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The Angel Who Lost His Wings

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OPEN The Angel Who Lost His Wings

Post by Andrew February 18th 2017, 10:34 pm

3 Months ago....

"Good he's awake"
The doctor spoke as the hero was restrained and heavily sedated.
"We put a LOT of money into making sure you become our...little toy."
Andrew Pettiglio looked around the room as much as the chains and drugs would let him.
"We know who you are. We know how to get the most out of you... Trust me when I say you are quite the valuable asset."
Unknowing of what was going on the needles began to penetrate the once heroes skin. He screamed in pain.
"It will not take long Mr.Pettiglio however I am one who expects to enjoy the fruits of his labor."
Still speechless Phoenix roared trying to create fire. No heat even generated.
"What the hell are you doing to me?!" he roared.
"Something that should have been done along ago. You are a warrior in a heroes costume. You are destined for our plans."
Andrew fainted as the liquid went through his veins. Changing him on levels he would never comprehend.

When he gave his last attempt to escape he looked wide eyed at the doctor. His eyes turning an icy blue, his hair turning an bleach blond.
The madman laughed.
"They'll hardly recognize you!"
His hair grew to shoulders length and he slumped over out of energy.

"The hero has been compromised. The Phoenix is now our weapon."

1 month ago...

"How is his training going?"
"Well sir, he doesn't even know who he is, but he's passing all of our tests with flying colors."
Once more the doctor cackled.
"He's become a weapon of the Six Shields then. He will lead us to our goal. To salvation. We broke him. WE recreated him. Now we claim our prize."
"What are you suggesting?"
"In good time Hank. In good time."

24 Hours ago...

"Andrew are you there."
Lifelessly he nodded.
"Are you prepared for mission one?"
Same answer.
"Go to Gold's Bank in New York City, Financial District. Kill their owner and bring my his head."
Andrew nodded and left the facility.

The doctor picked up the phone and alerted the bank of the threat of a soldier coming.,
"Let's see how he does."

1 hour ago...
Andrew arrived at the bank. The streets of New York City would never recognize the one time protector.
His hair was tied neatly in a bun, with a blue mask covering up to his nose, showing off his pale eyes.
A black cape with a hood dressed over his head. A blue bulletproof vest hugged his chest, with blue finger-less gloves.
Black tight cargo pants as well as blue boots covered his lower half. Across the chest protector was a logo. A Sword.
If not for his lifeless eyes he would look like an actual super hero.
In his ear he could hear the doctor.
"Remember you are MY weapon. YOU KILL Mr.Seresh and bring me his golden cross."
"As you wish" Andrew spoke, zero inflection in his tone.
"Remember Revenant. You bring them to god if they get in your way."

Andrew stepped the doors of the bank and kicked them off their hinges.
Armed guards pointed assault rifles at him.
"HANDS UP!" one yelled.
"As you wish." Andrew said again as monotone as before.

Upon raising his hands, ice began to freeze over their guns and soon began to take over their bodies, leaving nothing but their heads free.
Putting his arms back by his sides, Andrew clenched his fist and the ice surrounding the guards began to spin rapidly like a chainsaw and cut them in half.
"Mr.Seresh." he spoke.
One civilian looked to be putting on a mask.
"Super hero?"
Andrew quickly created two throwing knives of ice and they stuck into young man's back.
The hero fell over and tried to crawl away, letting out a cry.
"Why cry? You get to meet god now."
He lifted his foot and stomped the back of the heroes head in.
Mr.Seresh has exited the back of the bank.
"Please no more!."
Andrew walked slowly towards this man, looking him up and down.

"Don't kill me, I just run bank. I just want good life in America! I have wife, I have kid. No need to punish me for small deeds done to SWORD."
"I am a weapon. I make no rules. I was the trigger pulled in your direction. For this you must meet god for judgement."
Andrew pulled the cross of the man's neck before grabbing him by the throat.
As the man gasped for air and his legs dangled one word was able to be made out.
The icy eyes widened for a moment before reverting to their relaxed state. As if it was never heard.
The man's body went limp. Everyone in the bank frozen, so to speak.
"My job here is done."
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Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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OPEN Re: The Angel Who Lost His Wings

Post by CRASH February 21st 2017, 8:55 pm

Helloooooooo New York City!! Chris screamed before letting out an excited "woo" as he rocketed across the skyline. A faint pink streak trailed in his wake as his body held speed high above the city. But not high enough apparently as w skyscraper came abruptly into his veiw. Ahhhhhhh! he yelped, pulling his body with all his might off to the side. Just before colliding with the building his commands finally kicked in and his body jerked forcefully to the side at a right angle. Despite almost making a permanent mark on the New York skyline. CRASH! was having a blast. Not only did he get to have a little vacation in New York but he was going out on his first real life super hero patrol. What the hell could be better?!

