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The rain drops keep on falling on my head [Wic-Kid]

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The rain drops keep on falling on my head [Wic-Kid] Empty The rain drops keep on falling on my head [Wic-Kid]

Post by Shael Atterrius September 13th 2015, 5:21 pm

The rain falling over Chicago that day was almost oppressive really, hammering down on everything unfortunate enough to exist under it. One such unfortunate individual was Sebastian, as he held a small plastic umbrella he had pinched from someone who did not exactly need it at the moment. These droplets trickled down the side of the clear covering, the only thing that separated him from being completely drenched. Not that he was completely protected from the rain but it sure as hell was better than nothing really. people around him were moving at slightly faster paces, all of them acting as if they were trying to get somewhere within their lives. Might have also been the whole rain falling down on them, but then again not like he was a mind reader. Just the thought of being a mind reader sounded fun, however then he would have to hear everyone's crappy thoughts.

That was not as fun, so he let the thought go wherever stray thoughts went when they weren't wanted anymore. The week itself had been tumultuous really, full of people trying to kill him for one reason or another. It was almost like he had just stepped on the toes of everyone small gang within...well the span of Chicago and even New York. There were even some of the gangs with stranger names coming after him, though in the end they needed to send some better enforcers to actually get him. All he found himself being attacked by was a bunch of incompetent enforcers that knew nothing about the person they were going after. Running away was after all one of his strong suits, and they were not very good at the whole chasing thing. Not quite dressed for the rain, he was wearing a white wife beater and a pair of slightly worn blue jeans with equally worn converse as far as shoes went.

"Leave it to the weather forecast to be wrong. Explains why I never listen to them." He noted to himself in a tone that didn't really suggest annoyance, though the words sounded like they could have come from someone that was.  A few beads of water descending from on high would get through his invisible defenses and blat into his face, some of them trying to weasel their ways into his eyes which blinked them away quickly. Honestly, he was fine with the rain but he wasn't really in the mood to go frolicking about in the rain. Night was also beginning to fall over the city, and with the rain so heavy he expected a few lights to end up shining in his face.  That was when his attention fell upon something, someone walking past him.  

They looked to be a cop, all dressed in dark blue and with weapon visible within it's little holster. Just being around cops made him feel uncomfortable, but then again they did have a way of arresting him often. Ducking under one of those bus stops, he let the umbrella fold up before setting it at his side. There was a feeling in the pit of his stomach someone was watching him, but then again that was an easily ignored feeling.
Shael Atterrius
Shael Atterrius
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The rain drops keep on falling on my head [Wic-Kid] Empty Re: The rain drops keep on falling on my head [Wic-Kid]

Post by Wic-Kid September 15th 2015, 12:49 am

Chicago was such a wonderful city from what they could tell. The dark clouds looming overhead all the while water invaded the earth, washing it clean and assailing everything that would normally have been under the sun. The lithe figure sat, legs crossed as they dangled over a building, looking down at the world below. A smile came across their face as they gave a small "omph" and propelled themselves off the side of the building. With just a little skill they managed to turn themselves and latch onto the fire escape railing, allowing them to pull themselves up, bring their boots up and press off of it into a skillful backflip. After doing this they actually managed to time their flip and angle themselves perfectly to be able to press off of the parallel building and then land on the top of a trash can with a loud thud. Serenaded by rusty squeaks and the footsteps of hollow metallic dumpster, Wic-Kid strode forward, ducking down, planting a hand into the ground, legs in the air before gracefully falling over the side and landing on their feet, a big smile on their face as they stepped forward.

      There was something beautiful about the rain. It actually managed to dumbfound Wic-Kid how humans couldn't believe in magic when they were surrounded by it. It could be found everywhere, from the gentle breeze to watching the headlights of cars dance in the streams of water as fi they had no cares in the world. No Wic-Kid wasn't on the moment, and they were perfectly sound of mind. They were just totally enraptured by the world and the mystic beauty of such little things that other mere mortals missed. The simplest little how the overcast and darkness still somehow had enough light to make the world look like day had barely broken. The darkness of the wee hours extended into the day like this, and there was a beauty in all things Wic-kid saw. The occasional glow of orange produced form a cigarette, or the patter of the rain throughout the city. Even the chill of the air was something that all but exhillerated them.

