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It's Grande (Miss Valentine)

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It's Grande (Miss Valentine) Empty It's Grande (Miss Valentine)

Post by Bliss August 5th 2017, 3:46 am

A grand time chimed from an oversized clock dominating the central wall of the antechamber. A low echo bounced between the hollow hallways opening up the second floor from the stairs slinking around the circular walls encapsulating the opening chamber. The second strike bellowed like a low reminder of Bliss' empty stomach. A rattle came from the locked doors behind the velvet rope segmenting the backstage dressing rooms from the public audience. The third chime bounced between Bliss' eyes. "I get it. Fifteen minutes til whatever."

Bliss lowered the domino mask from her eyes, letting her take a more open look at the entryway. Her sleeveless green dress hugged her torso tightly before ending just halfway down her thigh. A pair of black boots ran up to just below her knee. No one looked suspicious, but exactly what suspicious would look like did not readily make itself to Bliss. A man bumped into the back of Bliss, giving Bliss an 'I ain't a killer, but don't push me' look. She kept it cool. "Hey jerk!" Her words moved faster than her finger, but the finger pulled attention more quickly.

No motion signaled the man would be turning around.


Another woman brushed by Bliss, continuing on without taking any consideration or awareness.

Unable to keep her composure, Bliss moved up to grab the woman by the shoulder, pulling her around. A grey face starred back to Bliss with no life in the eyes. With her hand gently releasing her initial kung-fu grip, Bliss watched as the woman turned away from her. Bliss looked down to her hand. It looked grey. And glowed. "What the what?"

Back within the hallowed chambers of concealed vanity, the hurried voices of calamity ricocheted from brick to mortar until finally reaching the ear of the prized star of the show.

"WE DEMAND QUIET!" A blonde man with a slight pompadour called out from the private dressing room. "I swear, these people are too caught up in their own problems and never think of yours."

"That's alright, really." Annabelle Garland looked at her the purple shimmer on her nails, her gaze finally lifting to gaze upon the fiery gleam of her red hair in the mirror. The waves of flame fell down around her shoulders with a perfect bounce to the middle roll, perfectly framing her slender face. "I don't know what I would do with absolute silence to be completely honest."

"Oh." The man chuckled as her pulled the last roller from her hair. "Well, that's too bad. Because, I do love the silence."


Mitsy's Boutique


It's Grande (Miss Valentine) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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It's Grande (Miss Valentine) Empty Re: It's Grande (Miss Valentine)

Post by Miss Valentine August 5th 2017, 4:59 pm

Rachel was conversing with quite the fair looking gentleman in one corner of the entryway when a woman in a green dress began making quite the ruckus. Dressed for the occasion, Rachel too sported a tight dress that hugged her glorious curves, her own being white in color, while leaving openings along the way to show off her shoulders, cleavage, and thighs. Her hair and makeup was professionally done, and she held a single small purse in her offhand, which played the part in containing her super suit.

She was having a fairly decent time together with this man, to say the least. His warm words touched her heart, and honestly she felt so taken aback by him; any further wooing and she just might've agreed to hook up with him after the show. But when Bliss shared an awkward interaction with a grim woman who lacked any sort of empathy by the look of things, Rachel was forced to bid the man farewell, but not without leaving a small peck on his cheek.

Oblivious to the fact that Bliss was a super just like herself, Rachel approached the woman in the green dress with a bit of spontaneity. "Hey there," she said softly, faking a pleasant smile, "this might be a little out of the blue, but do you mind if I examine that hand of yours really quick?"

If Rachel's suspicions proved true, then Bliss' hand may have already been mutated in some way. She had to be careful not to touch the hand herself, out of the fear that whatever had happened to it may have spread onto her next. And if it didn't as a result of her accelerated healing prowess, well then she'd just risk giving up her identity.

Miss Valentine
Miss Valentine

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Age : 32
Registration date : 2017-08-03

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It's Grande (Miss Valentine) Empty Re: It's Grande (Miss Valentine)

Post by Bliss August 5th 2017, 7:29 pm

As the glow around Bliss' hand faded, an adverse effect positioned itself in the suspicions within Bliss' mind. "This is-" A slow throbbing rang in her ear. "Um?"

A woman with more than enough physical beauty to cast a shadow on Bliss, cast a shadow on the much shorter Bliss. The line of questions robbed Bliss of her attention to the odd pair as they traversed to the backstage area.

"My hand?" Bliss thought about covering it with her off hand, but then thought about the potential cross contamination. "I guess."

