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Trouble in Boegy Town

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OPEN Re: Trouble in Boegy Town

Post by Boegyman February 12th 2017, 8:58 pm

The Boegyman smiles, ear to ear you can see his smile as he makes a motion for the other camera guy to tie her up as he said "Wise decision pudding, by the way, I'm the Boegyman." the other guy finally arrived with the rope, nervous as heck, and looking down, obviously ashamed with his actions. He goes to lead her to a chair where he would tie her up, feet and hands to the chair, if she accepted being led. If this happens the Boegyman would say "Excellent Excellent, now for the show."he says as he would drag the other cameraman over with the threat of blowing his brains, to the news anchor desk and the tied up Danny as the other camera man worked the camera towards the area. The Boegyman grins, his job, almost done, now, he had to think of a plan as to screw himself over, as Rory would be clueless and helpless against the girl.


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OPEN Re: Trouble in Boegy Town

Post by Danny The Sphinx February 12th 2017, 9:14 pm

With no other choice, Danny began to walk towards the chair the cameraman, or more or less Boegy Man, wanted her. He began tying her hands to the the back of the chair before tying her feet to the legs, keeping Danny immobile, and unable to interact with her bracelet. She hoped Boegy failed, but knew without the chance to get her bracelet, she would need another way of saving the three men in this room from the current situation.

"You're making a huge mistake by making me mad." The rest of the ropes kept Danny's torso tied to the chair, but did little to hold her back. "I'm going to get out of this and then those spikes from before are coming back. I can make all kinds of things that can hurt you."

She looked back to the camera. This would turn into some kind of game, but Danny knew playing would only hurt anyone around her. "When you go live, there is no way you will come out of this looking good. Or, well for that matter." Danny kept her eyes on the camera, knowing she could under mind Boegy man from the beginning of his broadcast all the way to the end. But, she needed to know more about this creature as to find out just how to beat him.
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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OPEN Re: Trouble in Boegy Town

Post by Boegyman February 12th 2017, 9:20 pm

The Boegy looked at he and laughed as he suddenly went somber "Nothing hurts as much as hunger, and let me tell you, I've been hungry for a while pudding." he would say as he turned towards the camera "greetings people of Chicago! I'm the one and only, Boegyman, this sweet thing is my kidnapped superheroic: Pudding girl!" he would laugh as he suddenly brought the gun up to the poor mans head "And this guy is a dead man." he would say as he pulls the trigger with a laugh, hoping that the illusion would pay off as he let the guy go, the gun smoking. He turned towards Danny "Your turn pudding."

The other camera man went back, then jaw dropping, unbelieving that he shot the guy.

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Number of posts : 34
Registration date : 2017-02-05

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OPEN Re: Trouble in Boegy Town

Post by Danny The Sphinx February 12th 2017, 9:50 pm

The camera turned on, presenting Danny in her current state with a furrowed brow and a clenched jaw. "Pudding girl?" Danny snapped back with her eyes stuck on Boegy. "You are a very unoriginal individual to come up with that." The ropes around Danny's hands felt tight, but some slack moved when she tried them. It would take a minute, but Danny could get out of this if she could get a distraction.

A gun appeared. Boegy gave no warning before firing his shot, sending the man to the ground. "No!" Danny leaped up on her toes, trying to swing her chair to hit Boegy, but only caused herself to tip the chair over. "You just shot him! You worm!" The ropes no longer gave her the slack she wanted, at least not on her right hand. Her plan now revolved around getting her left hand free, and activating her bracelet.

Even if she could just get her face down to the bracelet, rubbing her cheek could get the bracelet going. She just needed time, but it did not look like time would work for her. Boegy stepped towards her and called her by his nickname in a low tone.
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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Registration date : 2014-09-28

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OPEN Re: Trouble in Boegy Town

Post by Boegyman February 12th 2017, 10:07 pm

The Boegy man would lean over and winces, feels like his job is done as he quickly points towards her knee and fires a cap. He stands up and says "Now she's dead to! I'm Boegyman and I'm signing out PEACE!" he would then quickly start running towards the doors, slowly shrinking, his illusions, getting weaker. At least he got noticed.

