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When told to leave demons Alone

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When told to leave demons Alone  - Page 4 Empty Re: When told to leave demons Alone

Post by Shadowoof January 14th 2018, 6:31 am

Asmoaday's voice went by Jake as he laid on the cold, stone floor. The dull thud of his heart beat, drumming inside his head, making other sounds a mere whisper, only reminded him of how he had failed to stop one being. A woman who called herself a god. He felt his fingers pressing into the stone, a final effort to lift himself. He didn't understand why he felt the need to continue fighting, but none the less, he felt it. The rising need to oppose this greater power. The challenge it offered.

The dull beat of his heart seemed to fade, the whisper of sound focused and he could hear the nephalem. Her voice giving information he would normally try to dissect in a better state of mind. But right now, his focus was on the feeling of his palm, and how his shoulder had an aftertaste of cold, crumbled dirt and rock falling away as it lifted from the ground.

Eventually, the voice, Asmoday, stopped talking. His mind told him to hurry up, both his hands making an effort to lift his body from the ground, recovering strength that shouldn't be. And then. Then the voice of the being he heard before arose, and as the voice had taken his strength, it had given it back, and from his push up like state, Jake flung himself into a stand, turning to face where he assumed Asmoday was, the stairs.

But whether she was there or not, his focus on the area, his glower of hate faded as he looked to Samael. He couldn't focus on her, not now. "Crap.." He made his way to the cambion and the phoenix. This was suppose to be better. They got to the pool, they were so close.

"Sammy I am so sorry. I... I don't know why I couldn't fight whatever that was. I should have been able too and now the pool is... Freaking... I'm sorry man." Jake began to ramble, a hand ruffling his hair. He had just gotten Samael from whatever state of mind he was in before, he didn't want to lose this Sam again and Jake failed the one thing Samael needed. "I'm sorry.."

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Number of posts : 1508
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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When told to leave demons Alone  - Page 4 Empty Re: When told to leave demons Alone

Post by Samael Christensen January 21st 2018, 12:28 am

Once he felt strength return to him, Samael slowly began to return to his feet with a certain trepidation. It felt odd, having strength rush from his body and then return in the same rushing sensation. A rush of apologies came out at him, lost within a haze as he raised a hand to silence Jake. ”It’s alright, don’t get yourself so worked up. I have a feeling everything will be alright.” He said with a light sigh, turning to Emilia who looked less than pleased with him and what he had put her through. ”So...I think we might need to find a way to get back to America.” He finally spoke up after a few seconds of silence, burying his hands into his pocket and looking around the room itself.

”How would you suggest we do that?” Emilia spoke up, sighing deeply and him noting that her injuries had all sealed up.

”I could probably open up a portal.” Of course he had a lot to speak about with Jake after they returned, but for now he just wanted to rest. His body had just begun to feel heavy, likely from the endless exertion he had put himself through. He knelt down on the floor, removing the odd red quartz from a pocket and beginning to scrawl a few runes on the floor as the air itself opened like a red scar. Vibrating and undulating, revealing beyond the swirling darkness a vision of a Chicago skyline.  ”This should take us back.” Should they  step beyond, they would find themselves in a small little apartment. Windows covered and overall it was pretty well furnished.

”Nice place? Find it on felons list?” The phoenix quipped, walking over to a chair and settling into it.

”Very funny.” He rolled his eyes, though that likely did not get through. ”Jake, if you want you can rest here  a little while. It has plenty of food and an extra bed if you need sleep. If you want to talk...well i’ll be in my room. I haven’t rested in a long while.” With a sigh he walked off to a room in the back of the apartment.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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When told to leave demons Alone  - Page 4 Empty Re: When told to leave demons Alone

Post by Shadowoof January 21st 2018, 2:44 am

Jake would grow silent, nodding. No need to get worked up. There was no need, he just.. Failed. Failed to actually get the one thing Sammy had dedicate his time too, almost.. Almost killed them to get too.

And he chose to remain silent for everything after, his thoughts his own, private and alone. Waiting for Sammy to cook them out a way from this vampire lords tomb, which he did with something that looked... oddly familiar.. But he didn't argue it, didn't want too. Now that everything had indeed, calmed down, the throbs of pain had returned all over his back, as if his wing was punishing him for what he did to it.

Following Emilia and Sammy though the portal, Jake found himself in a house and already felt a little better. He glanced to Emilia and found she was sitting, then he glanced to Samael, who was speaking to him, offering him a place to stay again. Food.. It was honestly a nice thing to be given, to have the chance to take... Jake didn't feel like taking it however. And while he so very much wanted to talk to Sammy about this...

Jake would walk up to Emilia, wishing he had a shirt to put on, cause sometimes he just felt silly, even with all the bruises and cuts that didn't leave him entirely uncovered. "Hey.." His voice was low, quiet, he didn't want to bother Samael. "I... Need some time to myself... I found Sammy, he's here and he has you. It's great. Can you tell him I just wanted some alone time... And if he ever wants to talk.. Well... I know he can find me... Please look after him." With that, Jake would back away and head to the exit, quickly and on light feet, a frown stitched onto his expression.

He really hated people who called themselves gods. He decided.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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