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A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline)

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A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline)

Post by Bliss September 30th 2016, 2:52 am

"Okay, but nothing negative will happen. That's all I need to know!" Ice began forming around Bliss' hands as she began to cause the room to grow more cold.

"That's not what she said! If you change things, bad things will happen..." Lil' Bliss picked herself off the ground and scuttled towards a wall. She looked to Madeline as she came through the portal for support, then remembered everything about Madeline. Alone, Lil' Bliss just slumped to the ground.

The more astute and lively Bliss went to work heaving the lab coated woman out of the room with a bolt of ice, but keeping her lab coat pinned to the wall. "Now, that means she has a syringe on her. If I can just-bingo." Bliss pulled out the syringe and placed it in her pocket. "I don't know how carrying things from area to area works around here, but that little thing is still here, so it can't be that hard. I guess we'll just-"

A sudden life exhaled into the room with a thick level of smoke. "Well done Bliss." The slow clap of hands arose from the other side of the room. "You've managed to change your life for the better. Or worse. I'm no one to judge."

"I wanna go home..." Still slumped on the floor, Lil' Bliss wiped a tear from her cheek.

"Wait, she's still here?! Send her back! I don't want her!"
While happy she stole the serum, raising a kid would definitely complicate her home life. Giving it to Madeline would cross her mind, but Bliss did not hate herself enough to do that. Madeline tormented an adult Bliss enough for her to believe giving her a small one would be any better. "Wait, what about those murders and all the other weird stuff from around here?"

"Those still happened. This is New Orleans, but most of them did not happen in this time line. Some took place in other places, while others in other-"

"Oh god, I don't care. Madeline, grab Lil' Bliss and let's get the hell out of here. Do you think injecting myself with this unknown substance to try to get ice powers back is a good idea?"


Number of posts : 2166
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline)

Post by Queen of Arcadia October 1st 2016, 4:07 am

Madeline wasn’t quite sure what to do with the current situation so shortly after replying to Bliss’ question she kind of just stood there. After all these weren’t her memories they were traveling through. She really couldn’t care less about what happened to the present or future based on their actions here. Right now all she could think about was wrapping her metal hand around the fortuneteller’s throat and squeezing the life from her, but that would have to wait. While lost in her own thoughts, Bliss had done, well what Bliss did, which was pretty much whatever the hell she wanted. This time it was more of a shoot first ask questions later moment, as she used her ice powers to eject the mysterious woman from the dreamscape lab and proceeded to confiscate the syringe that was about to be used on her knocked out counterpart.

“Lot of experience carrying needles around in your pockets eh?” The demon queen couldn’t help but comment, upon seeing younger Bliss’ half hazard storage method. Madeline shifted over to kid Bliss’ side and gave her a light pat on the head trying to reassure her that everything would work itself out. Amidst another question from Bliss, a very familiar and irritating voice echoed through the darkness. The interaction between younger Bliss and the fortuneteller filled in quite a few gaps that Madeline had been trying to piece together since she arrived in this nightmare. Bliss was in New Orleans investigating murders and strange occurrences. The very thought of Bliss doing something for someone other than herself was more than enough to prompt an eyebrow to arch in confusion.

The mysterious woman continued to be as cryptic as inhumanly possible which was beginning to wear both Madeline and Bliss’ patients extremely thin. It perhaps was getting to Bliss more as she abruptly cut the fortuneteller off mid-sentence and ordered for Madeline to grab kid Bliss so they could leave.

The demon goddess couldn’t help but let out a sigh. *It’s like she’s got the short term memory of a goldfish.* Madeline thought to herself. “I’m all for leaving and all, but um…how do you propose we do that hm? You gonna walk into another wall again?”

Madeline wrapped of with giving a sigh as her response to younger Bliss’ last question. She reached down and snatched up little Bliss and tucked the child under her metal arm. The little ruffian was obviously displeased with her current predicament, but no amount of struggling was going to free her from Madeline’s grasp. The demon goddess walked up beside the younger Bliss before cracking a slight grin. “You know what? It is totally a good idea to stick yourself with a needle and inject god knows what into your veins. As a matter of fact aim for the jugular, I here it’ll take faster.”