A bad guy to stop of course! Below him Chris could hear the sirens blaring, lots off them. Woah, someone must have seriously screwed up he mused, wind whipping away his words almost before he could even hear them. Then realizing that he was out here to stop the people that seriously screwed up, Crash! willed his body downwards with all his might. Come on come on, down. Go DOWN! he yelled in frustration trying to change the direction of his movement. Finally doing as he willed his body immediately shot downwards at ridiculous speeds. Get out of the way!! he belted out as a bank and the pavement came racing up to his vision. Fanning out his body he landed in a titanic belly flop. A crater forming around him as asphalt then dirt were crushed and sent flying beneath his body.

Quickly shaking the dirt off, he pulled his goggles over his eyes oitta protect that secret identity after all and stood up. Looking around him, he realized that he was standing at the center of a ten foot deep, sixty feet across crater. Never fear citizens! he shouted to the terrified crowd peering down at him. Striking his most heroic pose, hands on his hips, chest out, he continued. Crash! is here!...Now, what exactly is going on? The crowd above him, half in shock half in terror shit back. He's killing everyone. Damn, that seemed like a pretty serious thing. Well, at least he was here now to do something about it.

Crawling out of the crater, Chris looked around the panicked and running crowd to find a man in the distance, walking calmly away from what Crash! could only assume was a bank robbery. So cool he muttered, almost instantly forgetting the severity of the situation as he jogged over to the man. Then he realized, he had absolutely no idea what to say to stop a super villain. Huh, maybe that's something I should come up with for next time, oh well, I'll wing it he thought, now standing before the man. Hey you...uh...stop right there villain! That sounded close enough Chris thought as he stuck his hand out in front of the man, Hopi g that would do the trick.

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Registration date : 2014-12-28

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OPEN Re: The Angel Who Lost His Wings

Post by Atlas February 22nd 2017, 12:29 am

The roar of wind could be heard as he flew through the air, a casual pace for Atlas but likely more for someone that was watching him, maybe even a little too fast to perceive. He had been told of an attack that was to happen on a bank, though the concept of a bank being attacked was nothing within itself, but the fact someone was calling it in like that was another matter. A test for Atlas, though no one was expecting anything really dangerous. He had been dressed up in his usual suit, mostly black organic fibers forming a skin tight set up with various sections that looked a little like armor, though they served no further purpose that decoration. In the end his flesh served him better than any armor. This was perhaps his first time actually stopping anything happening at a bank, so Damian prepared himself for whatever would happen.

Beyond the sounds of howling wind, he did hear faint screaming from the direction of where he flew. Well, that wasn’t very good, though maybe he was just thinking over things too much. All he had to do was swoop in and deal with whatever issues that were cropping up, maybe there would be some problems but he wasn’t worried. There weren’t many people he encountered that could actually do anything to him, so he was confident within his own abilities. Flying into the scene was something he did with usually impressive flying speed, landing on the ground within a blur.

Some people recognized the familiar appearance of a hero, though they were already talking about one that was there. Walking up behind the hero, he rested his hands on his own hips as he took in the scent of blood permeating the air. The air was awash with cold, something that nipped at his flesh and caused him to minorly shiver as the warmth began to chase away the cold. ”Might want to work on the banter  a bit.” He offered with a good natured smirk, until he took in what had happened within the bank, causing his expression to twist into something else; a sense of dismay.

Mismatched eyes began to glow, flowing within heat as his fist balled up into fists. ”I don’t know who you are, or why you did this, but I’m stopping you here.” He said suddenly serious, becoming more nervous about the hero that was next to him, along with the corpse of one that was lying on the ground with blood pooling from an injury. He couldn’t let this hero rush into what would have been dangerous, especially now.
Posting Apprentice
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Registration date : 2015-01-29

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OPEN Re: The Angel Who Lost His Wings

Post by Lucas February 22nd 2017, 1:34 pm

It was all over the news. The first high level metahuman threat to New York in months. An attack at a bank had turned into a blood bath. Nothing effected this guy, and Lucas was certain the strike teams wouldn't fare any better. As soon as he had gotten to NYC, something like this happened right before his eyes. Maybe this place was cursed or something.

To put the cherry on top of the potential collateral damage fudge sundae, a vigilante had shown up and nearly put a crater in a crowd of people. How could somebody with that much uncontrollable power actually help stop people from getting hurt? Maybe his Dad was right. This whole hero and villain thing, it was the game of overgrown children. Well, Lucas couldn't handle it anymore. People needed to start using some apathy, and common sense.

