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Break Out! (Spade, Sam, and Marked Ninja)

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OPEN Break Out! (Spade, Sam, and Marked Ninja)

Post by Nate6595 February 26th 2018, 5:49 pm

Mount Katahdin is well known to be the highest mountain in Maine and a popular spot for hiking, camping, and mountain climbing. However, recently towards one of the higher peaks of the mountain there have been strange sightings of a small two-story dome-like structure built into the mountain side. It is surrounded by a high stone wall, at least twelve feet high, and patrolled by men in black riot gear and gas masks that cover their faces. The local government has no idea what this strange establishment is and there attempts at approaching and solving this issue have all been thwarted.

Several military and civilians have been taken hostage, and mountain has been put on lock down. Scans of the compound show that the dome-like structure is just the entrance to a facility beneath it. During the last attempt to break-in the sole-escapee returned with grim news. If there were anymore attempts to break into the compound, they would start to kill hostages. Under pressure, the government has hired a small team of empowered people to break-in, save the hostages, and learn what is going on.


It was near midnight, the sky was covered in dark clouds that blocked out all light. It was perfect for a break-in. A few miles away from the compound Samuel Grayson, a young man hired for the job, waited for his teammates. He went to check his watch, but remembered he didn't have one. He really needed to get one. He looked in the direction of the compound and sighed. While he didn't admit or show it, he was scared, nervous...this was probably the highest staked job he had accepted. He wasn't sure if he was ready for this...

He went to check his watch again and slapped his forehead. "I really just need to relax..." He let out a heavy breath and allowed himself to fall to the cool ground. He rested against a tree, just trying to think things over and plan out what to do. He was rubbish at plans though, he hoped histeammates, when they got here, had something, because he really had no idea of what to do.

"Where are they?" Sam whispered to himself. Of course, he had gotten here earlier and he was just getting impatient, but he couldn't help it. He looked around again, waiting.
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OPEN Re: Break Out! (Spade, Sam, and Marked Ninja)

Post by superguy1 March 3rd 2018, 4:31 pm

Andre was curious, which he loved. It meant he didn't know something, and that was very rare. There was a hostage situation at a military base, and he'd taken The Bird to get there and meet his contact. He'd been hired by the government, along with a few other metas, to help save the hostages and stop whoever was doing this. In a few minutes, he'd made his way there and landed near the guy who his suit told him was Samuel Grayson, an acquaintance.

"Well if it isn't Sammy Grayson." he said with a chuckle, retracting his wings into his back. "How've you been?"




Carl Gator:
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OPEN Re: Break Out! (Spade, Sam, and Marked Ninja)

Post by Nate6595 March 8th 2018, 7:56 pm

Sam looked at Space as he landed and without thinking he blurted out. "Spayed! It's been too long! How ya been since Rhode Island?!" He then covered his mouth remembering they were about to go on a stealth mission. The last thing He wanted was to ruin it from the getgo.

He laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head. "Sorry bout that. Good to see ya, buddy." He held out a hand to his friend. "I think we're still waiting on one more to arrive, then we can begin. I think?" He thinks for a few moments. "I don't think we're getting any backup except for a ride home when he rescue the people inside. So it'll just be us." Sam would pull out a small map from his back pocket. "I think the base thingy is six miles to North? Seven? Either way, it's a hike."
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OPEN Re: Break Out! (Spade, Sam, and Marked Ninja)

Post by Pinnacle March 8th 2018, 8:48 pm

Genji watched his two companions from the shadows, blending in perfectly with the background.

It was more than camouflage, he literally absorbed the light around his person, giving him a supremely dark space to hide in, and concealing himself in the nearby trees.

He dropped down to the ground behind the two men, silent as a shadow's sigh.

"You should take care not to alert the very men we seek to avoid." He said quietly, though, not quite in a whisper. "We must go... Time is a cruel master."

Last edited by Pinnacle on March 15th 2018, 1:34 pm; edited 2 times in total

Break Out! (Spade, Sam, and Marked Ninja) PinnacleSig
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Quote : "For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all; infinite in distance and unbound by death."

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OPEN Re: Break Out! (Spade, Sam, and Marked Ninja)

Post by superguy1 March 8th 2018, 8:56 pm

Spade couldn't help but jump at the sudden appearance of He hadn't even responded to Sam yet, as his suit had alerted him only seconds before the man appeared. He felt a bit uneasy, as the Bird suit was not nearly as effective as the Knight at combat situations, but he needed to get here fast.