While the hand showed no direct signs of problem, the mutation did begin to seep into Bliss. While it appeared as though the flow of blood merely became sedated, in reality, the blood began to change viscosity. At first the veins remained unseen beneath Bliss' skin, but slowly grey lines began to push the veins closer to the under surface of the epidermis.

"I'm sure you have more of an expert opinion on this, but that looks bad."
Bliss squeezed her hand into a fist to try and tense her muscles. Another pump and another contraction of tension. When she tried for the third time, her hand would not close.

Bliss looked to the blond woman. Then, to the backstage door as it closed behind the woman whom touched her.


Mitsy's Boutique


It's Grande (Miss Valentine) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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It's Grande (Miss Valentine) Empty Re: It's Grande (Miss Valentine)

Post by Miss Valentine August 6th 2017, 5:36 am

Miss Valentine aligned her eyes with Bliss' line of sight, glancing over past her shoulder just in time to see the door to the dressing room close shut. Turning back to Bliss, Miss Valentine's eyes widened. Normally she was as calm as could be; but now things were a bit… tense. The very woman who was responsible for having infected Bliss with this mutation that was taking over her body by the second had managed to slip her way into Annabelle's private quarters.

There wasn't a single second to lose. Then and there, Miss Valentine was going to have to come to a decision, and fast. The way she saw it, she had two clear options; leave Bliss to rot at the hands of the mutation, or worse: risk blowing the mission entirely by allowing that zombie-esque woman to so much as scathe Annabelle Garland. The clock was ticking.

Realizing she didn't owe a darn thing to Bliss, what Miss Valentine decided on was giving Annabelle the benefit of the circumstance. After all, Miss Valentine wasn't there to protect Bliss; quite on the contrary, it was Annabelle she had come for, to ensure the famous opera singer's safety. Even so, she couldn't bring herself to completely disregard the troubled woman. It would have brought great shame upon her title as a doctor to allow a patient to leave the world without, at the very least, an ounce of treatment.

And so that was exactly what she offered Bliss; in the form of an injection that came off of her utility belt, Miss Valentine sought to first and foremost clasp a proper hold over Bliss' rotting arm with her own hand, making direct contact with it in the process, before stabbing the elongated needle through the largest vein in her forearm in one fell swoop. She had little time --even with her peak human processing capabilities-- to think up the after effects of her rash actions, but she had no choice but to hope for the best.

The injection was a formula created by Miss Valentine herself, through careful and considerate research. Ever since she had been injected by a serum all those years ago, she had gained a self operative regenerative factor which worked on the molecular level. Through an excess of white blood cells and various other immune supporting reagents in her bloodstream, Miss Valentine's body healed of its own accord, all the while rendering her immune to all sorts of viruses, diseases, and illnesses. A mutation such as this one, while undoubtedly gaudy in nature, likely didn't have it in itself to bypass her superior genetic makeup. This is why she expressed little to no remorse over the idea of directly touching Bliss, even despite the latter being infected by the mutative plague; she was convinced that she was just about the only person in the whole building that could resist it.

Having supplied a temporary helping of that very same formula into Bliss' bloodstream, Miss Valentine hoped that it would be enough to at least stabilize the mutation for the time being and keep it from spreading any further. Based on how quickly it was consuming her body, it wouldn't be long before Bliss was turned into some sort of apocalyptic freak if the injection failed to do the job. How it worked was simple; by Miss Valentine's brief evaluation, she theorized that the mutation was spreading through the victim's bloodstream. This was, of course, why Bliss' veins appeared much thicker than usual; they had the same amount of blood within them, only that blood had become thicker; much thicker than what was normal for any ordinary human.

Not only would Bliss become something akin to a zombie if the mutation kept up, but eventually, she may have even detonated into a bloody mess. Her blood would only continue to thicken, gradually over time, until there was no where else for it to go. The injection would work to overwrite the coding of the mutative cells in Bliss' bloodstream; destroying them before they had any further chance to develop.

Quite literally shoving Bliss down to the ground en route to hurrying toward the dressing room door, Miss Valentine knocked it down with a single yet meaningful kick, prying open every last notch in cohesion. With her entrance upon the scene, Miss Valentine prepared herself for the absolute worst, hoping she had made it in time to rescue Annabelle.

