.E. Both good bits of information, if this test is some sort of fight against the agents, which could make sense, if albeit a bit reckless. But it's not her place to say. She'll offer a quiet nice to meet you to the younger female, before that hand found a way back to her mouth again. Jesus-- is sass a second rule for this program she didn't know about? She lets herself calm, instead deciding to wring her hands to let out excess energy. Jesus. She wishes they'd just get to the evaluation. That's already seeming much less stressful than this.

She doesn't have much time to get lost in the comfort of her own brain, instead whipping her head around to see... Cadmus? The surprise is apparent on her face, being a generally easy to read person. Oh gosh, he fell. Poor guy. She idly gravitates towards the familiar face, wordlessly offering a smile and a questioning thumbs up. She hopes he didn't just hurt himself right before something this important. If anything, she's sure she can do something to help that out.
Jeez, everyone's coming out of the waterworks, huh? She blinks at the woman closer to her age, who seems-- honestly, way more mature than she'll ever be. She seems so serene.

With another bright, albeit nervous smile, she gives a polite wave-- a bit too threatened by the setting to openly speak out a greeting. Next came another man, and she offered him another wave and smile as well. He seemed a bit callous, but not downright awful. But again-- everyone's just full of quips, huh? Did they all know eachother, secretly, or something? Or are these people just confident enough to make comments like that on the fly? She's honestly a bit disbelieving towards it all.

"Uh, yes, sir!" With that taken care of, she'll let herself  think on all the powers she's briefly seen a bit of. The evaluator was able to manipulate nature, it seemed? Something like that, maybe something to do with terraforming, seeing as how he calmly restored the space. Perhaps reality augmentation, but she doubts it. She begins to idly follow, however, running her brain through the general abilities of the group that she knows for sure. She looks like she's probably thinking too much about all of this.

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 40
Location : NYC
Job : in school for acting!
Humor : nonexistant
Registration date : 2018-02-03

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INV ONLY Re: League of Extraordinary Applicants

Post by Kubi Tsuru March 8th 2018, 11:40 pm

Well, this party was fucking lightning up, wasn’t it? He was under the initial impression that this was going to be a small, intimate gathering of heroes who want to do good … and him, of course. He wasn’t here to “do good”; he was here to find and murder the bastard who killed his wife. For the last two years, he’s had no luck, so hopefully ECLIPSE could help him. At least that’s why he applied; with how serious Fancy is over there he doubted he’d be able to access the information even if they had it. He was going to try, of course, but apparently he couldn’t curse. Asshole. Well, that wasn’t going to happen.

”What the fork you mean I can-” He stopped, his brow furrowed in confusion. Did he- did he just- How the fuck? ”Fork. Shin. Asp. What the fork? Why th’ fork can’t I say fork? This is-” His brown eyes lit up as he spun on Israel. Most men would be irritated, but Kubi found it hilarious. This was a guy after his own heart. Have an issue with somebody? Fix it. Bam, done. He didn’t sit there and bitch about it, he saw a problem and went to fix it. Serious respect. Hell, Kubi would do just as he asked. No more cursing … but that doesn’t mean he was going to be nice. It might be worth it in the end, though. If he was gonna work with these people, they should get to know the real him …. Well, hell. They’re going to anyway.

”Alright.” Gone was the arrogant tone and even the smirk had toned a little, instead letting his natural voice shine through. The arrogant and immature tone he had taken on was banished, replaced by his deep, somewhat gravelly and irrefutably charismatic speech. ”But that doesn’t mean I’m going to be nice. Well, except to Cinderella there. Hey, I’ll be your Prince Charming.” So, too, was the accent gone; in fact his English was better than many native speakers. ”In fact I mean not to be.” At that he stepped to the side and threw a grin at Lunetta. ”Seriously, though, pretty boy. You have a hell of a crew shaping up here. Is this Loli even old enough?” He was attentive, and he took in the discomfort written on her face and the parasol clenched in her hand, and the smile flickered bigger. ”Might want to get her inside quickly before she evaporates, though. Poor little Loli. You know, I do hear the sun is bad for your skin. It would be a shame if you got a little tan! That could destroy your image.” At that he rubbed her head in the most condescending way he could manage.

