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Crossing over (Recluse + Omega)

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Crossing over (Recluse + Omega) Empty Crossing over (Recluse + Omega)

Post by Gray November 8th 2017, 1:06 am

A small black van slowly pulls up towards a small Bank of America, six people in black ski masks, wearing vests , holding submachine guns and shotguns, all exit the back. One of them pulls out a crowbar from the van and walks over to the glass doors. He smashes through both, triggering the alarm. The alarm blares through the city, it wouldn't take long for law enforcement to arrive, But they would be out of the area as soon as one would hear the sirens.

Across the building, A man can be seen from the rooftop. This was Omega; scouting the area as usual, making sure he had a cohesive plan of attack before making a move. "A good preemptive strike." He thought. He hears police chatter over his comms, It was only a matter of time before they got here. He knew that the heat that these criminals were packing would be too much for Chicago Police to bear. He knew he had to take care of them before the police arrive. He unsheathes his blade and telepathically engages the rocket inside, creating a small torch that emanates from the handle. He prepares his final thoughts on his plan. Now if only nobody would just interfere...

Last edited by Gray on November 14th 2017, 8:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

Status :

Quote : Smile.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 35
Location : Not telling you.
Age : 24
Job : unemployed lol
Humor : meme
Registration date : 2017-10-24

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Crossing over (Recluse + Omega) Empty Re: Crossing over (Recluse + Omega)

Post by Recluse November 10th 2017, 11:29 am

Agent Viktor Grey Wolfe, otherwise known by his code moniker of "Recluse," was simply prowling the city as he often did at night when he heard some commotion at a nearby bank. He swung around to see that a small black van had backed it's tail end up to the front entrance of a small Bank of America, and, in stereotypical bad guy fashion, six people in cliché black ski masks and wearing bullet-proof vests (his hyperviolet viewing mode deduced) all leapt from the back, packing submachine guns and shotguns.

Well, well, well. Looks like tonight just got interesting. He thought, smiling to himself beneath the mask.

He fired off a line of synth-silk and swung in low, swiftly covering the nearby public light sources with dark webbing. As the night grew dim and devoid of light, outside of the faint glow that came from within the small branch building of the bank, the men seemed to have not noticed what was coming their way as they smashed the glass windows of the bank, causing an alarm to blare through the city.

The criminals burst through the broken glass, as a brave security guard drew his weapon, but it was no use; he wasn't fast enough on the draw, and one of the men raised his submachine gun and began to mow him down where he stood.

The crook succeeded in plugging the guard's shoulder with a couple rounds before his gun was wrenched from his hands into the night by what appeared to be threads of darkness.

The guard lay on the floor, alive, but in bad shape, after taking the two shots to his shoulder, and the 6 men decided to ignore him for the time being while they figured out what had just happened.

Just then, the power went out in the bank, and all went dark.

Last edited by Recluse on November 14th 2017, 7:44 pm; edited 1 time in total

Crossing over (Recluse + Omega) BvMDciL
-={ The Silver Scion }=-
Crossing over (Recluse + Omega) Latest?cb=20170214194436

Status :

Quote : "Coaching the life and death struggle in terms straight out of the glory day playbook... It's all a bunch of smoke and mirrors... A cover up for the fear."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 24
Registration date : 2017-03-02

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Crossing over (Recluse + Omega) Empty Re: Crossing over

Post by Gray November 11th 2017, 12:27 am

Nathan had noticed that all the lights in the vicinity had gone off. He would activate the night vision in his suit's visor to get a hold of the darkness that surrounds him. By then, he finds a guard on the floor of the building, slowly bleeding away, but not too much. He looked onto the criminals and noticed that one of them didn't have his gun with him.

Nate sighed.

"Now or never."

He threw his sword in the air, and with a flashy somersault, grabbed the handle and landed down on the ground.
He cloaked the glowing crimson streaks of his armor with the trench coat and snuck up on them.

Using his enhanced vision, He struck the blade down in the center of where the criminals where standing in, and let the handle's flames light up as he quietly walks away, as it became the only source of light in the room.

The group surrounded the sword curiously and cautiously as they observed the jet's flame rise.

Nate appeared out of the dark and into the light in front, as the criminals swiftly raised their weapons at him.


He began.

"Guys' night, am I right?"

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Quote : Smile.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 35
Location : Not telling you.
Age : 24
Job : unemployed lol
Humor : meme
Registration date : 2017-10-24

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Crossing over (Recluse + Omega) Empty Re: Crossing over (Recluse + Omega)

Post by Recluse November 20th 2017, 5:40 pm

Recluse turned towards the new voice, enhancing the zoom function of his HUD to get a better look at the man through the darkness, as his HUD's thermal viewing function was already engaged.