The Characters
Queen of Arcadia
Queen of Arcadia
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "I'm the devil, damnation dignified."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 130
Registration date : 2015-07-23

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A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline)

Post by Bliss October 6th 2016, 2:40 pm

"If this is what I think it is- all support from you aside, it should give me back my ice powers. I just don't know how getting things in this state effects the real world." The pondering of Bliss led the needle to her arm. A string of thoughts went through her head, but every time 'no' or 'don't' came up, at least five thoughts of ambition encircled the thought and beat it to death.

"That doesn't look good for you." Lil' Bliss took the pat on the head without any hang ups, if the demon wanted to kill her, she would kill her. Then, Lil' Bliss began to tense up and swallow a lump in her throat. "She's going to hurt herself..."

The substance poured into Bliss' arm turning her arm blue. "This feels weird." Bliss could feel a rush of blood fall from her head. "Hey guys, am I normally blue? da ba dee da ba daa. Da ba..." The world around Bliss, Lil' Bliss, and Madeline all began to fade.

"Can this stuff stop already?" Bliss picked herself off the ground, leaving behind a tiny trail of ice. A note laid encased in ice before Bliss' face. A quick blast of telekinesis discharged the ice, leaving behind the now somewhat soggy note. "Great the ink is running." Run the ink did. It ran right off the paper and onto Bliss' forearm, forming a runic circle around her no longer sleek forearm muscle. "Do I poke it?"

Bliss poked it.

"Hello." An image of the voodoo lady appeared within the tattoo on Bliss' arm. "I hope you enjoyed getting your powers back. I enjoyed it when you let me have them too. Now, as long as I have them, you keep yours-"

"Who cares? You can do bad things to New Orleans. I guarantee you no one will tell any difference!"

"So, leave me be, and we're all square. You can keep the kid." The tattoo on Bliss' arm turned back into a runic two pyramids with circles wedged between the apex conjoining them.

"She' still here!" Bliss looked over to Lil' Bliss. "You're still here! I don't want you here!"

Lil' Bliss grabbed on to Madeline and tried to wedge herself behind the demon. "I wanna go home."

"No you don't. Your home sucks." Bliss began forming up a ball of ice in her hand. "This is cool. Catch Madeline." Her telekinetic push threw the ball of ice into Madeline's chest, hoping to knock the demon off her feet. Karma pretty much dictated Madeline did something to deserve it.


Mitsy's Boutique


A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline) - Page 2 D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline)

Post by Queen of Arcadia October 7th 2016, 4:45 am

Madeline rolled her eyes at the younger Bliss this whole night seemed to be one big bust. Her buzz died a long time ago and soon with it her enthusiasm for poking around in Bliss’ memories committed suicide. The fact that everything led to this moment, just so Bliss could inject herself with a mysterious serum all in an attempt to get some lost powers back, made Madeline groan slightly in annoyance at Bliss’ humor. The demon goddess didn’t even bat a lash as the younger Bliss began to turn an awkward shade of blue. “You know I could have given you powers to right? Now where the hell is this shitty fortuneteller so we can get out of here. Place is depressing.”

No sooner did Madeline speak, the dreamscape around them began to fade away. As Bliss picked herself off the ground a small trail of ice was left behind, a note seemed trapped just beneath the surface. Madeline wrinkled her noise in disgust, she hated the cold, and just seeing ice was enough to make her want to punch something or someone. The telekinetic blast that followed Bliss’ rise, sent a chilled blast of air surging through the room, causing the demon queen to let out a small shudder.

As Bliss lifted the freed piece of paper from its icy confines the link began to run making the note scribbled on it nearly illegible. Just when things couldn’t get any weird, the ink leaked off the page and onto Bliss’ arm forming a strange marking. “At this point I don’t know why you keep asking me for advice when you’re going to do whatever you want anyway.” She said. And no sooner did Madeline finish speaking, Bliss reached up and poked the marking on her arm. This prompted Madeline to slap her hand against her thigh in irritation. “Point proven!”

The mysterious fortuneteller’s voice began to echo through the room once more, though Madeline couldn’t quite pinpoint where the voice was coming from. It wasn’t till the younger Bliss began to talk back that Madeline noticed Bliss’ gaze was locked on the strange marking. “So in other words you primarily just used us to get your hands on some crappy ice powers? You’ve got some extremely low standards.” Madeline said as she approached the younger Bliss from behind.