And at that there was a whistling and some blond beef cake of a man crashed at the feet of Cinderella- Nicole, or whatever the hell her actual name was. Kubi had to admit, he liked the view. ”Well, damn, Herc.” Kubi grinned at him. Oh, this was shaping up just amazingly. He was sensing the start of a theme here. ”Might wanna be a little more careful, Wonder Boy. I may be called Titan, but you don’t need to throw me into a tornado or anything.” He could make these jokes all day; in fact, he thought with a grin, he just might. ”But seriously, what brought you here? You wanna Go the Distance? Go from Zero to Hero?” His smirk was reaching absolutely Cheshire proportions, but even as he was making fun of him, he was watching the way he moved. Careful, restrained in his movements; but at the same time, almost jerking. So Super Strength and Speed, huh? Well, that’s just irritating. ”Seriously, Herc, you’re gonna need to be more careful. Being careless could get you hurt … or someone else.” A bit hypocritical, but he didn’t really have time to dwell on it, as what could only be described as a Native American princess stepped out of a transport.

”Well, shit. Pocahontas is here! What, John Smith get tired of you?” There was no malice in his voice, just a depraved sort of humor. He bowed at the waist to her, his eyes never leaving her. Judging from the way she walked, she was likely much more of a “in the shadows” type of girl. And judging from her Native ancestry, she probably used a bow. That was just a theory, of course; he’d have to examine her hands to know for sure. His grin grew wider. ”Grandmother Willow send you here, Pocahontas? Or you just following the river bend?” He was laughing at his own jokes … and quite honestly he didn’t care if no else found him funny. They may have opinions, but Kubi sure as hell didn’t care about them. ”Well, glad to have you here. We could use someone who can paint with all the colors of the wind.”

And the last newcomer. Well, he … was boring. That was pretty much it. And Kubi couldn’t get much from him, other than his name was Arcana. And he had a sense of humor. This guy was pretty funny, he made Kubi chuckle. ”You’re hilarious. I’m gonna call you Gaston, big guy. Fun fact-” Kubi winked, then, the kind of wink that suggested many things, most of them not involving clothes. ”he’s my favorite character.” He let his eyes linger on what exposed skin there was before snapping his attention back to Israel. Honestly, this guy was such a stick in the mud. He had to refrain from rolling his eyes. Whatever, he just had to keep his wife in mind.

”Whatever you want, Mr. Disney.”
Kubi Tsuru
Kubi Tsuru
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INV ONLY Re: League of Extraordinary Applicants

Post by Row March 10th 2018, 5:50 pm

Cira was not to last person to arrived. 3 other people, all non agents arrived shortly after. The first one made quite the lasting impression. Out of nowhere, the man landed right in front of her on his face. Cira stared at him dumbfounded. Was he a recruit? Did he know how to walk? Was he okay? The answer to her last question was quickly answered as he made it to his feet. She would have offered him a hand, but he was already at attention as if this was the military.

The next two arrived in a more normal fashion with the prior being quiet and the later acting a like a dork. Cira could not fault him for being nervous, Even she was nervous about this whole thing. She doubted Pinnacle would make her do something in the middle of the sun but she was just a new recruit and she did not understand him or his goals. For example, the man thought it would be a good idea to tell the giant not to curse. While it would make the atmosphere better she doubted he would listen. He was kind of hard headed.

To her surprise, the first girl to arrived walked up to her and greeted her. Cira looked the girl up and down. Then Cira stood up and shook her hand. It was still a weird thing to do. What did the action mean? What made it different than just talking or this weird wave? However soon Kubi would be the center of everyone's attention again. He proceed to rebuttal against Pinnacle's demands but then he started saying funny words like "fork, shin, and Asp." What was an Asp?

Cira could not help but smile a little. The man listened and stopped cursing, but that was it. He immediately went to hitting on a girl, as the Americans would say it. She did not understand the reasoning behind calling the girl the same name as a fairy tale but that was probably due to her not reading many of them. Her smile would drop the when Kubi grinned at her. Cazzo...

There it was. That stupid Japanese word for little girls. But it did not end there. Next he went after her hatred of the sun and her pale skin. Now she was furious. moving off of his back. No amount of shade was worth this abuse.
"Then Kubi is a stupid frog!"
It did not take long for her to realize the theme of his taunts. While she never saw the movies, calling Pinnacle Disney was obvious enough for her uncultured self to comprehend. With her terrible response out the way, she took out her parasol and walked into to the building.

