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Enter the Angelic Avenger

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OPEN Enter the Angelic Avenger

Post by Rellawing April 26th 2017, 1:18 am

Leona wakes up the next morning, stretching, sitting up in bed, and yawning. Thanks to her Aunt her sodden sheets had been replaced the night before. She felt fresh as she stood up and looked around. After a moment of staring at nothing she seats herself at her desk with her mirror on it and starts brushing out her hair, staring at herself in the mirror. After a moment the hand pulling her almost freshly washed hair falters as she remembers the previous night's events. Her eyes widen and she stiffens, staring at herself. She did not look different to herself, and yet there was some fundamental difference in how she felt... healthier... more energized?

She stares at herself and after a moment forces herself to resume brushing her hair, taking care to separate the purple dyed locks. Her wild sister Quinn was always dyeing her hair, a different color every month it seemed. It hadn't been long before she had convinced her more plain adopted sister to put some color into her own blonde hair. When she finishes she stands, staring at herself standing in the fresh pajamas she had donned after showering last night. She could feel it... It was like sunlight over her shoulder. She could reach for it. She starts to do so, feeling her body start warming, and then she hesitates, letting go of the feeling. She was a little afraid of it still, even though the kiss of Dark Angel's other self had been so gentle and warm. She blushes and sighs softly, shaking her head.

There was no point in thinking about it right now. She pats her cheeks and sets to selecting some clothes. Thankfully today was not a school day. It would be the day after tomorrow, however. Leona picks out a light blue bra with cats on it. Sarah had picked it out for her the last time they had gone shopping. That was well before her Mother and Father had sent her away to the camp for children who needed behavior correction. It was called the Padua Realignment Camp, and was a half an hour's drive outside Seaside City across the bay. Leona shakes her head, thinking about how she and Quinn had snuck over in Aunt Laguna's car several nights ago. They hadn't been able to see much in the dark. Quinn had wanted to try climbing the fence and finding Sarah, but Leona had managed to convince her otherwise.

Leona dons a light black blouse and a blue skirt after donning the matching pair of panties that came with the kitty bra, and pulled on a jean vest with stylishly frayed pocketsover the blouse. After pulling on ankle socks and a set of well worn sneakers, she steps out of her room, almost bumping into Quinn, half-naked in the hallway and heading to the bathroom they shared.
"Morning sis!" Leona smiles at her sister. "Go ahead and use the bathroom first." she says.

Quinn yawns and smiles at Leona. "What was that racket last night all about? You two woke me up at like 2:30 in the morning." she frowns at her little sister. Leona smiles and laughs embarrassingly. "I had a nightmare like Mom said." Leona says, feeling uncomfortable about hiding the truth.
Quinn eyes her little sister suspiciously but shrugs. "Yeah okay." she steps over to the bathroom door and stops. "Oh hey... I'm going into town to pick up my new turntable equipment... wanna tag along and help me bring it home?" she asks.

Leona smiles and nods. Quinn had been waiting for this new turntable she had ordered for months. She was an aspiring musician... a DJ. She had been doing gigs at local clubs for years. Leona had gotten in for free to a few clubs. By and large the club scene wasn't as fun as she was expecting, but it was nice to cut loose and dance. The worst part was the boys and even men that sometimes hit on her. It was pretty awkward for her. She did not like boys like that, but she was pretty cute. Her sister had commented the first time that when she got a little older she would be a real heart breaker. Not that Leona necessarily wanted that.

Quinn grins and gives a thumbs up before closing the bathroom door. Leona walks past and heads downstairs to breakfast. The Ramseys family home was a moderately sized condo with two floors. It was in one of the better neighborhoods in San Isidro, California, which was somewhat rare, and there was still some risk of burglary, so they had a decent alarm system installed and maintained. There hadn't been any incidents though at all, so no one was really concerned, despite Aunt Laguna stating multiple times about how she would like to sell her property and move to the right side of the bay. Despite what she said she was still very attached to her health food restaurant Au Naturale. It wasn't too far from the Ramses family home either which was a plus. Leona didn't even consider having to stand in as a waitress or dishwasher at her adoptive mother's Restaurant too onerous. She loved her family and was grateful for them.

Leona heads down the hall and into the kitchen. Aunt Laguna was sitting at the table, sipping coffee already.
"Leona! Did you sleep better, sweetheart?" she asks, looking at Leona with some concern in her eyes. Leona settles down in a chair in front of one of the breakfast plates. It was the usual sort of healthy fare, a light miso soup with tofu, fruit, and tofu eggs.

"Good morning, Mom." Leona smiles. "I'm fine. I don't really want to talk about it right now... but maybe later when I have had a chance to think about it, if that's okay with you?" she asks, starting in on her breakfast. There was a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice to go with breakfast, which she enjoyed immensely.

Laguna studies Leona for a moment and nods, smiling. "You seem to be doing better this morning. If you need to talk I am here. So is your sister." she says. Leona smiles and nods at her. She had been living here for years but she still felt a little like an outsider, and she knew that that was her fault.
She tried to make sure she always called her Aunt Laguna Mom. It helped those feelings to go away for a little while at least. Moments later a much more chipper Quinn walks into the kitchen and seats herself. She wore a black lacy undershirt with an overshirt in black and pink, jeans sneakers and her oversized sunglasses which were resting on top of her head currently. "Mornin' Mom." she smiles. "Ugh... why can't we have a little bacon once in a while?" she complains as she settles down and starts eating.

