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Damnation [Invite only]

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Damnation [Invite only] Empty Damnation [Invite only]

Post by Charlatan July 14th 2015, 5:25 pm

A low rumble rolled through Darren's abdomen, clenched fingers pressed against the flesh of his stomach as he let the sensation pass. This had been going on for the last few days, that painful sensation and trying to quell it conventionally was not something he could do. Food in varying states of being devoured lay beside what could only be described as vomit, half chewed gobs of the food sticking to the hard wood floor. All in all it looked like a mess and something that he just did not want anyone else to see, granted that did not matter much when another growl ripped through his stomach. The bed underneath his huddled form groaned from his sudden movement, teeth grinding together until they became nothing more than a maddening sound within his ears. Enough so that he pressed the palms of his hands against his ears as if that would give relief, only to find that it did nothing.

Without even needing to think, he rolled out of his bed as feet touched the cold floor. At the moment he was only dressed in a pair of basketball shorts and a muscle shirt, brown hair now in disarray. It was more of an unconscious movement than anything else, just him hollowly standing up with eyes darting around the room. A smell had hit his nostrils, something so sweet that he could not quite describe what it was. Except for the fact that it was so good that he could not help but salivate, a small amount of thick saliva pooling and pouring out from the corner of his mouth. Thought took a back seat as his feet did the talking, moving him through the door with the night air of Chicago hitting him full force. The metal was cold against bare feet, but within minutes he was moving.

People would likely turn to look at the stranger run down the streets before he ducked into what many would call the darker section of the city, such as the alleyways and what not. The more he ran, the closer and stronger that scent got to him, the more he could feel the hunger within his gut grow. A heartbeat within his ears would grow louder and louder, as he ran faster and faster to only hear the sound of a gunshot. ”A...gun?” He muttered before noticing once again that smell, something that reminded him why he was even running out here in the first place. All he had to do was turn the corner to come upon what he was rushing to, though he did not know what he had been rushing to the scene in the first place. The sight itself had sent revulsion through him.

A human body had been ripped in two, the lower half thrown into a wall with the legs hideously broken, twisted and mangled with the upper half laying at his feet with blood pooling in a thick…tantalizing mess. It was upon looking down that he noticed what had smelled so good, and that was human blood. Even within the hunger he had noticed that….this was what he was looking for. ”Oh….god..” He sputtered in pure horror, as a shadow would cast over him within the dimly lit alleyway. A man a few good feet taller than him looked down upon him, built like an ox and likely able to rip him apart.

“Well what do we have here? Another witness, boss isn't gonna like this. Guess i'll have to deal with you too.”
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Now I don't believe men are born to be killers, I don't believe the world can't be saved."

"I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 208
Registration date : 2015-02-24

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Damnation [Invite only] Empty Re: Damnation [Invite only]

Post by Gamma July 15th 2015, 3:23 am

Chicago was always nice. It reminded Michael of New York before it all went to the dogs, but still, you couldn't get decent thin crust pizza here. It was maddening, but hey, he wasn't here for the pleasantries. He had been tracking a small gang in this city, one that was still pretty few in number but it was growing fast. These type of things had to be stomped out quickly or they could turn into metahuman empires like those in New York and Pittsburgh. They were just incredibly harder to deal with when they got to that stage, especelly under the leadership of some meta genius. Their seemed to be a lot of those showing up, and to be honest they were the most dangerous. You could kill someone with regeneration and superstrength, but good luck doing that when you're opponent has already planned ten moves ahead.

Luckily, there wasn't such a leader to this gang, so it made it easier to remove from the equation. They were so sloppy and predictable, honestly it made Daniels bored. The newest subject of extermination was a higher ranking thug in this gang that had made the amateur mistake of leaving behind some partial finger prints at a crime scene. All Michael had to do was scan them and he knew who the guy was, and easily gained access to his cell phone to track him. From there it was only a matter of getting rid of him properly.

"So, you ripped the guy in half.....and let him drain his clip into you.. Thanks for telling me two of your powers, you idiot. These sily little metahumans, always thinking they are above getting caught." Daniels thought to himself as he examined the crime scene. From the amount of disarray in the room Michael had deduced the mans build pretty easily, so he was looking for a super strong and super durable brute that was very stupid, this should be easy. He left, got in his car, and took a nice and quiet drive to the guy as he tracked him. He then got out, saw the outline of the guy in an alley, then went up to him. He made nearly no sound as he approached, it was like he wasn't even there. Once he got close, he jumped the guy, hitting his opponent in the back of the knees with his plasma knife clad foot to throw him off balance before using simple leverage to throw the guy on the ground. He then fell onto his back, where Daniels stood above him gun drawn.

