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Fictional materials in the SHRP Universe

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OPEN Fictional materials in the SHRP Universe

Post by Zonkes February 11th 2018, 5:38 pm


Hey guys, it's me. The Z. B.

So this is a thread I've been meaning to make for a while now, and I have not seen one like it.

We have some fictional metals and materials in the SHRP universe, and I was thinking we should probably start writing them down so people can see them.

If you have a material you know about, or have made. Please share it down below with the person who created it and what it does so that if someone wants to make a character using said material, they can message the appropriate person to ensure that it is.


Arcadium (Metal) Dubloon - Arcadium is a metal from the dimension of Arcadia ruled over by Madeline. The metal reacts well when mana is put into it, causing the metal to be more durable and stronger. The mana can also be channeled through the metal to produce more powerful spells.

Spark (Drug) Zonky - Spark is a drug created by Edward Langstaff in the late 1800s. The drug is known to increase, and create metahuman abilities in metahumans. If taken by a human, Spark temporarily activates the humans metagene; giving them powers for about 3 hours. If a metahuman takes it, Spark overloads their abilities. Making them too powerful for the user.

Silver Serum (Drug) Pinnacle - The Silver Serum is a drug created by Israel Knight in the late 1990s. The drug is known to augment extant metahuman abilities as well as cause said abilities to manifest in regular people. Thus, like Spark, if it is taken by a regular person, it activates the human's latent metagenes, giving them newfound abilities, but unlike Spark, the Silver Serum's effects are stable and permanent, and have an added spiritual catalyst effect. Further unlike Spark, if a metahuman takes it, the serum will not have any ill effects on their abilities.

Bombastium (Metal) Pinnacle - An unnaturally occuring elemental metal with a very high atomic number, (137,) Bombastium is highly durable, but its most notable feature is that it blocks telepathic energies, providing great psionic resilience to the wearer.

Elysium (Metal) Pinnacle - A mystical and mythical metal described as the Metal of the Gods, Elysium is golden in color and has several mystical properties such as preventing both psychic and magical influences as well as deflecting massive blasts of concussive energy. Elysium is nigh-indestructible, and has displayed resistance to both mind control and illusions. Elysium is an alloy and is far from naturally occuring.

Bronzium (Metal) Pinnacle - An alloy concisting primarily of copper and uranium. Its durability is unremarkable compared to other "super-alloys," but it possesses useful chemical and mechanical properties, such that it could potentially be utilized for a variety of engineering purposes. Also, like uranium, its atomic properties allow it to be utilized as the core of an extremely powerful explosive.

Dark Steel (Metal) Zonky - Dark Steel is an alien metal created in the fires of a dying star. The metal is incredibly durable, and seems to pull light into it. As of now, the effects of Dark Steel are unknown. Though it may have a more tangible effect on supernatural creatures like werewolves.

Metium (Alkali Metal) Pinnacle - A highly unstable element with atomic number 119. Metium is an Alkali Metal which is all but unusable for anything but explosives due to its volatility.

Sumi (Plant) Pinnacle - The Sumi is a rare and precious flower native to the inhospitable land of Tabriz in the southern border of Libya. The flower's three black petals can be distilled into a pharmaceutical ink, and its powerful toxins can be used to create ability-enhancing drugs, often in the form of tattoos, however, these toxins have been known to drag the user into hallucinating and eventually succumbing to madness.

Guloka (Plant) Pinnacle - A plant native to Africa and some of its nearby islands, the Guloka tree possesses distinctive heart-shaped leaves, and both its leaves and its roots have been used for centuries by the local populace for religious practices, medicines, and general health and well-being. The leaves and roots both act as super-herbs of sorts which greatly augment physical attributes if taken/eaten over the course of a lifetime or distilled into a powerful drink, though the local populace is quite protective of the plant and heavily restricts its exportation.

Kinetium (Metal) Pinnacle - Kinetium is a rare extraterrestrial element with atomic number 136, found primarily in Africa, which possesses the ability to absorb kinetic energy as said energy passes through it via its piezoelectric properties. There are limits to the capacity of the energy that can be stored, but this capacity has been shown to be quite high.

