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The Beast of Brant Street (Samael, Martyr, Drifter, Veil)

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The Beast of Brant Street (Samael, Martyr, Drifter, Veil) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Beast of Brant Street (Samael, Martyr, Drifter, Veil)

Post by Samael Christensen April 2nd 2017, 8:38 pm

So apparently, someone was sticking their shotgun in someone’s face, though luckily it was not his own this time around. Having Ashley just walk off was something that made things annoying, but he had no control over the incompetent immortal. As everyone was thrown out, this Vagrant person was mentioning how he had more than normal bullets but even holy or silver ammunition was something that might not do much. The presence of silver was something that made him subconsciously shrink away from them, nothing notable but he did have to keep that in mind. This person was someone that he would not want to unwarrantedly piss off.

”Let’s just hope those things work.” He said with a roll of the eyes, though that was less than obvious. The thug asked what they would do next, though that didn’t matter to him in the end. Something told him he needed to look after his partner, if only so Ashley didn’t get himself mangled by something. Following his scent was something that proved to be easy enough with these now enhanced senses. People had their own personal scents as he came to realize, though someone he lived with was easier to follow.

The faint scent of the metahuman caught his nose, and so Samael followed that much like a bloodhound. Luckily, he did manage to avoid looking like he was actively doing so. Otherwise he would have to hear more of the annoying quips that both of them did. The location the scent drew him towards was some manner of diner, something that would likely not be a good place to frequent when a monster prowled the streets. I swear he just likes to piss me off. Samael thought to himself, frowning as he followed the scent.

Walking off from the other two, the scent intertwined with something that reeked of blood. A coppery scent that permeated his mouth, and made him wince for a moment, now following that unholy scent. It lead him to what looked to be a large metal dumpster, dragged from where they were normally settled with massive gouges taken from it. Now this was something he hadn’t seen since that time in New York City with the werewolves. Nothing could be ascertained from a assertion of the scent, aside from the fact it reeked of blood.

The contents had been ripped out like metaphorical guts and spilled out, likely searched for some manner of food. ”Can’t be a vampire, but it has to be something that has to do with blood.” Perhaps a spirit of blood or a construct of it. Not like he hadn’t seen something like that before.

Samael Christensen

Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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The Beast of Brant Street (Samael, Martyr, Drifter, Veil) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Beast of Brant Street (Samael, Martyr, Drifter, Veil)

Post by Martyr April 11th 2017, 6:39 pm

As Martyr was doing his best to wait patiently for someone to bring him his order, there was a loud crash outside. Martyr responded in a very Martyr like way. He pulled one of his axes from his shoulders and kicked open the door to the kitchen and forced his way inside. The already paranoid staff began screaming and weeping at the sight of what must have been a horrifying sight. A middle-aged chef pulled a frying pan off of one of the walls. "Good idea, arming yourself in a crisis. Stay here." He said moving past the pair of girls who were looking outside to see what the sound was.

As soon as he got outside, he noticed that the dumpster was knocked over and scratched to hell. He looked inside when he heard someone coming up the walkway. Jumping back into the kitchen, Martyr watched silently from the window.

When Samael was the one who turned the corner, Martyr smiled happily at the sight of his partner. It was about time they got to the bottom of this mystery. The people on TV usually solved this in around 30 minutes to an hour. By this point, they'd either be onto doing something else or a new cartoon would come on.

He stepped out of the kitchen again and tried to avoid making noise that would spook Samael. When Samael mentioned that it wasn't a vampire, but definitely something to do with blood. Martyr thought back at his monster magazines. "Maybe it's a... Chalupacabra?" He asked his partner, looking down at the dumpster wondering what could possibly be strong enough to do this.