Miss Valentine
Miss Valentine

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Age : 32
Registration date : 2017-08-03

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It's Grande (Miss Valentine) Empty Re: It's Grande (Miss Valentine)

Post by Bliss August 6th 2017, 6:11 am

In Bliss' history, very rarely did you trust a woman carrying a large needle enough to let her use it before she spoke her name. History changes a lot from encounter to encounter, and even though Bliss would most likely stick to the pre-Miss Valentine means of operating, she could not help but feel slightly better. At the very least her hand could form a fist. The squeeze relieved some tension from Bliss, but the feeling of her face hitting the ground failed to make her overall disposition better.

"Did you see that?!" A woman reached down to help Bliss up. "That woman stabbed her with a needle then shoved her to the ground. Are you okay? Should we call the-"

"Oh no, don't worry. Friend from college." Bliss brushed her dress off as she stood up. "It's an old sorority joke. You inject someone with a placebo and then- aw screw it, trust me, that is not the weirdest thing you are going to see to tonight."

The removal of the door from the hinges sent a signal to Bliss as to where exactly this mystery woman disappeared. "She just beat that door like it owed her money. I guess stealth goes out the door when you're so good looking everyone pays attention to you." Bliss hurried her way towards the door, still feeling a little lightheadedness come over her from time to time, as well as feeling in her arm stay less than consistent.

Each room in the backstage area listed the thespian occupying the dressing room. Annabelle's sat closest to the stage itself, giving the actress more time to prepare and a quicker egress from the show once it finished. The kick to the door dislodged it quite easily. Even though the rooms held amenities for good taste, the designer did not expect anyone to deliver a kick with the full force of an elite kickboxer.

From the look on her face, Annabelle did not care in the slightest about the impressive skill Rachel just showed. Her eyes kept her face locked on the image of herself in the mirror as she stroked her hair mechanically from root to end in perfect repetition. Her fingers ran through the curves of her hair, letting the silver strands etch between her strokes.

In the corner of the room a full length mirror slowly opened. Once concealed and shut, the force from Rachel's kick dislodged the hidden path- and the echoes of hammering ringing up from the stairs behind the door.

A pair of boots followed down the hallway as Bliss burst into the room behind Rachel. The numbness in her shoulder causing her tension to be more shown. "Hey! What was that thing you stuck me with and did it have any side effects?" Bliss looked over to Annabelle in her trance. "I'm pretty sure the playbill had her down as a redhead. We should probably be a little more closed."

A telekinetic lift took the door off the ground and back into place. Putting the hinges back on took a little precision, but the door- for better or worse- now continued to fulfill it's initial purpose. "I'm Bliss."


Mitsy's Boutique


It's Grande (Miss Valentine) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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It's Grande (Miss Valentine) Empty Re: It's Grande (Miss Valentine)

Post by Miss Valentine August 7th 2017, 5:24 pm

The all encompassing mind of Miss Valentine saw all, deducing even the unseen like it were a page out of the encyclopedia. Rachel knew better than to immediately confront Annabelle; more than the strands of silver that were overtaking her hair, what Rachel noticed was the opera singer's maniacal behavior. And while it was true that women in the entertainment industry cared quite a bit for their appearance --having won the Miss America pageant herself, Rachel knew that feeling all too well-- the way Annabelle showed herself to be obsessed in styling her hair was all the reason Rachel needed in order to be concerned. In someway, however, the fact that Annabelle had been sterilized by the effects of the mutation worked to Rachel's favor; after all, her kick had gone largely unnoticed. If not for the effects of the mutation blinding Annabelle to the world around her, then Rachel may have greatly risked revealing her identity.

But that all changed as soon as Bliss walked in. Rachel nearly palmed her face at the thought of having exposed her above average physical strength, and she all the more looked at the other woman in utter surprise. "Yes it had side effects," Rachel rang out in response to Bliss' question, "you're not supposed to be awake right now, much less running around!"

When she witnessed Bliss lift up the door and piece it back together without moving a single muscle, a light bulb went off in Rachel's mind. She sighed in relief all at the same time. Another super. "Oh…" was all she could make out.

Offering the other woman a warm smile, she extended out her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Bliss. I'm Miss Valentine. But seeing as though I've already given you more than enough reason to know otherwise, feel free to call me by my real name: Rachel."

She turned her attention back toward Annabelle, glancing between her greying hair and the mirror that had propped open as a result of her earlier display of power. "I was thinking the same thing. Whatever infected you earlier has also spread onto her." Rachel eyed Bliss once more. "That fluid I injected you with earlier was none other than a very sedated version of the serum that flows through my own veins. Since you seem to be in possession of your own powers, I'm not entirely surprised that you've been able to handle it the way that you have. However, it's far more lethal to an ordinary human; I expected you to be out for another couple of hours when I left you earlier."