After the conversation between the younger Bliss and the fortuneteller wrapped up, a small voice spoke out from behind the two. Despite being back to what seemed like normal, kid Bliss seemed to have crossed over with them. Madeline spun around and walked over to the worried child. “I hate to break it to ya kid, but it seems like your stuck with us.”

The fiery redhead didn’t even have a chance to turn around and respond to young Bliss before the ice ball collided with the back of her head, sending chills down her spine. It was a good thing she was durable otherwise the force she was exerting by clenching her teeth would have most likely shattered them. She rose up from her crouched position, cracking her neck several times on the way up, before spinning around. “Cute.” she said before flaring up a fireball in her hand.

The Characters
Queen of Arcadia
Queen of Arcadia
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "I'm the devil, damnation dignified."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 130
Registration date : 2015-07-23

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A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline)

Post by Bliss October 7th 2016, 5:19 pm

Just like the assumption Bliss put together, with not killing Madeline (which probably was not what Bliss aimed for), it meant Madeline wanted to retaliate with fire. Bliss knew how to counter this perfectly. She grabbed Lil' Bliss. "Woah, calm down Madeline. Can we be a little mature about this? There's a kid here. Sheesh."

Lil' Bliss tried to get out her older self's grip to no avail. "Can I go home now..."

"You're never going home. I don't know how to send you home, and it's not high on my priority list, and to be honest, I'm saving you a lot of trouble. You think I just got to be like this? No. Shit happened to me."

"You shouldn't say swears..."

"We can go home and you can have sugar. I hated not having sugar as a kid. Then you study. A lot. I'm making you learn violin too. And you tell people I'm your sister. Got it?" Bliss looked up to Madeline. Physically of course. Bliss could not have a worse opinion of Madeline if Madeline showed up and mocked her after an underwater king captured her. "Hey Madeline. I need a demon portal thing. Anywhere that isn't New Orleans is cool, but I'm thinking-"


"We're not going to Nebraska. My parents are dead. Guess what. That means your parents are dead. Now, Madeline-" The cries from Lil' Bliss began drowning out any semblance of conversation from Bliss. "Now, Madeline, I need to get back to California. Do demon portals go there? What am I saying, of course they do."

The cries from Lil' Bliss finally pulled Bliss down to the smaller level. "Hey. Did you know you have two half sisters? One of them is nice. The other doesn't know what jokes are, but she likes doing the right thing and whatever." After her moment of niceness, Bliss stood back up. "Alright Madeline, let's get this show on the road. Everything here is cool, and it doesn't look like I changed history or whatever in the slightest."


Mitsy's Boutique


A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline) - Page 2 D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline)

Post by Queen of Arcadia October 9th 2016, 4:14 am

A loud sigh escaped Madeline’s lips as Bliss immediately backed down, and soon after, the fire raging in her palm slowly faded. Another sigh and roll of the eyes came out of Madeline’s corner as two Bliss’ bickered amongst themselves. At this point it was hard to tell which of the two was the actual child. The demon goddess shuddered at the thought of Bliss raising her child self and even pitied the small girl, but quickly shrugged it off, after all it really wasn’t Madeline’s problem. “So I’ve been reduced to being the help I see. Alright, but don’t blame me if I open a portal to Oakland and kick you both through it.” She partially joked as she stepped away from the Bliss’

She’d be lying to herself if the thought didn’t cross her mind as a way to get back at Bliss for slinging a snow ball at her, but she couldn’t be that cruel to the child version of her friend. Still the actual location of the portal was entirely left up to Madeline seeing as how the older Bliss hadn’t quite been specific as to where in California she wanted to go. The demon goddess stood in silence for a few moments thinking of where exactly she should port them to. Finally, after several minutes there was really only one obvious choice, Los Angeles.

Madeline turned back to the two Bliss’ after finally deciding on their destination. She slowly approached them. “Alrighty, you know the drill.” She said as she drew closer to Bliss and kid Bliss. Once she was in position, she crouched down so she’d be eye level with kid Bliss. She offered up her metal hand to the small child and gave her the best smile of comfort she could. “Hold on tight kid, were going on a little trip. This one will be much more fun than the others I promise.”