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Registration date : 2017-02-05

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OPEN Re: Trouble in Boegy Town

Post by Danny The Sphinx February 12th 2017, 10:39 pm

Staring at the gun would not help her at all. She knew it. The cameraman knew it. Who knew what Boegy thought. The man- or worm, was not even close to having two brain cells within the same realm working together in cohesion. This man's delusions would soon become Danny's reality if she could not get her bracelet activated. And fast.

It hit her. Not the bullet. Not yet. A degree of fear swept over her, but merely washed away. Something about the sudden kill did not sit well with Danny. Even for the theatrics it did not create a real situation. Killing the cameraman then turning to Danny with nothing more than calling her Puddin' Girl. A power about this man masked something else. When the shot rang out, Danny stay focused on the man, not the gun. Nothing happened to her. "You're not so tough."

She noticed her out in the situation. Instead of working to get her hand free, she began lifting her leg. If she could get her leg in position, Danny could rub her thigh against the bracelet, but first she needed to flip the bracelet downward to face her leg. Once she could push her leg against the bracelet she could activate the bracelet and try to get herself free if Boegy continued his escape route.
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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Registration date : 2014-09-28

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OPEN Re: Trouble in Boegy Town

Post by Boegyman February 12th 2017, 11:02 pm

Boegy, had zero cares that his bullet didn't work, zeros cares that she was going to get up soon, and kick his ass. He needed to go. Now! Soon as Boegy left through the double doors, he makes an illusory wall and starts heading for the main hall, still shrinking as bits and pieces of his suit started to flak off and disappear. Soon as he hit the hall he starts heading toward the main area, where the stairs where, his top hat and mask almost gone. Boegy smiles, Rory is going to be so pissed when wakes up in a couple of minutes.

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Number of posts : 34
Registration date : 2017-02-05

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OPEN Re: Trouble in Boegy Town

Post by Danny The Sphinx February 12th 2017, 11:19 pm

The rope around her ankle pulled further up the leg of the chair. Danny's knee went above her hips. It overshot the target, but at least she could get some leverage going. The next time she lifted her thigh it made perfect contact, rubbing the bracelet and allowing her to get a blade to cut the ropes around her wrist. It took her a few moments to cut the ropes around her chest and left hand before she cut her ankles loose.

"Check him out. I don't think he's- well, just check him out!" Danny pointed to the two cameramen, hoping the third would hop into action, telling her the hypothesis she came to proved correct. While he checked, Danny took her tennis shoes to action, springing off the anchor stand and running towards the door she saw Boegy disappear through.

When Danny made her way through the back stage her eye caught one very brief flash of light suddenly go out. On the far side of the room, she could swear she saw a door, but as she continued to run along the catering tables and spare cameras, it looked more and more like a wall. With the end of the hall coming sooner Danny began to let up on her run, until something clicked in her head. "It can't be worse than a gun shot." And, she kept going. Running into a door instead of a wall.

Both doors popped open. Danny's shoulder hurt, but it would not hold her back. "Upstairs? Sounds good." Danny kept going until she hit the stairwell, hoping to be able to cut him off so she could put a barricade in front of him.
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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Registration date : 2014-09-28

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OPEN Re: Trouble in Boegy Town

Post by Boegyman February 12th 2017, 11:31 pm

The remaining cameraman went to check on his gun shot friend...who had no bullet hole in his head, but just unconscious, out of shock.

Boegyman continued to run, himself fading fast as he started up the stairs hat and mask gone, half of his suit gone as he increased his speed laughing, good thing that girl can't possible catch up...can she? He shrugs as he runs, maybe Rory can smooth talk his way out of if it?

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OPEN Re: Trouble in Boegy Town

Post by Danny The Sphinx February 13th 2017, 12:12 am

Putting the pressure on him looked like it did not mess well with Boegy. Danny wanted to see just how much this guy could take before he began to snap from his own fear. A turquoise barrier rose up to keep Boegy from escaping her pursuit. "End of the line." Taking the stairs felt good for Danny. Her athletic conditioning kept her perfectly suited for the chase, but now she would see just how it affected her adversary.