Seeing as though there was really only the two of them in the room --under the assumption Annabelle had little to no idea what was going on right now-- Rachel began to undress herself, slipping off the straps from over her shoulder before peeling the dress off of her body. "I somehow feel like I have my work cut out for me on this case, so it's very reassuring to have another super on the job with me. I don't know if you're the type to wear a disguise, but if so, I think now would be as good a time as any to put it on."

Stripping herself down to her underwear, Rachel reached into her purse --dislodging her latex jumpsuit-- and began to put it on. "That other woman, the one who's responsible for infecting you earlier, disappeared behind that mirror as soon as I got in here. We have no choice but to pursue her. Be on your guard; I've absolutely no idea what awaits us."

Once fully dressed, Miss Valentine approached the seated Annabelle and attempted to inject a smaller dose of the serum into her neck. Thereafter, with Bliss in tow, she aimed to prop open the mirror further and begin her journey through it.

Miss Valentine
Miss Valentine

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Age : 32
Registration date : 2017-08-03

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It's Grande (Miss Valentine) Empty Re: It's Grande (Miss Valentine)

Post by Bliss August 7th 2017, 6:22 pm

"Well." Bliss felt her eyes grow a bit as Rachel told her the power of the serum flowing through her veins. "I'm probably a little immune to serums. At least I got the good stuff from it. I think." The lines from her veins were still touched with a hint of gray, but a quick balling up a fist contracted every muscle associated with the act. A brow above Bliss' eye furrowed before as a bump sat between the insertion point of her bicep and the origin of her forearm. A slight hiccup broke, lowering the bump. But, not Bliss' suspicions.

The next time Bliss looked up, Rachel was pulling her super suit up over her shoulder. "I never give up an opportunity to tell villains to get off my shine." Turning around, Bliss dropped her dress. Beneath it laid the short black skirt with the upper portion of the white leotard pulled down around it. Slipping an arm through the side of the leotard, Bliss hoisted up her sailor suit, brushing off the bow around her chest and adjusting her collar. She reached down into her boots and pulled out a rolled up pair of gloves. Once her fingers entered, she slid the rest of the glove seamlessly up her forearm. "Not exactly what it showed in the anime, but I'm getting better at getting into action quickly. I think I'll try the domino mask."

Bliss tossed the dress into the corner of the room and fluffed out the bow on her posterior. "She looks like I feel." A breeze from the adjacent mirror rustled Bliss' hair. "So, she's going to be out for a while? I hope the understudy is ready to go- and her unemployment papers are ready to go." While the dosage going into Annabelle was smaller, Bliss really could not gauge anything of the sort from her vantage point. She just watched as Annabelle dropped the brush and slouched back in the dressing chair.

"Are you going first? I saw what you did to that door, so what I'm saying is, how bout you first?" Both of Bliss' arms ushered towards the door, waiting for Rachel to take the more dangerous part of the descent. "I'll be right behind you, and I haven't even shown you half of what I can do. A third if you count what I can do with a computer as a super ability. You know what? I do count that. A third. Wait, fourth. We'll talk about that later though."

Stairs curved into a cylindrical descent towards a light two stories down. Each step came with a leap of faith in the light devoid staircase, but each step did exist in the exact proximity it should. The metal make up of the stairs clanged with each step no matter how soft Bliss tried to make her landing. The enclosure of the stairwell only exacerbated the ringing into the room below.

The light at the bottom of the tunnel opened into a long, brick room. While a light fixated above the door gave a beacon to follow, most of the room remained still and clouded in shadows, painting the crevices and deadends in the same light. A slow drip of water echoed along several corners. Underneath the drip hummed a low buzz of a machine, but it reverberated through the unknown, hidden in the shadows. An illumination pulled Bliss like a moth to flame. The lit screen flanked by a tower and a strange device called.

"I see a computer."
Bliss whispered as they entered.

Once they entered further, motion detectors running through the first twenty feet of the room would trigger the flood lights to shine at the entrance to the room. A figure moved behind the lights at the farside of the room, stopping by the desk to pick up a device.