Once kid Bliss felt comfortable enough to hold Madeline’s hand, and with the other Bliss’ hand on the demon queens shoulder they were ready to go. Madeline shot the girl a quick wink as a heads up before the trio was suddenly whisked away from the fortuneteller’s shop and right onto the streets of downtown LA.

The Characters
Queen of Arcadia
Queen of Arcadia
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "I'm the devil, damnation dignified."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 130
Registration date : 2015-07-23

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A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline)

Post by Bliss October 10th 2016, 9:21 pm

"I'm pretty sure Oakland would love me just fine." Probably not. Almost certainly not. "If I go to Oakland, I just start walking until I can't smell it anymore, and I know I'm in San Francisco." Certainly not. "Yeah, yeah, I got it, hold hands and think happy thoughts."

Lil' Bliss took hold of Bliss' hand. "I'm going to think about my last birthday-"

"I wasn't actually serious about- wait how old are you?"

"Eight. Momma made-"

"Okay, that was a good birthday party. Everyone was surprisingly happy. Okay we are thinking happy thoughts this time."
For a moment, Bliss allowed herself a brief smile. She then thought of her dad and it all went away.

"What's that smell." Lil' Bliss brought her hand up to her nose, breaking her grip from Bliss.

Taking an instinctive role, Bliss grabbed the hand of her little incarnation. "You stay here. No, wait- Madeline, can we please, pretty please with sprinkles on top go to a more livable, less fake part of this terrible state."

"Somewhere less smelly." The obstructed nasal passage lowered Lil' Bliss' voice from the one hand she kept pinching the bridge of her nose.

"She's right. Somewhere far less smelly. Alright, think happy thoughts. Hand holding time."
Bliss stretched out to try and grab hold of Madeline's hand.


Mitsy's Boutique


A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline) - Page 2 D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline)

Post by Queen of Arcadia October 12th 2016, 4:11 am

*This isn’t Los Angeles!* Madeline thought to herself as she glanced around at her environment. It indeed wasn’t LA, it was Oakland. Madeline sat silently for a moment trying to figure out where things went wrong. She silently debated with herself as the thought of Oakland had crossed her mind, but it wasn’t where she wanted to go. Quite the opposite in fact. What could have possibly gone wrong. *Where did things go wrong?* She continued to ponder.  Madeline let out a roar of frustration, her fists clenched tight. The demon queen was so angry should could punch a small child.

She turned around to face the Bliss’ who were equally displeased with their drop off point. “You know if you would have used that monumentally loud mouth of yours, and actually gave me a destination we wouldn’t be in this mess.”

Madeline took a few deep breaths to compose herself, she was visibly frustrated with the fact that the teleport was off, and not knowing the cause was irritating in its own right. The situation wouldn’t get any easier, knowing Bliss, she’d mouth off with some witty comeback. The demon goddess massaged the bridge of her nose as she tried to get a firm grip on the situation. “You said something earlier about San Fran right? Guess we’ll try going there next.”

“Hopefully we don’t end up in a volcano this time.” she mumbled to herself as she approached Bliss and Kid Bliss. After reaching the two, Madeline made it her point to stand as far away from Bliss as possible, just thinking about her icy touch was enough to make the Arcadian queen shiver in her boots. “Ok this time we’ll each hold one of the kids hands. Last thing I need is to get frost bite.”

Once the trio was settled again Madeline gave a snap of her metal fingers and they were whisked away once more.

The Characters
Queen of Arcadia
Queen of Arcadia
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "I'm the devil, damnation dignified."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 130
Registration date : 2015-07-23

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A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline)

Post by Bliss November 28th 2016, 3:05 am

Bliss crossed her arms in frustration, anger, annoyance, paranoia, to prevent from getting cold, and because it felt like the Bliss thing to do at the moment. A strand of hair fell under the siege of a gust blowing through her hair. The first attempt to conjure a matching gale force failed to move the loose strand. The second fell closer to her nose. Finally, Bliss placed the strand behind her ear.

"Can we go to Disney World?" Lil' Bliss let go of Bliss' hand and moved closer to Madeline.

"You are about to get punched in the face right now! You know that right?" A few odd glances passed over Bliss. Lil' Bliss' offered no odd glance.