Poring Flan
League of Extraordinary Applicants Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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INV ONLY Re: League of Extraordinary Applicants

Post by Zonkes March 12th 2018, 1:25 am

Cadmus nodded to the newcomers as they arrived, taking particular note of the male. He held himself differently. It reminded him of someone from his village, but he couldn't quite place it. He decided to forgo the thought while Israel spoke.

It wasn't until after he spoke, that he noticed Nicole! He smiled cheerfully, and thought about waving; but decided against it. He also witnessed the large mans outburst, and grinned even wider.
Until he started calling him Herc. "Actually, my-my name is Cadmus, sir."Said Cadmus, stuttering slightly. He would take off his helmet then, revealing his face. "I'm not my step-brother, though I appreciate the comparison."

He would put his helmet back on and put his head down. When Israel asked him to follow, Cadmus did so silently. Trying to minimize the noise his clunky armor made.
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Quote : I sure love to manipulate people.

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INV ONLY Re: League of Extraordinary Applicants

Post by Ultragal March 12th 2018, 12:11 pm

Medicine Woman heard the rude fellow's (Kubi) disparaging remarks about her people.  She retorted with one of her own: "If the only knowledge you have of American Indians is from an ancient animated film, then you shouldn't make such unacceptable assumptions of me or my people. Later, perhaps, you can ask Mr. Pinnacle if he has more truthful resources you can learn from about Native Americans".

She wasn't angry or bitter at the man who offended her race.  In fact her tone was completely straight and serious. She meant every word she said.

She calmly...some might even say *proudly*...of her heritage...entered the same structure as the rest of the ones that had gathered for the C.O.E. Mr. Pinnacle referred to.

Last edited by Ultragal on March 12th 2018, 12:14 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Corrected a minor mistake.)
A Sweet Cinnamon Roll

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INV ONLY Re: League of Extraordinary Applicants

Post by Arcana March 12th 2018, 7:30 pm

Sean considered the burbling voices around him, all of them having some problem with something another had said. The tallest of them was the most talkative, handing out nicknames and offering witticisms that were easily within the  realm of flirtation. An interesting person to encounter in what he assumed was a...well heroic group sign up thing. Maybe he wouldn’t make it past the entrance or Sean would find himself working with the male in the future. One claimed to have Zeus as a step father and another acclimated to proclaiming their heritage rather quickly in a way that reactionary types did. He kept hands buried into his pockets and eyed Israel who motioned to the a building that was likely some official place.

”Well big guy, i’ll keep that in mind. Not sure what to call ya, but i’m sure the name matches...everything.” A small cursory glance let the implied meaning come across, though it didn’t have any teeth within itself. It was just a small hold over from another life as if felt, so long ago that he could hardly even remember it. Letting breath puff through his nostrils in a burst, Sean would follow Pinnacle to the building where they were expected to do their little whatever.

Honestly he was a little excited.

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Registration date : 2011-02-08

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INV ONLY Re: League of Extraordinary Applicants

Post by Pinnacle March 15th 2018, 1:59 pm

Israel chuckled a bit at the jokes, but waited until most people seemed fine with the proclamations to do so, in order to avoid adding to the potential insult.

Eventually, everyone filed into the I.S.O. facility, the doors at least seemingly opening automatically for them as they approached.

"Welcome to the New York International Supers Organization training and evaluation facility." Israel said, as the facility's lights turned on, illuminating what appeared to be a quite large empty auditorium or gymnasium style white room.

He continued: "Here we should be able to evaluate your strength, speed, agility, endurance, and overall combat capabilities. We can do so through utilizing the training facility more directly..." He said, as multiple mechanical punching-bag-like objects rose from the floor. "Or we can skip the basics and go right to sparring. In my experience, many potential agents prefer the sparring option, but that is up to you. If sparring is indeed selected, I would suggest pairing Titan with Mythos, Platani with Medicine Woman, and Dark Star with Arcana. That said, pairings are ultimately up to you to agree upon."

Israel stood for a moment to create a more natural pause between his words. "So, which option or options would suit each of you?" He asked, glancing around the room.

League of Extraordinary Applicants PinnacleSig
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