"Good morning Quinn." Aunt Laguna smiles dryly at her daughter. "You know how I feel about eating meat and animal byproducts in this house. I make exceptions once in a while for you don't I?" she asks. Quinn nods grudgingly, chewing her fruit. "Yeah... and it's not like I can't go get a burger for lunch or somethin'... but it would be really nice once in a while, right little sis?" she grins at Leona. Leona laughs and nods, continuing to eat sheepishly.

"Oh not you too, Leona..." Aunt Laguna sighs theatrically. "Well why don't I make an exception tomorrow morning. I won't make any promises beyond that though." she smiles, sipping her coffee. "Great!" Quinn crows and winks at Leona who laughs again. "Hey Mom... by the way... You know that piece of equipment that I've had on order down at the music shop? It's come in and I'm going to pick it up today. Is there any chance I can borrow the car?" she puts her hands together in a begging motion.

Aunt Laguna eyes her daughter firmly. "Not a chance. You are entirely too reckless when you drive." she responds chuckling.
"Awwww come on Mom! I'm taking Leona with me. She'll make sure I drive carefully... and I'll make an extra effort too." she bats her eyelashes and grins. "Pretty please?" she asks.

"No. I have alot to do at Au Naturale today. I'm afraid you'll just have to take the bus." Aunt Laguna responds firmly.
"What? No! C'mon! It's a turntable Mom! It's heavy and bulky..." Quinn replies, complaining loudly.
Aunt Laguna shrugs and smiles. "That is just the way the world is sometimes. Unfair. I will give you bus fare if you don't have the money, however." she responds.
Quinn scowls and stirs her Miso soup sullenly. "Awww.... no it's okay... I have pocket money. I'll cover our fare." she looks at Leona and smiles wryly.
"Are you sure you're up for helping me with this? It isn't going to be as fun as I had thought." she laughs.


After brushing their teeth and washing the dishes, the two sisters head out into a smoggy morning in San Isidro. They walk to the bus stop and wait for the regular city bus. After about twelve minutes the bus rumbles up, and they step in. The nice thing about riding riding a bus from a suburban area was that it tended to start out somewhat uncrowded around here. It would get more packed downtown however. They change buses once, the second bus stuffed enough that they had to stand while the bus continued on. In about a half hour's worth of travel time the two reach the Mall. They step off of the bus and across the parking lot towards the main building of the Mall.

Quinn was in her element here, spending some of her time at the mall, particularly at the music shop. She waves as she sees familiar faces from school and the places she worked at. Leona follows along quietly, smiling, watching her beloved sister interact with her friends. She was going to graduate this year. When she did she had her future already mapped out. She had already been accepted to a prestigious music school down in Los Angeles. She would be moving away, and leaving Leona alone with her Aunt Laguna.

They soon came to the Music Store, Modern Vibe. It was a nice shop that carried alot of electrical instruments and some acoustic instruments. Quinn walked up to the register and gave the ninteen year old man working it a high five.
"You got my turntable Derek?" she asks him.
"Yeah... we got it. You're gonna love it. It looks super swag." he grins. "It's a little heavy though... you borrow a car?" he asks.

"Nah... Mom wouldn't let me have it today. She's got too much to do. I think she thinks I'd wrap it around the nearest telephone pole." she laughs.
"You probably would." Derek responds with a laugh. Quinn scowls at him in response and his laugh falters a little.

"Oh... hey Quinn's sister. Leona right? You're lookin hot today." he compliments Leona who blushes and smiles in response.
"Uh uh... off limits." Quinn wiggles a finger at Derek who blinks and laughs.
"Oh no... It's not like that. Don't worry Quinn. Anyhow tell you what... I already cleared it with the boss because I thought you would need a little help, if you like I can drive you two home and help you carry this thing. You'll see what I mean when you see the box." he laughs and bends down, lifting a heavy object from behind the counter. He heaves it up carefully onto the counter.

Quinn grins. "Whoa yeah... I can't wait to open it..." she grins. She experimentally lifts the box and grunts. "Yeah... this is fun... but I think I can manage it with Leona's help." she sets the box down, brushing her hand across her forehead. "You ready to go, Leona?" she asks. Derek shrugs and smiles wryly, looking a little disappointed. Quinn winks secretly at Leona after turning towards her. Leona nods and smiles. "Let's give it a try."

Quinn lifts up the box again and Leona immeidately assists her, both grunting a little under the weight, but carrying it easily out.
"I'm a little worried we'll drop it so be super careful okay?" Quinn says.

"The same goes for you. Don't let the beat... drop." Leona giggles. Quinn stares at her and shakes her head.
"Ha... ha.... ha... so funny." she responds.


The two manage to lug the heavy box out of the mall and back to the bus stop. "Stupid Derek wanted to get into someones pants." Quinn chuckles.
Leona blushes in response. "Not mine!" Leona exclaims, huffing and puffing as the two walk the box towards the bus stop.