"I don't want her to come though." Lil' Bliss hid behind Madeline. "You can come though."

"You'd rather hang out with a demon than me? That's your choice? Wow, awesome choice." Invading Madeline's personal space to hit Lil' Bliss would probably invoke the wrath of the demon queen. "I'm pretty sure I could take you in a fight, like straight up, but I'm not going to. You're welcome. And why is no one asking me how I am? I went through time and had weird stuff happen. Just cause no one tied me to railroad tracks doesn't mean I'm not- you know what, fine, okay. Cool." Bliss crossed her arms for a moment, grinding her back tooth.

Lil' Bliss stepped out from behind Madeline and offered Bliss her hand.

Bliss reached her arm out and grabbed her smaller counterparts hand. "My warehouse in Palo Alto please."


Mitsy's Boutique


A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline) - Page 2 D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline)

Post by Queen of Arcadia November 28th 2016, 11:49 pm

A loud sigh broke out as Madeline’s attempt at teleporting the trio out of Oakland was interrupted by Kid Bliss speaking up.

Madeline’s disposition seemed to lighten up as Bliss’ smaller counterpart joined Madeline’s side. The demon goddess crouched down to be eye level with the little girl and flashed her a smile. “A theme park sounds like a nice place to visit.” She said before rising back to her feat as the Bliss she was more familiar with, began to speak. The words pouring from the ice queens mouth were nothing more than a plea for pity, despite being the one responsible for undergoing the change she was now stuck with.

“I don’t see how getting sucked into your memories requires an apology from me. Not like I asked to be dragged through your crummy past. You really need to get out more.”

Madeline couldn’t help but let loose a small giggle as the older Bliss folded her arms and gritted her teeth. If it wasn’t for the obvious differences between the two Bliss’ it would have been hard to figure out which one was the child. Amidst the banter between the icy Bliss and Madeline, kid Bliss had moved in between the two adults and held her hands out. Waiting till the older Bliss reached out for her younger half’s hand, Madeline followed suit, thus completing the makeshift chain of people.

Bliss tried to give Madeline a new location to transport the group to, but the demon goddess had other plans, and soon a sly smile appeared on her face. Before anyone could even blink the trio was transported right into the heart of Disney World, and one of its many festive parades. The mascots did their best to dance around the trio but it was only a matter of time till one of the costumed staffers collided with the immovable object that was the demon queen of Arcadia.

Rubbing the back of her head, Madeline let out a playful laugh as she towered over the poor, lowly person in an Eeyore costume. “Sorry bout that. Teleporting can be a bit tricking when going to places you’ve never been to before.” The Demon Queen’s unusual playful behavior being done for the sake of kid Bliss.

The Characters
Queen of Arcadia
Queen of Arcadia
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "I'm the devil, damnation dignified."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 130
Registration date : 2015-07-23

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A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline)

Post by Bliss December 1st 2016, 3:07 am

"Oh my goddamn!" Bliss threw Lil' Bliss hand away from her as Doopey moved past her with his hands on his face, trying to make light of the trespass. "I don't want to go to Disney World when I want to go to Disney World. Now this little- okay, fine." While the parade continued around, Bliss lowered herself and laid on the ground.

"It's so great! The Seven Dwarves! Looks Maddie! Dwarves!" A brochure blew by Lil' Bliss, prompting her to pick it up and look through the map. "Hey! We can go to Splash Mountain. There's a squirrel in there. I think it's where the Yippidee DoDa song is from." The voice of confidence and composure from Lil' Bliss almost compared perfectly to the voice Bliss would use when describing any technological break through. "I think I can plan out our schedule perfectly. That way, we can see all the rides based on the time the lines will be the shortest. It will save us a lot of time."

"Am dead." Still flat on her back, the voice of Bliss rose. "I'm dying ironically. I will only not be ironic dead when I go back to Palo Alto. Until then, am dead."


Mitsy's Boutique


A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline) - Page 2 D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline)

Post by Queen of Arcadia December 2nd 2016, 7:41 pm

While lil’ Bliss was in awe and amazement with the parade going on around them, Madeline found her own amusement in older Bliss’ suffering. A small chuckle escaped her mouth as she watched the angst well up from within her friend. Despite the brief interruption by the trio’s arrival, the parade continued to march on around them. They were surrounded by the Disney pantheon of characters, princesses, princes, villains and sidekicks. Kid Bliss seemed to be beyond excited and was having a blast with the whole thing as she called out all the different characters to Madeline.