That's why he left. He ran away to actually do somethjng about all the death. It was difficult to stay off the radar of somebody like Lucius, but Lucas knew him intricately. It wasn't hard to shadow himself from his father's sight, just until he figured out what he wanted to do. But right now, right now he wanted to stop the deaths of hundreds of people. He couldn't stop the man himself, not without giving into Synthesis, causing more harm then good. No, but he could tell the heroes to move the fight. He could still lend his mind.

He got a taxi, asking to go to the East End Bank, and the driver gave him a funny look.

"That's no place for someone like you, young man." The driver said, concern in his voice. He wasn't going to drive a thirteen year old to a metahuman warzone!

 Lucas frowned, scratching his head in thought. After a few seconds, he pulled out his wallet, and gave the man a thousand dollars.

"There are people there i have to help. Please take me." Lucas said. The driver considered it a moment, furrowing his brow. You could tell he didn't want to, but the look in Lucas' eye said he would get there one way or another. The driver told him to get in, and they rode off.


By the time his car pulled up to the scene, it looked like things were about to get serious. The crowds had dispersed, the bank's surroundings totally devoid of life beyond the three figures standing in the middle of it. But that didn't mean this fight wasn't going to get ugly. Lucas was a big fan of Atlas, but the guy had destructive power equal to that of an atom bomb. If these three clashed, people would be killed.

Lucas ran from his taxi, running straight toward Atlas and Crash, before stopping twenty feet short. He seemed like he had something to say, but, that quickly faded to shyness as he put his hands in his pockets. Atlas was even scarier in person.

"You..... you guys can't do this here. You're all really strong. People will get hurt." Lucas said quietly, nervously swinging his foot. He prayed that the two heroes would listen to him.

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OPEN Re: The Angel Who Lost His Wings

Post by Andrew February 23rd 2017, 7:58 pm

"We weren't expecting actual vigilantes so fast." The doctor said, rubbing his chin. He didn't want to reveal how powerful Revenant was in his very first mission.
"Agent Revenant."
Andrew's eyes closed.
"Remember your orders. Get me that cross. If they try and chase you down, well, i'm calling a kill shot?"

Andrew's eyes opened.
A small child, a larger man, and a goofy looking guy with googles.
Police had their guns trained on Andrew.
The heroes seemed hell bent on stopping.

Andrew looked down at the kid.
"I was told if anyone gets in my way to cleanse them. However the child is right. If you wish to conduct combat here many unwilling patrons will be meeting God, including the three of you."

Andrew turned his back.
"However you are not in my way, so my mission can proceed painlessly. Protect the child from the collapsing bank."

Revenant let ice cover his arms, and created two hook like blades.
He leaped and created a pillar of ice to launch to himself further and faster.
He sliced through a support beam of the building and some of the outside to cause the bank to start crashing down.

Creating a slide of ice, he slid down gently and took off quickly, letting ice stay formed on his arms, however they reverted to a more natural looking state. He was by no means using super speed, however he was moving much faster than your average human.

Turning down between two buildings he created an elevator of ice and let himself out at the top of one of the roofs.
he looked at the construct and it crumbled. melting upon hitting the ground, as he clenched his fist.

He crossed his arms and looked out over the city.
"Very good Revenant."
Andrew could see the cop cars giving chase, and choppers coming in soon. He was scouting to see if the heroes were gone. He could easily give local law enforcement the slip.

"I wonder if they'll listen to the boy?"
Almost an independent thought.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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OPEN Re: The Angel Who Lost His Wings

Post by CRASH March 5th 2017, 11:31 pm

Crash felt hands on his shoulders and jumped, scared out of his mind that someone had sneaked behind him. About facing he put hi hands up in the most threatening pose he could, his back arched, head held high and fist up in front of him. But when he turned around he didn't see some dastardly villain about to attack. Instead, his eyes nearly bugged out of his head as he realized who was giving him some heroing pointers.

ATLAS!? he half asked half screamed, his jaw nearly hitting the floor. I'm gonna do a superhero team up with Atlas he shook with excitement. This was absolutely a dream come true. Atlas was one of those rare heroes, the kind of guy that charges head first into danger, does right by everyone and comes out no worse for the wear. Crash idolized him, Atlas being one of the many heroes that inspired him to take up superheroing after discovering his powers. I'm gonna team up with Atlas!! he screamed again, pumping his hands over and over into the air like a spastic child. This could NOT be cooler.