Quinn grins a little. "No not yours... probably mine. I'm sure he wanted to find out where I lived and get a chance to hang out at our house." she shrugs, grunting a little. They come to a stop at the stop and set the box down carefully on the bench with a sigh. They get a few looks from a couple standing at the stop already, waiting for the next bus, but they go back to murmuring quietly amongst themselves.

Quinn grins and waves at them quick they ignore. "If the bus is packed this could be a problem though now that I think about it... I don't want to have to go back to stupid Derek and ask him for help." Quinn frowns.
"We can call Mom. I'm sure she was more worried about what you would do to the car than anything." Leona teases her sister. Who frowns a little in reaction and then nods.
"Yeah probably. " Quinn rolls her eyes.

At that moment the bus rumbles up. A group of people disembark, heading along the sidewalk and towards the Mall. The couple is the first to climb up onto the bus and the sisters follow, awkwardly lugging their burden up the stairs.

"Uh uh." Quinn stiffens as the bus driver speaks. "No packages over this size." he points to a sign. "You're going to have to get off girls." he says firmly.
"Wait... what? No! We don't have any other way to get home. C'mon man..." she protests, still holding the box. She gestures for Leona to hurry up.
"No. I'm going to have to ask you to step off the bus now." the bus driver responds. "There's no room!"
"Bullshit... there's plenty of room. I pay my fare just like everyone else!" Quinn responds angrily. She grunts as the bus driver stands up and starts pushing her back out the door.
"Hey what are you... you asshole..." Quinn struggles, pushing back against him and doing a pretty credible job of it.
"If you don't get off the bus now little lady I will call the police. You are delaying my route!" the driver snaps, pushing.

"Hey sis... don't..." Leona gasps under the weight of the heavy box. "Your turntable is going to get damaged... just let him be a jerk." she says, pulling on the box. After a moment, Quinn growls under her breath and allows herself to be shuffled off of the bus. The door closes quickly as though the bus driver wanted to be sure she didn't change her mind, and the bus rumbles off. Quinn and Leona set the box down on the bench, wiping sweat from their foreheads, and Quinn shakes her fist after the bus, shouting some choice curse words after it.


"Quinn? What's wrong?" Aunt Laguna's voice comes faintly from Quinn's cellphone. "Hey Mom... I'm sorry to bother you, but the bus driver wouldn't let us take this big package on board. Can you pick us up?" Quinn asks, sounding annoyed still.

"Really? That's rude. Although I suppose I can understand it if it's a big box... alright fine... I can pick you up in about an hour... is that alright?" Aunt Laguna asks. Quinn nods. "Yes... that's okay Mom. We'll get lunch at the food court. Can you pick us up there? I'll leave my phone ringer on." she says. "Okay. See you then." Aunt Laguna responds. "Love you both!" she says and the line disconnects. The two look at each other and sigh, and look at the box. "It's worth it, you'll see. My performance is gonna be so amped up. It’s practically a computer designed solely for music … in fact, all I need is a monitor and some sources and I could mix a whole band’s worth of music into a single song … and the on-the-fly effects I can add … it’s pretty great." she enthuses, patting the box.

Leona smiles softly at her sister nodding. When she geeked out about sound the typical frowns and scowls faded away to an excited smile, showing a side of her sister few people really got to see outside of one of her performances.

The two lift the box again and make their way back to the Mall.


Leona watched the box while Quinn ordered for them and soon the two were dining on mall court chicken and french fries. Leona munched quietly on her food and looked around. The nice thing about the food court was the roof overhead was glass and it let in plenty of sunlight. The place Leona had chosen was particularly Sunny. An odd sort of sensation comes over her as she munches her food. The sun felt so nice on her skin... it warmed her and bathed her and almost caressed her. Leona sighs softly. She had never minded the sun or hot days, but sun bathing was never one of her pastimes before. She was struck by how comforting it felt. Her heart beat a little faster and she felt suffused with energy and well being.

".... eona... LEONA!" Leona gasps as Quinn claps her hands in front of her face. "Ah!!!" she blinks. "Sorry I was just kind of..." she murmurs.
"Dazing off?" Quinn smiles bemusedly. "I have never seen you so spacey. Are you okay?" she asks, showing some concern in her expression.

"Oh... yes... I'm fine. The Sun just felt really nice. I think I might start sunbathing." Leona smiles a little.
"You kind of have to get naked to do a good job... are you okay with that? We don't exactly have the most privacy in our front yard." Quinn laughs.
Leona blushes and laughs. "No... I wouldn't do that..." she says. But then again, it sounded kind of nice too. She shakes her head and finishes her light lunch. Quinn laughs again, and as the two giggle a little Quinn's phone rings.

"I'm here girls!" Aunt Laguna's voice sounds over Quinn's phone. "Yeah... okay Mom. We just finished. We'll leave the food court now. Thanks again!" Quinn smiles and disconnects, pocketing her phone. She looks at the box with a sigh and a little grin. Leona groans a little, but smiles. She felt less achey after lunch, so she demonstrated by lifting the box with effort. Her sister joined her after a moment. "Wow, look at you." she laughs.