"Well now, you know what they say. Two is a party but three is a crowd. Who, might I ask, are you?" Spade said irritably. The fact that his facial recognition, heart monitoring, and other systems weren't identifying the man upset him. He didn't like not knowing things, it distracted him...made him less efficient.




Carl Gator:
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OPEN Re: Break Out! (Spade, Sam, and Marked Ninja)

Post by Nate6595 March 8th 2018, 9:29 pm

Sam grinned brightly at the man who appeared from the shadows. He hadn't met anyone who could turn least he didn't think he did. Either way, Sam walked over to the ninja-like man and more extended his hand to him. Manners first.

"Well hey there! Sorry bout the noise, Spayed and I know each other and I just got a bit excited." He chuckled a bit. "The name is Sam, it's great to meet ya Shadow Guy, what's your name? Probably something cool." He nodded once, then looked over his shoulder at Spade. "Also, do either of you-" He looked back to that ninja, "-have any sort of plan or idea of how to get in without getting detected?"
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OPEN Re: Break Out! (Spade, Sam, and Marked Ninja)

Post by Pinnacle March 8th 2018, 9:36 pm

The Marked Ninja gladly accepted the second man's hand before replying to both of them. "I'm your third team member on this stealth mission. Were you not briefed?" He replied simply. He wasn't being overly evasive, but he didn't go into specifics either.

After all, it wouldn't make sense for the United States government to send in a small strike team of unprepared men to complete a mission on which numerous lives depended on its success.

He looked at them expectantly thereafter.

Last edited by Pinnacle on March 15th 2018, 1:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

Break Out! (Spade, Sam, and Marked Ninja) PinnacleSig
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all; infinite in distance and unbound by death."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 270
Location : Classified
Age : 33
Job : ECLIPSE Agent
Humor : PUNS!
Registration date : 2017-02-07

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OPEN Re: Break Out! (Spade, Sam, and Marked Ninja)

Post by superguy1 March 8th 2018, 9:55 pm

It made sense for this ninja guy, who clearly specialized in stealth, to be working with them. Spade just didn't like being caught off guard. To be fair, it was his own arrogance that had him in the dark, as the moment he'd been alerted of the mission he ended the call and sped over out of excitement.

"Ah." He said after having S.A.M. fill him in on his new allies. "You caught me by surprise. Won't happen again." Spade chuckled darkly.

He turned to Sam, "I can cause a temporary blackout, however that seems obvious. Though they must know someone would be coming so..." Andre pauses, putting his hand to the chin of his mask thinking. His mind was running through hundreds of possible solutions and outcomes, while S.A.M. used it's predictive programming to map out possibilities.

"Here." Andre said, displaying a rudimentary holographic model of the entire building. Using data from his sonar radars he mapped movements from within, displaying them on his hologram.

"This is the best imagery I can provide. There are no cellphones or cameras inside, from what I can tell." he said. He figured he'd let the masked man decide the course of action, as he was curious about him.




Carl Gator:
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OPEN Re: Break Out! (Spade, Sam, and Marked Ninja)

Post by Nate6595 March 10th 2018, 12:39 am

Sam walked over to the hologram eyeing it carefully. Surprisingly, a rather serious expression grew on his face. He wasn't one for serious expressions or to be very thoughtful, but for this moment he seemed exceptionally professional. He walked around the hologram a few times, trying to get a good feel for it. Once he was sure he got everything he needed to know he straightened and looked to Spade, a smile finally coming to his face.

"How the heck did ya make this thing? I've been trying to figure it out and I can't make a lick of sense of it." He snickered brightly and then waved a hand dismissively. "Though, I did come up with sort of a plan, or something to consider. If this thing is accurate, even without actually seeing it I could probably make a portal right in front of the door to this place. I would just need to be in range, usually 30 feet, but if we wait a few minutes I could increase the rangea bit. We'd just need a distraction to get their eyes and, I'm guessing, cameras off the door. Spayed, I know you got that blackout thing..." Sam looked over to the ninja smiling. "What about you? Any ideas or plans or anything to suggest? Cause portals are all I got, I'm fine with taking orders if it means getting those folks out of there."

Sam stood in between the two of them, looking back and forth between them, listening to whatever either could offer. He never was good with planning, he was a rush in kind of guy, but he knew better than to try that this time. He knew he had to be careful, lest he wants the people inside to get hurt. He wouldn't know how to live with himself if he was responsible for them getting hurt.
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OPEN Re: Break Out! (Spade, Sam, and Marked Ninja)

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