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Omega Empty Omega

Post by Gray October 24th 2017, 8:43 pm


"This is the end."

The Bio

Real Name: Nathaniel "Nathan" Brannon
Renegade Name: Omega
Title: Red, Blades, Crimson Bolt, Shades, Spectre, Ares, Nate
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Race: Genetically Evolved Human
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Sapphire Blue
Height: 6,2"
Weight: 197lbs
Blood type: Unknown

The Looks
Nathan is an Irish man with blue eyes, brown mid-length hair, and light facial hair. He appears to be of mesomorphic build. Nathan wears a modern, black, knee-length trench coat. He wears brown boots and also has a deep, gravelly voice. He wears a special black suit with streaks of glowing red flowing through with a large chest piece with the omega symbol placed on the center; usually wears a trench coat to cover it up. Has a large sword sheath at his back. Wears a mask-like visor that covers his entire face except his hair, the visor glows a crimson hue and the lower part of his face is usually obscured by his neckwarmer scarf which covers up to the bridge of his nose.

The Personality

Nathan is a protective person, wanting to keep the people he cares about close and safe. He is very protective of his family and will do anything to keep them safe. His compassion for his family is strong enough to become a vigilante and extradite revenge on those who have harmed them. Nathan is very calm under pressure, able to keep a clear mind and work through problems systematically and with composure. His approach is often light-hearted, especially in situations that can lead to his own death or that of others.

The Story

Nathan grew up in the UK, he was born to his Irish man and American mother. He had often gotten into trouble quite a lot in his youth. Because of this, he was sent by his parents to join the Marine Corps in the United States. As he rose through the ranks to become a captain of his own team, he was sent on an espionage mission to track down a terrorist organization. He executed the mission flawlessly, which had garnered the attention of his superiors. He was later drafted as a candidate for a "special program" of sorts. "For his country" and all that. As he was taken in, he was subject to countless experiments in an effort to create the perfect super-soldier. When they found out that he still had his personality, they killed his mother and father in an effort to "wake him up". This enraged him, causing his abilities to activate and destroy the government facility and everyone else in it. Years later, when he became an adult, he used the knowledge he had gathered spent living in the facility to commit clandestine acts of "heroism" or so he calls it.

The Priority

1. Reaction
2. Agility
3. Strength
4. Endurance

The Powers

Enhanced Swordsmanship:
The experiments performed on Nathan gave him unparalleled use of the blade. It transformed him by rapidly evolving his body to be fit for battle and combat. In Nathan's case: Sword fighting.  After the experiments, he became godlike among the people that dared to attack him whilst he carries a sword. His evolved state gave him a greater sense of balance and equilibrium to increase his effectiveness in swordfighting, extra fingers on his hands so that he can handle his weapon better and  carry up to two swords for each hand, as well as gift him with the power to swing his sword so fast it appears as a constant blur to the naked eye since the human brain cannot process or perceive the speed of him swinging his sword.  He has also shown himself to be quite athletic, capable of performing parkour to escape the police and sprinting with speed and agility.

Enhanced Reflexes:
The experiments also granted him with superhuman reflexes. It allows him to recover much faster than an ordinary human, as well as perceive events happening five times faster, giving him quicker reaction time and speed and endowing with him the  power to  dodge and deflect projectiles due to his nimbleness and increased form of sight.

The Weaknesses

Weapon Dependency:
Nathan is almost nothing without his swords. That is why his first priority, after being disarmed, is to get his sword back. He's still a capable fighter in hand-to-hand combat.

Super Speed:
Any  speed comparable to his reflexes; can overpower him. He cannot concentrate when it comes to foes that specialize in speedblitzing or running circles around him, as it confuses him.

Omega doesn't believe in magic, this mindset has given him a weakness that leaves him open to sorcery and mysticism. He doesn't do so well against magicians since he cant identify them.

The experiment that created Omega, left him with a slightly weaker immune system. This gives him the flaw of believing in anyone or anything in his surroundings if he inhales it. Hence, why he wears a neckwarmer scarf.

Legwork-associated Martial Arts:
Nathan is actually prepared to take on all forms of martial arts, and is even proficient in some of them. However, He is less adaptable when it comes to opponents that specialize in kicks or kicking-related combat.
The Items

Jet Sword:
Nathan's sword is an experimental weapon that never made it past the prototype phase. The double-edged sword contains an unknown element in the blade itself. It's most interesting feature however, is the jet thruster located in the handle. The rocket itself is powered by a plutonium core, generating massive amounts of thrust in the form of superheated plasma. This can be used offensively as a sort of flamethrower, laser or even to charge the weapon at anyone. It can also be used for evasion and flight. The only downside to this is that the sword is highly magnetic, meaning if a strong magnetic field gets close enough it can attract his sword. His blade is vulnerable to cold as the low temperature can cause the blade's thrusters to not function.

Omega Armor:
The armor is composed of carbon nanotubes, titanium-laminated kevlar and trace amounts of diamond dust to aid in his protection. The suit comes built-in with state-of-the-art HUD that identifies targets, persons-of-interest and places. The suit can also absorb powerful energy attacks but are highly magnetic due to it being made from the same elements as his sword and magnetic as well.
The Fluff

Nathan always has his trench coat unzipped, except for when he's serious. Sometimes his blade will pulse with electricity.
The RP Sample

"That man-" He said.
Connor stays silent for a while.
"-He turned into a monster. I couldn't see the face but it was covered in these tentacles, It had claws and it stood on two feet. When we saw it we froze. We just stood there until one of the tentacles impaled one of us. It went right through his stomach."
"...And then another came and slapped another of us so hard; his jaw flew off. We opened fire on the bastard, hoping it would die, but just kept it's appendages wriggling around."
Connor pauses a second time.
"We took cover. There were only three of us left I was couching with one of my friends. "Jack" I believe his name was. Jack and I were separated from our other mate who was firing at it from behind a column nearby. Then out of nowhere; that thing swatted us away with its hand; my right arm was broken but Jack..."
"He was impaled in three different places on pieces of rebar, stretching outwards from the concrete. I was their commander, I had to call an airstrike from one of the drones above, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I looked at Jack was the youngest of us, his face, he only made two words come out of his mouth."
"Do it."
"And with that, I gave the order. Next thing I know i'm in the medical bay getting treated for first degree burns with a cast over my right arm and foot."

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Last edited by Gray on October 25th 2017, 1:23 am; edited 2 times in total

Status :

Quote : Smile.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 35
Location : Not telling you.
Age : 23
Job : unemployed lol
Humor : meme
Registration date : 2017-10-24

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Omega Empty Re: Omega

Post by CainVulsore October 24th 2017, 9:19 pm

He has also shown himself to be quite athletic, capable of performing parkour to escape the police and sprinting with speed and agility.
Not sure why that's in personality? Unless you meant for it to be in the character description.

Only other issue I see is the sword, specifically the plasma core section. Add a weakness to it, possibly one stating that if it is overheated or some such it has the possibility to blow up, back fire, or stop working.

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Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 434
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-08-21

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Omega Empty Re: Omega

Post by Gray October 24th 2017, 11:06 pm

fixed it.

Status :

Quote : Smile.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 35
Location : Not telling you.
Age : 23
Job : unemployed lol
Humor : meme
Registration date : 2017-10-24

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Omega Empty Re: Omega

Post by Dubloon October 25th 2017, 1:24 am

Approved until stated otherwise o/

The Characters
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "...."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 181
Registration date : 2015-07-20

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Omega Empty Re: Omega

Post by Sponsored content

Sponsored content

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