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Come little children

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DBL XP Re: Come little children

Post by Samael Christensen October 23rd 2016, 11:17 pm

Trying to break through the barrier of imps proved futile, as a bunch of them with their little legs threw him back with force. The pain was splintering as he was thrown, skidding along the street a few feet as the crack of thunder sounded off. The crack within the sky widened until it formed a full portal, leading into a burnt realm long since dead. From it erupted what appeared to be a black ichor, reaching out with many streams as it rapidly shot out towards the mage.

It forced itself in through any orifice it could find, as he let out a chocked cry, causing the dance of imps to slow down for a moment. Their songs were silent now, as the human began to writhe, doing so for a few minutes until he became still, even as he was upright. Samael rolled to his feet, twirling the blade within his hand, casting the light from his silver blade as he glared at the still person. With a sudden jerking motion they looked upwards, eyes as black as his own with black veins going outwards from there.

Come little children - Page 2 Embed.php?text=Not%20exactly%20the%20opportune%20body%2C%20but%20it%20will%20serve&name= MonsterFriendFore

He spoke as if with two voices layered over one another. The demon now in human form glared at both the cambion and angel, lips splitting into a wide grin as if Samael was just the person he wanted to see. ”The hell are you looking at?” Sam growled at him, flinging his weapon with frightening quickness, only to be caught by a thorny vine that sprung up from the ground.

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Without much prompt the ground beneath them, as great thorny vines rose, most of them with the intention of trying to wrap Samael up, while also aiming to crush Yofie under their own weight.

Come little children - Page 2 Embed.php?text=I%20don%27t%20need%20the%20angel%20however.&name= MonsterFriendFore

Samael Christensen

Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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DBL XP Re: Come little children

Post by Fiery Soul October 24th 2016, 2:45 am

This. Girl. Is On. Fire.

With a wings ablaze in glory and righteous conviction, Yofie threw her sword into the fray created by the vicious vines. One slice cut through the first tendril led Yofie closer to the heart of the beast. More tendrils streamed into the body of the mage, leading Yofie (David' third most popular character, and current white lady character) to begin severing the binds anchoring the hellscape from the poor, unfortunate soul. "I will smite you later." The poor, unfortunate soul.

As more of the demon pushed into this world, the brighter Yofie shown. "Cambion, take care of these lesser beings. I shall penetrate this darkness with my flaming blade." That is literally what she said.

Yofie invaded the hellscape, seeking to bring her flames of conviction to bear against the holder of these vile abominations. "Creature of darkness. You will stand in face me, for I have come to destroy you in this cesspool of darkness you conspire within. You have no hold over this mortal world, nor any who have been misguided into doing your bidding. Prepare to die demon!" Yofie's wings erupted, chasing shadows into safety within the crevices of the blasted landscape. Her blade held true, seeking to destroy the source of this evil once and for all.
Fiery Soul
Fiery Soul
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DBL XP Re: Come little children

Post by Samael Christensen October 26th 2016, 8:46 pm

Yofie had flown into the hell blasted landscape, leaving Samael to fight off whatever it was that he would fight below. This however had just drawn seemingly amused laughs from the imps as the all said something about a foolish angel and how their master would destroy her. Smoke hissed from the tendrils as they had been severed, eventually leading the mage to fall down like a sack of potatoes, hitting the ground rather hard form the looks of it. As if following an unknown voice, the imps all gathered around him, wrapping strong yet small arms around his limbs as they wrenched him up into the air.

Samael tried to lash out at them with his weapon, but his arms weren’t in the situation to do that. So he found himself being lifted higher, as he too was brought into the portal above, thrown onto the ground burnt black. It was now that he could see it, the ground covered with massive burning crevices that released smoke that smelled of brimstone. If there was a human image of Hell, this was likely close to it. Yofie challenged the darkness that ruled within this realm, as shadows seemed to form from the acrid smoke of the crevices.

”It is you who holds no power here angel.” A whispery voice hissed, as bright gold flames began to spew from the heads of the pumpkin imps, gathering as the center of the smoke as it slowly began to take a more humanoid form. A relatively handsome man with slicked back white hair entangled with thorny vines that played down his body, dressed in a simple suit. Hungry slitted orange eyes peered out from his skull, glaring down the angel. It didn’t take Samael too long to recognize that…he was taking some of the souls he had stolen to form a proper corporeal form.

”The souls of children are chocked full of power. Normally I needn’t go through such means but your father assured I had to Son of the Raven. Killing you will be…more of a pleasure than your angel friend.” Dark purple flames flared up around his hands, glowing menacingly as he unleashed them in terrifying streams at both of them. Samael didn’t make any attempt to avoid, simply rushing forward as the demons fire hit him. It felt warm, but resistance to fire helped against it.

Breaking through the stream of fire, he would rush the demon, slashing at them wildly with his silver sword as he continued to dodge it. ”But a body with such untapped power would be useful.”
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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DBL XP Re: Come little children

Post by Fiery Soul October 30th 2016, 7:09 am

Flame marked the spiraling crescendo in a brilliant cascade as the blasted hellscape felt only like a mirage in the wave of hear lifting from her wings. Little by little the hell fire pushed forward to her in a volcanic vortex. The swell of battle bore the heat against her wings, but the angel did not falter from her course. Heading into the cross wind brought on by the change in current made present by the absence of oxygen through the demon's own onslaught, Yofie soared downward enough to allow the fire to break against her immolated wings. A look of determination cracked across her cheeks and hardened her eyes.