They had gotten home quickly after loading the box into the trunk of Aunt Laguna's Cadillac. They had gone their separate ways at that point, Leona back to her room to freshen up, and Quinn to tear into her shiny new equipment and geek out over it. The music hadn't started yet, but Leona was expecting it any moment now. She laughed softly under her breath, and her mind turned towards the strange feeling of contentment she had experienced in the Mall Food Court. That light still glimmered out of sight. Feeling suddenly reassured she reached for it and let it fill her. The room filled with light for a moment and the woman who had stared back at her in the mirror last night reappeared before her eyes. Her body burned hotly for a long moment and then it was over. She was standing once again in too tight clothing. Thankfully the wings seemed alot smaller. Maybe it was because she was aware that they were going to be there?

She immediately wrestled her way out of her tight clothing, panting when she finished, staring at her naked body with wide eyes. She turned and stared at herself in her mirror. She was anatomically perfect... like a model. Her breasts had grown to a set of full C cups... modest but perfect. The sight of them made her blush a little, and between her legs.... was something... she gasps, realizing she hadn't just gotten older and ridiculously pretty, she had also become fully female. She stands there for a long moment, tears in her eyes, and her wings grow and unfold to the sizes that she had seen Black Angel's. This time however they were pure white with golden tinges. She didn't have the ethereal beauty that the good side of Black Angel had had with the golden skin... hers was a sort of soft white pink.... nor did she have the beautiful golden wings, and yet, her own wings were beautiful on their own.

She searched around her room for something that would fit her, to no avail. She had nothing that would fit a developed body like this. Leona sighs a little after her frantic search and seats herself on her bed running her fingers through her silvery hair. She thinks a little bit to herself. What sort of clothes would she even wear? She daydreams a little thinking about the stores of clothing that might suit her body now. A golden dress... to suit the tinges of her wings colors... with maybe some green...

She looks at herself in the mirror again and gapes. She was wearing the clothing she had imagined suddenly. She stands and turns, examining herself again in the mirror excitedly. It was beautiful! She giggles softly and admires herself. She sees small flaws in the dress and the moment she notices them and thinks of something better it changes. She grins excitedly, elaborating on the outfit, creating bracers of gold and green for herself, Picturing her hair the way she wanted it, and it changed. There was music pounding through the walls by the time she finished the little touches on her costume. She grinned, looking at her window mischeivously. If she had wings, she could fly couldn't she? Black Angel had. She had to try it!

Leona stepped up to the window and opened it wide, squeezing her small frame and large wings out carefully, and looking around. She realized belatedly that it would look strange if someone saw her leave her bedroom like this. Super heroes were not as in vogue as they had been several years before. She bites her lip. A Superhero? Was she one of those? She nodded to herself assertively. Yes she was! Thankfully no one was looking... so she dove out the window, her wings spreading and catching the updrafts, and she took off like a shot, gaining altitude faster than she imagined possible. She screamed a little at first but then her screams turned to squeals of pleasure as she felt the sunlight on her body and the wind in her hair and over and through her wings. She gasped, falling in love as she swooped through the air far over San Isidro. The dirty city looked beautiful from this high above. Across the bay the sun shone on Seaside City which glimmered even more beautifully.

With a wild whoop Leona zoomed through the air, catching the drafts, learning experimenting and reveling in the sensations of the new world that opened up before her.


Leona's wandering took her lower and through the skyscrapers of San Isidro's downtown. She couldn't help it. People gasped as they saw her fly by and through. She saw people through office windows and apartment windows, and people driving and walking on the busy streets below. The dirigibles that gave tours of the city skyline and crossing the bay to Seaside were in service today. She flitted around them, trying not to cause trouble but feeling intense joy as she played.

Suddenly she noticed something odd on one of the platforms at the top of the building A group of armed men with masks were holding up the crew of air balloon ride service. She gasped, seeing the gunmetal glint in the afternoon sunlight as people were threatened and robbed. She couldn't believe it. She had heard that these sorts of services were targeted in San Isidro by organized crime, but to think she would actually witness it herself was unthinkable. She watched for only a moment before her expression firmed. She charged in, not sure what she could do. She landed on the platform behind a man holding a gun, at what seemed to be the best place to start, and she heard guns come up as people screamed.

"What the hell are you supposed to be?" the man she had landed behind gasped in shock, turning to face her.

Status :

Quote : Aurora: "I have always idolized heroes... Can I really be one?"
Sherizad: "Love is the feeling you have about someone when they're more important to you than you are to yourself. "

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : Carson City, NV, USA
Registration date : 2017-04-24

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OPEN Re: Enter the Angelic Avenger

Post by Jeannie Rose April 26th 2017, 4:26 am

really on top of the building why put it up there. Jeannie mumbled to herself. having never been on a balloon ride before she thought that sounded really fun.

so she hurried off to a place she heard gave them. unfortunately, it was way at the top of the building. well, that's probably making it easer for taking off. they could have at least put an elevator in if they expect you to climb all the way to the top.

she would have worn gym clothes if she knew a work out of going up steps was part of this. while stylish her outfit wasn't suited for it Enter the Angelic Avenger 7156919-1-black?$XXL$&wid=513&fit=constrain

she had taken off her jacket off to cool off but wound up putting it back on as soon as she got to to the top as it was chilly and windy up on the roof. silly weather missing with her.

so she looks over and noticed something odd. really some morons were robbing a hot air balloon. who robs a hot air balloon. man this getting annoying first the long steps now this.

well, she'll have to deal with them if she wants her balloon ride, that and it would be the hero thing to do she guess. she moves through the crowd thinking of the best way to handle this without the bystanders getting hurt.

why did there have to be a crowd such a pain? she then noticed an angel girl fly in. well, Jeannie thought she was an angel or maybe some kinda superhero.

huh her straightforward approach might not have been the most logical way to approach this. but Jeannie can't really judge she isn't the most logical person herself.

and it did provide a distraction as the gunmen were focused on the angel lady. She snuck up behind them, huh should she act now or wait for the angel lady to make her move.