Tired of the blinding light, Bliss summoned up a wall of ice to give Rachel and her a little break from the tanning session. "This should give us a little-"

The ice shattered. A high pitched, but seemingly localized siren began to fill the subtle whisper filled room. Once the sound cannon began to focus on ridding Bliss and Rachel of a stress free moment, the sounds of hurried steps began filling the sides around them. A slew of people, gray in the face, began to move towards Bliss and Rachel's location- all the while a glint shined off a pair of glasses hovering above the sound cannon at the far end of the room.


Mitsy's Boutique


It's Grande (Miss Valentine) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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It's Grande (Miss Valentine) Empty Re: It's Grande (Miss Valentine)

Post by Miss Valentine August 7th 2017, 7:15 pm

There's that "fourth power" of hers, Miss Valentine thought to herself as Bliss skillfully concealed them from the blinding light above by generating a wall of ice. However, as it was forming, Miss Valentine's eyes narrowed from behind her domino mask, as she only barely made out the silhouette of a fleeing figure in the distance, their figure only magnified by the bright light.

"Who is that?" She thought aloud, hoping to get Bliss' input on the matter, when suddenly the ice wall shattered right before their eyes. Well, so much for that.

Instinctively palming her ears as a powerful siren sounded in the near vicinity, Miss Valentine was forced to her knees. She grunted aloud, her eyes momentarily clenching shut as the pain rang through her eardrum and right into the operative systems of her brain. For someone with enhanced hearing like Miss Valentine, loud noises were *even* louder. As she forced her eyes open to gaze upon the horde of mutants approaching them, Miss Valentine could hardly even hear herself think.

Things were looking grimmer by the second. As she were now, there was no way Miss Valentine was going to be able to garner enough control over her body to take on a miniature army of freaks. Bliss was already not in her best form --part of it being her doing-- and so relying on her or her ice powers may not have been the greatest plan. And so Miss Valentine being the tactician she is, waited until the mutants had come within particularly close range.

"Cover your mouth!" Miss Valentine hollered, her voice louder than she intended for it to be because of the siren's effects on her senses. This was, of course, to be served as a warning for Bliss to keep herself from inhaling the drugs she was about to scatter about the room, through either her nose or mouth.

Without any additional indication, Miss Valentine unveiled two vials from her belt and smashed them against the floor. One contained another dosage of the serum from before while the other vial stored a considerable helping of anesthetic gas, which Miss Valentine had also developed on her own. Mixing the two created a smog of blueberry ash, which would not only render any mutant that had inhaled the drug into their system unconscious, but better yet, carefully work to stabilize their conditions.

Weakened considerably, Miss Valentine remained on her knees, desperately trying to ease herself of the siren. She looked around in the fog to make sure Bliss was alright, and to ensure that she had not accidentally inhaled it and fallen asleep as a result.

Miss Valentine
Miss Valentine

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Age : 32
Registration date : 2017-08-03

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It's Grande (Miss Valentine) Empty Re: It's Grande (Miss Valentine)

Post by Bliss August 7th 2017, 7:52 pm

The very noise began to penetrate Bliss deep within her core. It felt like a nail being dragged down a chalkboard. And the chalkboard was her brain. Putting her fingers inside of her ears would only lessen the pain; Bliss needed to find a way to solve the entire problem in as few moves as possible. None of the fog lights broke from the piercing sound, nor did any of the mutants look to be affected by the sound. Between the screeching sound and the wave of mutants descending upon them, no moments of clarity presented themselves.

A few mutants moved ahead of the pack, bearing down on Bliss and Rachel in a pincer move. As savage hands gripped for Bliss' neck, a telekinetic push vaulted it over Rachel's head, colliding with the mutants assaulting Miss Valentine. The shriek complicated Rachel's voice in Bliss' ear, but it gave her enough of a warning to know what she should do. Should do.

Both vials smashed on the ground around them. Smoke rose while the mutants continued their assault. If Bliss covered her mouth, she knew the mutants would be able to mount enough of an attack before being sedated to overwhelm both Rachel and herself. "I know hindsight is 20/20, but I feel like one of us should have brought a mask." Telekinetic force through a mutant to the ground at Bliss' feet. She could no longer shoot them away from the duo as she typically conditioned herself to do in the first place.

Two mutants got in Bliss' blindspot, tackling her to the ground and pulling her hand away from her mouth. The gas still fixated itself high enough above the ground to avoid a full sedation of Bliss, but as the man and woman pinning Bliss began to give way to the inoculation, Bliss could feel it seep inside of her senses.