"Bye bye motherfucker." Michael said as he fired a single explosive round directly at the mans right eye, which exploded on impact. It caused some serious damage as this ammo didn't fuck around, It was like two rpg's to the head. Of course, when he fired Daniels made sure to roll away, he didn't want to kill himself with his own explosion. The explosion was hot, violent, and bloody, lighting up the alley and causing Daniels hears to ring a little. At this point, the thug had no head. It was then Michael noticed the presence of a boy who luckily wasn't to close to the fiery death he just unleashed to really get hurt. He simply waved off the kid but stayed in a defensive stance just in case, you could never be to careful.

"Get outta here kid."



Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 63
Location : Probably hell, i lost track
Job : Breaker of Chains and Mario Highscores
Humor : You must rule jerusalem
Registration date : 2014-10-30

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Damnation [Invite only] Empty Re: Damnation [Invite only]

Post by Charlatan July 15th 2015, 4:37 pm

Darren looked up at the man that looked down upon him, his nostrils soaking up the smell of the blood within the air. The sight of the intestines stretched outwards like long sausage links, ripped and torn from the sheer force that the person before him was likely able to exert. His mind made the leap for him, imagining what it would be like to bite down into the dead flesh which was likely still warm. Shocked with himself, Darren took a step back as this brute of a man seemed to prepare himself for some manner of attack against him with a fist raised into the air. That was until someone jumped onto the metahuman, causing them to sort of lose their footing and their interest within Darren as he fell to his knees. Despite what was happening around him, the only thing that he smelt was that enticing scent around him.

The sound of something exploding could be heard as the heat and force reached him, throwing Darren back as he collided with a wall. Pain was present through his limbs, burns upon his arms though they slowly began to heal over even now. Flesh had been turned to black, crisped coating over his right arm though it rapidly began to heal anyway. A low groan issued from Darren as he realized that a small bit of blood had clung to his cheek and caused the hunger within him to increase. The question about the healing did pop up in his head, but it wasn't anything that was too important at the moment. In the end Darren chalked that up to a metahuman thing and moved on with his life, that smell had just grown even better. It was akin to smelling cooking meat, just so close to being ready.

Someone had yelled at a kid but he wasn't a kid...or were they referring to him? Either way he slowly pushed himself onto his feet, a dull thrum beginning to beat through his ear that sounded almost like a heartbeat. He hadn't even noticed that his fingers dug through the concrete, creating small cracks around where his hand had broke through. No, this person smelt so much….better than the one that had been taken down. Without even having to put thought into it he was in motion, propelling himself off of the ground at speeds that would likely give any human a tough time dodging. His teeth were aimed to rip the mans throat out while he shoved him to the ground with a shoulder.
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Now I don't believe men are born to be killers, I don't believe the world can't be saved."

"I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 208
Registration date : 2015-02-24

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Damnation [Invite only] Empty Re: Damnation [Invite only]

Post by Gamma July 15th 2015, 5:28 pm

Well, this got interesting quite quickly. It actually seemed the young man had been injured by the explosion, but that wasn't the part Daniels was thinking about right now. The male was healing rapidly, visibly. It seemed this person was also a metahuman, and Michael didn't have the element of surprise. Looks like this was going to get ugly, especelly if this guy was also a gang member. He saw the kid seething, as if he were a dog wanting a steak. Odd, and kinda gross really.

The kid charged him, but Michael had prepared for attack moments ago and was already in motion, rail flipping backwards and aiming a plasma knife assisted kick at the males chin as he did. Whether it hit or not, he finished his little acrobatic action and instantly pointed his gun at the crazed metahuman. The problem here was he was to close to fire his explosive shells, he needed some distance. With a quick tap he started charging his teleporter, which would be ready momentarily, but untill then he hoped the threat of getting shot would be enough to hold his enemy off.

"Hey, settle down now, you saw what one bullet from this gun did to that pile of organs over there." Daniels said with a smile, expertly aiming his weapon.



Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 63
Location : Probably hell, i lost track
Job : Breaker of Chains and Mario Highscores
Humor : You must rule jerusalem
Registration date : 2014-10-30

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Damnation [Invite only] Empty Re: Damnation [Invite only]

Post by Charlatan July 15th 2015, 5:50 pm

Darren had been anticipating the taste of blood and flesh, but instead the male had managed to flip out of the way of the attack. Instead, a wave of burning pain shore through his chin as he collided with the concrete, blood flowing from the injury as he would rapidly correct himself. Turning he would take note of the weapon being aimed at him, and he did remember the damage that it had done to that single metahuman only a few moments ago. That weapon was a threat and so he would have to get rid of it before it could do anything to him. His breathing had begun to grow haggard, it not as if he were tired. Rather, one could say he was seething almost, the sound of overflowing saliva apparent within it.

Something had taken control of him, a sort of hunger that was wearing away at all forms of self control. All of he blood pooling around him, well that was just adding to the hysteria of the hunger within. ”R…” He managed through growls, blood dribbling from the wound on his chin which was already beginning to heal. ”I..can't..con...t...trol myself.” He managed one hand reaching out for a disembodied arm, ripped violent from the socket of the torso that had been displaced by the explosion. Bone crunched under the force that his hand could exert, though he looked up to Daniels as he waited for him to do just that.

What one would not expect was to see someone shedding a tear, but here he was doing that. ”You have to!” He managed trying to do nothing more than control himself and that was difficult.
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Now I don't believe men are born to be killers, I don't believe the world can't be saved."

"I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 208
Registration date : 2015-02-24

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Damnation [Invite only] Empty Re: Damnation [Invite only]

Post by Gamma July 15th 2015, 6:18 pm

Well, gross. Seriously, this was one of the weirdest situations Michael had ever been in, and let me tell you, he has been in some extremely odd encounters. The male had grabbed an arm from the now exploded body of the other metahuman, and he seemed to be fighting back a very, very strong hunger. This was only confirmed by his pleas, he was asking Michael to run, to get the hell out of there before he did something he would likely regret. But the agent wasn't one to run, at least not entirely. No, he had to deal with this situation, because if this metahuman really was out of control, well that would be bad for this city. He couldn't help but feel sorry for the young man, in the end he was just plagued by a disease, and he couldn't control what he did. Still though, that didn't take away from the fact he needed to be either shackled or killed, and considering what he knew of this specific person, he was leaning toward the latter.

"Look.....just calm yourself and let me detain you. If you are really worried about peoples safety, you'll let me bring you in." Daniels said, slightly lowering his gun and voice to try to appeal to the young man. He had dealt with metahumans like this before, they had to be taken in or they would go into an uncontrollable frenzy. His watch was now armed, so if he needed to, he could get out. He took a few slow steps forward, making sure not to make sudden movements.



Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 63
Location : Probably hell, i lost track
Job : Breaker of Chains and Mario Highscores
Humor : You must rule jerusalem
Registration date : 2014-10-30

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Damnation [Invite only] Empty Re: Damnation [Invite only]

Post by Charlatan July 15th 2015, 10:40 pm

Despite his warning the man more than anything had no retreated, no he instead chose to stay right there with the intent of talking sense into someone that wanted nothing more than to bite into him. What little self control he had prevented that from happening, so he needed up doing nothing more than kneeling there for a moment with hunger gnawing away at him. It wasn't in the end a matter of if he could control himself, but when his self control would wear away. A dull pain began to flow through his lower back as if something were trying to tear through his flesh, as his body began to shudder slightly. Fingers released from the limb which had clutched around the arm, blood and a small bit of flesh clinging to the fingertips.

Detainment seemed like a good idea but in the end he found himself wondering if the guy would even get that far. Hunger, it was like a wave washing over him and threatening to pull him under. One could surmise that he was holding himself back from even putting the blood spattered fingers close to his mouth, though they did end up pressing against his lip and smearing gore along them. This was followed by his tongue darting out, tasting and sending a pulse through his entire being. Just a single taste had been more than enough to increase the strength of that feral side of him, hungering more and more for what lay before him.

The consequences of giving into that hunger had been something he was not expecting, as a blackness spread across his sclera, irises becoming a burnt orange color. Flesh could be heard ripping as two strange appendages ripped from his lower back, looking like nothing that anyone had seen before. They were like glowing muscle, brilliant blue ringed with a strange fleshy pink color that flexed within the low light before slamming into the ground with impressive force. Ground rippled and cracked from the sheer power as the single tip[ed claws would split to form four fingers art the end, tearing out a chunk of the concrete. It was time to run or fight for the agent.
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Now I don't believe men are born to be killers, I don't believe the world can't be saved."