Post Mate
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Quote : "Do you want segregation?! Because that is how you get segregation!" - Ashley Jonah Cresswell

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The Beast of Brant Street (Samael, Martyr, Drifter, Veil) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Beast of Brant Street (Samael, Martyr, Drifter, Veil)

Post by Thorgron May 23rd 2017, 9:00 pm

Ignoring the doll comment sent his cousin's way by Drifter he followed behind the group, trying to get a bead on just what exactly they were out here looking for and what his usefulness would be. You're not The Veil right now and you've got glasses for two, good fucking luck being useful in this situation. For once he agreed with his degrading inner monologue. He was hopelessly out of his element here on top of the fact that he couldn't exactly resort to his normal gear without revealing his identity to these two strangers and potentially his cousin. You are well and truly fucked. He confirmed to himself his inner dialogue being interrupted as Drifter took a moment to stop bickering with Samael and shoot him a question.

Hm? he started, his eyes focusing back out of the space out expression he had just been wearing. Leads? I have honestly no idea. he said with a somewhat defeated tone. I've been looking into this thing for the better part of a week and have very little. My guess? It's some sort of severely mutated metahuman. I've traced claw marks back to the treelines but they almost always end there and I've checked the surrounding area. Eyewitnesses put this thing at around seven, eight feet tall. Judging by that and the amount that this thing can eat and its hyper aggressive behavior, you'd think it would have a pretty large territory, scare away animals and leave marks all over the damn woods where it lives. But there's nothing. Frustration was in his voice now as his hands moved more frantically as he spoke. The fact that he was clueless on what they were dealing with was clearly getting to him. There's not a place out in the surrounding woods where something that big and that aggressive could be living, every fucking trace of it ends at the treelines. He stopped for a moment, realizing that he was getting worked up. Adjusting his glasses he would clear his throat and compose himself. I'm Ben by the way he'd offer out a hand to Drifter who was still working under the guise that he was hired muscle. Benjamin Renner, how rude of me to not have introduced myself sooner. A sly smile crossed his face as he said this to Drifter. He knew his identity, Ben might as well give Drifter the full lowdown on his own at this point.

Pleasantries however would have to wait. Their paranormal investigator it seemed was on the trail of something, leading them in the direction of a little diner not too too far from Amber's inn. There was purpose in the man's step as the rounded to the back of the small establishment. There Ben was met with another sight evidencing the strange metahuman that seemed to be lurking in the surrounding area. Gashes streaked across the metal dumpster at the rear of the diner which had been scrapped across the pavement to where it currently rested. Add considerable strength to the list of things this creature possesses he confirmed in his mind just as the investigator confirmed to himself that it "couldn't be a vampire". A bit of anger at the man welled up in Ben. He's seriously gonna keep playing the role of this paranormal guy with all the knowhow on this shit? What a ham. Yea, glad we eliminated that option he remarked sarcastically as the man's axe wielding assistant exited the diner. A chalupaca... he trailed off in response to the man's words as his palm went firmly to his face. This is the sort of idiocy Amber has decided to pay money for. awesome...

The Beast of Brant Street (Samael, Martyr, Drifter, Veil) - Page 2 Pbucket
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The Beast of Brant Street (Samael, Martyr, Drifter, Veil) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Beast of Brant Street (Samael, Martyr, Drifter, Veil)

Post by Stoic June 13th 2017, 2:59 am

It was nice to get Veil's identity without having to actually search for it, as easy as it would be to find. What wasn't nice was the fact they still really only had questions, and no answers. Despite the physical evidence they had just ran onto, a tossed around dumpster and claw marks, it really didn't make any difference in the investigation. Drifter just chuckled softly as he listened to the ideas ginger and dumb fuck came up with. Luke cleared his throat.

"Now, i get I'm just hired muscle, but I'm also not stupid. Let's be real here...... You too Ben. You have to realize this world holds things that are beyond human, and they need to see that not everything is supernatural. Looking at this both ways is the only way to figure this out." Drifter said, resting his large assault rifle on his shoulder. It probably wouldn't do much good, he knew, but until what this thing was started to become clear, he would stay armed to the teeth.

