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Chameleon Empty Chameleon

Post by TheLordOfTime123 March 20th 2017, 5:27 am


"You'll never see him coming"

The Bio

Real Name: Mark Adams
Hero Name: Chameleon
Title: The Unseen
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: 24
Height:1.8 m
Weight:80 kg
Blood type:AB

The Looks

Chameleon has a muscular build, however he is lithe. He has piercing green eyes, and brown hair with a jagged streak of neon green through the left side. He has a  prominent scar over his left cheek. He has dark eyebrows. He has a golden tan, but naturally has white skin. He wears a grey T-shirt, black leather jacket, black jeans, black boots and black gloves. All of his clothes turn invisible when he does. The clothes also turn into the clothes of the person he copies. The clothes have the same qualities as full-plate armour

The Personality

Chameleon is more of an anti-hero than a hero, as he does things for good but doesn't really care about how he does the job. He is often reckless, and some would even describe him as insane. He is very easy to overlook, even when he has made himself visible.

The Story

As a baby, Mark Adams' superstitious parents left him, believing he was a demon because of his mutant abilities. He grew up on the streets by pick pocketing and was arrested after a few years. In jail he discovered his skill at parkour and broke out of jail. The police tried to track him down but he had taken someone other kid's identity and waited until his real body was old enough to not be recognised as the same boy who escaped. He started to develop his life in crime to house breaking, where he'd be able to parkour to an open window and make off with the goods. He also started impersonating wealthy people that he would mug and steal some of their fortune. Because of this he was one of the most prominent criminals of his generation.

After he moved to robbing banks he was captured by the government. They imprisoned him, but it was actually a test to see how he functioned in that kind of environment. He "broke free" before being captured again. They offered him a spot as a law enforcement officer. He showed how he was above that and they made him a member of one of their S.O units (Superhero Operations). He was then given various pieces of equipment including his engineered clothes, knives and concealed blade.

The Priority

1. Agility1
2. Endurance4
3. Reaction2
4. Strength3

The Powers

Invisibility: He is a mutant and was born with the ability to turn invisible.

Doppelgänger Morphing: He is a mutant and was born with the ability to copy other people's appearances (This also copies things like muscle mass, eyesight, and size. If someone had superstrength by having giant muscles he would have that, but not if it was supernatural strength which isn't related to the muscles themselves. Things like supervision also depend on whether it's part of the body or not.)

Enhanced Condition: His speed, strength and agility increase faster than a normal person when training. This also gives him a better immune system. He also learns things and improves skills faster.

Sticking: His gloves have sticking pads on the fingertips and his boots have sticking pads on the souls. They can stick to any surface.

The Weaknesses

Non-Empathetic: Chameleon lacks the ability to be empathetic. While this does protect him from emotion-based powers it is a major drawback as it makes it hard for him to understand the feelings of others.

Being Damaged: When he is dealt damage he reverts to his normal form/becomes visible. This isn't activated by smalls bruises and scrapes.

Power Stripping: His sticking ability comes from his suit, so it can be taken from him.

Arrogant: Chameleon is too sure of his own abilities and this will sometimes get him into trouble.

The Items

Grey T-shirt
Black leather jacket. On the inside of the jacket are several loops for his throwing knives.
Black jeans
Black boots
Black gloves. Right one has a concealed wrist blade underneath it.
These clothes turn invisible when he does. The clothes also turn into the clothes of the person he copies. The clothes have the same qualities as full-plate armour.

Throwing Knives: He has multiple throwing knives with different effects
Electric: When they land they let out an electric charge, capable of frying electronics and knocking a man unconscious. They are effective at bypassing security systems and in 1 vs 1 combat.
Piercing: These knives are capable of piercing through things as tough as tank walls. They are effective when versing armoured opponents.
Split: When thrown, these knives seperate into 5 sheets of razor sharp metal. They are effective at beating multiple enemies.

The Minions

The Fluff

Sometimes he accidentally morphs when he touches people and you end up with your own face looking back at you.

The RP Sample

James: James strolls in and goes over to Aurora. He says, "You know, your really whaling on that guy, but a person offers more defense than a dummy."
Aurora: She whirled around, eyes wide at the sound of the other's voice, and lowered her weapon with a dark scowl. "If you know what's best for you, don't startle a daughter of Zeus." Aurora warned with a dark scowl, spinning her weapon in her hand and watching the dark clouds fade quickly before fixing James with a piercing look. "Aurora Sakallerios, daughter of Zeus at your service." Aurora gave a slight bow, eyes dark with mischief. "Are you offering yourself for a fight, boy?" She asked, leaning on her staff carefully.

James: "And is that a challenge I hear? And it's James, son of Iris, not boy." He said, irritability.

Aurora: She threw her head back and started to laugh. "Oh, it was." Aurora chuckled, suddenly falling serious. "Where's your weapon? Then we can get started."

James: James summons his sword and shield and bangs them together, making a massive clang that resounds around the arena "Whenever you're ready" he says.

Aurora: She laughed, spinning her staff once, before bracing herself for the attack. "I may have just gotten out of the infirmary, but, I know I can still kick your arse." Aurora returned, launching at him and letting out a quick flurry of blows, aiming for his weak spots.

James: James blocks the first few strikes with his shield then jumps back, dodging the rest before leaping forwards with a slashing strike to the left side, and a shield to the face coming up. "You're talking to me, right?" he says while attacking.

Aurora: The shield made contact, hitting her head back and cracking the bridge of her nose. She cursed fluidly in Greek before channeling some of her power. A rumble of thunder sounded above them out of nowhere it seemed like, before Aurora dropped to the ground, sliding under James and quickly standing, whacking the back of his shoulders with her staff before dancing away with a peal of laughter. "Who else would I be talking to?"

James: James grimaces, before shrugging off the attack. He quickly spins to face her before throwing a spear made of rainbow energies at her. "Oh, I don't know, the dummy?"

(Aurora is owned by someone else, not me)

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2017-03-19

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