Imperium (Metal) Knightfall - Currently the strongest known metallic alloy on Earth. Highly expensive to obtain legally and very difficult to forge perfectly. It is highly durable and holds strong against all other earth metals. This material can be purchased anywhere on Earth.

Berserker Serum (Drug) Knightfall - A cocktail of supplements, known on the streets as Berserk, send the user into an unbridled rage. It focuses on strength and size and magnifies these aspects, turning them into a veritable wrecking ball for a limited amount of time. It is sold and distributed throughout cities such as Chicago and New New York City.

ATLAS (Drug) Zonky Blong - Not much is known about who exactly is distributing the drug but it is said that upon injection it provides the user with abilities very similar to those of the hero Atlas. This drug has only seen use in a mass prison break in which several well-known villains escaped confinement. This drug has only been seen used in Old New York so it is assumed that they are made and distributed there, supposedly free of charge.

Plastiflesh (Material) Zonky Blong - Created by Arthur Vasilev in the early 1980s, the uses of plastiflesh are as useful as flesh itself. Specific applications though, are as follows: Shapeshifting, Skin grafts, replacing lost limbs, and various other forms of medical, robotics, and other uses. Currently only used as a second skin for robots called Griefers

Technomatter (Material) Vexus: Material void of any organic matter. Originated in a Celestial Dimension and brought here by Elena Vexus. It is produced and manipulated by Celestial Beings or those who possess a Celestial Eye. It looks and flows like a grey sand and can assimilate other matter by the will of the weilder.

‘Super’ Technomatter (Material) Vexus: An alternate form of Technomatter that Elena Vexus credits herself for creating. It is Technomatter that has been highly charged with energy. This speeds up the assimilation process exponentially, instantly converting anything touched into Technomatter.

Tillorium (Metal) Red: A metal that can be 'programmed' via electromagnetic shocks to take any shape imaginable and actually produces more of itself up to a certain point. Has a wide variety of applications and uses due to the flexibility of what you can make it do with programming, and the fact that it's much stronger and lighter then titanium. Discovered and refined by Lucius Alba.

Zero Fluid (Liquid) Red: A liquid with the properties of water that can be imbued with the properties of any other matter/element using a pen like device, yet still retain it's liquid state. This means it could burn like fire, shock like electricity, ect. Usually used along with a powerful water based smoke bomb. Made by Agent Michael Daniels/The Agency.

Substance B (Drug) Red: A drug that allows the user to gain temporary psychometry, which means they can see the past of an object they are touching. Made by Agent Michael Daniels/The Agency.

Synth-Silk (Polyatomic Nonmetal) Pinnacle - An incredibly malleable, elastic, and durable material, fashioned as a kind of synthetic spidersilk with an incredibly high tensile-strength; a single strand is able to bear loads well over 200 tons. The material is primarily a phosphorocarbon polymer with high adhesive and cohesive properties once exposed to atmospheric pressures and temperatures, however, prolonged exposure to high pressures or temperatures may cause the material to reenter a liquid state, followed by a flammable gaseous state. Once burned, the material is effectively destroyed, and precise edges can overcome the durability of the material due to its large molecular structure.



Last edited by Zonky Blong on February 9th 2020, 4:19 am; edited 20 times in total (Reason for editing : Added a disclaimer)
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OPEN Re: Fictional materials in the SHRP Universe

Post by Pinnacle February 12th 2018, 2:59 am

Silver Serum (Drug) Pinnacle - The Silver Serum is a drug created by Israel Knight in the late 1990s. The drug is known to augment extant metahuman abilities as well as cause said abilities to manifest in regular people. Thus, like Spark, if it is taken by a regular person, it activates the human's latent metagenes, giving them newfound abilities, but unlike Spark, the Silver Serum's effects are stable and permanent, and have an added spiritual catalyst effect. Further unlike Spark, if a metahuman takes it, the serum will not have any ill effects on their abilities.

Bombastium (Transition Metal) Pinnacle - An unnaturally occuring elemental metal with a very high atomic number, (137,) Bombastium is highly durable, but its most notable feature is that it blocks telepathic energies, providing great psionic resilience to the wearer. As with other elements of exceedingly high atomic numbers, its less stable isotopes release ζ-Radiation, which is known to cause metagenetic mutation.