The fiery redhead almost blended in with the colorful cast of characters and costumes, leaving many people in the crowds lining the street if she was some unannounced new character or something. The demon goddess took the time to bask in the fake glory while lil Bliss tried to come up with some sort of itinerary for them and the older Bliss huddled on the ground waiting for her life to end out. Kid Bliss’ idea of making a plan to get on rides quicker was met with a loud snort from the demon queen who promptly picked the small child up and placed the girl on her shoulders, before picking up the older Bliss of the ground and dragging her through the parade and the crowd of people gathered at roadside.

“Plans are boring, you don’t want to be boring, do you? Of course, you don’t, I mean hell, look at the older you. That’s what you have to look forward to if you keep being such a dork.” Madeline said, slightly looking up at lil’ Bliss then back to older Bliss, just to stick her tongue out at her.

The look of sheer suffering and annoyance made this trip to Disney world all that more amusing for the demon queen, and she wasn’t about to let Bliss off the hook, after being dragged through her past. “Ya’ll need to liven up. I thought my subjects were stiffs. Come on live a little!” She said, giving the older Bliss a rough pat on the back.

Madeline’s amber eyes lit up when she heard the sound of a shanty break out over the buzzing crowd of people around them. She came to an abrupt stop and stood up on her tippy toes doing her best to maintain her balance with lil’ Bliss on her back, all in an effort to see where such lively music was coming from. Off to the right was an old style Spanish building with a worn ship mast in front of it that read “Pirates of the Caribbean”.
“Let’s hit up that pirate ride first, what do ya say?” The demon goddess asked, thought she somehow sounded more like a child begging her parents for approval.

The Characters
Queen of Arcadia
Queen of Arcadia
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "I'm the devil, damnation dignified."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 130
Registration date : 2015-07-23

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A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline)

Post by Bliss December 3rd 2016, 4:38 am

"But, without plans, we can't-" Lil' Bliss began shaking as her knees started to bend. "When will we have time to get everything right? I don't want everything to go wrong. It has to be right. It has to." Two little arms wrapped around Lil' Bliss' torso to aid some stability. "It's not dorky. I'm not dorky." A glossy tint began to form in Lil' Bliss' eyes as her breathing picked up.

"Oh for shit sake." Death turned back to life with the emergence of Bliss back to the street. "She's having an anxiety attack right now because you aren't letting her know every single moment is planned out, so at any time- oh you're right, it is Pirates of the Caribbean. Stop crying nutcase, we're going to see Pirates." Bliss reached out and grabbed Lil' Bliss by the hand, pulling her along as the trio made their way towards the attraction.


Mitsy's Boutique


A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline) - Page 2 D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline)

Post by Queen of Arcadia December 4th 2016, 10:15 pm

The sound of Madeline face palming couldn’t have been any louder. The sickening thud of her metal palm colliding with her face echoed throughout the surrounding area. If Madeline had hit herself any harder she probably would have forced her hand through her head. “Are you serious right now? A panic attack? People get those? You get those? You guys really are wound to tight.” The demon goddess said before Bliss snatched the little girl by the hand and began to drag her over to the rides entrance.

The line to get on the infamous pirate themed ride reached just outside the quaint Spanish style building. It was a sight that seemed to stoke the anxiety in lil Bliss a little more, but what the child was unaware of, was that the trio had a secret weapon to deal with the long lines. Madeline crouched down next to the girl, who was still trying to get over her mini panic attack. “Relax kiddo. Where going to have all the time in the world to get on every ride and see the whole park. Just watch.”

With that the demon queen rose up and tapped the person in line in front of them on the shoulder. After sweet talking them for a few seconds, the person let them take their spot. Madeline continued to do this till her and the two Bliss’ were at the front of the line. Madeline took the front seat while the two Bliss’ sat next to each other in the second row. As the demon queen planted her behind on the hard plastic bench she was instructed by the ride operator to fasten the seatbelt to which Madeline laughed and ordered the man to start the ride.