"I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 208
Registration date : 2015-02-24

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Damnation [Invite only] Empty Re: Damnation [Invite only]

Post by Gamma July 16th 2015, 9:51 am

This was getting less out of control by the second it seemed, and Daniels was now face to face with a potentially incredibly powerful metahuman. He had no idea of his abilities, and this was generally not the way he liked to roll. He hadn't prepared for this, and he couldn't detain the target, not now. It truly was fight or flight, and Michael wasn't one to run, at least not when it wasn't for tactical purposes that is. As soon as Michael realized this fact he hammered down on his watch, which activated and made him disappear in a flash of cyan. He then reappeared in a similar flash atop a nearby building across the road, which allowed him to overlook the street and his opponent below.

Without knowledge of his enemies powers there really wasn't anything he could do except.....well, shoot it. And that he did, switching to full auto mode rapidly then unleashing on the male. He fired the highly explosive rounds with deadly precision, and that combined with the sheer rate of fire made evasion improbable unless this person happened to be faster then bullets. On impact they would explode violently with about a thirty foot radius each, so even if his enemy did manage to avoid a direct hit, they would still likely be effected. Michael would only stop if the the metahuman moved out of sight or he got to close for Daniels to continue to safely fire, and of course if the 35 round clip was emptied.



Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 63
Location : Probably hell, i lost track
Job : Breaker of Chains and Mario Highscores
Humor : You must rule jerusalem
Registration date : 2014-10-30

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Damnation [Invite only] Empty Re: Damnation [Invite only]

Post by Charlatan July 23rd 2015, 11:58 pm

Within a flash the agent was gone, leaving the metahuman to write within the pain of hunger as the tendrils would then began to lash about like the limbs of an unruly child. So much around him to eat, but he couldn't give into the primal hunger that clawed away at his stomach much like a beast would. Still, even within this mess of blood he could smell the very familiar scent of the agent not so far off. What caused him to go into motion was the sound of a gunshot, causing his body to move far before he knew what he was doing. The first explosion caught him off-guard as he was thrown back, a burning sensation flowing over his limbs as the scaled claws would wrap around him to defend.

A low pained growl would radiate from him as more explosions sounded off and he felt an unimaginable pain, a chunk of one of his appendages would fly off as he rapidly skittered back, trying to avoid the explosive rounds with all of his might. He would dart out of the alleyway and likely out of the agents sight, before rapidly scaling the building with the use of his claws as sort of arms. Within a few seconds he would be more leveled with the male, propelling himself forward with a great amount of momentum.

The two glowing appendages both primed to pin the man down as he aimed to bit into their shoulder.
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Now I don't believe men are born to be killers, I don't believe the world can't be saved."

"I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 208
Registration date : 2015-02-24

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Damnation [Invite only] Empty Re: Damnation [Invite only]

Post by Gamma July 24th 2015, 6:16 pm

So it seemed this metahuman had taken some damage from the explosions, but he ended up leaping into the shadows and out of Michael's sight. The...thing, seemed quite fast as well, so immediately Daniels looked around him, almost frantically but he remained calm. He didn't know where this guy would come at him from, and was about to take his Substance B so he could perhaps sense him, but before he even thought to do that the hungry meta was charging at him. He was blind sided and pinned to the ground, hitting the roofs concrete floor with a thud. Damn that hurt, but he had no major injuries. Next the guy literally went to bite him, and he succeeded, tearing into his shoulder. Daniels let out a yell of pain, thinking as fast as he could on what to do. This was what he trained for.

He would attempt to use all his strength to pry the males head from his shoulder, or at least take the pressure off before the bite got to serious, then slipped a pocket turbine from his pocket. He would then try to stick this to the mans head, considering the fact he was so close and on top of him, this should be easy. If he was successful in doing so, he would tuck his head in to protect himself and the miniature turbine would activate, likely sending the creature flying quite a ways and probably off the roof until it was tore off or ran out of fuel. If all was done well, Daniels would get up and switch his magazines to the ice capsule rounds, hoping he could perhaps slow the male down and go from there.



Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 63
Location : Probably hell, i lost track
Job : Breaker of Chains and Mario Highscores
Humor : You must rule jerusalem
Registration date : 2014-10-30

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Damnation [Invite only] Empty Re: Damnation [Invite only]

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