Decisions decisions, well they getting in the way of her and the nice people fun. so she decides to remove them as quickly as posable so she can get back t what she wanted to do works best.

the guy talking to the angel might be the leader since he came forward to confront her when she dropped in, or he just happened to be the closest to her.

Jeannie hopes it's the first case grabbing him might be a good way to get the others to surrender without much trouble, which is good in a crowd like this, don't want the innocents hurt so taking the bad guys out before they can do much was key.

pulling a taser from one of her jacket pockets, she goes to zap the gunman while the angel still had his attention.
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2489
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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OPEN Re: Enter the Angelic Avenger

Post by Rellawing April 26th 2017, 12:25 pm

There actually WAS a bank of elevators in the building unbeknownst to the one who did not need stairs or elevator to reach the lofty heights of the 48th floor landing and the streetwise newcomer, however, its use was restricted to paying customers going through a ticket line on the 10th floor of the building. There were two emergency staircases in the building stretching from the first floor all the way up to the 62nd, which was the highest floor of the building.

Leona blinks in shock as the girl materializes skillfully behind the panicking man who had drawn his gun on her and swiftly dispatches him with her taser. In only an instant the rooftop becomes chaotic as the men open fire on the obvious threat... the angelic avenger. Leona screams, throwing her arms up in front of her and feels a pulse of warm energy. The bullets ricochet off in different directions, holing a few of the attacking men as their trajectories reverse. Leona blinks, looking around in shock again and points to one of the men.

"Hey that's dangerous!!!" she points her finger at him, waving her finger. Suddenly a lance of light ejects from her finger and streaks out, nailing the man between the eyes. The angelic crusader blinks and suddenly grins broadly, popping her knuckles. She really could do it! She could become a superhero!

"Who else wants some?" she asks challengingly her excitement visible in her facial expression.

Last edited by Rellawing on April 26th 2017, 5:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

Status :

Quote : Aurora: "I have always idolized heroes... Can I really be one?"
Sherizad: "Love is the feeling you have about someone when they're more important to you than you are to yourself. "

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : Carson City, NV, USA
Registration date : 2017-04-24

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OPEN Re: Enter the Angelic Avenger

Post by Jeannie Rose April 26th 2017, 1:39 pm

fancy,nice light show Jeannie watches amused. Jeannie decides to take advantage of the angel's lights drawing the remaining gun men's attention to lead the people to safety.

really! she is annoyed to see she most have missed the elevators when she came in. well, now she knows for when she wants to go back down.

after getting the civilians safely to the elevators and out of danger she turns back to help the angel lady wrap things up.
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2489
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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OPEN Re: Enter the Angelic Avenger

Post by Knightfall April 26th 2017, 4:02 pm

Guardian had been flying high above the city of San Isidro after having gotten some food and spreading the word of his master's wrath, when he suddenly felt a dark but familiar presence. He'd encountered something like this before during his time in Haven. But this person wasn't supposed to be alive. No, this couldn't be right. He detected more presences overshadowing the one he'd felt in particular. These other's were more kind in retrospect. But if he knew her then she wasn't going to stay that way for long. This woman had sent many to join ranks in Haven before her downfall, yet she had returned it seemed. Narrowing his eyes Guardian took a sharp turn and flew towards a scene unfolding atop the roof of a nearby building. There he saw the person in which he sought out. She was beautiful in every way her expression alight with joy. But alas that of course is where he also noticed her. Like a flea clinging onto a dog, he saw her weak but prominent ghostly figure turn and give him a wicked grin. "Black Angel." Michael was instantly overcome with one of his "hot flashes" they'd been cropping up more lately and it only got worse when he came into contact with things like this. He assumed that his body was just adjusting to his new environment. Shaking his head, he steeled his expression and made a landing on the roof in front of Aurora as she issued out her challenge. Standing up slowly to his full height, his impressive fourteen foot wingspan catching the sun's warmth. "You and I have no quarrel but I must speak with thee."

Enter the Angelic Avenger 2rggabb
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Woo yeah! I'm like fucking Spider-Man bitches!" -Knightfall
"Didn't your parents ever teach you not to play with guns?" -Knightfall

"Show me a hero and I'll write you a tragedy." -F. Scott Fitzgeral

Warnings : 2 Warnings
Number of posts : 160
Age : 32
Job : Whatever pays well.
Humor : Dark and sarcastic.
Registration date : 2017-01-19

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OPEN Re: Enter the Angelic Avenger

Post by Rellawing April 26th 2017, 5:16 pm

Leona grins, her hands charging visibly with light energy as she faces the men. She eyes the girl in the cute jacket, recognizing the lack of hesitation in her actions which label her as a vigilante. She grins at her and returns to eyeing the hesitating men, lifting her arms now and preparing to fire more cool light bolts and screams suddenly as a figure lands in front of her, doing exactly what she herself had just done. It was as effective on her as it had been on the band of robbers and frankly more than they could take. They ran screaming themselves. The bystanders that hadn't already been escorted to safety bolted at this moment as well. Leona felt her knees wobble as a familiar face appeared to the side. It was Black Angel!