Bliss rolled over on her side, catching a glimpse of the scientist as she made her way towards the duo, still in possession of the noise cannon blasting Bliss' migraines into overdrive. Getting to her feet ranked high on her list of necessary movements, but a man with around eighty pounds on her fell on her back, trapping Bliss. Her hand covered most of the fumes seeping into her senses, but she could continue to feel her senses deadening. Finding a gap between two mutants, Bliss forced her mouth into the gap and took a deep breath. Fumes still occupied the space, but not as much as the rest of the battlefield. A quick blast of telekinesis removed the man from her back, allowing her to stand up as the fumes began to evaporate.

"Good...idea..." Little life remained in Bliss' knees and both of her eyes looked to be wanting to head in different directions, but Bliss remained upright. "That stupid siren...stopped..."

"Those are clever concoctions you have there." The woman entered from the shadows. Her hair pulled back tightly with a pair goggles over her eyes and a mask around her mouth. "I too dabble in the creation of formulas. I see you have found my latest. It's not quite done yet as you see, but I think you might stand to aid me in finishing it." The noise cannon rested between her hands and the thick reinforced lab coat covering her lanky form.

Bliss fell to her knees, no longer able to maintain the balance of her legs. She looked to Rachel. Then, to the noise cannon. "One of us might be able to escape..."


Mitsy's Boutique


It's Grande (Miss Valentine) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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It's Grande (Miss Valentine) Empty Re: It's Grande (Miss Valentine)

Post by Miss Valentine August 8th 2017, 1:14 am

Laying with her back against the floor beneath a pile of unconscious mutants, Miss Valentine breathed long and hard. She slowly, very slowly, looked around the room, trying to make sense out of anything. Her head was pounding; it hurt to think. Mustering the strength to sit up through determination alone, she pushed the mutants off of herself and her gaze shifted interchangeably between the masked scientist and the weakened Bliss.

Someone was talking to her, complimenting her on her expertise within the field of chemistry. She assumed it was the scientist, since Bliss appeared only half alive, fallen to her knees as she was.The words went in through one ear and out the next with Miss Valentine; she could hardly even tell where she was for a long while, until her senses began to recover little by little.

Her breath still heavy, she spoke in short bursts, interrupting herself simply to breathe. A trail of blood seeped from her ear hole, creating a small puddle on the ground. Adjusting herself onto all fours, she held up her head enough to where she could see the scientist. Even a child could tell she was behind it all.

"S-so you're the one…" Her arms trembling, Miss Valentine tried hard to keep her composure. "So you're the one behind all of this?" Her eyes traced the scientist's figure, stopping when they reached the sound machine. If she could just find a way to disable it… or maybe there was another option. If she couldn't disable the machine, then perhaps she could disable or "turn off" her senses, revert them to their natural form. To do that she'd have to temporarily nullify the effects of the serum in her blood; a small dose of another vial on her belt would do the trick for up to several minutes. But in that frame of time, she'd lose out on many other enhancements that she utilized in order to be effective in combat.

Miss Valentine could stand, but it was less painful to stay on the ground. She looked at Bliss from the corner of her eye, hoping she would somehow find a way to use her telekinesis to lift the sound machine out of the scientist's arms for even just a few seconds. That's all she needed; within that frame of time, she'd garner a spurt of energy and easily sever it with her strength. But that was much easier thought than done.

Sitting back on her hindlegs, Miss Valentine let out a hard grunt. As petrifying as things seemed… she couldn't entirely bring herself to disagree with what this scientist was doing. Afterall… Miss Valentine was the kind of person who conducted lab experiments on living criminals in order to test her various drugs and develop them with the best possible results she could. Criminals as they were, they were still humans all the same. Perhaps this scientist wasn't wrong for finding an interest in her ways; truthfully, they weren't very much different after all.

"I'd go so far as to say that it's far from complete," Miss Valentine chipped in, responding to the scientist's earlier remarks, "looks like you're still in the preliminary stages, if you asked me. I… I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to achieve here, but power shouldn't deprive a person of their common sense. Strong as they may have been, these mutants were working based on instinct, and instinct alone." Standing up to her feet slowly, Miss Valentine sought to reason with the still unnamed scientist.

"I only wish to speak. Truly, I have no reason to meddle with your affairs. Now, what is your name?"

Miss Valentine
Miss Valentine

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Age : 32
Registration date : 2017-08-03

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It's Grande (Miss Valentine) Empty Re: It's Grande (Miss Valentine)

Post by Bliss August 8th 2017, 5:09 am

Bliss rolled over on her side. It did not make her head feel any better.She rubbed her ears until she forced enough of a vacuum to make her ears pop. It did not make her head feel any better. She gave up on ideas for making her head feel better. It did not make her head feel any better.