Bronzium (Metal Alloy) Pinnacle - An alloy consisting primarily of copper and uranium. Its durability is unremarkable compared to other "super-alloys," as it will bend fairly easily under duress, but the material stays together well under a variety of stresses albeit deforming in the process, as its bonds are very stable. It also possesses useful chemical and mechanical properties, such that it could potentially be utilized for a variety of engineering purposes. Also, like uranium, its atomic properties allow it to be utilized as the core of an extremely powerful explosive, though this would take a massive uniformal force on the material to break its stable bonds. However, if this kind of force were ever achieved, the resulting explosion would be a catastrophic nuclear blast.

Elysium (Metal Alloy) Pinnacle - A mystical and mythical metal described as the Metal of the Gods, Elysium is golden in color and has several mystical properties such as preventing both psychic and magical influences as well as deflecting massive blasts of concussive energy. Elysium is nigh-indestructible, and has displayed resistance to both mind control and illusions. Elysium is an extraterrestrial/extradimensional super-alloy and is far from naturally occurring.

Etherium (Metal Alloy) Pinnacle - An amazingly light and durable super-alloy consisting of 84% magnesium, 9% silver carbide, and 7% silicon carbide, etherium is a steely utilitarian metal that is stronger and lighter than titanium alloys, and is produced by Scion Sciences for commercial use. It is also known to be amazingly useful for mechanical purposes, as it is also a potent super-conducter.

Guloka (Plant) Pinnacle - A plant native to Africa and some of its nearby islands, the Guloka tree possesses distinctive heart-shaped leaves, and both its leaves and its roots have been used for centuries by the local populace for religious practices, medicines, and general health and well-being. The leaves and roots both act as super-herbs of sorts which greatly augment physical attributes if taken/eaten over the course of a lifetime or distilled into a powerful drink, though the local populace is quite protective of the plant and heavily restricts its exportation.

Kinetium (Transition Metal) Pinnacle - Kinetium is a rare extraterrestrial element with atomic number 136, found primarily in Africa, which possesses the ability to absorb kinetic energy as said energy passes through it via its piezoelectric properties. There are limits to the capacity of the energy that can be stored, but this capacity has been shown to be quite high.

Metium (Alkali Metal) Pinnacle - A highly unstable element with atomic number 119. Metium is an Alkali Metal which is all but unusable for anything but explosives due to its volatility, and its explosive properties are rendered more unpredictable by its propensity to release ζ-Radiation outside the lethal blast radius, which is known to cause metagenetic mutation.

Mithril (Metal Alloy) Pinnacle - A super-alloy of barium, cobalt, and tungsten manufactured by Scion Sciences, mithril is a gleaming, silvery metal of enormous tensile strength, hardness, ductility, and coefficient of resistance. Though it is incredibly durable, it is also heavier than titanium alloys, and its cost of production means that it is utilized more rarely than its cheaper competitors on the market. It is a poor conductor, and repels a variety of energies while in it's solid state.

Neutronium (Neutron Matter) Pinnacle - A volatile and radioactive material under normal heat and pressure, neutronium is extremely strange, to say the least. Having no charge, it doesn't interact with electromagnetic forces, such as photons, causing it to be completely invisible. In addition, this means that it doesn't interact normally with atomic forces, causing it to essentially phase through other forms of matter, though, it will often merge with that matter without an outside force preventing it from doing so, causing the formation of unstable radioactive isotopes. Neutronium is also sometimes referred to as Element Zero, and it degenerates into a fundamentally quark based gaseous matter if even greater heat or pressures are applied.

Orichalcum (Metal Alloy) Pinnacle - A super-alloy consisting of 22% gold, 22% tungsten, 64% magnesium, and 2% kinetium. Orichalcum is highly resistant to physical strain, being able to flex greatly and spring back without permanently deforming the material. It's physical resistance is considerable, but not nearly as impressive as some other super-alloys, such as Mithril or Imperium. That said, its magical resistance is also considerable, though not impregnable. This metal is also manufactured by Scion Sciences.

