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The Legion

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The Legion Empty The Legion

Post by Morpheus Complex September 28th 2017, 1:14 pm


"I Am Legion. For I Am Many"

The Bio

Real Name: Victor Kane White
Hero/Villain/Renegade Name:
Title: The Behemoth
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Metahuman
Hair: None
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6’8
Weight: 350 lb
Blood type: B

The Looks

The Personality

Legion is a sinister entity. It is violent, sadistic, manipulative, homicidal, and unpredictable. It has no value for human life, and relishes in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual suffering of others. Legion knows what it does is wrong, but it does it anyway, scoffing the “heroes” as individuals with high horses. It believes that everyone is ugly and sinister on the inside. Its how he sees others. Its main goal is to tear away the personas of human kind, the “masks” and let its destructive, sinful side run free into the world as it was meant to.

Legions over all demeanor, and feel is deathly serious. Yet, most times, what it says can be comical, making it feel dark and imposing. It has a twisted sense of humor, especially when it kills one person or a very small group of people. Most of Legion’s violent acts are on a whim, but it is no stranger to grand scale destruction and madness. Its what makes Legion unpredictable in its quest to cause mass chaos and commit crimes against humanity.

The Story

Before Legion occupied many bodies it was just one. A human male by the name of Victor Kane white. He was born from a program that wanted to raise metahumans soldiers by offering large sums of money for metahuman males that offered them their sperm and meta-human females that offered their eggs. It was an illegal project that was conducted by a private military firm on a privately owned island. Victor was manipulative among the children, often getting them into trouble, and leading them into doing mischievous things.

It was unaware to what type of powers he had until he was 18. The officers almost thought Victor didn't have powers at all. When when the cadets don't demonstrate that they have powers, they are killed. During nighttime in his sleeping quarters, Victor did some testing to see if he had some form of telekinesis. He focused on one of the cadets. It led to him adding the young one to his new Hive Mind. And then another. Days later, he had them all kill the officers, and eventually, each other, all for his amusement, including his original body. Three Cadets were left alive as his vessels. From then he Victor forsaken his former identity as he did with his body. Now it is an entity known as Legion.

From there, Legion had spread his bodies across the globe, assimilating multiple people, using their bodies to learn different subjects across the globe. As he did so, he plotted a break out. He plotted to hit the world harder than it has ever been hit, to plunge the whole world into a Hellish Chaos. For fun. And now, that seven years has passed, Legion has decided to break out of the shadows, and proceed with his goals...

The Priority

1. Strength
2. Endurance
3. Reaction Time
4. Agility

The Powers

  • Vibration-When connected to a solid object, Legion has the ability to vibrate his atoms violently, chaining through such solid objects. This gives him the ability to cause earthquakes and level buildings

The Weaknesses

  • All it takes for him to be knocked off the solid object Legion is vibrating to end the vibration.
  • Despite his strong ability, Legion can die and be harmed just like any other human being.  

The Items

Mundane Military Weapons and Equipment

The Fluff

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.


"I Am Legion. For I Am Many"

The Bio

Real Name: Victor Kane White
Hero/Villain/Renegade Name: Villain
Title: The Shocker
Alignment: CE
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Metahuman
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5’11
Weight: 150lb
Blood type:

The Looks

The Personality

Legion is a sinister entity. It is violent, sadistic, manipulative, homicidal, and unpredictable. It has no value for human life, and relishes in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual suffering of others. Legion knows what it does is wrong, but it does it anyway, scoffing the “heroes” as individuals with high horses. It believes that everyone is ugly and sinister on the inside. Its how he sees others. Its main goal is to tear away the personas of human kind, the “masks” and let its destructive, sinful side run free into the world as it was meant to.

Legions over all demeanor, and feel is deathly serious. Yet, most times, what it says can be comical, making it feel dark and imposing. It has a twisted sense of humor, especially when it kills one person or a very small group of people. Most of Legion’s violent acts are on a whim, but it is no stranger to grand scale destruction and madness. Its what makes Legion unpredictable in its quest to cause mass chaos and commit crimes against humanity.
The Story

Before Legion occupied many bodies it was just one. A human male by the name of Victor Kane white. He was born from a program that wanted to raise metahumans soldiers by offering large sums of money for metahuman males that offered them their sperm and meta-human females that offered their eggs. It was an illegal project that was conducted by a private military firm on a privately owned island. Victor was manipulative among the children, often getting them into trouble, and leading them into doing mischievous things.

It was unaware to what type of powers he had until he was 18. The officers almost thought Victor didn't have powers at all. When when the cadets don't demonstrate that they have powers, they are killed. During nighttime in his sleeping quarters, Victor did some testing to see if he had some form of telekinesis. He focused on one of the cadets. It led to him adding the young one to his new Hive Mind. And then another. Days later, he had them all kill the officers, and eventually, each other, all for his amusement, including his original body. Three Cadets were left alive as his vessels. From then he Victor forsaken his former identity as he did with his body. Now it is an entity known as Legion.