Once her head lent her enough bearing to know what direction up was, she sat up, facing the door. With a blur now encompassing her general direction, Bliss spoke to the stairwell she could have sworn was Rachel. "Don't worry... We're playing the long game. Super long game."

With her finger on the button of the cannon, the chemist kept a slight distance from any sudden movement. She knew her trump card rested just beneath her finger and would never want to get rid of it. "That's an interesting way of looking at it. Wrong. But, interesting. You are correct however when you say I am in the preliminary stages. I do plan on moving forward once I analyze however you neutralized the serum in your counterpart and the minions around me." No motion came to her legs the entirety of her speech, matching the emotion coming from her voice. "I will need the vials that you created. Once I analyze it, I can get back to my original plan of transmitting the graft from one host to the next. If they act on primal instinct it is fine. I do not care how they act, as long as they are active and mobile."

"Your plan is- well, I don't actually know, but it sounds like you have a virus and not a plan."
Bliss followed the voices and spun herself around to face the chemist and sit aside Rachel. With her vision blurred, Bliss focused on what she thought was the noise cannon. "You're not going to get a lot of work done just holding that dumb boombox either."

"My plan for the virus is fine. It turns people into living power plants for me. Then, once they have stored enough energy, I use a matter displacer to transition the stored energy through a quantum transitive state."

"You made half those words up and the other half don't work the way you think they do."
Bliss turned her head towards Rachel to get a quick word in. "That gas mask is a new addition to her arsenal. This lady has been breathing chemicals for years. And, I don't think she was sane before that."

"If the transistor does not work. It is fine. People will just release the required amount of energy to power my lab the normal way- by exploding." The woman rested her hand on her noise cannon. "And as for needing to watch over the two of you while I work, that is what handcuffs and duct tape are for."

"Nope. Not doing any of that." Bliss rolled forward, latching a telekinetic pull onto the noise cannon in an attempt to disarm the woman. Unfortunately, in her blurred state she grabbed the woman's work goggles and gas mask, throwing them across the room into a wall. "You better be glad I can't readily turn around or this would be a much better situation for me."

A high pitched shriek came from he noise cannon for a split second. The scientist released the button, ushering back the ringing silence. "Was your attempt at tough talk saying if you knew which direction the exit was, you would run away?"

"Pretty much."


Mitsy's Boutique


It's Grande (Miss Valentine) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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It's Grande (Miss Valentine) Empty Re: It's Grande (Miss Valentine)

Post by Miss Valentine August 9th 2017, 2:58 am

As the sound machine flipped on, Miss Valentine grimaced and shielded herself instinctively. Fortunately, this time around the shockwave didn't last as long resulting in a speedier recovery for both her and Bliss.

As Bliss and the Chemist went back and forth, exchanging insults, Miss Valentine remained silent. It was clear the two of them had some history together; by her estimate, this was far from their first meeting. Nevertheless, Miss Valentine took that time to think, to orchestrate her next plan. She wasn't the type of person to go down without a fight. No silly machine was going to do her in.

Lucky for her, Bliss had managed to disarm the scientist. While yes, it was true that it was not done so as intended, regardless, she did open a new door for Miss Valentine, one she wouldn't allow to go to waste. If Bliss was able to concentrate her psychic powers well enough despite being under the effects of the serum, the anesthetic gas, and the sound machine, then there was no reason Miss Valentine couldn't simply reach down to her utility belt and grasp a hold of another vial.

In doing so, she hurled it toward the scientist with impressive accuracy. The substance inside this particular vial was not at all to be trifled with. Reason being, the moment that vial shattered, it would bring about a devilish explosion. Not the size of a nuke by any means, but about the size of a fair grenade; its intention was to raise the scientist's guard, to get her to leave behind the large machine so that she could become mobile enough on her toes to have any chance at escaping the explosion.

"Hang tight, Bliss." Creating another window of opportunity for herself, Miss Valentine followed suit by poking a vial at her belt with her finger: another vial containing more of the same anesthetic gas. Bliss had done her part in removing the scientist's mask. Now it was time for Miss Valentine to storm ahead and take the lead.

The gas was employed as an answer to any would be counter the scientist had up her sleeve. But by Miss Valentine's estimate, it didn't seem all too likely that she'd be able to move quickly enough to dodge the vial, let alone stop it from erupting, especially not with such a large machine in tow.