That was when he heard a third voice, that of a child. The kid looked shy, maybe afraid. Shit Chris thought, looking at the boy he's got a point. We've gotta be careful, make sure this guy can't hurt anyone else. And right on cue the mystery man in front of them spoke up, responding to the boy. The stuff he said was heady, a little convoluted. Meet God? Chris was pretty sure that meant death, especially after he said the three of them would do the same. He was pretty sure that wasn't gonna be happening. But still, he was getting threatened by an actual super-villain. How could he be feeling anything but excitement. This was a full blown big time superhero brawl about to go down and he was going to be a part of it.

Adjusting his goggles, Crash watched as the man jumped away, slicing through a support beam to the bank. Let's freaking GO!! he yelped as he crouched down, pinning his arms to his sides. Then in a thundering boom he rocketed forward, setting off car alarms around him as the sonic boom expanded outwards. Like it wasn't even there he pierced through the collapsing debris of the bank, quickly gaining on the running man. STOP VILLAIN! he tried to shout at the man, not aware that he was moving faster than the sound leaving his mouth. Then the man darted down an alley ahead of him. You've got this Chris, you've got this, just turn where he did he thought, hastily approaching the location. Wiling his body to the right he shot up and to the right down the alley, clipping off as piece of a nearby building as he did so. YES! he exclaimed, ecstatic that he had nailed the turn. But as he celebrated, he watched the man stop on a rooftop as his body continued upwards. Bad Crash, go back down he commanded, willing his body back in the other direction. Suddenly his body lurched backwards, faster than before at about mach 2, jerking his limbs in odd directions. Reorienting himself, he turned to face the man on the building as he landed face first into the roof at the man's feet. The concrete surface cracked beneath the impact leaving a Crash shaped imprint.

Lifting a hand, he reached out of the small crater and pulled himself onto his knees. His head then rose, looking at the man as he dusted himself off and stood the whole way up. Looks like I'm still in your way again he said with a goofy smile on his face. Then he raised his fists up in an untrained fighting stance. And I'm gonna keep getting in your way he said attempting to sound like he knew what he was talking about.


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Registration date : 2014-12-28

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OPEN Re: The Angel Who Lost His Wings

Post by Atlas March 6th 2017, 4:13 pm

Atlas hadn’t quite gotten used to the concept that someone could idolize him, so it left the hero a little awkward as the younger hero proceeded to do just that. Trying to control any manner of awkward blush was difficult, but he managed to do so with some effort, though being tanned as he was made that a little easier. Granted he was not used to dealing with more inexperienced heroes in general, especially ones so enthusiastic about everything. It was refreshing in a sense, not that it made a sudden child appearing from nowhere any less worrying. This made dealing with the criminal in question even more annoying, as he would likely have to worry about him as well as the various other people within the area. Given evidence had stated this person used ice, which meant that he needed to avoid getting struck with it too often.

While it hadn’t been explained to him, he was supposedly not very good at dealing with cold based attacks like the one this person was using. Still, he had a feeling there were ways that he could avoid such attacks should he make use of a few of his own abilities, such as keeping an eye on the fluctuating temperatures of the atmosphere. If this man thought they could kill him, they were suffering under some rather abused notions. Atlas if nothing else was confident within his ability to stop evil, if only because he had been reinforced to believe so for his entire life.

That was when the air around this man grew cold, becoming a field of deep blue as the ice formed and sliced through a few important looking sections of the building. Luckily the child did not appear to step within the building itself, so all Atlas did was move back in an instant, lifting the small male and moving him back a good one hundred feet to keep him from being caught up within the debris that would result from the building. That being of course unless the male managed to keep him from doing so, though if not Atlas would set him down beside a few pedestrians, giving him a look for a moment.

”I’d suggest keeping as far away from this as you can. I’ll try to keep the whole collateral damage as nonexistent as possible, but don’t know if I can with this guy.” He stated, half admitting that he was not sure if he could fully subdue this person. With that said, he hovered a few inches from the ground and took off at what he considered a casual pace, though not many would think Mach 3 to be that by any stretch of the imagination. Everything seemed to move slower while in this motion, a slight blur to them but overall he was more focused upon following the bad guy.

The younger hero was likely still trying to help in some way while he zoomed onto the scene, landing himself on the roof top a good ten feet from Revenant. Energy had built up within his left hand. The skin of his hand glowed with the energy, causing the very air to waver and the outlines of bones becoming visible, and he hurled the bolt with a swift flick of the wrist at the murderous villain. If he used ice, Atlas was confident it would be able to melt through it with little problem.
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Registration date : 2015-01-29

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OPEN Re: The Angel Who Lost His Wings

Post by Lucas March 6th 2017, 6:28 pm

"Whoa whoa whoa, you don't think you can?!" Lucas said after he had been grabbed and placed quite a distance away from the fight. It all happened within the blink of an eye, right after the villain guy went on about whatever evil scheme he was in the process of executing. Atlas had bolted off before listening to what Lucas had said, so the boy just folded his arms, an angry expression on his face.