  This world was something else. Even if this city sucked, the world that it was in was beyond words really. How much of their life had they lost in Asylum? That was a ticker there. The rain actually brought something to Wic-Kid's mind after a moment. Their hat was getting wet, even wet enough that it was too difficult to access it's magical properties. They really didn't mind though, it wasn't like they were looking for trouble today. Their eye shadow was on as they took off their hat and flipped it out, sending beads of water out like a shotgun's shot. The beads collided with the ground, ripples upon ripples colliding in the puddle. Folding over the long hat's "tail" into a small roll, Wic used the buckle and unlaced it, then tying it all together and letting the hat cling on their back.

Long brown hair dropped back as shadow still covered their eyes. They reached into their pocket and took out a pair of rather expensive looking sunglasses and walked down the street, finally stepping in and sitting down at a little covered bench, waiting for the bus. Wic-Kid really didn't want to go home. Unfortunately they could only go so long in skinny jeans and their "mommy's little princess" or whatever leather jacket before they needed to go back to home base. In the rain the portal wouldn't it was by money and by bus then.

  Now all they had to do was close their eyes, lean back and take in a deep breath. If nothing else their mom was right about one thing. True magics are hidden in the simplest things, untouched by any and all powers of man.

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The rain drops keep on falling on my head [Wic-Kid] Empty Re: The rain drops keep on falling on my head [Wic-Kid]

Post by Shael Atterrius September 15th 2015, 5:24 pm

Waiting was an annoyance, but then again he had to wait if he wanted to catch the bus. Buses were cool, even if they tended to smell of the myriad of sweaty people that rode them daily to the point that...well he also tended to avoid them usually. The only reason he was riding one now would have been a whim more than anything, and if anyone knew him then they would know he was prone to following these whims from time to time. On one side of him was a rather heavy set woman in a thick coat, someone that he found hard not to rudely stare out if only because that made him wonder how someone could have four chins. Did they rise from the endless void to take resident on the person's chin or was it something else. In the end he couldn't help but just stare almost in silent awe at the semi-grotesque sight.

The mental question of how she actually moved around was something that begged to be asked, but he ended up finding a slightly more interesting sight to turn his attention from the beached whale. A slightly familiar face ended up sitting next to him, granted they weren't wearing that hat of theirs like last time. Well there was a lack of hats being worn but also the fact that he noticed their eye shadow was somehow not messed up in the weather. Considering they did not have any sort of way to protect that make up from the rain, either it was waterproof or they somehow had magic eyeshadow. Magic eyeshadow did sound cool, but then again he didn't really have any need for it really. Granted he could not tell if they were wearing any eye shadow, but then again that was all guessing considering there wasn't anything running down their faces either. Runaway thoughts aside, well he mind as well get to the talking portion of the post.

"Small city, huh?" He spoke up with a smirk turning his head slightly to Wic-Kid to make sure he was talking to them rather than whoever it was sitting on his otherside. Wearing sunglasses as well when it wasn't even really bright, that made him wonder why. If they were wearing sunglasses at night, well that would have made him come to the conclusion they were an asshole. "Fancy meetin you here....again."
Shael Atterrius
Shael Atterrius
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The rain drops keep on falling on my head [Wic-Kid] Empty Re: The rain drops keep on falling on my head [Wic-Kid]

Post by Wic-Kid September 15th 2015, 10:43 pm

Wic had kept to themselves for the most part, though entirely blonde when it came to the individual talking to them. It really wasn't like Wic-Kid to remember people who were in costume. Then again it wasn't like they had been in that much of a costume last time they met. Wic looked visibly confused for a moment as they scanned the archives of their mind in order to recall the fact this very person had been present in dealing with the gang punks that one night. It was Wic, this guy and Sparky who met that night. Wic's confused and slightly agape mouth turned into a bright wide smile before two words slipped from their mouth. "Slim Shady." the light tone followed with them nodding and giggling a little.

"Yeah, fancy meeting you here too. Any trouble coming your way this time?" Wic sort of smiled, it was they only thing they could do to try and make this situation a little less creepy. Thankfully they had the sunglasses to keep their eye shadow mostly protected from the rain; however they could faintly feel the perspiration starting to muddle it a bit. They'd need to reapply it sooner rather than later. Of course they had to snap their attention back to the guy who noticed them and struck up conversation. The choice of conversation was rather sparse for them at the moment though. They weren't exactly used to talking to people very casually.

