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Avery Demos

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Avery Demos  Empty Avery Demos

Post by Doc May 10th 2016, 12:09 am

"The world is full of pleasures, and I'm going to find them all"

Personal Information
Real Name: Avery Demos
Alias N/A
Title: The Horned God
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Homo Maleficus (Sorcerer)
Citizenship: American
Hair: Black
Skin: Caucasian
Eyes: Blue
Blood Type: AB+
Height: 5'5"/165 cm
Weight: 55kg/117 lbs
Known Family Members:

Physical Appearance & Physiology:

Avery is an individualist in every respect. He values his own liberty, but does not strive to protect others' freedom. He avoids authority, hates restrictions, and challenges traditions; he disrupts organizations as a part of a campaign of anarchy, but by simply being.

As a victim to his own whims, he often does things simply because he can, and often times can lead to trouble. Despite this, Avery has a distinct discipline towards what he does, and gives it his 100%. When he loves, he loves completely; when he eats, he enjoys like it was his last; and he takes this attitude with him in any walk of life.

Avery is, easiest to say, a special kind of coward. While he is willing to drop a fight if it was not going in his favour, he is also one to provoke even the gods with his attitude. He keeps promises for as long as it benefits him, and is not afraid to lie if he has to.

Born of an orgy in a secret society of witches, Avery never knew his real origins; even his mother abandoned him after his birth. Like spartans, the witches valued physical perfection, and saw Avery's growing horns to be an imperfection. Lined to be cast down from a cliffside by his mother, Avery's first moments in the world were soon the be his last.

It was at this time that Avery's cries were answered.

Within Avery, a great power grew, and unleashed itself. From the forest surrounding the coven, the animals emerged; from the largest stag to the smallest lark, they surrounded the coven. To the dismay of the witches, Avery's body housed the power of a great forest spirit, and his brush with death allowed the spirit to awaken long before it was meant to. In fear of what may happen, the witches allowed Avery to live, and eventually gave control to him. In that secluded society, Avery knew many pleasures, and grew into a role of worship among them.

However, Avery grew bored after so many years, and set out towards the outside world to explore the boundless pleasures the world had to offer.  

Powers and Abilities

Faunus: Avery is imbued with the supernatural power to control animals.

  • Animal Manipulation: Avery is capable of dominating the minds of animals through their connection with the world itself. All animals (Including humans, with permission for PCs and important NPCs), except for Dogs, are completely dominated by Avery's power, and actively protect him without his direct influence. With directed thoughts, Avery is capable of directing animal movements to complex strategies at his choosing.

  • Animal Transformation: Avery is capable of transforming animals to fit his purposes. From a small bug, he can create a giant one. Avery's control over animals is so great, he can transform animals into completely different ones, even extinct ones, should he choose to. (Can do this to humans as well, with permission from PCs and important NPCs)

  • Animal Communication: Avery is capable of experiencing the world through the senses of animals. He is capable of seeing through the eyes of a hawk, smelling through the nose of a bear, or hear with the ears of a bat. With this, they can act as a surveillance system in any way he desires.

Connection Backlash: When connected to animals through their senses, Avery is capable of experiencing their pain as well. While the difference scales somewhat (a bug dying is a mild inconvenience, while a wolf dying is painful), each sensation can come back to him at poor times and lead to negative effects for a short period of time.

Dogs: Canis Lupis Familiaris are completely immune to Avery's powers. The distinction is that Dogs are immune to his powers, but Wolves are not.

Horns: Avery's horns are the source of his powers over animals, intense damage to these horns would cause him to become powerless.
Physical Priority
1. Reaction
2. Agility
3. Endurance
4. Strength
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 103
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-01-25

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Avery Demos  Empty Re: Avery Demos

Post by Hyperion May 10th 2016, 5:44 am

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 423
Registration date : 2011-05-24

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