"I didn't think the guy meant to hold the world up would be so unsure of himself......" Lucas said, huffing and puffing as he headed back to the scene at a normal human pace. Whether he actually knew if those two Atlas' were the same guy or not remained to be seen.

The boy's mind was running wild, desperately trying to come up with a way to help. Short of using his powers, he really had no means of stopping unnecessary death here. But he was not his Father. His Dad had the power, but the man never used it for the right reason. Lucas wasn't going to be like that.

His mind sorted through the vast library of information he had acquired throughout his short life. Though there were gaps in surprising places, he knew as much as any genius. He photographically remembered a book he read on the electromagnetic spectrum. He didn't completely understand, but he knew the only thing separating a radio wave from a gamma wave was wave length. He just needed some tools........

He ran down the street, which was all but deserted at this point. The cops were holding a parameter a few blocks away, so he was pretty much all alone right now, save for some mannequins and the people involved in the savage fight not too far away.

The boy's efforts, if a bit naive, were not in vain. Eventually, he past an electronics store. Apparently that's exactly what he needed.

"Ohhhh, damn. Only thing better would be a freaking military base." Lucas chuckled to himself as he picked up a rock and tossed it at the window to the store, which shattered. Lucas turned his head to cover himself, even though he was in no real danger of getting cut this far away.

He then ran into the building through the opening, and got to work. He grabbed the most expensive looking satellite dish he could find, then a ham radio, and began ripping pieces from various electronic devices as he built his monster.

This was something that a lab would work on for months with proper tools and a whole team. Lucas was putting something together that would make Nikola Tesla blush. The point was to tap into the heavy radio wave traffic of New York, amp it up with as many power sources he could find, and then shorten the wave length enough to output something else entirely.

Gamma Rays.

"Come onnnnn... Get in the cart. Why you gotta be so heavy?" Lucas asked as he pushed the thing off his makeshift work table into a shopping cart. It looked like a bunch of wires, a few large radios, dozens of computer batteries, and a very large satellite dish on top. Once he got it onto some wheels, he stepped back, and smiled.

"Yes! Time to go kick some bad guy butt!" He exclaimed as he pushed the cart out the door, right after unlocking it.

It would take awhile for a kid riding a shopping cart to get to the place where a few super fast metas were fighting, but when he did, it would be worth it.

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OPEN Re: The Angel Who Lost His Wings

Post by Andrew March 7th 2017, 8:08 pm

A loud crash echoed behind Andrew.
The man apparently was trying to get under his skin because he flat out said he wanted to be in his way.
Narrowing his brow he rubbed each side of his nose.
Crossing his arms the other hero showed up.

"Why did you not listen to the boy. Now more people are going to die. A LOT more people are going to die."

Atlas seemed ready for a fight and threw the first strike at the villain.
Andrew created a wall of ice that took the blow of the bolt.
"Impressive." the villain spoke before letting the wall break apart and morph into very solid shards.

"Your name must be Atlas. That...'hero' seems really edcited about your presence. You seem strong, stand up type of man. One clearly admired in Why do you wish to watch your community suffer?"

He quickly fire a barrage of his ice towards the two heroes before creating a path of ice to the next building, and then sliding back down to street level.

People were running about in panic.
A group of 10 almost stood still as the revenant made his wa towards them.
"You're all in the way."
With one motion he wrapped them all in ice. Creating his own hostages.
"I see you are an officer of the law, right?"
The man adjusted his cap while still training his firearm.
"And here I thought you'd point me in the right direction, you just had to GET IN MY WAY." he spoke as a spike of ice erupted slamming through the mans chin and up through his brain, head nearly exploding. The man stayed upright, ice holding him.
"That isn't right, you're about to meet god."

He raised the spike to create a human flag. The man's body flowing in the wind.
The other two were certainly right behind him at this point.
He created a strong shield of ice in one arm, and a long sharp spear in the other.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

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OPEN Re: The Angel Who Lost His Wings

Post by CRASH March 8th 2017, 1:42 pm

So my options are let you go and you kill more people, or I try to stop you and you try to kill more people? Crash pondered to the villain, genuinely curious if that was the situation he was talking about. It seemed like a no-brainer to him. If he had the ability to stop him, he would. There wasn't anything complicated or decisive about it. You stop the bad guy, end of discussion. Besides, Atlas was here, so they had this thing down.

