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Rakshasa Empty Rakshasa

Post by Zephyr October 23rd 2015, 4:53 pm

  The Devourer of Men

Basic Biography

  Real Name:  Jaidev Vikramaditya
  Renegade/Villain Name:  Raksha, Rakshasa, Anusa, Atrin
  Title:  the Devourer
  Alignment:  Chaotic Evil
  Age:  approximately 1800 years
  Gender: male
  Race:  Gupta (Indian)
  Hair:  black and yellow
  Eyes:  yellow
  Height:  5' 0"
  Weight:  400 lbs.
  Blood type:  sero-incompatible
The Looks

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The Legacy

Long ago he may have craved the companionship of humans, but now all Rakshasa hungers for is destruction.  His centuries of imprisonment have damaged his already fragile grasp on reality.  He is not mindless, however, possessing a certain low cunning that enables him to evade capture and lay traps.

Rakshasa speaks a language that is dead in the modern world and would have difficulty communicating with people if he even desired to.  Someone versed in Ancient Sanskrit might be able to understand or be understood by him.

Jaidev was born to an upper caste family during the Gupta Dynasty in ancient India.  He was one of the earliest meta-humans to emerge in the world and his unnatural appearance was regarded with horror by the people of his town.  To save him, his mother fled to the hills with her deformed baby.  She raised him in secrecy, far from civilization.

 Jaidev's mother always led Jaidev to believe that he would one day be welcomed into human society.  She trained him in the fine arts of reading, dance, and poetry so that he could reclaim his rightful place among humankind.  She told him that others would see beyond his deformities and accept him for who he was.  She was wrong.
 When Jaidev was a teenager his desire for human contact became too great.  One morning he slipped away from his mother's watchful eye and made his way to a nearby village.  Confident that he had learned the ways of society well, he strolled right into the center of town.  
 The villagers reacted to his hideous appearance with terror.  They pelted Jaidev with stones and chased him back to the primitive hut he shared with his mother.  In the ensuing siege, the hut burned to the ground, killing Jaidev's mother.  
 The grief at the loss of his mother and the bitterness at the reaction of the villagers caused Jaidev's mind to snap.  He slew his tormenters then returned to their village and killed everyone he could find there.  Afterwards he fled into the wild.  For years he lived at the edge of civilization, preying on lone humans or sneaking into their villages at night and stealing children to devour.  He became a beast of legend, called "demon" by men.
 Finally a champion set forth to vanquish this demon, this rakshasa, once and for all.  He chased Rakshasa across the countryside, driving him into the mountains.  There a clan of air elementals, known as the Vayu, aided the champion in a final battle.
 The champion was killed, but the Vayu managed to imprison Rakshasa.  Due to their vows of non-violence, the Vayu were not able to kill the monster that Jaidev had become.  However, they maintained a vigil over their immortal captive.  
 Now, after centuries of confinement, Rakshasa has finally managed to free himself.  After a short killing spree he has found himself hiding in a cargo ship in Mumbai, bound for a new land and new prey...

The Powers and Weaknesses

  Superhuman Durability:  Rakshasa's unique physiology makes him extremely difficult to kill.  His skin is tough and durable with the consistency of cow hide.  Its strength is more like kevlar, resistant to blunt force trauma and lacerations.  His bones are flexible yet nearly unbreakable -- they can fold in half and rebound to their original shape without snapping.  

 Rapid Healing:  His cells regenerate at an accelerated rate, healing in minutes what would take days for a normal man.  In 30 minutes he could recover from an injury that would incapacitate a human for a month.  This rapid regeneration also means that he doesn't age.

  Ferocious Strength:  His musculature gives Rakshasa the ability to lift several tons and leap incredible distances.  
 Vampiric Strength:  After consuming human flesh or drinking human blood, Rakshasa's strength increases even more.  This is actually a psychological effect, an unconscious manifestation of his meta-gene strength ability.
  Natural Weapons:   Rakshasa is gifted with natural weaponry in the form of claws, horns, and rending teeth.  With his great strength he is able to tear through solid steel with his talons and jaws.
  Mindless Rage:  After being injured or tasting human flesh, Rakshasa goes into a berserk killing fury.  He will seek out and attack the closest person, disregarding danger to himself.  He must kill at least one human or be left alone for an hour before his bloodlust subsides.

  The Hunger:  Rakshasa has acquired a taste for humans.  While he doesn't need to eat people in order to survive, he has developed a psychological dependency.  If several days go by without consuming human flesh, Rakshasa will become obsessed with his craving and will go out of his way to sate it.

  Monstrous Appearance:  Although born of men, Rakshasa has a demonic appearance that makes it impossible for him to blend into a crowd.
  Man Without A Culture:  Rakshasa was born centuries ago to a civilization that is all but gone.  No one alive today speaks the same language or understands the time period he was raised in.  He is more alone today than ever.

  Electrical Vulnerability:   Electrical currents cause Rakshasa's muscles to convulse and lock, using his own strength against him.  The Vayu used this weakness to imprison the raging metahuman for centuries in a continuous storm of lightning.

 Brontophobia:  Rakshasa knows that he can be incapacitated by lightning and he associates loud noises, particularly thunder, with his long imprisonment.  He fears them and will flee in a panic when confronted by them.  If for some reason he cannot escape lightning and thunder, he will fly into a berserk rage.

  RP Mechanic(s):
Rakshasa is a predatory beast with the cunning of a man.  Unless in the throes of a berserker rage, he usually avoids direct fights, preferring hit and run tactics.  

  Physical Priority
  Endurance 1
  Strength 2  
  Agility 3
  Reaction 4


Last edited by Zephyr on October 31st 2015, 9:25 pm; edited 6 times in total

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Quote : The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The superhero controls it...

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 8
Registration date : 2015-10-16

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Rakshasa Empty Re: Rakshasa

Post by Red October 26th 2015, 11:10 pm

Ok, first of all, cool monster, we need more monsters.

Second of all, please change the word "unbreakable", or put 'nearly' in front of it. I don't like the concept of someone having totally indestructible bones, super tough ones should be plenty.

Other then that, I need you to have at least one physical weakness. All four are mental or something that really wouldn't help you much in a fight. Also your regen could be explained a bit more, as it stands it could be near instant or just slightly better then that of a human. Give an example or something.

Do that and I'll approve you.


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I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
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Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

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Rakshasa Empty Re: Rakshasa

Post by Zephyr October 31st 2015, 9:24 pm

Thanks for looking at this, Red.

I've made the changes you requested: nerfed the durability to "nearly unbreakable" bones, fleshed out the regeneration ability, and added two new weaknesses (one physical, one mental).

Status :

Quote : The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The superhero controls it...

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 8
Registration date : 2015-10-16

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Rakshasa Empty Re: Rakshasa

Post by Red November 1st 2015, 12:35 am

Approved until stated otherwise.


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I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Rakshasa Empty Re: Rakshasa

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