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Voltage Empty Voltage

Post by KingTyrant June 14th 2017, 4:21 am


"If you want the world, you've gotta be electric. In my case, that's very literal."

The Bio

Real Name: Conner Ericsson
Hero Name: Voltage
Title: The Charismatic Thunderstorm
Alignment: Lawful Good
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Hair: Light Brown
Eyes: Grey (Normal State), Electric Blue (While Using Powers)
Height: 5'10
Weight: 192 lb.

The Looks

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Conner's costume while 'on the job' consists of a full-body spandex, dark blue in color. His mask covers the entirety of his face, with only two lightening bolts serving as slits for the eyes. The entirety of the suit is decorated with zig-zag designs of a lighter blue than the rest of the suit, as well as a huge, lightning bolt 'V' on the chest.

The Personality

Conner has a sense of humor like none other, and is surprisingly laid back and carefree, given his position. He lives a lavish lifestyle, unashamed to enjoy his wealth and party like there's no tomorrow. Still, this sometimes serves to be his undoing, as his lack of seriousness is prone to rub business associates the wrong way. Adding onto his party animal nature, Conner is a natural charmer, and lives to swoon the ladies.

Even with all of his jokes and chill demeanor, Conner does keep the best interests in mind for his company, and will not sacrifice his business' purpose just for a mere sum of money. He is an avid believer in helping the planet, both environmentally and through humanitarian means, and although he enjoys his wealth, he is not above philanthropy.

The Story

Conner Ericsson was born into wealth. Coming from a long line of  energy reform activists, his father, grandfather and so forth held the strong belief that humanity could not keep going down its same line of environmental abuse, lest their home be damaged beyond repair and humanity's future be hanging in the balance. This fear led to the creation of Ericsson Inc., an industry formed with the sheer purpose of preaching the words of energy reform, as well as the design of energy alternatives, and the managing of charities for clean water, and wildlife reservations.

By the time Conner turned 24, the family business was abruptly handed down to him when his father succumbed to cancer. Conner, having been taught the ways of the business from a young age, immediately went to work to solidify the company's future, hiring an entirely new managing staff and changing old business policies. Things seemed to be running swimmingly near the start of Conner's reign, and Ericsson Inc. seemed to move forward as it always had.

However, it wasn't long before Conner became a bit too infatuated with his father's wealth and fame, and began to relish the magazine covers and dollar signs more than his duty to the company, and even worse so, became a heavy drinker, a byproduct of his excessive partying. This left the company practically directionless, and projects began getting unfinished and abandoned. Worse so, his heavy spending of company funds put Ericsson Inc. in near-bankruptcy.  The company needed an answer. Fast.

Conner's realization of how hard he had neglected his duty sparked him to take back control, and instated all of the remaining funds be put into the Thunderforge project, a supposed self-energizing generator. While the project was risky, even unlikely to succeed at many points, it eventually went through, and the patent for the design left the company with billions in revenue once more. Conner went from the destroyer of the company, to the company's savior practically overnight. Still, the depression he felt for going against his father's wishes was unbearable.

However, the strife for Conner and Ericsson Inc. did not end there. During a science expo, in which Conner was to demonstrate the Thunderforge generator, the model used on stage malfunctioned, and exploded, a surge of electricity shocking Conner directly, and leaving him comatose. His comatose state lasted many weeks, the press ablaze with rumors of his death. However, in what many doctors deemed a medical miracle, Conner woke. However, he was in bad shape. His vitals worked at an abnormally fast rate, and his muscles seemed to contract at random. Worse so, he was in a constant state of anxiety, and restlessness.

One night, during a heavy thunderstorm, Conner's anxiety led him to breaking out of his hospital room, mowing through doctors and nurses who tried to restrain him effortlessly. Making his way to the roof, he was suddenly struck by lightning several times, but remained unscathed. In a terrifying display, with the pent up energy of the lightning strikes, he released a burst of electricity which caused a blackout all throughout the hospital. It was at this moment that Conner realized what had happened to him... He was now a human generator.

Upon returning to the company, even with continued interrogation regarding his accident, Conner refused to speak, not daring to reveal the nature of his predicament. In privacy, he continued to test his newfound abilities, and came to a conclusion. The best way to ensure the best for the human race, was to take matters into his own hands, and clean up the streets of Los Angeles before anything else. He would do this as the masked vigilante known as Voltage, and not a damned person would tell him otherwise.