Speaking of Atlas, Crash couldn't help but fangirl a little as he watched one of his heroes charge up a blast in his hand and send it flying at the villain. His fists clenched in anticipation, expecting to see the man get sent flying by the blast. But instead a wall of ice came up, blocking the blast. That's some serious ice he exclaimed, a little shocked by the sight. But he wouldn't have much time to think on it. Rapidly a barrage of ice came flying his way. Having already been distracted by what was going on around him Crash had absolutely no time to react. Uh-oh was all he got out as the shards came ripping at him. A few of them pierced through his jacket, pinning him to the roof while the rest collided with his body, shattering on impact. He blinked a few times once the assault was over, then raised his head to check over the damage. All told, he was doing pretty good minus the rips in his clothes.

Ah man he whined now I'm gonna have to get a new superhero costume. Not that that was the biggest of his concerns, especially as he heard the screams of people on the street below. Any potentially selfish thoughts left his head as a sound that he would never forget reached his ears. It was tearing flesh, had to be. He'd seen enough horror movies to know that sound.

In a flash his body shot from the roof, tearing free of the ice that bound him there. Soaring into the air above the street he looked down to the street. A man was hung up on a spear of ice, dead, while the evil man appeared to taunt the people below. Not on my watch Crash grunted out through clenched teeth. Suddenly the direction of his movement shifted in a tremendous sonic boom. Windows shattered instantly in the roaring sonic boom that ensued as he went screaming straight down, head first, at the man from high up. He had no idea how fast he was going but to him, there seemed to be no time between his decision to attack the man and the resulting collision. Whatever it was that he hit was about to have a very bad time.

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Registration date : 2014-12-28

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OPEN Re: The Angel Who Lost His Wings

Post by Atlas March 8th 2017, 5:07 pm

”I know your type. If I let you keep going on, more people will suffer anyway.” Was all Atlas said, not seeing the point in continuing dialogue. This person seemed rather set within doing what they wanted, though what that was he could not fully figure out. Shards of ice came out at the two, Atlas raising one arm over his eyes as the shards themselves slammed against him with impressive force. Still, they didn’t manage much more than scratching up his suit, though he did feel they weren’t as cold as he would have expected ice to be. It felt more like blunt matter slamming against him, something that his body was perfectly capable of handling. The attack however did not look to be meant for damaging him, as the villain was already on the run. Keeping track of him proved to be child’s play, considering that he wasn’t moving too quickly.

Without a second thought he took off, moving past the sound barrier itself as two sonic booms would echo through the air. Contact with the ground and his feet came a second or two later, attention snapping to the villain freezing  a large group of people, and promptly murdering someone with a spike of ice. The scent of blood rapidly washed through the air, sending a sick sensation through Atlas as he quickly resolved something. First, he decided to deal with the ice that trapped the people, releasing beams of concentrated heat from his eyes and melting it rather quickly. Once free the people ran as quick as their legs could carry them.

Rather than immediately moving to combat, he turned his attention to the people around and going full speed they would one by one disappear to those that couldn’t keep up with his maximum anyway. Each touch from him rapidly enveloped them within the protective tactile telekinetic barrier, and so the normal dangers of speed quickly became nothing.

Considering that he only needed to move them a good block away from the carnage, it only took a few seconds and most were already running away. He only really ended up wasting around ten seconds doing this, mostly because there were always those that needed to be moved within that time. Still, that was plenty of time for everything to go wrong.
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Registration date : 2015-01-29

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OPEN Re: The Angel Who Lost His Wings

Post by Lucas March 11th 2017, 3:12 pm

The cart's wheels nearly broke off as Lucas skidded around a corner. He wasn't losing any speed with his turns or otherwise. Hell, he even rode down a hill at what seemed like an uncontrollable velocity, only to fluidly steer the cart in a safe direction. This was like dare devil stuff, but judging by the look on Lucas' face, he didn't see it that way.

This was all due to the way his mind worked. It took literally everything into account to come up with an accurate prediction dozens of seconds in advance. Speed, weight, location, balance, the friction of the ground, anything down the hill that might make the wheels go slower or faster, everything. He knew so many variables exactly that it was difficult not to see how something was going to happen. At least Lucius and Alpha gave him SOMETHING that was more useful then it was unpleasant.

Regardless, he was making good time for a thirteen year old pushing a shopping cart. He was closing in on the location of the fight once more. Yeah, Crash, Atlas, and this villain were fast, but when you're in a fight you end up going in circles more then anything. Lucas had plenty of time to close the distance with all the banter and cat and mouse. Plus, he really wasn't all that far.
Eventually, the fight came into view. As soon as Lucas saw the situation, his eyes widened in sheer horror. There was a man impaled on a giant ice spike, waving in the wind like a flag. The boy shut his eyes mere seconds after he saw it, then turned away. Why did the world make such monsters? Why was everyone so cruel?