Under the demon goddess’ control the young blonde turned away from the boat-like cart and pushed the button to get the ride started. Madeline immediately leapt to her feet, planting one foot on the ridge of the boat and pointing her right hand forward. With a flash of red light a pirated cutlass appeared in Madeline’s hand, before abruptly breaking out into song, singing along with the shanty that played over the rides PA system.

The Characters
Queen of Arcadia
Queen of Arcadia
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "I'm the devil, damnation dignified."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 130
Registration date : 2015-07-23

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A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline)

Post by Bliss December 6th 2016, 3:17 am

Oh cool, Madeline can talk to people. How super fantastic. Every step they took forward came with a glare from the cross armed Bliss at the poor smuch whom Madeline tricked out of their place in line. Lil' Bliss began breathing more normal, giving her trust to the demon whom seemed more of a safe sort with every passing minute.

Lil' Bliss tried crawling next to Madeline, but the demonspreading filled the seat with no room for the little companion. The seat belts snapped, fastening Lil' Bliss and Bliss into their respective seats, with Bliss refusing to make eye contact with her smaller self. With no contact from Bliss, Lil' Bliss instead looked to Madeline, standing on the bow of he ship as they cast off. "NO! That's not safe! It's against the rules! She's gonna fall! She's gonna fall!"

"Shut up already. Do you want to be the first person to actually walk the plank on this ride?" Bliss dipped her hand into the water, letting frozen shards begin to form. "Hey Madeline, remember the part of Pirates where they hit an iceberg? Yeah, me neither, so this next part is going to be pretty weird."

A small addition rose from the side of the cart. "I don't remember that part either."

Bliss threw her head so far back in physical rebuttal to Lil' Bliss it might as well of been wearing acid stained jeans. "Oh shut up, your parents don't let you watch movies til you turn thirteen and send angry notes to your teachers when they show you Beauty and the Beast in class when you're nine."

"I get to watch Beauty and the Beast!" A glow rose from Lil' Bliss' face.

The stern brow of Bliss looked away from the manageable size of the iceberg she began creating to gaze down at Lil' Bliss. "What part of 'we traveled through time to a new dimension' are you not understanding? Woah, that's a pretty big iceberg we're about to hit!"

Bliss uses make an iceberg! It's super effective!

Way more super than Bliss planned on making it!

If it can even be blamed on Bliss!


Mitsy's Boutique


A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline) - Page 2 D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Little Voodoo (Clover/Madeline)

Post by Queen of Arcadia December 8th 2016, 4:44 am

Madeline was to enthralled with the pirate shanty to pay any heed to the conversation going on behind her, even if she was included in it. She joyfully swung her upper body from side to side, slightly rocking the makeshift boat. It was a good thing the ride was on a track otherwise the demon goddess might have tipped the whole thing over by now. All the joy and glee on Madeline’s face faded into an abyss of annoyance and bitterness as the temperature drastically took a nose dive. Her head reared around slowly stopping once she had made eye contact with the older of the two Bliss’.

If the two women didn’t some form of friendship not matter how defunct it was, the demon queen might have actually used the cutlass she had in her hand. The fiery redhead showed restraint however and sheathed the blade by dispelling it. The amber orbs for iris’ glowed brightly in the dark confines of the ride. Madeline’s eyes fell from Bliss’ face and trailed down her body, stopping when she noticed the frost covered hand sitting in the water.

Madeline’s head snapped back around, noticing the large iceberg that had formed alongside the cart. The frozen abomination continued to grow in size, not doubt due to Bliss’ lack of concentration, then in one final push the iceberg collided with the boat. The sudden and abrupt stop knocked Madeline off balance. Luckily for her, she was quick on her feet, and she could fly to! She took a small tumble off the boat, before regaining her balance and coming to a graceful float next to the two Bliss’.

Her amber colored eyes once again fell upon the older Bliss. “Hey Elsa! Whatever’s got you wound so tight, you need to let it go!” she said with a rather large grin, far too proud of her terrible wordplay. “I knew I should have dropped you off in a volcano somewhere.”

The Characters
Queen of Arcadia
Queen of Arcadia
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "I'm the devil, damnation dignified."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 130
Registration date : 2015-07-23

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