"We are dealing with something that is clearly beyond any normal creature, that's for certain. But that doesn't mean we jump to ghosts and vampires and giant flying eyeballs. Let's get this straight, people are in danger." Luke said. He then side stepped, seemingly following the trajectory of the dumpster, and the claw marks, to arrive at the treeline where they ended. He looked around for a few seconds, apparently scanning all the evidence. The vigilante smiled under his mask.

"And that, Ben, is because it's climbing. That or it can fucking fly. I don't see any other explanation for the sudden end of tracks at treelines." Luke said, heading over to the tallest tree he could find, before beginning to climb.

"Give me a minute. At worst this gives us a vantage point, and at best it gives us some clues as to how this thing travels. Either way, this thing was just here, so I'm gonna see if i can make out any signs of it's movements." Drifter said. The vigilante now began to speed up his ascend, using his well honed parkour skills to reach the top in a timely manner. Whether or not he would find anything, though, remained to be seen.

Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "See, I am a serious vigilante with serious themes dealing with serious issues. You may some day achieve this grand seriousness, but for now, fetch my coffee."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 290
Location : The Moral Highground
Job : Vigilante, of course.
Humor : You cannot ban that which is neither banned nor not banned.
Registration date : 2015-07-27

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The Beast of Brant Street (Samael, Martyr, Drifter, Veil) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Beast of Brant Street (Samael, Martyr, Drifter, Veil)

Post by Samael Christensen June 13th 2017, 3:25 am

With all the possibilities being removed, and nothing being offered in return Samael found himself wondering what he was exactly looking for and if he could prepare for that something. ”There are still a few more things it could be.” He said loud enough for Ben to hear, eyes scanning over the ripped dumpster and nostrils taking in any stimuli that he could. There had to be some descriptors that were available, anything that could lead him to the solution. One of them spoke, likely ignoring him and Ashley, though he was more keen towards that. Rising from his crouch, Samael turned to Ashley with a sigh. ”Try not to walk off again. Don’t exactly know what we’re dealing with and don’t need you dying now.” He said loud enough to have Ashley hear but no louder.

”or maybe it can take on a non-coporeal form.” Samael added in. ””If you’re so intent on ignoring anything I say, metahumans can do that as well.. He added in, seemingly producing an odd looking stylus formed of a strange red crystal, twirling it between fingers like a baton. He looked to the skeptical blonde with the glasses and the other that styled themselves a thug. ”Well i’ll let you two look into things since you obviously know what you’re doing.” Pressing the style agaisnt the flesg of his right wrist, he began to weave liners into it, faintly glowing red before settling as black ink.

He seemed to draw them well enough despite moving around, though it amounted to a slow walking pace. Making quick progress with it only after a minute or two.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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The Beast of Brant Street (Samael, Martyr, Drifter, Veil) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Beast of Brant Street (Samael, Martyr, Drifter, Veil)

Post by Martyr June 13th 2017, 7:22 pm

Ashley stood behind Samael, watching the two men intently. ”Gee Sammy, I guess we’re just a couple of goons who don’t know what they’re talking about.” Ashley said pulling up a webpage that revealed more on the creature. He looked smug, and then turned back to Sammy. ”So if it isn’t a chalupacabra, what do you think it is, Sammy? Some kind of metahuman? Maybe it’s someone with a metagene like the hero in my comic. Red Wraith, with the power to turn into a red cloud of smoke and tear people apart.”

He felt the edges of the trash can and felt his skin split apart at the razor edge, only to quickly heal as if nothing had happened. ”Whatever it is was able to make this trash can into a tin can.” He said. He looked around, saw no trace of whatever it was and looked back to the gang. ”...Well, we may as well get something to eat. I don’t think this thing will attack twice in one night, surely.” He said before shrugging and walking back into the back door where he was met with a gun pointing in his face, and him quickly backing out.

”You know, I suddenly feel unwelcome. Let’s continue the investigation.” Ashley said without turning back to the group.

Post Mate
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Quote : "Do you want segregation?! Because that is how you get segregation!" - Ashley Jonah Cresswell

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 101
Age : 28
Registration date : 2017-01-11

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