Lucas' brows furrowed in anger. He tried to avoid that particular emotion, but he couldn't help it in this case. A fire was lit within him when he saw that dead man, and now he was determined to make this ice guy pay for his brutally. He made his way into a buliding, dragging the cart along with him.

It seemed to be a hotel. Most of the people had left, but some were content with ducking down under tables and the like. Lucas just strolled in, making his way to the elevator. An old man hiding in the lobby couldn't help but confront the boy.

"Son, what are you doing? Where are your parents? We gotta hide. There's a mad man out there." The man said. Lucas turned slowly, his shyness showing as he spoke in a low voice.

"I know....... I'm here to help. Don't worry about me, just...... Just stay out of sight." Lucas said, stepping into the elevator with his device before the man could object any further. Even if Lucas presented himself as a metahuman, the man still didn't think it was right letting him go. But alas, he had no choice in the matter.

Lucas got to the top floor of the building, then looked for the roof access. Luckily there was one, though it was a set of stairs. It took a good minute and a half to push the cart up, but he did it, releasing an exhausted breath once he reached the top. Tired as he was, now it was go time.

Lucas took out his phone, setting up a quick bluetooth connection to send commands to his contraption. Once that was done, he pushed it to the edge of the building, overlooking the fight below.

This device would fire a concentrated beam of gamma rotation, or at least as concentrated as the hardware would allow. There was a chance for others being affected, but with how fast Atlas was, it was slim.

Sending a flurry of coded commands to his phone, he locked onto Revanants heat signature. Yes, it was only a little cooler then the average human, but it was enough for the thermal detection program he had written on his phone to see using the satalite dish. Now, Revanant would be the one and only intended target.

"Atlas........ Get the people out of there, including the other hero. I'm doing something." Lucas said with a whisper, knowing Atlas had a superhuman sense of hearing. He just hoped the bad guy didn't as well.

"Please work." Lucas said as he sent the code to fire his makeshift weapon.  Next, a high velocity, matter penetrating beam of gamma radiation fired out toward Rev.

There was little way to know exactly what Lucas was doing with what looked like nothing but a satellite dish, so he was confident that his weapon would hit, especially while the villain was distracted. If the beam did indeed hit, even somebody with atomic level regeneration would be having a bad day, and probably wouldn't be able to continue fighting at any adequate level.

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OPEN Re: The Angel Who Lost His Wings

Post by Andrew March 15th 2017, 3:19 pm

As quickly as he moved, which was Olympic speed, Crash and Atlas were right on his case.
In his ear he could orders being barked into his piece.
The doctor paced as he waited for his next moves.
Crash came flying straight down at Revenant.
As quickly as he he could he attempted to create ice above himself. No dice. The little he was able to muster was smashed through by Crash.

Trying to his best to contort in some fashion to avoid the entire blow he was not able to do much but watch as he was knocked backwards onto the street, tumbling a few times.
Acting time, he stood up slowly one eye closed to act out the pain he should be feeling.
He created a ball of ice around himself.
Once inside he created a "cast" of ice around his arm and gritted his teeth.
"Let me show them my real power!"
"NO!" The doctor screamed into the ear piece.
"As you wish."

The cocoon exploded in every direction around him shattering into pieces and firing at insane speeds. Even the most durable of heroes would feel this one.
A gamma beam was shot at Andrew. It was the kid. However, Revenant couldn't see or sense it, he was fortunate to have taken Crash's hit to avoid a mean headache.

Atlas was quickly saving lives before returning. A regular 2 against 1. "Time to even the odds." The doctor mumbled into his microphone.
The doctor raised his eyebrow.
"The other swords stay sheathed for now. I can handle this situation."
He screamed and the entire area covered in ice, from streets to the rooftops of buildings around him. It honestly would have been a beautiful sight if not for the circumstance.

Throwing the spear at crash, he took a few steps backwards and created giant sledge hammer of ice, maybe 20 feet tall.
His "working" hand swung it and aimed for the young heroes center mass.
He pulled a needle with fake liquid in it out of his cargo pants and shoved it into his "broken" arm.
The ice cast around it shattered off, and he rolled his shoulder a few times.
"Good as new."
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Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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OPEN Re: The Angel Who Lost His Wings

Post by CRASH March 16th 2017, 12:19 am

BOOM! Crash slammed something, he just wasn't sure what. By the time he came to a complete stop he realized that he couldn't move his arms or see. Opening his mouth he tried to call for help but his mouth immediately filled with dirt. Now he was panicking, scrambling and squirming as much as he could surrounded on all sides by soil. Muffled screams disappeared into the dirt, he was trapped and terrified. Suddenly a ball of pink energy erupted around him, flinging soil out in every direction. The force of the expanded dirt forced Crash sideways, then up, then down again. It was only inches at a time but the ricochet ball was slowly rocking Chris around, shaking him like a rag doll. Above him the ground would start to shake, the boy below continually generating more force and speed. With a small bit of wiggle room he short back out of the crater he'd created, popping the bubble and tumbling haphazardly across the ground.