"Yeah, unfortunately the rain puts a damper on my transportation. So I'm takin' the bus... Won't complain though. I like the rain." They said almost partially absently as they listened and waited for their unknown "friend" to talk again or say something to help carry this on.

The rain drops keep on falling on my head [Wic-Kid] Wic-si10
"Between the Dementia and Mania is a small dark tear. A terrible, horrible place called Reality where everyone has forgotten how bright and blissful the world really is."

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Registration date : 2015-08-03

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The rain drops keep on falling on my head [Wic-Kid] Empty Re: The rain drops keep on falling on my head [Wic-Kid]

Post by Shael Atterrius September 16th 2015, 7:01 pm

Honestly he hadn't quite expected them to remember him, if only because they had met briefly and at the time there was a lot going on that probably made remembering difficult. He wasn't really expecting them to remember him but it only took a few seconds for them to call him by the little nickname they had thought up for him. As for why Slim Shady, now that was a great question, but then again it may have just been how he was dressed. Yeah, that made some sense minus the fact he wasn't a blonde white boy trying to rap. The tone they used was light, and then there was giggling that sounded more like it would come from one of those anime girls, which this person didn't look like. They were totally missing the hair that looked like they religiously dyed it crazy colors.  

"No trouble that I foresee. Unless it's trouble I'm not aware of, then yeah probably." Not as if he could tell the future and people tended to come out of nowhere when they wanted to mess with him. Sebastian shrugged, looking up at the black clouds that were gathering over Chicago, releasing their payload of rain down on everyone and everything. Part of him wondered why they were taking the bus, but then again they managed to answer that question pretty quickly if not somewhat vaguely. His method of transportation was not hampered by rain really, but then again that did not always mean he was willing to stand around in the rain like a jackass waiting to get wet. Clothing getting so soaked that it stuck to him was an annoying feeling really.

"Wow, now that sucks." He noted with a soft chuckle. If rain was something that could stop them from doing whatever transportation they did, well that just meant rainy days were not their day. "Well that's probably a better reason for taking the bus than what I have anyway. Mine is more of a because I feel like it thing." Whims were pretty much 96% of the reasons that he would do something, maybe even 98% if he were being generous.
Shael Atterrius
Shael Atterrius
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The rain drops keep on falling on my head [Wic-Kid] Empty Re: The rain drops keep on falling on my head [Wic-Kid]

Post by Wic-Kid September 20th 2015, 3:32 pm

"Hey, doing what you want is never a bad thing. It's a good way to live without regrets. If you can get away with not being caught." They said with a smirk added in. They knew all too well how it was to live in a way that was rather different, even going as far as stealing and doing just about whatever they wanted. Getting caught was their biggest regret. Then again prison was fun for the whole twelve hours they were in it. Breaking out was the more fun activity there. You met a lot of interesting characters in prison though. You haven't seen a cat fight until you've been to the penitentiary!

  "Never been on the bus before. First time for everything, right?" Wic asked half-heartedly as they looked to the lights shimmering in the puddles cast upon the black top.  There was literally nothing about this city that Wic could say they hated right now, except for the smell of certain areas. It made Wic wonder if this person next to them had the luck of living in a place like this often. Or was this just a waypoint on their adventures? Probably not. Normal people didn't do the whole adventure thing form what they knew. It took a moment but the bus finally came into view, and all Wic did was wait a moment looking around. They couldn't shake this feeling that there was something of interest that they were missing.

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The rain drops keep on falling on my head [Wic-Kid] Empty Re: The rain drops keep on falling on my head [Wic-Kid]

Post by Shael Atterrius September 23rd 2015, 9:33 pm

Yeah, now there was a philosophy that he could agree with. Living like you wanted was something that Sebastian really followed, though he tended to piss a lot of people of doing so. Not that he really gave a single damn about what people thought. That also tended to piss people off more, but refer to the sentence that had been typed before. Even if the cops managed to arrest him, he tended to break out far too easily. All it took was a little shadow magic and then he was off again to do his own thing. "Eyup. First time for everything." He noted with a small nod, getting that same sensation that he had only a few moment ago.

It was really annoying like someone flicking him in the ear or throwing pebbles at him. One of those may have been a more annoying sensation, but then again they both described what was happening. The light of the bus pulling up flashed across his face and managed to create a small amount of annoyance as he turned his attention towards it. The only thing that could go wrong today was that if the bus...exploded. Okay, it didn't explode but it was suddenly on fire. Buses were not supposed to spontaneously combust, unless of course that was how they were being designed these days. If so, then screaming metal death machines made a lot of sense. Exploding would likely happen within a few seconds really, and so he did the smart thing.

