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The Break Out : Open

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The Break Out : Open Empty The Break Out : Open

Post by Viktor Kovalski October 18th 2015, 11:02 pm

Viktor sat behind the back seat of Detective Strong's police car as he smirked and then spoke to strong while being handcuffed and driving along the heavy traffic in which they stop at a red light. "Tell me something detective..How long till we make it to the station." The detective ignoring him as the light turns green and while driving through the intersection and making a left turn, Viktor spits through the x shaped bars and quickly expands the spit to a large splash of water, which impacts the dashboard of the car and obscures the detective's driving. The detective now coming to a halt, which causes a large truck to crash at the detective's side of the car. Viktor being able to spot this in time as he turns into a mouse and the impact happens within seconds. The impact now causing the other cars to crash against each other violently and causing a large scene to unfold. Viktor now turning into a gorilla and breaking the bars with his fist as he wraps his arms against the detective's neck, causing him to choke and eventually pass out. Viktor quickly searching the detective and finding the key as he releases himself from the cuffs and quickly turning into a bird and flying out of the broken windows inside the car and flying to the air and watching the devastating scene and flying over to a side of Chicago with a less tense of a scenery. Viktor now swooping down to a nearby alley and landing behind a dumpster as he reverts back to normal and stands tall at 6'0ft and weighing at 200lb of mostly muscle and takes his walk out of the alley and wearing the Chicago police department uniform with a quick snap of his fingers. Viktor now approaching an armored truck that now comes to a complete halt. The passenger of the vehicle steps outside of the vehicle and walks over to Viktor. Viktor now speaking to him.

"Sorry for stopping you guys on your route, but we have been getting calls from the department to check all armored vehicles to see if any robbers have hijacked any of the cars around the city. I will ask that you and your partner step out of the vehicle and present me your IDs. The man now nods and beckons the driver to come over as he gets out of the car and leaves the door open. The man approaches Viktor and the man explaining his partner the situation. Viktor quickly turning into a gorilla and quickly grabbing both of their throats as he hurls both of them against the window display of a store, which causes both of them to become unconscious. Viktor reverting back to his normal form and still in the police outfit. Viktor now approaches the vehicle side of the car and presses a button to open the trunk of the vehicle car. Viktor now heading to the back of the truck and getting inside as he quickly turns the giant sacks of money into tiny sizes of a penny and quickly places them in his white sack and also reverts it to the same size afterwards. Viktor now leaving the truck and walking the street as he whistles with his hands in his pocket and a smirk on his face and leaving the sack of money in his right pocket.

Viktor Kovalski
Viktor Kovalski

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 17
Registration date : 2015-10-09

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The Break Out : Open Empty Re: The Break Out : Open

Post by Chase Blackburn October 18th 2015, 11:30 pm

Chase isn't certain about it as first, thinking it was made up in his head, but as he continues to listen, he undoubtedly knows what the sound is. Though slightly faint, he picks up on the sound large, metal objects- cars, he presumes- smashing into each other. If it were just one, Chase might ignore it and leave it up to other people, but he hears multiple cars smashing into each other and decides to help in whatever way he can. He looks down at his half eaten burger, pulls out his wallet and puts twenty dollars down on the table. He stands up and transforms- a feeling he can never get used to. In a moment, all his weight suddenly disappears as he becomes sound. In this form, he changes his clothes into his suit. The world around him seems to pause as he runs around the city, the only indicator that he hasn't frozen time being the cars around him ever so slowly inching forward.