"I had intended to watch you get yourself into trouble, girl, but you are in serious danger right now. Give me your body now Leona or he will slay us." She murmurs, staring at the Angel with Wings spread Wide. "There are mystical threats that you are entirely unprepared to deal with, girl."

"No!!! I beat you! You can't Still be here!" Leona gasps, shaking a little.

(Special note: Only beings with a certain mystical attunement will be able to see Black Angel. To others her Astral body and voice will not be detectable. I hadn't intended to introduce Black Angel for a while yet but Michael is triggering her first appearance now. And perfectly too!)

Status :

Quote : Aurora: "I have always idolized heroes... Can I really be one?"
Sherizad: "Love is the feeling you have about someone when they're more important to you than you are to yourself. "

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : Carson City, NV, USA
Registration date : 2017-04-24

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OPEN Re: Enter the Angelic Avenger

Post by Jeannie Rose April 26th 2017, 7:26 pm

huh, what's with all the angels dropping in? most be a hole in a cloud somewhere. this guy angels dramatic entrance scared the remaining bandits away. she sees some rope and decides to tie the ones her and angel lady caught up so they can't get away.
she'll call the cops to come get them later hopefully there is a nice big reward for catching them

so with that out of the way she guesses she has to wait for the angels to get done before the people come back and she can get her balloon ride. huh this angel thing might be fun to watch she sits down and watches the angels.

(question about her astral self-animals are supposed to be more sensitive to paranormal stuff so would Jeannie being animal powered would mean she could see the black angel.
also, she's seen and talked to ghost before so just curious if she'd be mystical attunemented enough)
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2489
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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OPEN Re: Enter the Angelic Avenger

Post by Knightfall April 27th 2017, 12:24 am

Ignoring all the cowering civilians and robbers, he took a step towards Aurora overhearing her and Black Angel's conversation. He narrowed his eyes and pulled his shotgun off of his back slinging the strap back onto his shoulder. "Not a chance." He took aim pointing his gun just to the left of Aurora's head where Black Angel's form manifested. He didn't want the girl to get hurt, if he fired the spread might hit her, and he did not intend to kill Black Angel either. Then suddenly a dark thought arose in his head. "But Black Angel's already dead and she's a part of this girl now. A small price to pay to return Black Angel to her shallow grave." His expression hardened as his thoughts battled against each other in his head not wanting to make the wrong decision but just shooting and killing them both... It seemed so tempting. He'd never felt this before and he couldn't help but wonder why. "Mam, I must ask you." He stated again but with a more sinister tone. "To sacrifice your life for the greater good." Guardian's thoughts were now seemingly held back in his mind some evil presence taking over his body, he no longer was in control of the situation. "I'm so sorry." He whispered as his gun clicked and his eyes grew dark.

Enter the Angelic Avenger 2rggabb
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Woo yeah! I'm like fucking Spider-Man bitches!" -Knightfall
"Didn't your parents ever teach you not to play with guns?" -Knightfall

"Show me a hero and I'll write you a tragedy." -F. Scott Fitzgeral

Warnings : 2 Warnings
Number of posts : 160
Age : 32
Job : Whatever pays well.
Humor : Dark and sarcastic.
Registration date : 2017-01-19

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OPEN Re: Enter the Angelic Avenger

Post by Rellawing April 27th 2017, 12:50 am

Leona stares at Black Angel, almost not seeing Guardian for the moment.

"You won a battle child, you can't expect to win a war so quickly and easilly as that.  Do not be naive!" Black Angel sniffs and eyes Guardian.
"Give me control now.  We're out of time.  The darkness in his soul is devouring him.  Ah... if only I had my full body.... what I could do with such a diamond in the rough!"  she sighs, clinically watching the light in Guardian's eyes dim.

"Do you want to live or die?" Black Angel says simply, shrugging.

Leona's expression firms and she stands quickly.  "I beat you once already.  If you have to plead with me for control and tempt me, I don't think I have anything to fear from you!" Leona retorts, focusing on Michael, almost too late.

"Wait... did you say...?" she gasps.  The rifle clicks as as the trigger is pulled. Whether the safety had been on or for some reason he was lacking ammunition, no projectile issued from the barrel. Leona signed in relief. She had raised her forcefield nearly too late to react to his near attack. It had been a close thing due to Leona's inexperience.  "Ohhh... we almost had our brains splattered just now..." Dark Angel observes laconically.  "You know, it would hurt me as well if you died?  Just let me help you.  You can't do it yourself." she says flatly.

"What are you trying to attack me for???!!!"  Leona shouts, ignoring Black Angel who glares at her in response.  "Don't you ignore me you foolish little..."
"I know I am not a real Angel... I don't know what I am... but this doesn't define me!"  she gestures at Black Angel, her expression firming despite her nervousness.