One swing from her blade sent a wave of fire to close the twenty foot gap between herself and the demon. While her finesse worked the blade into a perfect pullback, the spin to regain her form offered up her blade in a pointed fashion lacking any pretense for civility. One lunging juncture from Yofie's blade would seek to rend and sear the demon- ultimately leading Yofie to the other side of the fiend.

With her blade sated, Yofie turned back, her wings abreast to the hellish lift of air. Facing the demon at the end of her rending swipe, Yofie embraced the current, lifted by the demon's own use of fire- and aided by the flames of the angel. One final charge hoped to leave a lasting imprint as Yofie tore down to land her blade within the back of the foul creature.
Fiery Soul
Fiery Soul
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DBL XP Re: Come little children

Post by Samael Christensen October 30th 2016, 11:31 pm

Samael’s temper grew with each strike that missed, knowing that just one hit would do him some good considering how they were trying to avoid the silver blade. His arms had not begun to grow tired, and so he continued to strike at him while Yofie likely began her own manner of attack. The demon looked up to see the wave of fire, slamming a foot into Sam’s stomach as he was thrown back with immense force, sliding along the ground as he leapt back to avoid the stream of holy fire by mere inches.

Sam quickly rolled out of the position, quickly following the angel along within their path as he followed suit. However as the demon turned towards Yofie, he rushed him with all the speed available, slamming the blade into his back, as the blade of Yofie also came through. One of them had managed to pierce his heart, as he let out a gasp and a stream of black blood from his mouth. A pleased smirk crossed his lips as the thing could only let out a growl. "Daaaamn you!" It cursed, cracks beggining to form from where the blade had torn through his heart, covering its entire body until it exploded in brilliant white flames.

Smaller white flames were released in great numbers as they flew back through the crack within the bloody sky back to their world. ”We need to get out of here now! The portal is beginning to collapse!” He shouted to the angel, before running towards the portal that had brought them there in the first place. He didn’t waste time jumping through it, as claws dug into his shoulders, a rather large looking raven coming along and keeping him from plummeting to the ground, and suffering a few broken bones.

He ended up landing on the ground with a slightly audible thud, grimacing as he looked to the raven that had helped him out. ”Don’t look into it. I would just have no one to torment if you went and died.” He said with a squawk, flapping its wings as it perched on the top of a twisted fence.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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DBL XP Re: Come little children

Post by Fiery Soul October 31st 2016, 6:16 pm

Damn. That Yofie. But, don't you ever try to damn that Yofie. You try that, you don't try anything again. Ever.

Now, as for what actually goes on during the course of Yofie plunging her blade into the eternal darkness of a demon, and Yofie getting out of a blasted hellscape, well, the following should entail most of those details. It leaves some out though, because I forgot one or two.

Once the fiery blade expunged the darkened bile from the gut of the deplorable creature laying before her, Yofie looked around the blackened landscape. So much evil spread out before her, beckoning her conviction. "Perhaps." She clutched her blade. "But, it cannot be done. Yet." For now it would take too much, spend too much, expend too much. Hell hath no fury like its own depth.

The remaining moments in the land of darkness gave Yofie enough reason to leave. Her flight would make it through the gate with no problem at all, but the little land dwelling, bearer of evil whom used it to fight other demons, looked as though her could use help. So, Yofie helped with blazing wings extended into the dark skies.

"You're welcome Lost Soul. I now see why others help evil people in hopes of them becoming better people. I feel that is going to happen now."
Flame continued to pour from Yofie's wings. A suitable penance in Yofie's eyes, which were not currently on fire, because Yofie does not do that. Shauna does that. Maybe. "I hope I have given you both suitable mercy and proper guidance in finding a more palpable means of combating the evilness of this world."
Fiery Soul
Fiery Soul
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DBL XP Re: Come little children

Post by Samael Christensen October 31st 2016, 10:42 pm

With the help of an angel he had managed to reach the ground without any problem, almost curious as to why he had been helped. He eyes her with void blank eyes, only really casting the faint light of a somehow not ruined lamp post. She had something about people sparing evil people, though he was unsure what that had to do with him. Samael had never considered himself evil, and yet again that was something that many would refute within their narrow view of morality. Still, it did mean that he didn’t have to worry about this angel trying to run him through with her flaming sword of hers.

”Yes, I have.” Was all he said and the answer within itself seemed right. All he wanted to do now however was leave, get anywhere else except her. Maybe go home, and bond with the few things that had some value within his rather odd life. ”I will be sure to take your words to heart.” Not many words were spoken between them and he hoped he did not need to worry about them ever again. There was the faint feeling of being watched and yet Samael did not bother himself with such things as he walked away, making sure he was out of sight before stepping through a formed portal and leaving the city.

Well, only after stopping by his clients to get paid of course.

(Topic exit)
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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DBL XP Re: Come little children

Post by Fiery Soul November 1st 2016, 1:11 am

"One who balls."
Fiery Soul
Fiery Soul
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DBL XP Re: Come little children

Post by Chellizard November 3rd 2016, 12:45 am

Fine. Because Dave's last post was clearly to be sarcastic, this gets 10 XP for the both of you on top of the double XP.


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DBL XP Re: Come little children

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