From there, Legion had spread his bodies across the globe, assimilating multiple people, using their bodies to learn different subjects across the globe. As he did so, he plotted a break out. He plotted to hit the world harder than it has ever been hit, to plunge the whole world into a Hellish Chaos. For fun. And now, that seven years has passed, Legion has decided to break out of the shadows, and proceed with his goals...

The Priority

1. Reaction/b]
2. Agility
3. Endurance
4. Strength

The Powers

Electric blast- Legion can charge electricity in his hands, and release it in a straight line to deliver up to 500V

The Weaknesses

  • If his hands are drenched in water, rubber, or any other non conductor, Legion will be unable to use his power.

  • Legion can be harmed like any other human, including taking damage from electricity. (ironically)[/i]

    The Items

    Mundane Military Weapons and Equipment

    The Fluff

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.


"I Am Legion. For I Am Many."

The Bio

Real Name: Victor Kane White
Hero/Villain/Renegade Name: Villain
Title: The Viper
Alignment: CE
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Race: Metahuman
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5’3
Weight: 120lb
Blood type: B

The Looks

The Personality

Legion is a sinister entity. It is violent, sadistic, manipulative, homicidal, and unpredictable. It has no value for human life, and relishes in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual suffering of others. Legion knows what it does is wrong, but it does it anyway, scoffing the “heroes” as individuals with high horses. It believes that everyone is ugly and sinister on the inside. Its how he sees others. Its main goal is to tear away the personas of human kind, the “masks” and let its destructive, sinful side run free into the world as it was meant to.

Legions over all demeanor, and feel is deathly serious. Yet, most times, what it says can be comical, making it feel dark and imposing. It has a twisted sense of humor, especially when it kills one person or a very small group of people. Most of Legion’s violent acts are on a whim, but it is no stranger to grand scale destruction and madness. Its what makes Legion unpredictable in its quest to cause mass chaos and commit crimes against humanity.
The Story

Before Legion occupied many bodies it was just one. A human male by the name of Victor Kane white. He was born from a program that wanted to raise metahumans soldiers by offering large sums of money for metahuman males that offered them their sperm and meta-human females that offered their eggs. It was an illegal project that was conducted by a private military firm on a privately owned island. Victor was manipulative among the children, often getting them into trouble, and leading them into doing mischievous things.

It was unaware to what type of powers he had until he was 18. The officers almost thought Victor didn't have powers at all. When when the cadets don't demonstrate that they have powers, they are killed. During nighttime in his sleeping quarters, Victor did some testing to see if he had some form of telekinesis. He focused on one of the cadets. It led to him adding the young one to his new Hive Mind. And then another. Days later, he had them all kill the officers, and eventually, each other, all for his amusement, including his original body. Three Cadets were left alive as his vessels. From then he Victor forsaken his former identity as he did with his body. Now it is an entity known as Legion.

From there, Legion had spread his bodies across the globe, assimilating multiple people, using their bodies to learn different subjects across the globe. As he did so, he plotted a break out. He plotted to hit the world harder than it has ever been hit, to plunge the whole world into a Hellish Chaos. For fun. And now, that seven years has passed, Legion has decided to break out of the shadows, and proceed with his goals...

The Priority

1. Agility
2. Reaction
3. Endurance
4. Strength

The Powers

  • Legion can manipulate the frature of light that goes through her, allowing her to turn invisible
  • She can lessen her malecular density, allowing her to pass through solid objects.

The Weaknesses

  • Air passes through her while Phasing is toggled. She Can't breathe while she is phasing.

  • Even while phasing, Legion can be hurt by plasma attacks, such as lasers, fire, and electricity.

  • Where water is touching her body, she can't hold the fraction of light.  If she is soaked or submerged, she will be virtually visible, if not fully.

  • While she is able to pass through solid and gaseous objects, Legion is unable to pass through liquid. She will be hurt by high water pressure attacks.

The Items

Mundane Military Weapons and Equipment

The Fluff

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.

Morpheus Complex
Morpheus Complex

Status :


Warnings : 1 Warning
Number of posts : 39
Location : I am in a basement. Call for help.
Age : 26
Job : Funemployed
Humor : "I was ask to take the red pill or the blue pill. I stiood up, kicked his ass, swallowed both pills, went to his house and f*cked his wife."
Registration date : 2016-08-21

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The Legion Empty Re: The Legion

Post by The Hound October 11th 2017, 10:02 pm

Approved until stated otherwise. Be fair, for I am watching like the invisible application I may or may not have hidden in this page.

The Legion Hounpu10
The Hound
The Hound

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 64
Age : 29
Registration date : 2016-08-13

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