Miss Valentine crossed her arms in front of her face, readying herself for the explosion.

Miss Valentine
Miss Valentine

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Age : 32
Registration date : 2017-08-03

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It's Grande (Miss Valentine) Empty Re: It's Grande (Miss Valentine)

Post by Bliss August 9th 2017, 4:47 pm

The plan burst into action. Shards of fragmentation and fire burst forth in front of the scientist. She placed her noise cannon inside of her lab jacket and flipped on the switch. The noise began again, only to be outdone by the loud burst of flame throwing itself into the scientist's coat. The anesthetic deployed by Miss Valentine began to cloud around her, hiding her form.

The cannon still acted as the violent harbinger.

Slowly a form staggered through the gas cloud. Each vibration from the noise cannon seeping deeper into Miss Valentine. "An interesting concoction indeed." A large graft of skin hung from the scientist's face, exposing the muscle layer underneath her cheek and nose. "I will need your assistance working with it, so do try to get some rest."

Blood seeped down the scientist's face as she kept the noise cannon fixated on Miss Valentine. A red crimson streaked across both cheek lines and where skin used to hang on her face. The glimmering pearls of her teeth slowly soaked into the blood stained deluge pouring down her face. Keeping her stance what she believed a safe distance from Miss Valentine, the scientist waited for the sheer shock to finally incapacitate her foe.


Mitsy's Boutique


It's Grande (Miss Valentine) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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It's Grande (Miss Valentine) Empty Re: It's Grande (Miss Valentine)

Post by Miss Valentine August 14th 2017, 7:19 pm

To think that the witch, the scientist... whatever she was, would opt to protect the sound machine rather than her herself. In the thick of things, maybe that was the best route to take. Losing the sound machine would have meant losing the battle; what would follow that was anyone's guess, but no one wanted to be rendered unconscious in the face of the enemy.

As the fog dissipated slowly around her, the scientist would have been very surprised to see that Miss Valentine was no longer in the place she had been when the blast sounded. Nay, she had used the explosion and the gas that had followed suit as a guise to conceal her movements; there was no way she was going to allow Bliss' efforts to fall in vain.

Through the fog, Miss Valentine had made haste in the direction of the goggles and mask that once belonged to the scientist, before Bliss had done her part in disarming her. And as the sound machine flipped on, Miss Valentine had already covered herself with both; were the mask not appropriated for the ears, then the charming superhero would have instead simply cuffed the mask over one ear and the goggles over the other. Either way, it wouldn't provide complete coverage against the sound, but it sure as heck made the pain much more tolerable.

Using her mastery of stealth to appear behind the scientist as the fog continued to disperse, Miss Valentine looked to land a simple, yet profound blow against the back of the scientist's skull to render her unconscious.

Miss Valentine
Miss Valentine

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Age : 32
Registration date : 2017-08-03

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It's Grande (Miss Valentine) Empty Re: It's Grande (Miss Valentine)

Post by Bliss August 14th 2017, 8:21 pm

The loud ringing from the noise machine continued to bounce around the chamber, forcing Bliss to regain her unwanted, undesired consciousness. "AAAGGGHHHHHH!" Whether it be dumb luck or a highly specific area of focus, Bliss managed to grab hold of the noise machine with her telekinesis. She did not hold on for long as she sent it flying into the wall. Bliss wanted to hop to her feet and help, but her good intentions could not get over the paralyzing migraine coursing through her head.

The scientist watched as Bliss assisted in the removal of the fog. But, only Bliss remained. "Clever girl." Her face took the blow directly to the side of her head. A glob of spit shot from her mouth, landing on the ground. "Hold this." Both of the scientist's arms ducked inside of her jacket, letting her throw it back towards Rachel.

Holding two bombs in her hands, the scientist hopped forward. The first bomb dropped behind her while the other flew over towards Bliss and the pile of have-been zombies. "Enjoy the show." Tossing a saucer to the ground, the scientist planted her feet and began to dissipate. "Clever, clever girls."

"This is an idea!" Bliss leaned forward throwing her hand towards the bomb in front of Rachel. With a telekinetic toss, Bliss would throw the bomb towards the scientist as she disappeared. Bliss looked over to the bomb rolling towards her. "Maybe not the best..."


Mitsy's Boutique


It's Grande (Miss Valentine) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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It's Grande (Miss Valentine) Empty Re: It's Grande (Miss Valentine)

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