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Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers)

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Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers) Empty Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers)

Post by Row December 16th 2017, 12:43 am

A man ran out of a club into the lights under the sign. His white shirt was stain yellow and drenched. Silky red hair dripped a trail of blood. Music roared in the background with dozens of black lights dancing inside. The man wipes his for head flinching after brushing his hair. More blood dripped from his forehead. He gritted his teeth and turned back. Glow sticks danced like fireflies. A sigh escaped his mouth and he pulled out a cigarette.

"This is not a hangout spot."
Two giant men walked in front of him. One had blond hair and the other had black but Both wore Black shirts with the word security written on them.

"Excuse me?" The man looked up showing teeth as he lit the cigarette. Then he closed his eyes and let the smoke relax him. The blond man coughed while the other apologized.
"Boss, are you... ok. Your head," asked the black hair main?
The man took another puff, "Yeah. I just..." The light off the sign flickered.

He opened his eyes and some glow sticks disappearing behind object. His heart jumped. The shape resembled a person, but he could not see anyone there. He could clearly identify the romantic couple grinding behind it and the group of gorgeous woman of varies ethnicity giggling beside it. However, he could not identify a single detail on the figure except that it existed.

He dropped his cigarette as his mouth slowly opened.
"It’s... here," he mumbled.
He turned to the men and pointed into the club. The lights stopped flickering.
"Boss, there is no one there. Your head is bleeding; let us take you to the hospital."

The man turn back and the figure was gone.

Poring Flan
Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers) Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers) Empty Re: Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers)

Post by skullheadsoldiers December 16th 2017, 11:06 am

Tesla had been out on patrol for most of the day at this point. The hours had been long, and beyond a minor mugging he had to stop, uneventful. Needless to say he was quite a bit bored. Sighing, he kept on walking down one of the seedier streets in Chicago, it was a spot he generally tried to check on every night as it was a hotspot for criminal activities. He often wondered why they didn’t leave to a new location to set up their operations, but until they did he would keep keeping an eye on it.

As he continued down the path, he noticed a few shadowy figures run off deeper into nearby alleyways. He couldn’t help but smile at that, his reputation was starting to effect them. Good, that meant fewer people in danger. Turning his gaze down one of the passages he considered pursuing one of the figures but stopped himself when he heard a commotion coming from a block away.

Frowning, he jogged his way over, smalls bolts of electricity already arcing between his fingers. As soon as he saw the small group of three in front of one the usual hot spots, he raised his hands. “Don’t move!” Waiting for a moment for the no to comply, he noticed one of them was bleeding from the head. Pointing a finger at the injured man he added, “What happened here?”

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 41
Registration date : 2017-12-11

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Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers) Empty Re: Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers)

Post by Row December 16th 2017, 4:05 pm

The bouncers moved closer to the injured man like a dog ready to protect their master.
"Crap, it's that damn hero boss!" whispered the blonde-haired person.

The man turned around and placed his hands on their shoulders, "Quit your bark mutts. We have done nothing wrong. Just act normal. I am hurt remember."
The man returned his hand to his head, "Tesla right? I apologize for my men's rudeness. They get excited around new people." He walked up to the electrifying entity, analyzing the detail that made the hero special. Lighting arced between his fingers illuminating the ground around him.

"I would offer to shake your hand, but I can't say I enjoy experiencing joy buzzers," He pointed to the hero's energized hand, "The name's Giuseppe, I... hit my head while inside my establishment. Would you be willing to escort me to a doctor of mine? I can't say I trust the whole public health system."

He waved for his guards to leave, not needing useless humans when a hero was around. He pulled some bills out of his pocket, "I can reward you nicely for your services... though I thought heroism was suppose to be volunteer. What do you say battery boy?"

Last edited by Row on December 16th 2017, 4:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

Poring Flan
Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers) Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers) Empty Re: Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers)

Post by skullheadsoldiers December 16th 2017, 4:25 pm

Tesla didn’t respond beyond a brief smirk at the joy buzzer comment, his glowing eyes focused primarily on the guards since they hadn’t presented themselves as potential threats. Not a true threat since Tesla felt confident he could tase them easily enough with his power, but enough of one for him to put focus towards. Taking a moment to cross his arms in distaste at the offer presented, he spoke with a relatively stern tone. At least as stern as he could manage, “I won’t take your money, but I will escort you to this ‘doctor’ if only to keep you in my sights.”

Walking over to the man, he transferred his internal charge away from his hands so he could help the man to his feet. Lowering his hand toward him, he smile just slightly. “I won’t shock you as long as you play nice, and answer my questions.”

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Registration date : 2017-12-11

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Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers) Empty Re: Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers)

Post by Row December 16th 2017, 6:30 pm

The hero deactivated his powers just as Giuseppe expected. How he loved the American system of innocent till proven guilty. "Wonderful! Please allow me to call my driver."

He pressed some buttons on his phone before turning to the Hero, "Information is the least i could offer for some protection."

He turned his head to look in the club again. Still, nothing was there. He reach for a cigarette and took a puff, Though i can't say I enjoy being treated like a criminal. Does your hero association have dirt on me or something." He chuckled as a black car rolled up.