"Now, let's see just what you are made of." The blade at Danny's side gleamed as it grew. "But, first, why are you doing this? What do you plan on doing with this power and these people?"
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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OPEN Re: Trouble in Boegy Town

Post by Boegyman February 13th 2017, 12:18 am

The Boegyman stopped and turned around, smileing and then laughing "How about I answer nothing cause I'm out pudding PEACE!" he says as he turns back into Rory, who is dressed in a tea-shirt and jeans who falls against the barrier unconscious, the sound of his laughter echoing.

Rory opens his eyes with a groan, then stops, looking confused and panicked as he looks around sitting up straighter, with an even more confused look before saying "Who are you, and why am I here?"

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OPEN Re: Trouble in Boegy Town

Post by Danny The Sphinx February 13th 2017, 2:42 am

Her chase came to an end. And standing in front of that end, the same creature she faced just moments ago. The same defiance faced her. It almost made her happy. Now when she hit this guy in the hit with a spike board, it would be justified.

He gave her the same parting message again. "Peace". He could always just leave after such travesties. Shooting her while she was tied to a chair and now leaving behind a casualty. When the man dropped to the ground, Danny could not let her suspicions fall by the curbside. Two bands of turquoise constructs would wrap around Rory's legs and arms.

"Who am I?" The question threw Danny off. "So, you don't know- um?" Restraining the guy did not seem too high on her priorities anymore. The bars vanished, letting Rory loose. "You were just possessed by some monster. I need you to explain what happened to you today. When did you lose control of yourself?"
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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OPEN Re: Trouble in Boegy Town

Post by Boegyman February 13th 2017, 6:21 pm

Rory would look over in shock as his arms and legs get wrapped up but relaxes when they come off him "Errr, possessed? The last thing I know was that I was in my bed room before I went down to sleep." he says confused. Jesus, what did Boegy do? And more importantly, who the hell was this lady? With strange...turquoise what ever's.

He would get up slowly and but not shackily, at least he wasn't hungry "Ummm, can you help me miss? I don't know where I'm at and I got school." he said as he looked around again, it kinda looked like an office? Maybe Boegy cracked down on some scum and this chick is like...maybe a superhero? Well, as long as she dosn't know that he caused this by, he's got to be more careful with his emotions, another slip up like this and Boegy might put him behind bars instead of trying to help people.

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Registration date : 2017-02-05

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OPEN Re: Trouble in Boegy Town

Post by Danny The Sphinx February 15th 2017, 9:03 pm

He looked harmless enough. Maybe just a kid who got mixed up with some kind of malevolent spirit. Still, Danny needed information about this creature. After all, a worm cut this man's face in twine and revealed the worst of intentions. "I don't want to have to call the police, but I'm afraid you have to go in for questioning. I don't know if the police know how to question you- they might just throw you in a prison for metas and just let you rot."

In most respects, her good talk began to sound more like bad cop talk. Probably not her fault with how society would deal with a man whom just took over a studio and pretended to kill people in a realistic setting. He did not kill them of course, but it did not matter in the court of opinions. "Whatever was inside of you did some real damage, well actually, maybe he did some fake damage- I don't know how to describe it, but I need to get to the bottom of this."

Danny took out her phone to let the police know of her whereabouts. She did not refer to herself as Pudding Girl.
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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OPEN Re: Trouble in Boegy Town

Post by Boegyman February 15th 2017, 10:01 pm

Never mind, he is going to be put behind bars, he's got to do something

"Miss? What do you mean by questioning? What did I do? What happened?" he asked looking at her with confused pleading eyes. Hoping that Boegy didn't screw him to badly, and if he actually did any good.

He went to stand up slowly, if allowed, and would begin to dust himself off.

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Registration date : 2017-02-05

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OPEN Re: Trouble in Boegy Town

Post by Danny The Sphinx February 15th 2017, 10:55 pm

"What did you do?" The question hit Danny with a number of different ways she could take it in. Did this guy really not know, or did he want to throw her off? "There's a video on Facebook about what you- or I guess he did." Getting to the bottom of this case would most likely involve finding what direction down happened to be.

"Well, for starters, he kidnapped a studio full of people, forced them to put him on television so he could pretend to kill people. It sounds weird, but- I don't really know how to explain it." The lack of information Danny had began to form a plan in her head. If she could find out if Rory knew something about the worm, it would let her know if Rory was responsible for the acts or if the events really did happen without his consent.
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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OPEN Re: Trouble in Boegy Town

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