"I'm inexperienced but I will fight you if I have to!"  Leona says, raising her hands, though whether the gesture was defensive or offensive was uncertain.

(( OOC Note to Jeannie:  I stated in Discord that it is up to you and what you think your character is capable of... if you do perceive anything I would play it up gradually. ))

Last edited by Rellawing on April 27th 2017, 3:58 pm; edited 6 times in total (Reason for editing : Colors! Also Guardian didn't open fire... let's modify that, nya!!!)

Status :

Quote : Aurora: "I have always idolized heroes... Can I really be one?"
Sherizad: "Love is the feeling you have about someone when they're more important to you than you are to yourself. "

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : Carson City, NV, USA
Registration date : 2017-04-24

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OPEN Re: Enter the Angelic Avenger

Post by Jeannie Rose April 27th 2017, 2:29 am

well, this was interesting Jeannie watches trying to take in all that was going on. I don't think he wants you angel lady, he probably wants the creepy ghosty girl beside you.

having dealt with ghost before Jeannie wasn't to freaked out. she looked over at the ghost and waved at it curious if the dark lady could see her too. while she had meet ghost before this was a new one she never came across a ghost stuck to a person before.

so are you who she was talking to? well, that's good I thought she was crazy or something, like me! no fair the voices in your head are really there so people won't look at you funny when you talk. well, guess she's not in your head then if she's over there.

but think your being haunted or possessed or both. what do you think Mr. angel? I'm not really an expert on that stuff. but I pretty sure you can go shooting her, wouldn't an exorcism be more appropriate. to get the boogie there out of angel lady and back into whatever well she crawled out of.

also, what's your deal I didn't know angels used guns, are you the saint of all killers? like that comic book, if your real does that mean all comic books are real. but your supposed to be more cowboy looking, or are you someone else

Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2489
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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OPEN Re: Enter the Angelic Avenger

Post by Knightfall April 28th 2017, 5:03 am

Thankfully Guardian had put the saftey on his shotgun making sure that if something like this were to happen he wouldn't end up killing anyone. "Gah, what is this! You have betrayed us!" Fiend said clutching his head in agony as the battle of will continued in his head. "No I am better than this and I will not stoop down to this level!" Holy fire erupted and flickered in Michael's hands and he pressed his hands in an "x" across his chest grabbing a hold of his own shoulders. Now as the flames flickered all across and over Michael's person his body let out a cry of excruciating pain. "Michael you can not rid yourself of me for I am you! Know this. One day I will have our body to myself and I will slaughter all you hold dear!" And with that Michael collapsed to the ground on his hands and knees, his wings folding back into the tattoo on his back. Dark energy seemed to radiate off of his body in waves while the flames of his holy fire died down. Breathing heavily, Michael tried to unfurl his wings again but he was too exhausted.  "Please, forgive me for my actions against you, because doing so I have only proven that my hold is slipping away," Looking up at Leona's face wincing he added. "Who am I to assault thee when I am no better myself?"

Last edited by Knightfall on April 28th 2017, 10:47 pm; edited 2 times in total

Enter the Angelic Avenger 2rggabb
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Woo yeah! I'm like fucking Spider-Man bitches!" -Knightfall
"Didn't your parents ever teach you not to play with guns?" -Knightfall

"Show me a hero and I'll write you a tragedy." -F. Scott Fitzgeral

Warnings : 2 Warnings
Number of posts : 160
Age : 32
Job : Whatever pays well.
Humor : Dark and sarcastic.
Registration date : 2017-01-19

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OPEN Re: Enter the Angelic Avenger

Post by Rellawing April 28th 2017, 2:46 pm

Leona stares at him for a long moment and then relaxes, hands falling down to her sides, she sighs in relief, looking around.  The rooftop was clear now except for a lone cameraman who was snapping pictures from the safety of the doors on the landing.  They were going to be on the news today it seemed.

Leona studied Guardian cautiously and the blonde girl with pink highlights.  She would get along well with my sister Quinn. she laughs to herself.  She seemed nice enough.  Something about her appearance seemed to tickle at Leona's memory.  What was it?  She shrugged and eyed Guardian again. He was the complete unknown.  She was sure she hadn't heard of him, and he seemed somewhat unstable. More than that, they both seemed able to perceive Black Angel, who she felt was a figment of her imagination.

"Oh no.  Like I said girl, I am very much real." she looks at Guardian, an unreadable expression on her face.  "Lucky for you, he seems to have mastered his darkness for now." she says in a bored tone.  She eyes Jeannie and obviously dismisses her.  "Why did you stop, boy?  There's no reason to fear the void.  There is great power in it.  Why not embrace it?  I could use a dark one such as yourself."

Enough!!! Leona gestures towards Dark Angel and a beam of light passes through her.  Dark Angel laughs aloud in response and fades out.  I'll be watching over you, Leona... she leaves her last words lingering in the air like a winter frost that coats everything.

Leona shivers and looks at Guardian again.  "Um... I'm going to assume that everyone is in control of themselves now.  Perhaps we should start with introductions." she thinks for a moment and smiles.  "I am Aurora.  It's my first day.  It is nice to meet you both." she smiles, resisting an urge to bow as her otaku side takes over, feeling how close this was to being like a first day of school introduction type thing.