Purpurium (Transition Metal) Pinnacle - This rare element, bearing the atomic number of 144, while chemically a transition metal, has the potential to be quite possibly the softest material presently known to man. In spite of its high atomic number, it is a durable and stable element if given the right isotopic conditions, with high elasticity and malleability. (Though its less stable isotopes release ζ-Radiation, which is known to cause metagenetic mutation.) It also makes for a supremely comfortable fabric when woven.

Sumi (Plant) Pinnacle - The Sumi is a rare and precious flower native to the inhospitable land of Tabriz in the southern border of Libya. The flower's three black petals can be distilled into a pharmaceutical ink, and its powerful toxins can be used to create ability-enhancing drugs, often in the form of tattoos, however, these toxins have been known to drag the user into hallucinating and eventually succumbing to madness.

Synth-Silk (Polyatomic Nonmetal) Pinnacle - An incredibly malleable, elastic, and durable material, fashioned as a kind of synthetic spidersilk with an incredibly high tensile-strength; a single strand is able to bear loads well over 200 tons. The material is primarily a phosphorocarbon polymer with high adhesive and cohesive properties once exposed to atmospheric pressures and temperatures, however, prolonged exposure to high pressures or temperatures may cause the material to reenter a liquid state, followed by a flammable gaseous state. Once burned, the material is effectively destroyed, and precise edges can overcome the durability of the material due to its large molecular structure.

Last edited by Pinnacle on April 2nd 2018, 7:29 pm; edited 22 times in total (Reason for editing : Edited to add Synth-Silk.)

Fictional materials in the SHRP Universe PinnacleSig
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OPEN Re: Fictional materials in the SHRP Universe

Post by Knightfall February 12th 2018, 3:45 pm

Imperium (Metal) Knightfall - Currently the strongest known metallic alloy on Earth. Highly expensive to obtain legally and very difficult to forge perfectly. It is highly durable and holds strong against all other earth metals. This material can be purchased anywhere on Earth.

Berserker Serum (Drug) Knightfall - A cocktail of supplements, known on the streets as Berserk, send the user into an unbridled rage. It focuses on strength and size and magnifies these aspects, turning them into a veritable wrecking ball for a limited amount of time. It is sold and distributed throughout cities such as Chicago and New New York City.

ATLAS (Drug) Zonky Blong - Not much is known about who exactly is distributing the drug but it is said that upon injection it provides the user with abilities very similar to those of the hero Atlas. This drug has only seen use in a mass prison break in which several well-known villains escaped confinement. This drug has only been seen used in Old New York so it is assumed that they are made and distributed there, supposedly free of charge.

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OPEN Re: Fictional materials in the SHRP Universe

Post by Elena Vexus February 20th 2018, 6:39 pm

Technomatter: Material void of any organic matter. Originated in a Celestial Dimension and brought here by Elena Vexus. It is produced and manipulated by Celestial Beings or those who possess a Celestial Eye. It looks and flows like a grey sand and can assimilate other matter by the will of the weilder.

‘Super’ Technomatter: An alternate form of Technomatter that Elena Vexus credits herself for creating. It is Technomatter that has been highly charged with energy. This speeds up the assimilation process exponentially, instantly converting anything touched into Technomatter.

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OPEN Re: Fictional materials in the SHRP Universe

Post by Red February 23rd 2018, 10:04 pm

Tillorium: A metal that can be 'programmed' via electromagnetic shocks to take any shape imaginable and actually produces more of itself up to a certain point. Has a wide variety of applications and uses due to the flexibility of what you can make it do with programming, and the fact that it's much stronger and lighter then titanium. Discovered and refined by Lucius Alba.

Zero Fluid: A liquid with the properties of water that can be imbued with the properties of any other matter/element using a pen like device, yet still retain it's liquid state. This means it could burn like fire, shock like electricity, ect. Usually used along with a powerful water based smoke bomb. Made by Agent Michael Daniels/The Agency.

Substance B: A drug that allows the user to gain temporary psychometry, which means they can see the past of an object they are touching. Made by Agent Michael Daniels/The Agency.

I should also mention that one of Superhero RPGs biggest fictional materials, Atterrium, has yet to be featured. I won't give any specifications because it's Zell's, but it no doubt deserves a mention before he gets around to posting it here.

Might have some more materials in the future to add.


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