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Galatine, the Mechanical Heroine

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Galatine, the Mechanical Heroine Empty Galatine, the Mechanical Heroine

Post by Phreeze February 25th 2017, 8:57 pm


"Chivalry is more than a string of ones and zeroes."

The Bio

Real Name: Model SK-218
Hero Name: Galatine
Title: None yet.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Age: 5, but is just a robot
Gender: AI Matrix identifies as female.
Race: Robot
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue, though heavily laced with synthetic parts, visibly wired.
Height: 6'2
Weight: 214 lbs
Blood type: N/A

The Looks

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The Personality

Stoic, proud, and honorable, Galatine fits every word that could possibly describe a knight or dame. Her strong and almost zealous convictions towards safety and what justice truly is only matches her intense passion to a code of honor. Being robotic, code dictates her actions, though segments in her written personality allow her to adapt and evolve, and her current status seems to lean towards a hero

The Story

Some whisper in terror of the name that is Galatine, others speak it to the heavens in hopes she may arrive. Forged in labs secluded near the Scottish heartlands for use in reenacting medieval scenes, but retooled for war after the New York Attack, she has been a symbol of hope and power to the world. Reclaimed by NATO, and given life by the private scientists from across the globe, this woman of a machine is given the very scripts needed to emulate life itself. Her mind was designed to process with drivers unparalleled, internal cooling systems made specifically to be both fit to her frame and maximum in their capabilities, and so much more went into her over seven weeks. Five years ago, she had been made to act as a dame, now she was fitting the part with unparalleled strength, to rid the world of vile evil, and the blackened heart of terror wherever it may stand.

Of course, what would one do alone? Alongside her was designed a male counterpart, aptly named Excalibur to fit the tale of King Arthur's swords. After a compromise in the servers she was built to update from manually, Excalibur was hijacked, and turned into a terminator unit. Forced to defeat her greatest ally, and move on, Galatine proved her prowess by annihilating him in brutal fashion, so that all may herald her as a heroine. Her central processor pained something fierce to see him die, though, to know he was laid to rest and scrapping by means that were not his own, or in any honor. Since this point, Galatine has strove to become human, or as close to it as she can be, to understand this world better, and finally fit within it.

The Priority

1. Endurance
2. Strength
3. Reaction
4. Agility

The Powers

Meta Bionic-Class Rotary Joints: Advanced rotary joint mechanisms allow Galatine to strike with unprecedented power in each movement. Her sword swings, fitted with the custom, advanced poly-carbon metals in her blade, allow her to cleave through most metal arrmours and alloys with ease, and even some hides of meta-humans.

Hex-fused Core MK-7: Galatine does not require any sort of power source or recharging, being that she's charged from a powerful soul-based mana crystal in her body, about where the heart would be. Combined with balancing systems and heat-redistribution systems, she is virtually immune to overheating by her own means.

Strider Class Gyro-Stabilizers: The stabilization system inside Galatine is a prototype system that has been designed upon for generations in British and American labs. When engaged by foes that would otherwise try to tilt or shift the control of gravity against her, or even knock her down with brute force, will only find that this is a minor setback. Galatine is nearly impossible to knock over unless one knocks the ground out from under her feet, and even then, she can stabilize herself.

Poly-Alloy Composition: Galatine's armour and very 'flesh' is actually a high-density mix of materials harvested from all across the world. Such an expense affords Galatine unprecedented, meta-human rivaling endurance. Her body has taken the force of 7.62 caliber bullets before even beginning to crack.

The Weaknesses

Overheating: Through outside influences such as fire-based weaponry or magic, Galatine can be forced to overheat and manually try to redistribute her temperature to prevent shutdown.

EMP: Illegal EMPs with mega-amp grades that can equal two or three lightning bolts will force Galatine into a reboot. Lower levels can disable her heat-distribution system.

AP Rounds: Bullets specifically designed to pierce armor can break through Galatine's armor with little effort, and possibly through her body as a whole.

Manual Hack: When shut down, one can manually tear her cranial plating apart to manually try and hijack her internal systems. Though it's tedious, it can essentially kill her personality from the inside.

The Items

Poly-Carbon based Blade: A highly advanced sword designed to look like a simple Zweihander or greatsword. Its incredible design and near perfect composition doesn't make it too heavy on any one given side, but not too weak or light either. The marginally slow swinging blade is actually incredibly heavy in the hands of a normal human being, and even some meta-humans, and with as much strength and stability Galatine has, there's considerable lag between swings if she misses. Chaining successful attacks is paramount to using this weapon.

The Minions

None, she fights fair and alone.

The Fluff

Galatine is basically super hero knight Pinocchio, except without the nose and lying, she REEAALLY wants to be human, and her systems help that. She's got some systems based near her soul-crystal core that let her disintegrate edible matter into extra power, and sleep-cycles that give her time to vent excess electrical charges, but none of this is necessary. She can also simulate hunger and thirst based on these, or nullify them at will.

Application created by [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] | This code is open-source and available for free use.


Status :

Quote : Life's like a business. Defeat your enemies by putting said enemies on your payroll, or beat the snot out of them and get arrested, charged with assault, and locked away for a few years.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 22
Location : The Moon
Age : 25
Job : Fast Food Slave- I MEAN Insider.
Humor : Usually dark and gritty, also a fan of lighter humor.
Registration date : 2017-02-20

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Galatine, the Mechanical Heroine Empty Re: Galatine, the Mechanical Heroine

Post by Arcana February 26th 2017, 8:11 pm

Approved until stated otherwise

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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