I am assuming that you are both heroes, though I am sorry that I don't recognize you.  I am sure you must have a lot more experience at this than I do!" she laughs softly.

((OOC to Jeannie: How much of a reputation does Jeannie have?  Would she be well known on the internet forums for Superhero enthusiasts? ))

Last edited by Rellawing on April 28th 2017, 11:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

Status :

Quote : Aurora: "I have always idolized heroes... Can I really be one?"
Sherizad: "Love is the feeling you have about someone when they're more important to you than you are to yourself. "

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : Carson City, NV, USA
Registration date : 2017-04-24

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OPEN Re: Enter the Angelic Avenger

Post by Jeannie Rose April 28th 2017, 3:44 pm

so apparently everyone here was crazy as the angel guy started mumbling to himself. luckily the voice in his head was a reasonable one. he stopped his attack.

the girl shooed away the ghost thingy. and seemed she wanted to be friends telling them her name. Auroa like Sleeping Beauty? are you a princess too? you're pretty enough to be a princess.

I'm Jeannie nice to meet yah. yeah I a super hero

(huh never thought about that, yeah I guess Jeannie would bet pretty popular. she also a model when not super heroing. so aurora might have seen her and a magazine or something.

so being a pretty model/superhero I say she has a fan club aurora can join Smile )
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2489
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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OPEN Re: Enter the Angelic Avenger

Post by Knightfall April 28th 2017, 11:16 pm

Michael got up shakily now with a slight headache. "I am not some puppet you can throw around that'll do your bidding Black Angel. Nor will I ever be up until the day I expire and leave this world, retaking my place in Haven." Guardian sighed and felt guilt wash over him in response to the recent events. "My name is Michael. You may know my teacher and master Michael the Archangel, I am one of his many disciples. I haven't been down on Earth for very long so you'll have to excuse me for not knowing as much as I should about your world. It is a pleasure to meet you both." He bowed slightly to both of them and straightened back up. "I guess some may call me a hero. I consider myself a messenger, a symbol of sin to others for my banishment from Haven. But above all else I believe in my heart that I have not forgotten my master's teachings and that I remain just in my actions." Laughing he added. "Sorry, I tend to ramble."

Last edited by Knightfall on April 29th 2017, 2:44 am; edited 1 time in total

Enter the Angelic Avenger 2rggabb
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Woo yeah! I'm like fucking Spider-Man bitches!" -Knightfall
"Didn't your parents ever teach you not to play with guns?" -Knightfall

"Show me a hero and I'll write you a tragedy." -F. Scott Fitzgeral

Warnings : 2 Warnings
Number of posts : 160
Age : 32
Job : Whatever pays well.
Humor : Dark and sarcastic.
Registration date : 2017-01-19

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OPEN Re: Enter the Angelic Avenger

Post by Rellawing April 29th 2017, 12:06 am

Aurora looks at Jeannie and smiles, surprised.  "Ah my name?  No.... I'm not a Princess... the name comes from the Aurora Borealis.  It's my superhero name that I thought of." Aurora giggles and blushes a little at the compliment.  

After listening to Jeannie finish, she blinks and her eyes widen.  "I thought I recognized you!  The only bestial type meta who started a modeling career!  I thought your last gravure shoot was great!" Aurora grins, blushing.  "I didn't think I would meet such a tenured hero so soon.  Though the forums all say that you are more of a bounty hunter.  I can see the appeal in making money for doing hero work." she smiles.

"But you know... I'm going to work for free.  I want to help reverse the bad publicity that heroes are getting these days... if I can contribute towards making everyone love heroes like they used to... I'll be happy." she laughs a little, and when Michael introduces himself her eyes widen again. These two were full of surprises!

"No way!!! You're really an Angel?  An honest to goodness one?  I don't think about religion much honestly.  I know the basics though... Aurora laughs with a silly apologetic expression.  "I don't know much about that, but it seems that maybe we are both  haunted by evil specters.  Let's do our best to be paragons, okay?  I don't know if Black Angel will ever go away, but she won't beat me.  This is my power now!" she clenches her fist and smiles determinedly.

A scrabbling sound drew Aurora's attention and after a moment she noticed that one of the armed men from the fight before had regained consciousness and was crawling away as quickly and quietly as he could.  Aurora gasps and points a finger at the man, running after him.  
"Ah... STOP!!!!" Instead of a beam of light issuing from her finger, a glowing stop sign materializes over the man and firmly drops on him, rendering him unconscious.  Aurora freezes in mid-stride, her jaw dropping a little.  Had she been thinking about Stop Signs?

"Ah.... ehhh.... take that you cowardly villain... I totally meant to... do that..." she blushes, staring at him.  Feeling more than a little self-conscious she experiments a little and suddenly the pole snakes around the body of the man, wrapping him up like some sort of light straight-jacket.

She turned back to the two on the rooftop.  "Um... can't let the bad guy get away right?"

Status :

Quote : Aurora: "I have always idolized heroes... Can I really be one?"
Sherizad: "Love is the feeling you have about someone when they're more important to you than you are to yourself. "

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : Carson City, NV, USA
Registration date : 2017-04-24

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