The Priority

1. Agility 1
2. Endurance 2
3. Reaction  4
4. Strength 3

The Powers

Electrical Manipulation: Conner's main ability is to seemingly generate electricity from his body at will, and control electricity in a variety of ways. Not only is he able to project electricity from his hands at foes, but he is also able to glide and propel himself via concentrated streams of electrical energy. He is able to create a continuous flow of electricity through both water and conductive metals, and is able to withstand electric shocks seemingly unharmed.

Extended Stamina: Conner's body can go for hours on end without tiring, especially while in use of his powers. This includes strenuous activities such as sprinting and general exercise. While using his powers, Conner's agility is also increased, and his body is capable of doing things not normally achievable in a normal state, supposedly through an extended pool of adrenaline, and pent-up energy.

The Weaknesses

Lack of Control: If in a state of severe injury, or any general risk to his body, Conner's abilities become more unpredictable, and he can be found spouting electricity uncontrollably. Similarly, his vital signs will begin to increase to a dangerous level, leaving him panicked and unable to think straight.

Deactivation: Conner's powers seem to draw from a pool of energy, much like a battery. Once all the energy is used up, Conner's powers seem to generally fail for a period of 2 hours, long enough for a 'recharge' to take place. During this time, Conner will not be able to project electricity, and his extended stamina will return to that of an average human. Bodily strain and restlessness seems to slow the recharge process significantly.

Overly-Confident: More a personality flaw than a power flaw, Conner is incredibly confident in his ability. A bit too much. Even against impossible odds, Conner is unable to realize that he's outmatched, and will continue to fight with massive amounts of bravado. This usually leads him into disastrous situations, or general danger. Similarly, when Conner makes a plan or a decision, he sticks by it. Nobody can tell him otherwise, and nobody can convince him.

The Items


The Minions


The Fluff

While using his powers, Conner's eyes light up an electric blue, as well as the veins closest to the skin. Similarly, whenever wearing his costume, the lighter blue bits illuminate, as well as the lightning bolts over his eyes. Whenever in a state of severe [/b]injury or risk to his body, the illumination increases in brightness.

The RP Sample

"Another meeting, huh? Didn't we have one of those a couple days ago?" Conner grumbled, his hair a mess as his secretary helped him with his tie. He winced, rubbing the bridge of his nose as his brain was ravaged by a brutal headache. "Well, business is business, sir... Your job doesn't stop just because you want to stay up until 3:00 AM, drinking and acting like a college student." She winked playfully at him. He rolled his eyes, smirking. Maybe she was right...

He did know what was happening today, and he did let himself get wasted. The karma just happened to be a hangover. He assumed it wouldn't end there, as there were bound to be consequences for sleeping with a business associate, that being his own secretary. Still, he couldn't say he didn't have fun. With all of it. Not just the casual sex. Plus, he was damned sure that he'd have some petty thugs to deal with once the work day was good and over with. Maybe the cartel, if he got really lucky.

"Well... Let's not keep the old crabby men in the meeting room waiting then, shall we? I wonder what I'll get harped on for next? I can hear Fred's voice now... Conner, you're making a mockery of everything your father built this company to be! Shame on you!" He spoke with his best impression of his colleague, which prompted a laugh from her. "Don't let him hear you mocking him, sir... But spot-on." She winked once more, finishing getting dressed before leaving the room.

Conner watched her leave with a happy smile, getting on his suit top and buttoning it up about halfway. As he did this, he looked to the corner. There his duffel bag sat, which contained the suit of his other identity. His other life, which put his well-being in the balance on so many occasions. Perhaps he wouldn't need it today... Hopefully, just maybe, he wouldn't need it today.

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Last edited by KingTyrant on June 14th 2017, 5:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

Status :

Quote : "That's me. Conner Ericsson, the rich asshole with his whole life on a silver platter! But, and this is just an idea! I'm the rich asshole who just may save your life someday."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Registration date : 2017-06-13

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Voltage Empty Re: Voltage

Post by Chellizard June 14th 2017, 4:23 pm

You cannot logically have unlimited stamina and one of your character's main weaknesses being Severe Exhaustion.

Please add one more weakness to balance this.

After that's done, we shouuuld be good to go. Pending anything I change my mind about.

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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Voltage Empty Re: Voltage

Post by KingTyrant June 14th 2017, 5:34 pm

Fixed the wording of the second power, and changed the weakness entirely. I also added a new one. Hope that'll work.


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Status :

Quote : "That's me. Conner Ericsson, the rich asshole with his whole life on a silver platter! But, and this is just an idea! I'm the rich asshole who just may save your life someday."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Registration date : 2017-06-13

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Voltage Empty Re: Voltage

Post by Chellizard June 14th 2017, 5:57 pm

Approved and moved.

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Retired Moderator
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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Voltage Empty Re: Voltage

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