He arrives on to the scene, cars completely totaled, several people looking as if they made it out safely or without serious injury, others...
He rushes around to help one of those in serious need. He sees a woman in her mid thirties in a car that was crashed into on the front and the back, and she looks like she's in critical condition. He gets to the side of the car, becomes matter again, all his weight suddenly returning to him, gets her out of the car and takes her over to an ambulance that rushes her out of there. "Excuse me, sir, did you see what happened?" Chase asks a large man in his fifties.
"Yeah, I did. A truck smashed into a police car and the man in the back became a gorilla, attacked the officer, then became a bird and flew away."
"What direction did the bird fly off to?" He asks.
The man points off into the direction, and Chase becomes sound again, all his weight disappearing, the man seemingly standing still, and he runs off into the direction he's still pointing in.
After a moment of running for Chase- but seemingly nothing to everyone else- he arrives at another scene. He sees two men thrown through a window of a store. It seemed as if two men were thrown through the window.
Chase looks around for anyone that could help him, anyone that he could trust, then he sees an officer. He runs up behind him, making sure he stands still so he doesn't smash into the officer, and turns back into matter. "Excuse me, office. Do you know what happened here?"

The Blitz:

The Schiz:

The Chick:
Chase Blackburn
Chase Blackburn
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "What does freedom mean if I'm not free to be as twisted as I wanna be?" ~ Distubred

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 124
Location : Ur mum
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Registration date : 2015-10-11

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The Break Out : Open Empty Re: The Break Out : Open

Post by Viktor Kovalski October 18th 2015, 11:41 pm

Viktor looking at this man and notices that the person appearing before him isn't just a casual civilian, a meta would be the right term for this individual. Viktor now speaking to him with a calm tone of voice with his Russian accent being the sound leaving his mouth as he spoke. "Yes, there was a gorilla who came by and threw those two individuals against the window, then he took off in a fast pace... Seems to me that he was a metahuman.. he went due west, about two blocks. I hope you get him, the police department only have a few metahuman officers to go against them. So I won't be of any use in aiding you in finding this man." Viktor now walking away from him as he crosses the street as the light is red with heavy traffic on both sides and heading towards a local store.
Viktor Kovalski
Viktor Kovalski

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 17
Registration date : 2015-10-09

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The Break Out : Open Empty Re: The Break Out : Open

Post by Chase Blackburn October 19th 2015, 7:57 pm

Chase finds his Russian accent most peculiar, but nevertheless, he turns into sound. He runs two blocks west and finds no sign of any people with troubled faces running away. If anything, there are a couple people running east looking quite troubled. Just for safety measures, he runs one more block east still with no sign. Confused, he vibrates to the top of a building to look for any sign of a gorilla running off at the supposed fast pace. Coming to the realization that he may have been tricked, he runs back to the area the police officer was at. He arrives where the officer is at, who is about to go into the local store (Sorry if that's wrong), and turns into matter once more. "Officer, I think our crook got away. Have you contacted any other officers for support, any that might be here soon?" Chase says, suspecting this man has something to do with the gorilla reports, whether it be just helping the gorilla or...
Chase Blackburn
Chase Blackburn
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "What does freedom mean if I'm not free to be as twisted as I wanna be?" ~ Distubred

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 124
Location : Ur mum
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Registration date : 2015-10-11

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The Break Out : Open Empty Re: The Break Out : Open

Post by Viktor Kovalski October 21st 2015, 1:48 pm

Chucking underneath his breath as he turned to face this man and smirked at him as he began speaking to him. "It's cause I am the gorilla!" Viktor goes for an attempted right hook to his face, if impacted he would fly to an incoming car. Viktor then turning into a black gorilla and standing tall and powerful.
Viktor Kovalski
Viktor Kovalski

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 17
Registration date : 2015-10-09

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The Break Out : Open Empty Re: The Break Out : Open

Post by Chase Blackburn October 21st 2015, 6:39 pm

The right hook connects, but as Chase goes flying towards the car, he turns into sound right before his body would've hit the car. In this form, he runs up to the gorilla, and despite him knowing what will happen to his hand, he attempts to punch him at near the speed of sound by turning back into matter.

The Blitz:

The Schiz:

The Chick:
Chase Blackburn
Chase Blackburn
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "What does freedom mean if I'm not free to be as twisted as I wanna be?" ~ Distubred

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 124
Location : Ur mum
Humor :
Registration date : 2015-10-11

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The Break Out : Open Empty Re: The Break Out : Open

Post by Sponsored content

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