The man possessed a good amount of tech himself, but the sword that he had thrown amidst the group seemed to be the most interesting bit of tech he had on his person. Or rather, used to have on his person, as it now sat imbedded in the ground at the center of the circle of thugs.

Interesting... How very interesting indeed... He thought to himself.

But his considerations of the new man on the scene would have to wait, for now, he had some bank robbers and attempted murderers to stop, and he attempted to wrap them all in dark webbing, but time would tell whether or not his attempt would be thwarted by the man.

Was he here to help? Or hinder?

Crossing over (Recluse + Omega) BvMDciL
-={ The Silver Scion }=-
Crossing over (Recluse + Omega) Latest?cb=20170214194436

Status :

Quote : "Coaching the life and death struggle in terms straight out of the glory day playbook... It's all a bunch of smoke and mirrors... A cover up for the fear."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 24
Registration date : 2017-03-02

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Crossing over (Recluse + Omega) Empty Re: Crossing over (Recluse + Omega)

Post by Gray November 20th 2017, 11:15 pm

Omega threw the first punch as it hit one of the men's faces. He threw a roundhouse kick and aimed it at the second man's gut, causing him to lurch over.
One tries pulling him over in a headlock while the man that lurched over grabs his shotgun and aims at him.

"I don't think so."

He pulls his weight up and performs a dropkick on the man, also causing the scumbag who put him in the headlock to fall over. That's two down, four more to go.

"Come on."

The four men lift their guns and aim at him as he brings his sword up and points the handle's bottom at them as the men fire at him. Gunfire lights up room aside from the torch emanating from the sword. Omega engages it to turn into some sort of heat-shield, melting the bullets in mid-air.

The four men immediately run out of ammo and look on in shock. Omega's sword steadily glows bright as it lights up the room like a flashlight.


Status :

Quote : Smile.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 35
Location : Not telling you.
Age : 24
Job : unemployed lol
Humor : meme
Registration date : 2017-10-24

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Crossing over (Recluse + Omega) Empty Re: Crossing over (Recluse + Omega)

Post by Recluse November 28th 2017, 2:29 am

Recluse quickly pulled the men back away from the ensuing inferno from the man's sword and into the darkness, applying a high-intensity taser from his suit to their chests to knock them out (if the rescue was successful, barring any other tricks up the man's sleeve.)

This guy certainly means business, doesn't he? He thought to himself.

After pulling them back, provided that the man did not notice what he had done in the dark and react in such a way to stop him, he would attempt to web the other two men on the ground into the dark as well, before dropping down to attend to the medical needs of the fallen guard, whilst keeping a wary eye on the man.

Last edited by Recluse on December 22nd 2017, 5:55 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Minor Grammatical edit.)

Crossing over (Recluse + Omega) BvMDciL
-={ The Silver Scion }=-
Crossing over (Recluse + Omega) Latest?cb=20170214194436

Status :

Quote : "Coaching the life and death struggle in terms straight out of the glory day playbook... It's all a bunch of smoke and mirrors... A cover up for the fear."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 24
Registration date : 2017-03-02

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Crossing over (Recluse + Omega) Empty Re: Crossing over (Recluse + Omega)

Post by Gray November 29th 2017, 11:53 am

Omega's visor glowed as he could see the webbing approach. His visor picked up on all the little intricate and minute details that couldn't be seen by the human eye.
He lifted his sword and sliced through them like it was nothing at all.

"And who invited you to the party?"

He asked the strange arachnid-themed humanoid as he slowly approached him as he swung the blade in a circular motion, whistling through the air.

He then powers up his sword as he points the blade towards him as it slowly charges.
He thought long and hard on how he would plan it all out, he would be prepared for any surprises that might come his way.

Status :

Quote : Smile.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 35
Location : Not telling you.
Age : 24
Job : unemployed lol
Humor : meme
Registration date : 2017-10-24

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Crossing over (Recluse + Omega) Empty Re: Crossing over (Recluse + Omega)

Post by Recluse December 22nd 2017, 5:57 pm

"A multinational council of world leaders. So, basically the whole world. You?" Recluse said, his voice altered from his own light-hearted one to a more menacing one.

He stooped over the fallen guard, sending some of his Arachnanites to heal the man's wounds over time.

The other men being out of the man's reach, he figured he'd talk with him for a moment.