Poring Flan
Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers) Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers) Empty Re: Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers)

Post by skullheadsoldiers December 20th 2017, 3:53 am

Tesla didn't respond, simply lifting an eyebrow at the man questioningly. After a moment he asked, "Hero Association? No, not that I'm aware of. All I know is that whenever I patrol this part of the city something of the criminal variety is occurring." Turning his attention to the man fully, he crossed his arms at him. "Are you admitting to having done some heinous that I should take you in for?" As he asked the question, several lights would begin to flicker as he constant presence around them began to wear on their local electrical charges.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 41
Registration date : 2017-12-11

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Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers) Empty Re: Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers)

Post by Row December 21st 2017, 3:32 pm

The man's chuckled roared over the music in the back ground. He wiped his eye as if he was crying and panted from exhaustion, "You my friend, you are great. If you were not a charity worker, I would hire you on the spot now."

He took another puff of his cigarette and opened the door. "This is a dangerous area like you said, but we won't be doing anything against your morals... I am just not well liked in this area lately."
He entered the car and waved for Tesla to join him, "Anyway, lets go before my head wound becomes worst."

Poring Flan
Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers) Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Number of posts : 296
Registration date : 2017-07-29

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Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers) Empty Re: Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers)

Post by skullheadsoldiers January 3rd 2018, 5:44 pm

Tesla frowned for a moment before making his way inside the car himself. It was a bit awkward the whole process as the Jupiter Device was not designed with the smallest frame out there, forcing him to shift his position multiple times before he finally felt comfortable in his seat. Looking over at the unknown man he finally decided to ask the question he probably should've asked earlier. "So, who are you and what happened to you that caused that injury?"

As he asked the question a few arches of energy seemed to seep into his body. It was small, and of a very ambient nature, but it was a constant part of his presence in the vehicle. With each new bolt of electricity into his body, his eyes seemed to increase in intensity by a marginal degree.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 41
Registration date : 2017-12-11

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Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers) Empty Re: Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers)

Post by Row January 3rd 2018, 6:36 pm

Giuseppe chuckled, "I told you when we met, I hit my head. Simply that. I see why your just a charity worker." He snapped at the driver signaling him to start driving. "I guess I could elaborate more. So there I was, admiring the my beautiful creation. A full house with music so loud you could sew me for hearing lost. Lights everywhere and a constant reminder that its good to be successful... without drug deals and all that or else this would be a very different conversation."
He took another puff of his cigarette.
"So one of my, and if I do say so, very attractive ladies offers me a new wine. I accept, and we go into a back room. My partner, the player that he is, also has the same idea but with some girl he found on the dance floor. A little young for my age taste... though. Anyway I had some quality time with the lady and then she goes into the bathroom. And you know how women and bathrooms goes. So I follow her, taking a step in, and I fucking slip. Hit a door nob. I wake up, and their is there is someone in my room ripping it apart and their is blood all over me. and when i look at the person it was... no..."

The man's face goes pale. His heart goes full throttle. He grabs the driver's shoulder.

"I need you to FLOOR IT!" he orders.

"I can't boss, their is this girl standing in the road?" responds the driver.

Giuseppe looks forward and the road is empty, "There is no one there dumbass."

A gunshot echos and the driver starts flooring. Broken glass scatters through the car. There is a hole on the driver's window and blood all over the wheel. The driver's head hits the wheel and the car horn blares. The driver's dead and the car continues accelerating down the road.

Poring Flan
Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers) Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 296
Registration date : 2017-07-29

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Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers) Empty Re: Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers)

Post by skullheadsoldiers January 5th 2018, 8:11 pm

Tesla listens along to the man's tale, only mildly annoyed by the lack of a name and the slight jab at him he felt was given. After a moment he began to zone out, not hearing anything of particular note. Instead he decided to focus on the energy coursing into him. It was a strange sensation, like warm air on the skin. He wondered if this feeling was why he always felt in a good mood since he took up the hero business, it would be one explanation for it.

Suddenly, his focus was brought back to the conversation when he mentioned blood over him and someone ripping up his room. "Wait, what did..?" He wasn't able to get his question out, however, as his attention was fully on the panicked state of the injured man. And then, horrifically, to the now dead driver and full speed car.

Not wasting any time, he actively begins to take in all the electricity in the car, hoping to shut off the engine in the process. As he did so his body began to glow with a slight aura of electrical energy, causing the car to light up in a strange teal hue. "Get down! I'm going to stop the car and then we are getting out of here my way." With is command given he reaches into the driver seat and pushes the body out of the way, allowing him to get into the seat himself. It wasn't a quick process due to the Jupiter Device. After a few seconds of awkward shifting, he eventually sat down and slammed his foot on the break, keeping a white knuckled grip on the steering wheel the entire time as the wheels began to squeal in protest.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 41
Registration date : 2017-12-11

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Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers) Empty Re: Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers)

Post by Row January 6th 2018, 11:56 am

"We're gonna crash. Dio mio! Dio mio!" Shouted Giuseppe.