Okay note to self, do not dive head first into the ground he shuddered, spitting dirt from his mouth and wiping it out of his hair. That was terrifying! Looking around then, he became painfully aware of the damage he'd caused. What had once been a street was now completely gone. The impact had plowed up the ground, flinging cars every which way with enough force to embed some of them in the surrounding buildings. Woah he said shocked as he slowly rose to his feet. DEFINITELY don't do that again.

Meanwhile Revenant seemed to be talking to himself. As Crash turned around to see what the crazy person had to say he felt something strange going on in his stomach. There was a grumbling uneasy feeling, like he was about to get sick. Uggghhh he groaned, doubling over and gripping his stomach. He gagged a few times, feeling like his insides were on fire. Debilitated as he was, he had no time to react as as another hail of ice came flying at him, faster this time.

The first shard caught him in the stomach, shredding his shirt and forcing his lunch up again. The force of the shard slammed him back first through the wall of a nearby building, coming to rest against a metal beam. But the assault continued as he was battered with shard after shard of the razor sharp ice. The cold stung his skin as he finally collapsed against the concrete, his clothes hanging in rags from him. Slowly he rose, trying to gain his balance as the nausea and pain slowly alleviated. That sucked! he thought, wiping vomit from the corner of his mouth on what was left of his sleeve.

On uneven legs he shuffled out into the street, in pain but undeterred. Climbing over the remaining rubble of the wall he stepped into the street just in time for everything to freeze over. His feet instantly froze to the ground, ice creeping up his legs to about his knee. He could feel the cold creeping in to his skin. With a yank he tried to pull his leg free but to no avail, it didn't even budge. And of course the villain in front of him wasn't done. A spear came flying in an Crash, slamming into his chest and forcing him to fall backwards, his feet still planted on the ground. His legs still vertical his head slammed into the ice below, cracking it. Even more so he could see a giant blue surface flying down at him.

You've gotta be kidding me Crash said watching what looked like a giant hammer come swinging his way. Knock it off! he screamed, clearly frustrated at the onslaught being thrown his way. In a pink flash his body shot sideways, ripping the his legs still coated in the thick ice for the ground. The pink bubble once more surrounded Crash as he propelled himself at the face of the hammer. Almost instantly the two met, the force of the impact ricocheting straight into the hammer shattering it and sending Crash off at an even faster speed in the opposite direction. Once more he bounced around like a human pinball, first shattering a storefront, sending him at an angle towards a parked car. Crushing the car beneath the ricochet bubble it shot him up towards a light pole bending it over and shooting off above the villain below. It all happened so fast and with so much force that by the time Crash was overtop of Revenant that he had no idea where he was, where he was going, or how fast.

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Registration date : 2014-12-28

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OPEN Re: The Angel Who Lost His Wings

Post by Atlas March 16th 2017, 7:04 pm

Saving people had been his primary concern, but now he needed to stop this villain from creating any more collateral damage, well that and the hero that was also causing it. Hearing the man talk to himself was something that did happen, though the fact was that there were two voices. Likely he had someone sending him out much like himself, though who that was he would have to talk with his handlers at some point in the future. In a few seconds’ shards of ice shot outwards, Atlas quickly moving into action. He could tell they were denser than his last few attacks, though Atlas was not sure if it would actually puncture his skin. Rather than not testing that hypothesis, he decided to shoulder through the attacks.

They collided against his flesh, causing pain to scream through his flesh but he could tell he would at worst have a few bruises from the impacts. Not that they would stay there long, but it did hurt while it was there. That was when his sight caught what looked to be a shape moving through the air, like that of the male but within a bright colored bubble. That was when the idea hit him, Atlas  slightly altering his course of movement as he put a large amount of power into his feet and leapt upwards. Meeting the ball at the same point was a matter of a second, his hand in the shape pf a fist  whipping backwards and forward to slam intro the bubble itself with considerable force. The connect was solid as it shot downwards towards the villain at even greater speeds, barreling likely too fast for even Atlas to correctly follow.
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OPEN Re: The Angel Who Lost His Wings

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