"That's....not supposed to happen." He muttered and made use of that shadow jumping ability. Well, he would try to bring the weird chick with the hat along with him, but in the end it all led up to if they would allow themselves to be brought through. Within the span of a second they would be out of the range of the explosion that resulted, but not the sound of people screaming. "Okay, I would say that’s new but I'm so used to people trying to blow me up by now."
Shael Atterrius
Shael Atterrius
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The rain drops keep on falling on my head [Wic-Kid] Empty Re: The rain drops keep on falling on my head [Wic-Kid]

Post by 月読 October 6th 2015, 11:18 pm

Wic wasn't entirely sure what to expect of today, and there was nothing that could bring them down it would seem. That was of course until the bus that they were waiting to take literally combusted. The worst part about this was the fact Wic didn't know any better. For all they knew there was a reason it decided to signal itself out like a brazier. Wic was actually quite interested to enter this strange vehicle, quite unusual. Granted they didn't know much of the world.

"Hey look at that! We got an awesome bus." Wic said as they pointed out at the bus. Quickly it would seem as though shadows ripped them through the shadow realm. It was cold, dark and static. For a moment time seemed to be still and drowsiness began to creep up on them. They closed their eyes...and then when they opened them again there was the rain to tap against their head. Their vantage point had changed quite a bit, while a large explosion lit up the area and tons of people went around screaming.

"Oh..w-uhm. Wasn't that supposed to happen?" They asked with a slight sense of fear hitting them, their hair standing up on the back of their neck. Wic quickly took out their eye shadow and reapplied it a bit, the rain beginning to wash it away. Drying the area with a sleeve and then tucking it back under the armor, the application process was swift with great effect. Next Wic pressed their Atterrium brim between their thumb and index finger, tracing it down a bit and lowering their knees to a slight crouch.

"This uh...feel awkward to you?"

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The rain drops keep on falling on my head [Wic-Kid] Empty Re: The rain drops keep on falling on my head [Wic-Kid]

Post by Shael Atterrius October 19th 2015, 4:28 pm

Okay exploding bus, why was the bus exploding? Unless Chicago wanted him dead it was likely someone smaller than a city. That brought about more questions and meant he had to think even more than usual, an annoying prospect really but then again people were trying to blow him up. Likely the chick with the preference for with hats would want to know why they had almost been blown up as well, leaving them with similar goals. Something told him that they thought this was a normal occurrence, which seemed pretty strange unless they were living under a rock or whatever. "No, no it wasn't supposed to happen.' Unless of course Chicago was running some kind of suicide bus service he didn't know about. Sounded pretty fucked up but then again it was just something to consider.  

Now that he was out in the rain again, that gave it free reign to fall down on him. Still it was better to be wet than to be burnt alive, because man that would suck. At least from what he knew anyway, because burning did not look like something he would want to happen to him anytime soon. Turning his attention towards the strangely confused whatever they were, he noticed that perhaps their eyeshadow was not as magical as he had originally thought. It was either that or he was seeing things, one of the two anyway. "Awkward is one way of puttin it. I mean not everyday public transportation blows up....I think." Unless you have someone tryin to blow you up...I think that might've been for me. Sebastian pondered before shrugging.
Shael Atterrius
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The rain drops keep on falling on my head [Wic-Kid] Empty Re: The rain drops keep on falling on my head [Wic-Kid]

Post by Wic-Kid January 17th 2016, 3:51 pm

"Oh, it was a gift? Okay. Pretty strange gift to give someone but I'll leave ya to it then. Nice seein' ya slim shady." Wic-Kid said with a little giggle and stepping off, seeming to go look for another way home. The person actually believed that a burning bus was intended as a gift for Espada. What a strange person. As they were on their strut off it would have taken Sebastian actually saying something or some action against the witch before they realized that this involved them as well.

The rain drops keep on falling on my head [Wic-Kid] Wic-si10
"Between the Dementia and Mania is a small dark tear. A terrible, horrible place called Reality where everyone has forgotten how bright and blissful the world really is."

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The rain drops keep on falling on my head [Wic-Kid] Empty Re: The rain drops keep on falling on my head [Wic-Kid]

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