The car swirled as Tesla pulled the dead driver out of the front seat. A amazing feat given the volume of the car. After gaining control of the wheel, the car halted with minimal damage to those Giuseppe and Tesla inside. Giuseppe starting laughing. Tears ran down his eyes, as he checked his body further injuries.

"I'm alive..."

He kicked opened the door and looked around. The road was dark, obscuring the damage from the runaway car. The only light source was a street light several meters. The man scavenged the car for his lighter and a pack of smokes. Then he sprinted to the street light, popped a smoke in his mouth, and deeply inhaled. Sweat rolled down his pink face as he struggled to catch his breath and smoke at the same time.

"Fuck... Hero over here!"


A black knife impaled the car in front of Tesla after Giuseppe left the car. Attached to it was a letter with a purple wax stamp with the letter "V" imprinted in the middle. This "V" was slanted and ended in a spiral. It was the same style "V" Giuseppe wore around his neck. The letter was a plain white envelope and inside it read.


Poring Flan
Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers) Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers) Empty Re: Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers)

Post by skullheadsoldiers January 7th 2018, 9:31 pm

Tesla's eyes rolled in his head for a brief moment from the swerving of the vehicle, taking him a moment to realize the vehicle had indeed stopped. Letting out a breath he opened the driver side door and exited the car. Taking a moment to look around, he saw a knife embed itself into the front of the car. Ignoring Giuseppe, he walked over to it and plucked it out of the metal, looking it over. Frowning he unfolded the letter and read it over.

Looking up from the paper to where the strange man had gone off to, he slowly made his way over to him. Once he was in arms reach of him, he would attempt to pin the man to the street light with his free hand while showing the letter to him simultaneously. His eyes were filled with barely contained anger, he was really getting tired of whatever was going on. "Answers, now, or so help me I might just take the advice on this letter right here and now." As he speaks electricity arches all across his body but not near his hands, obviously to avoid unintentionally harming Giuseppe.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 41
Registration date : 2017-12-11

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Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers) Empty Re: Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers)

Post by Row January 7th 2018, 10:45 pm

Suddenly the hero slammed him against the pole and made the light flicker. "SHIT... Okay okay. Just don't break the light. She... She..."

The man stopped. His face went pale. A drought plagued mouth choking his words. Fear filled his mind with what he betrayed. This hero was but a nuisance compared to her. "Listen, I swear by all that is good, I am not the enemy. I left that life, working for those who thought they knew more. I moved to America for the Dream. I opened a club. Please understand I am trying to live a clean life. My old life, A life I cant talk about, has found me. They deem me a traitor because I did not want to be apart of the corruption. So please un"

Giuseppe grabbed the Hero's arm and tried to push back, "GET OFF... SHE... SHE..."

"Shhhh" hushed a voice as a white blade slipped into the man's left eye, "Your time is up my brother. May the teachings guide you in your next life."
Behind Tesla stood a was a girl in a black hood with a red trim around the edge. Her mouth and nose was covered with a black cloth and a ghostly purple illuminated from her eyes. Her entire her pant, boots, and coat was like midnight. Her skin glowed pale in the streetlight.

Poring Flan
Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers) Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers) Empty Re: Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers)

Post by skullheadsoldiers January 7th 2018, 10:53 pm

Tesla's body was already beginning to tense as the man became more and more panicked. Something wasn't right, and it wasn't just the gun shot that killed the driver. Something else was going on here, and that letter only proved it. Then a blade went into the man's eye. Telsa simply stared for what felt like eternity but was barely a second as he tried to process what he was seeing. Then his body reacted by releasing a pulse of electricity straight backwards at whoever had just attacked, the ring of the Jupiter Device spinning rapidly in response.

Not wasting any time he would attempt the pull the blade out of his eye if it was still there, as there was no time to concern with potential bleeding. Right now he needed action. As soon as that was done he turns on his heel, putting his body in front of Giuseppe as a living shield. "Not if I stop you."

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Number of posts : 41
Registration date : 2017-12-11

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Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers) Empty Re: Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers)

Post by Row January 8th 2018, 9:18 pm

Fantasma froze after hearing the contraption whine while the humming of electricity filled the air. She gritted her teeth and tried to put some distant but the effects of being in the light had already taken effect. Her body was sluggish and she took full the full blast of electricity from the Hero.

She screamed falling into the edge of the light. Her body did not respond. Her clothes burnt clothes protected her skin from any damage but now tortured her pain nerves. The exposure to the light sapped her energy like a mosquitoes sucking on blood.

"G-Gia... Ge.. ge...Ai... eee." Her voice stuttered as her body twitched and jerked. Each order to her body painfully bounced around her body before reaching to correct designation.


Blood Gushed out of Giuseppe eye as the blade was forcefully ripped out of his face.
"BITCH," he cried out as he struggled through the pain.

As soon as Tesla released him, he fell to the ground covering his eye. "That bitch... that bitch... GET HER ASS! ARENT YOU A HERO!"

Poring Flan
Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers) Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers) Empty Re: Voglia Hit One: Tesla (skullheadsoldiers)

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