Crossing over (Recluse + Omega) BvMDciL
-={ The Silver Scion }=-
Crossing over (Recluse + Omega) Latest?cb=20170214194436

Status :

Quote : "Coaching the life and death struggle in terms straight out of the glory day playbook... It's all a bunch of smoke and mirrors... A cover up for the fear."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 24
Registration date : 2017-03-02

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Crossing over (Recluse + Omega) Empty Re: Crossing over (Recluse + Omega)

Post by Gray December 25th 2017, 5:05 am

"Just me. I don't need a bunch of higher-ups to tell me how and when to do my job." He retorted.

He inched closer as the blade built up it's charge. He slowly moved closer until his HUD notified him that the charge was full.

By then, he stopped.

"This is mine to take care of... "

He relaxed his posture and pointed his sword at him in a slight downward position.

"...Now stay out of my way."

He said in a deep and sinister tone.

Status :

Quote : Smile.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 35
Location : Not telling you.
Age : 24
Job : unemployed lol
Humor : meme
Registration date : 2017-10-24

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Crossing over (Recluse + Omega) Empty Re: Crossing over (Recluse + Omega)

Post by Recluse January 19th 2018, 2:48 pm

"So... Are you one of the good guys? Or..." Agent Wolfe replied, monitoring the energy readings emanating from the man from his own HUD.

They were rising.

This isn't good... He's about to attempt something pretty big... He thought, as his fatesense began to tingle in the back of his skull. ... Something violent.

He stood calmly, facing the man...

And prepared himself for the worst.

Crossing over (Recluse + Omega) BvMDciL
-={ The Silver Scion }=-
Crossing over (Recluse + Omega) Latest?cb=20170214194436

Status :

Quote : "Coaching the life and death struggle in terms straight out of the glory day playbook... It's all a bunch of smoke and mirrors... A cover up for the fear."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 24
Registration date : 2017-03-02

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Crossing over (Recluse + Omega) Empty Crossing over (Recluse + Omega)

Post by Gray January 20th 2018, 2:44 am

The men who were able to survive the ordeal managed to sneak their way to the van with the keys. They hid in the back and tried to get one of them to start the car quietly.

"C'mon, you piece of garbage..." He said in a hushed voice.

Meanwhile, Omega's levels were powered up to it's maximum limit. He placed himself in an offensive position and pointed his blade at him.

"Buddy, I'm the not just a good guy, I'm a great guy." He replied sarcastically.

He prepared to ignite the plasma in his sword to charge at him until...

The van's engine starts.

Omega looked behind him.

"GO NOW!" The man in the back screamed.

The vehicle's tires screeched as it drove away quickly.

"Son of a bitch."

He looked back at the spider-human.

"Yeah, just... try not to interfere, okay?"

He flipped him off as he turned around, went outside, and used all that saved power to fly and pursue the black van.

Status :

Quote : Smile.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 35
Location : Not telling you.
Age : 24
Job : unemployed lol
Humor : meme
Registration date : 2017-10-24

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Crossing over (Recluse + Omega) Empty Re: Crossing over (Recluse + Omega)

Post by Recluse February 2nd 2018, 6:33 pm

Recluse ignored the black van, and instead, focused on stopping the techsword wielding vigilante killer, and as he flipped him off and was just about to fly, Recluse fired out dark webbing at him from all of his arms, mechanical and otherwise in different paths outlining his body as well as firing ahead of him.

The webs were shot out extremely quickly, more than quick enough to stick to the man before or even as he took off unless he somehow noticed Recluse's actions, and even if he did, Recluse didn't care.

The Black Van he could easily track down later, as well as everyone that had gone inside of it.

The real threat was 'Psycho Sword' over there.

Crossing over (Recluse + Omega) BvMDciL
-={ The Silver Scion }=-
Crossing over (Recluse + Omega) Latest?cb=20170214194436

Status :

Quote : "Coaching the life and death struggle in terms straight out of the glory day playbook... It's all a bunch of smoke and mirrors... A cover up for the fear."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 24
Registration date : 2017-03-02

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Crossing over (Recluse + Omega) Empty Crossing over (Recluse + Omega)

Post by Gray February 15th 2018, 2:27 am

The webbing wrapped around the right foot of Omega as he flew out of the building's window. He didn't feel it, and if he did? He didn't care. What mattered to him was getting those goons and nobody was going to stop him.

The blade's blast sent him out, even if he was being pulled back, it would've been too late as the momentum of the thrust was so powerful that it would've carried both of them anyway.


Status :

Quote : Smile.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 35
Location : Not telling you.
Age : 24
Job : unemployed lol
Humor : meme
Registration date : 2017-10-24

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Crossing over (Recluse + Omega) Empty Re: Crossing over (Recluse + Omega)

Post by Sponsored content

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